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Method Statement for installing forklift collision alert


Prepared by
Jazeem Abdul Nazar
Service Engineer
Table of Contents

1. How forklift tracking system works?

2. Anchor and Badge
3. Data sheet for forklift anchor
4. Data sheet for Tag Badge V2
5. Installation procedure
6. Configuration
7. Testing
8. Final briefing to operators and users
How forklift tracking system works?
Litum integrates ultra-wideband (UWB) active RFID technology into
battery-powered active RFID tags installed on forklifts and lifting
equipment. These forklift location-tracking tags work in conjunction
with our RTLS mesh network, installed throughout your facility to
create an invisible “indoor forklift GPS tracking system” that monitors
every forklift’s location with the highest accuracy available.
The signals from each forklift tracking tag are converted into location
data using Litum’s various proprietary algorithms. The location of each
vehicle and its operator is then sent on to our RTLS application software
that is installed on your servers, where they are interpreted and
reported in an easy-to-understand manner.

Anchor and badge

The anchor will act as an antenna to receive and transmit RF signals to
other anchor and tag. It can calculate distance between other tag and
anchor and determine if they are within danger or caution zone.
It will alert the operator by sending signal to the alert box by a buzzer.
The tag will be worn by the pedestrian as well as the forklift operator,
when pedestrian is in close proximity to other anchor it alert the
pedestrian by vibration. The tag will be powered by an inbuilt battery
and can be charged wirelessly.
Data sheet for forklift anchor
Data sheet for tag
Installation Procedure
 The anchor will be fixed on the roof of the forklift using cable ties
and strong adhesive (will be screwed to roof panel if allowed by

 The alert box will be placed at the eye level of forklift operator
using cable ties and strong adhesive (will be screwed to panel if
allowed by customer).
 The power for anchor and alert box (9-30V DC) will be drawn from
power source of forklift, the terminals for drawing power will be
suggested by the maintenance team for the machines.
 The connection to power will be made at a point after ignition.
 The wiring from power source to alert box and anchor will be
through flexible conduit which will be secured to the body of the
forklift using cable ties.

 The radius specifying the danger and caution zone will be
programmed through software provided by the manufacturer.
 The optimum values for danger and caution zone will be decided
as per site conditions.

 Final testing will be conducted at various distances inside the
danger and caution zone.
 Test will be conducted between anchor – anchor and anchor – tag
at various point inside the danger and caution zone.
 Test will be successful if both sound and vibration is generated in
respective alert box and tag.

Final briefing to operators and users.

 Various rules regarding the usage of tag and alert box will be
explained to the users.

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