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Gait analysis
M. W. Whittle

Introduction walking process, and the recognition of the value

of detailed information on gait in the clinical
setting. These topics will be discussed further,
Gait analysis is the systematic examination of the later in this chapter.
way in which a person walks. It may be conducted T h e walking process in normal individuals is
either for clinical purposes or for research. In the now understood from a mechanical point of view.
clinical area, it may be used for diagnosis, assess- It is possible to measure the movements of the
ment or for monitoring the results of treatment. joints and the limb segments, and to calculate the
Research uses cover a wide range of disciplines force and timing of the muscular contractions
including clinical medicine, biomechanics, physio- required to achieve these movements. A r e a s
logy and h u m a n performance. which are not fully understood are the neuro-
physiological control mechanisms and the strat-
egies used to decide which combinations of
Historical development muscles to use at different times. Pathological gait
is not understood to the same extent as normal
Although the observation of h u m a n gait is un- gait, particularly when spasticity is present, which
doubtedly as old as the h u m a n race itself, the may result in the co-contraction of antagonistic
earliest known systematic descriptions of walking muscles.
are those by L e o n a r d o da Vinci, Galileo, Newton
and especially Borelli. In De Motu Animalum,
published in 1679, Borelli described how balance
Terminology used in gait analysis
is maintained by moving the centre of gravity of
the body over each foot in turn. During the
Victorian era, the gait cycle came to be largely The gait cycle is defined as the interval between
understood, thanks to the work of the W e b e r two successive occurrences of the same event,
brothers in G e r m a n y , Muybridge in California typically the initial contact between one foot and
and Marey in Paris. T h e mechanical processes the ground. Figure 10.1 shows the sequence of
involved in walking were studied in G e r m a n y , by events between successive heel contacts by the
B r a u n e and Fisher, and described by t h e m in 1895. right foot in a normal individual: heel contact -
T h e early development of gait analysis was foot flat - mid-stance - heel off - toe off - mid-
reviewed by Steindler (1953). swing. T h e cycle is completed by the next heel
Progress in gait analysis during the 20th century contact. T h e stance phase, from heel contact to
has occurred in three areas: the development of toe off, is the time the foot is on the ground. T h e
measurement technology, the use of mathematical swing phase, from toe off to the next heel contact,
modelling to understand the mechanics of the is the time the foot is swinging forward through the
188 Soft Tissues: Trauma and Sports Injuries

Stance Swing
phase phase

A Jl I
Fig. 10.1 Positions of t h e legs during a single gait cycle from right heel contact to right heel contact. From
Whittle (1991), with permission.


Left swing phase.
Right single

Right stance phase xx %


Fig. 10.2 Timing of single and double support during a single gait cycle from right heel contact t o right
heel contact. From Whittle (1991), with permission.
out angle

Right step length Left step length


, <: 1

i Stride length I
Fig. 10.3 Terms used t o describe foot placement on the ground. From Whittle (1991), with permission.

air. Figure 10.2 shows the sequence of events for positioning of the feet on the floor during walking.
both feet. In each gait cycle there is a time when Although the terms 'step' and 'stride' m e a n much
each foot is o n the ground by itself (single sup- the same thing in normal speech, in gait analysis
p o r t ) , and two occasions when both feet are on the they have more precise meanings, step referring to
ground (double support). T h e single support the movement of o n e foot, a n d stride t o t h e
phase on one side corresponds to the swing phase movement of both. T h e step length is the distance
on the other. that one foot moves forward in front of the other
Figure 10.3 shows the terms used to describe the one. T h e stride length is the distance that either
Gait analysis 189

foot moves forwards in one gait cycle, so that the Table 10.2 Approximate range (95% limits) for general
gait p a r a m e t e r s in free-speed walking by normal male
stride length is the sum of the two step lengths.
subjects of different ages
T h e walking base is the lateral separation between
the two feet during walking, measured as the
Age Cadence Stride length Velocity
distance between the lines joining the midpoints of
range (steps/min) (m) (m/s)
the heels. Step and stride lengths are measured in (years)
metres, walking base in millimetres.
A n u m b e r of p a r a m e t e r s can be measured to 13-14 100-149 1.06-1.64 0.95-1.67
provide objective information on some aspect of 15-17 96-142 1.15-1.75 1.03-1.75
gait. T h e most easily measured are the general gait 18-49 91-135 1.25-1.85 1.10-1.82
p a r a m e t e r s , of which there are three: cadence, 50-64 82-126 1.22-1.82 0.96-1.68
65-80 81-125 1.11-1.71 0.81-1.61
velocity and stride length. T h e cadence is the rate
at which the individual feet contact the ground,
F r o m Whittle (1991), with permission.
measured in steps per minute. T h e velocity is the
distance the whole body moves forwards in a given
time, measured in metres per second. T h e three
general gait p a r a m e t e r s are related to each other
by the formula: Table 10.3 Approximate range (95% limits) for general
gait parameters in free-speed walking by normal children
velocity (m/s) = stride (m) x cadence (steps/min)/
Age Cadence Stride length Velocity
T h e division by 120 is n e e d e d because there are (years) (steps/min) t (m) (m/s)
two steps in a stride, and 60 seconds in a minute.
Tables 10.1-10.3 show the normal ranges for the 1 127-223 0.29-0.58 0.32-0.96
general gait p a r a m e t e r s at different ages in both 1.5 126-212 0.33-0.66 0.39-1.03
2 125-201 0.37-0.73 0.45-1.09
sexes. 2.5 124-190 0.42-0.81 0.52-1.16
3 123-188 0.46-0.89 0.58-1.22
Table 10.1 Approximate range (95% limits) for general 3.5 122-186 0.50-0.96 0.65-1.29
gait parameters in free-speed walking by normal female 4 121-184 0.54-1.04 0.67-1.32
subjects of different ages 5 119-180 0.59-1.10 0.71-1.37
6 117-176 0.64-1.16 0.75-1.43
Age Cadence Stride length Velocity 7 115-172 0.69-1.22 0.80-1.48
range (steps/min) (m) (m/s) 8 113-169 0.75-1.30 0.82-1.50
(years) 9 111-166 0.82-1.37 0.83-1.53
10 109-162 0.88-1.45 0.85-1.55
11 107-159 0.92-1.49 0.86-1.57
13-14 103-150 0.99-1.55 0.90-1.62 12 105-156 0.96-1.54 0.88-1.60
15-17 100-144 1.03-1.57 0.92-1.64
18-49 98-138 1.06-1.58 0.94-1.66
Partly based on Sutherland et al. (1988); from Whittle
50-64 97-137 1.04-1.56 0.91-1.63
(1991), with permission.
65-80 96-136 0.94-1.46 0.80-1.52

F r o m Whittle (1991), with permission.

also involves movements of the trunk and the
arms. Murray (1967) and Perry (1974) b o t h gave
excellent descriptions of normal gait.
T h e most important m o v e m e n t s are those
The normal movements of walking
taking place at the hips, knees and ankles. Figure
10.4 shows the angular excursions of these joints in
Walking is achieved primarily through the move- the sagittal plane, in a normal individual. T h e
ment of the legs, although in normal individuals it m o v e m e n t of the hip is close to being a simple
190 Soft Tissues: Trauma and Sports Injuries

Heel contact

Per cent cycle

Fig. 10.4 Sagittal plane angles during a single gait cycle of hip (flexion
positive), knee (flexion positive) and ankle (dorsiflexion positive). From Whittle
(1991), with permission.

flexion/extension cycle. It is flexed at the time of body moves forwards, the tibia rotates over the
heel contact, bringing the leg forwards. During the foot, and the ankle angle changes from plantar-
stance phase the hip extends, reaching the peak of flexion to dorsiflexion. This motion is reversed
extention a little before the end of the stance about three-quarters through the stance phase, at
phase. It then flexes again, reaching its peak heel off, when there is active plantarflexion of the
around the centre of the swing phase. T h e r e is a ankle (known as the push-off phase of gait), lifting
slight hesitation at this point, before the hip starts the heel off the ground. A s soon as the rest of the
to extend again, around the time of the next heel foot leaves the ground, the ankle joint returns
contact. towards the neutral position, so that the toes are
T h e knee has a m o r e complicated motion, with able to clear the ground during the swing phase.
two waves of flexion and two of extension. A t heel T h e movements in the coronal and transverse
contact, the knee is close to being fully extended. planes are normally much smaller in magnitude
In the m o v e m e n t known as stance-phase flexion, than those in the sagittal plane, although they may
it flexes to about 20° then extends again, during be exaggerated in pathological gait. T h e most
the first half of the stance phase. Later in the important coronal plane m o v e m e n t in normal gait
stance p h a s e , it begins to flex again, producing the is a tilting of the pelvis, keeping it lower on the side
swing-phase flexion p e a k of about 60°, just before of the swing-phase leg. This helps to reduce the
mid-swing. T h e knee extends again just before the up-and-down motion of the centre of gravity. In
next heel contact. the transverse plane, the pelvis rotates to bring the
T h e ankle motion also involves two flexion/ hip joint on each side forwards at heel contact, and
extension movements during the gait cycle. backwards at toe off. This increases the stride
A r o u n d the time of heel contact, the ankle is close length, without a corresponding increase in the
to its neutral position. Soon after heel contact, angles of flexion and extension at the hip
plantarflexion occurs, to achieve foot flat. A s the (Saunders et al., 1953).
Gait analysis 191

Pathological gait Functional leg length discrepancy

T h e length of the leg will be inappropriate for a

T h e r e is clearly insufficient space in this chapter to particular phase in the gait cycle if it is unable to
give a complete description of all the m a n y forms shorten in the swing phase or to lengthen in the
of pathological gait. H o w e v e r , some of the com- stance phase. F o u r gait abnormalities may be used
monest abnormalities will be described very to overcome this problem:
briefly. Fuller descriptions can be found in the
publications by New Y o r k University (1986) and 1. Circumduction, in which the swing-phase leg
Whittle (1991). takes a curved p a t h , swinging away from the
stance-phase leg, thereby increasing its ground
Lateral trunk deviation 2. Vaulting, where the stance-phase leg is length-
ened by going up on tiptoe.
T h e trunk leans over the affected limb during its 3. Hip-hiking, in which the pelvis, and thus the
stance p h a s e , producing a p a t t e r n known as Tren- whole leg, is raised on the side of the swinging
delenburg gait. It is used to stabilize the pelvis leg.
without the need to contract the gluteus medius 4. Steppage, where the swing phase leg is effect-
muscle, either because it is w e a k , or because ively shortened by increased flexion at both the
contracting it causes pain in the hip joint. hip and the k n e e .

Abnormal hip rotation

Anterior trunk deviation
T h e thigh may be excessively rotated, either inter-
T h e trunk leans forwards at the time of heel nally or externally, due to an imbalance of the
contact on the affected side, to bring the line of rotator muscles about the hip, or due to severe hip
force in front of the k n e e , thus compensating for joint disease.
weak knee extensors.

Excessive knee extension

Posterior trunk deviation
People with weak or paralysed quadriceps muscles
who walk with anterior trunk deviation (see
T h e trunk leans backwards at the time of heel
above) fully extend or hyperextend the knee
contact on the affected side, to bring the line of
during the stance phase. This gait pattern is also
force behind the hip joint, thus compensating for
present when using an above-knee prosthetic
weak hip extensors.
limb. Unusual extension of the k n e e may also be
seen during the push-off phase of gait, as a
compensation for weak plantar flexors of the
Increased lumbar lordosis ankle.

If the hip joint is unable to move into extension,

for example because of an arthrodesis or a flexion Excessive knee flexion
contracture, the femur can still be brought into the
vertical or extended position by rotating the pelvis W h e r e a flexion contracture of the knee exists, the
forwards. This rotation causes an increase in the limb will be too short for the stance p h a s e , and one
lumbar lordosis. of the compensations for functional leg length
192 Soft Tissues: Trauma and Sports Injuries

discrepancy will be required. A sudden and unex- may also be absent when there is pain under the
pected excessive flexion of the knee can also occur forefoot, for example that caused by metatarsal-
as a reflex response to pain, such as that caused by gia.
a torn meniscus.

Inadequate dorsiflexion control Abnormal walking base

The width of the walking base may be increased
T h e anterior tibial muscles are responsible for
where there is joint deformity, such as an abduc-
elevating the toes during the swing phase. Should
tion contracture of the hip or a valgus knee. It may
they be paralysed or weak, toe drag will occur,
also be increased to provide greater lateral
unless one of the compensations for functional leg
stability, especially in neurological conditions such
length discrepancy is used. T h e anterior tibial
as cerebellar ataxia. A reduced walking base,
muscles are also responsible for lowering the foot
including a negative one in which the feet are
gently to the ground following heel contact, and
crossed over or scissored, may result from an
foot slap will occur if they are unable to control
adduction contracture of the hip or a varus knee.
this motion.

Abnormal foot contact Rhythmic disturbances

T h e normal pattern of foot-to-ground contact Normal gait has a symmetrical rhythm, the two
consists of heel contact followed by forefoot con- halves of the gait cycle being of equal length. Each
tact. This may be altered in a n u m b e r of patho- successive gait cycle is also of approximately the
logical conditions. Equinus deformity will result in same duration. In pathological gait, the rhythm
a flat-footed ground contact, or in m o r e severe may be asymmetrical, with uneven step durations.
cases in a primary toe strike. T h e heel may not This is particularly noticeable in the antalgic or
contact the ground at all during the whole of the pain-relieving gait p a t t e r n , in which weight is
gait cycle. Anterior tibial weakness, with a drop borne on the painful side for a shorter period of
foot, may cause one of three initial contact pat- time than on the sound side. T h e rhythm may also
terns: foot slap, mentioned above, flat-footed be irregular, with step-to-step variations, as in the
initial contact, or a primary toe strike, rapidly inco-ordination of cerebellar ataxia, or in the gait
followed by heel contact. A calcaneous deformity of parkinsonism, in which the cadence may
of the foot will result in a heel contact with little or increase over the course of the first few strides.
no subsequent loading of the forefoot. O t h e r
severe foot deformities, such as talipes equino-
varus, may cause the load to be taken on other
areas of the foot, such as the lateral border, or Other gait abnormalities
occasionally even the dorsum.
A n u m b e r of other gait abnormalities may be
observed, either alone or in combination with
Insufficient push-off some of the gait patterns described above. They
include rapid fatigue, and also abnormal move-
Weakness or paralysis of the soleus and gastrocne- ments of the head and neck, trunk, arms or legs.
mius, or rupture of the Achilles t e n d o m , may C o m m o n abnormal movements include intention
m a k e it impossible to achieve push-off, which t r e m o r s , athetoid m o v e m e n t s , or a failure to swing
depends on active plantarflexion. T h e push-off the arms.
Gait analysis 193

Methods of gait analysis patient should be viewed while walking towards

and away from the observer, as well as from each
T h e techniques used to perform gait analysis form
W h e n a patient has a locomotor disorder, most
a spectrum, from the simple and inexpensive at
doctors and therapists will watch him or her walk
one end to the complex and costly at the other. A s
as part of their clinical examinations. W h e r e this
a general rule, the m o r e complicated systems give
differs from visual gait analysis is that such an
better-quality objective data, but the type of
assessment is usually unsystematic, and the most
information provided is often of m o r e value in a
that can be obtained is a general impression of
research setting than for routine clinical manage-
how well the patient walks, and perhaps some idea
ment. A n important point, which must always be
of one or two particular problems. T o turn this
borne in mind, is that it is uneconomical to use a
into a true gait analysis requires two things.
complicated and expensive m e a s u r e m e n t system
Firstly, it needs to be carried out carefully and
unless the information it provides is both useful
systematically, with the aim of identifying all
and unobtainable in any other way. Although
deviations from the normal pattern. Secondly,
many of the major advances in understanding
having identified the abnormalities, they need to
have come from the use of expensive systems in
be explained in terms of the underlying pathology.
research laboratories, the lessons learned can
In this regard it is important to realize that what is
often then be applied, for the benefit of patients,
observed is not the direct result of the pathology -
by clinicians using much simpler equipment.
it is the combined effect of the pathology and the
T h e techniques will be described in three patient's compensations. Putting it another way,
groups: those which need little or no e q u i p m e n t , what is observed is what is left over after the
and which are suitable for routine use in a clincial patient's ability to cope has been exhausted ( R o s e ,
setting; those which need a m o d e r a t e amount of 1983).
equipment, but might be expected in at least one
hospital in a reasonable-size town, and those
which need a lot of expensive e q u i p m e n t , which
will probably be found only in a major laboratory,
either in a university research setting, or in a
T h e most valuable single piece of equipment for
specialized clinical facility.
use in gait analysis is the video cassette recorder
( V C R ) , which enhances visual gait analysis in a
n u m b e r of ways. Firstly, it greatly reduces the
Inexpensive methods for routine clinical n u m b e r of individual walks which the patient
care needs to m a k e . This may be very important if he or
she is in pain or easily fatigued. Secondly, it allows
Visual gait analysis the clinician much m o r e time to study the gait
p a t t e r n , by watching and rewatching the t a p e , and
It is tempting to call visual gait analysis simple, it also makes it easier to obtain the opinion of
because it can be performed without any equip- colleagues. T h e ability to view the tape in slow
ment. However, since it relies on the formidable motion makes it much easier to identify those
abilities of the h u m a n eyes to see and the brain to events which occur too quickly to be seen by the
analyse, it is without doubt the most complex of all unaided eye. Finally, the tape provides a perma-
the methods currently in use. T h e patient is asked nent record, which may be reviewed after a period
to walk up and down in front of the observer, who of time, or following therapeutic intervention. A
systematically looks for a series of gait abnormali- reasonable-quality domestic camera-recorder
ties, such as those listed above. Since some abnor- (camcorder) is quite suitable for gait analysis, so
malities show up best when viewing from the side, long as the picture tube uses a charge-coupled
and others are m o r e visible from the front, the device, which prevents blurring during rapid
194 Soft Tissues: Trauma and Sports Injuries

movements. T h e device used to replay the tapes, - both the counting and the timing can start and
whether it be the camcorder itself or a separate end with the first ground contact after passing each
V C R , needs to be able to provide a steady picture of the two markers. If the distance between the
when used in slow motion or frame by frame. m a r k e r s is d meters, the n u m b e r of individual
steps (not full strides) taken between them is s,
and the time taken is t seconds, the general gait
General gait parameters p a r a m e t e r s are given by:

T h e simplest objective m e a s u r e m e n t s which can cadence (steps/min) = 60 x sit

be m a d e are the general gait p a r a m e t e r s : cadence, velocity (m/s) = dlt
velocity and stride length. Cadence is measured by stride (m) = 2 x dls
counting the n u m b e r of individual footfalls in a
given period of time, such as 10 or 15 seconds. T h e
reduction in accuracy caused by timing for less Foot positioning
than a full minute is unlikely to be of practical
significance. Velocity is most easily determined by The positioning of the feet on the ground during
measuring the time taken to cover a known dis- walking can be obtained by having the patient
tance, such as that between two marks on the walk along a polished floor, after stepping with
floor, or between two pillars in a corridor. A n y both feet in a shallow tray filled with talcum
length above about 5 m is acceptable. Stride length powder. T h e two step lengths, the stride length
can be determined in three ways: by direct and the walking base can be measured with a tape
m e a s u r e m e n t , described in the section on foot m e a s u r e , as shown in Fig. 10.3. It is also possible
positioning below, by counting the n u m b e r of to measure the angle of toe out (or toe in), and the
strides in a given distance, or by calculation from approximate area of contact between the foot and
the cadence and the velocity, using the relation- the ground. This simple test gives a great deal of
ship: useful information, even if it does involve
mopping up the floor afterwards!
stride (m) = 120 x velocity (m/s)/cadence (steps/

In making these m e a s u r e m e n t s , it is important Methods for use in a clinical laboratory

that the subject should be allowed a few steps at
the beginning and end of the walk for speeding up Time-and-distance measurements
and slowing down, so that the timing and counting
are m a d e under steady-state conditions. While A n u m b e r of systems have been developed to
ideally all the p a r a m e t e r s should be measured on measure the timing of the events of gait. Typically,
the same walk, little error will result from making such systems use either switches fixed beneath the
the measurements on different walks, unless the shoes, or a conductive walkway which detects
patient's speed varies a great deal from walk to contact between the foot and the floor. T h e
walk. simpler systems, which only detect heel contact
If a videotape of the patient's gait is being m a d e and toe off, give the cadence and the durations of
for the purpose of visual gait analysis, it is con- the single-support phases on each side and the two
venient to determine the general gait p a r a m e t e r s double-support phases (see Fig. 10.2). Systems
when replaying the t a p e . All that is required is that with separate switches or contacts beneath differ-
the patient should walk past two clearly visible ent parts of the foot also give the timing of foot flat
m a r k e r s , whose separation is k n o w n , and which and heel off. Photoelectric cells at the ends of the
cover a steady-state part of the walk, as described walkway are commonly used to measure the dur-
above. It is unnecessary to d e t e r m i n e the exact ation of the walk, from which the velocity may be
instant at which the subject passes the two markers calculated, and h e n c e , knowing the cadence, also
Gait analysis 195

the stride length (but not the individual step specialized t r e a t m e n t , such as muscle transplan-
lengths). tation in cerebral palsy. For clinical purposes,
O t h e r systems have been developed which electromyography is normally performed using
measure either the position of the two feet on the surface electrodes, although where necessary
ground, or the distance each foot moves forwards m o r e detailed information can be obtained by
at each step. These systems are able to give the inserting fine wires directly into the muscle.
step and stride lengths, as well as the cadence,
velocity, and the single and double-support times.

Methods for use in a major gait analysis

Electrogoniometers laboratory
T h e angular excursion of a joint during walking Energy consumption
may be measured by the electrogoniometer, which
is fixed to the limb and aligned to the joint axis.
A consequence of many abnormal gaits is that the
T h e commonest type is based on a rotary potenti-
normal energy-conserving mechanisms are lost,
o m e t e r , and gives an output voltage which
leading to an increased energy cost of walking,
depends on the joint angle. O t h e r designs are
with rapid fatigue and a limitation of activity.
based on the deformation of a thin strip of metal,
Some idea of the energy cost of walking can be
or the change in resistance of a column of mer-
obtained by measuring the increase in heart rate.
cury, contained in a thin elastic t u b e , as the tube is
This may be quantified using the physiological cost
stretched. Electrogoniometers may be used to
measure the motion of any joint, in any axis, index (PCI) described by Steven et al. (1983):
although they are most commonly used for the PCI = (heart rate walking - heart rate resting)/
sagittal plane motion of the hip, knee and ankle velocity
M o r e accurate determination of energy cost of
walking requires the m e a s u r e m e n t of the subject's
Pressure beneath the foot oxygen consumption, by collecting the expired air
as he or she walks, by m e a n s of a face mask or
Several systems exist which are able to measure mouthpiece.
the pressure b e n e a t h different regions of the foot.
This information may be of great value in a
n u m b e r of pathological conditions (Lord et al., Force platforms
1986). In diabetic n e u r o p a t h y , both sensory and
m o t o r nerves are d a m a g e d , causing anaesthesia
T h e force exerted by the foot on the ground can be
and foot deformity, which readily lead to ulcer
measured by means of a force platform (also called
formation. M e a s u r e m e n t of the pressure b e n e a t h
a forceplate). M o d e r n designs measure not only
the foot m a k e s possible early diagnosis and treat-
the vertical force, but also the horizontal forces,
m e n t , prior to ulcer formation.
both in the direction of progression and from side
to side (Fig. 10.5). They also give the position on
Electromyography the ground of the centre of the applied force, and
the t o r q u e about the vertical axis. Such infor-
The m e a s u r e m e n t of the electrical activity of the mation is of limited value by itself, but is some-
muscles during walking may give valuable infor- times used empirically for monitoring progress,
mation about the m o t o r causes underlying certain since the pattern of the force and the magnitude of
gait abnormalities (Shiavi, 1985). Electromy- the force c o m p o n e n t s may indicate t h e severity of
ography is also essential prior to some forms of particular disabilities.
196 Soft Tissues: Trauma and Sports Injuries

Force N

Time ms
Fig. 10.5 Lateral, fore-aft and vertical c o m p o n e n t s of t h e ground reaction
force, in newtons, for right foot (solid line) and left (dashed). From Whittle
(1991), with permission.

Kinematic systems

Kinematics is the study of m o v e m e n t , and systems

which m a k e m e a s u r e m e n t s of the m o v e m e n t s of
the body during walking are essential for scientific
gait analysis. Earlier kinematic systems used cine
photography, but this has now largely been
replaced by electronic optical techniques, based
either on television, or on special-purpose
cameras or scanners. Many systems are three-
dimensional, and provide information on the limb
positions and joint angles in all t h r e e planes.

Combined kinetic/kinematic systems A-to-0 DEC

convener computer interface

T h e most advanced gait analysis laboratories use a

kinematic system combined with one or m o r e storage

force platforms, as in Figure 10.6. T h e system

shown consists of a three-dimensional kinematic Fig. 10.6 The Oxford University gait analysis laboratory,
with a four-camera Vicon kinematic system and two
system, using four television cameras, and two Kistler force platforms. From Whittle (1991), with per-
force platforms. mission.

Mathematical modelling
lations on the joint m o m e n t s of force, the energy
Using data from a combined kinetic/kinematic exchanges taking place during walking, and the
system, it is possible to m a k e mechanical calcu- forces within the joints. These calculations are
Gait analysis 197

m a d e using a mathematical model - a series of ing between a pathological gait and a habit pat-
equations which take as their inputs the measured tern. A n example of this is in the diagnosis of toe
p a r a m e t e r s , such as limb position and ground walking, where gait analysis may be used to
reaction force. In order to m a k e these calcu- differentiate between the relatively harmless and
lations, a n u m b e r of assumptions have to be m a d e , self-limiting condition of idiopathic toe walking,
including which muscles are active at particular and m o r e serious conditions, such as cerebral
times. palsy (Hicks etal., 1988).
Gait disorders in the elderly are frequently
thought to be the inescapable consequence of age,
Clinical applications of gait analysis whereas many are due to an underlying - and
treatable - pathological cause. T h e use of gait
analysis to identify such a cause could result in an
T h e applications of gait analysis may conveniently improved life for the patient, with a reduced risk
be divided into clinical applications, which are of falls and fractures ( C u n h a , 1988).
aimed at benefitting an individual patient, and
scientific applications, which have as their main
aim the furtherance of knowledge. This chapter Decision-making
will concentrate on the former.
Clinical gait analysis is best regarded as one type T h e use of gait analysis in clinical decision-making
of special investigation, which contributes to the involves four separate stages ( R o s e , 1983). Firstly,
overall assessment of a patient. T h e information a clinical assessment is performed, with gait analy-
on gait is interpreted along with that from the sis as one of the special investigations. Secondly, a
history, physical examination and other special hypothesis is formed as to the exact cause of the
investigations, such as radiographs and bio- observed gait abnormalities, based on all of the
chemistry ( R o s e , 1983). Gait analysis may con- information available. Thirdly, that hypothesis is
tribute to diagnosis, decision-making, and to tested, and revised if necessary. Testing the hypo-
documentation. thesis may be done in various ways, including
further measurements, such as fine-wire
electromyogram, or some form of intervention,
Diagnosis such as fitting an orthosis or paralysing a muscle
with local anaesthetic. Finally, a decision is m a d e
In most patients referred for gait analysis, the as to what treatment (if any) is appropriate.
general diagnostic category is already known Considerable progress has b e e n m a d e in recent
(cerebral palsy, parkinsonism, hemiplegia, etc.). years by adopting this approach in the manage-
W h e r e gait analysis may be of value, however, is m e n t of cerebral palsy ( G a g e , 1983), but it is also
to provide a detailed diagnosis of a m o t o r deficit appropriate for many other conditions which
(Winters et al, 1987). It is very important to be affect gait.
able to distinguish between a n u m b e r of different Gait analysis may also be useful in making
possible causes for the same gait abnormality, and decisions on the m a n a g e m e n t of patients with
also between the original m o t o r deficit and a joint disease. It may indicate which joint needs to
patient's coping responses (Winter, 1985). For be operated first in multiple joint disease, and it
example, a child with cerebral palsy may be may also be used to differentiate between those
vaulting on o n e side because of an inability to flex patients who will do well and those who will do
the opposite knee in the swing phase. If the badly following a particular p r o c e d u r e . For exam-
vaulting is erroneously ascribed to a tight heel ple, gait analysis may be used to predict the
cord, and treated by a heel cord lengthening, the success of high tibial osteotomy, for osteoarthritis
gait would be m a d e worse, not better. of the knee with a varus deformity ( P r o d r o m o s et
Gait analysis may also be useful in distinguish- al, 1985).
198 Soft Tissues: Trauma and Sports Injuries

In a n u m b e r of neurological conditions, notably These examples, which have been limited to the
hemiplegia, a detailed gait analysis may be used as uses of gait analysis in direct patient m a n a g e m e n t ,
the basis for planning either physiotherapy or form only a small part of the total utilization of the
some form of surgical t r e a t m e n t (Perry, 1969). techniques. Over the years, gait analysis has been
Hemiplegic patients tend to walk very ineffi- far m o r e important as a research tool than as a
ciently, and measuring their joint m o m e n t s and clinical technique. It remains an extremely power-
powers may suggest ways in which training could ful tool for monitoring the effects of different
be used to reduce their energy expenditure. forms of t r e a t m e n t , and for performing funda-
Mention has already been m a d e of the value of mental research on the musculoskeletal system
measuring the pressure b e n e a t h the foot, particu- and its nervous control. H o w e v e r , it is important
larly in diabetic n e u r o p a t h y , to detect high to realize that gait analysis is not the exclusive
pressures before ulcer formation occurs. This prerogative of research scientists, but that it may
information may be used for the prescription of also m a k e a significant contribution in day-by-day
pressure-relieving insoles, and for measuring the patient m a n a g e m e n t .
success of this form of treatment (Lord et al.,
T h e alignment and adjustment of prosthetic
limbs may be improved by using objective References
measurements of gait, particularly if repeat trials
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over a period of time. Assessing the degree of
Linder M T (1983) Gait p a t t e r n s in above-knee
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colegal work. Measuring the changes which take stant-friction k n e e c o m p o n e n t s . Archives of Physical
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L o n d o n : C h a p m a n and Hall.
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New Y o r k University (1986) Lower Limb Orthotics.
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provide a simple means of obtaining useful objec- University P o s t g r a d u a t e Medical School.
tive data for these purposes. T h e results of the Perry J (1969) T h e mechanics of walking in hemiplegia.
analysis may be used to identify areas where the Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 63, 2 3 -
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