Emp+dept Queries

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EMP-DEPT Queries(Including VIEW)

Using Emp and Department tables answer the following queries.

a. display the average salary of clerk, salesman
b. list the employees who are earning more than “Allen”
c. list the employees working in the same department of WARD and JONES
d. display the second highest paid employee details
e. create a view of employee with column names as empno, ename, job, salary,
deptno, dname
of those who are working as ‘CLERK’;

Creating view:
create view emp_clerk as select empno, ename, job, sal, deptno, dname from emp
e,dept d where
e.deptno=d.deptno and job=’CLERK’;
1. display emp_clerk_view
2. update the salaries of clerks in view by10%
3. delete the record from view whose names is‘JAMES’ Queries of emp and dept:
a. select job,avg(sal)from emp group by job having job in(‘CLERK’,’SALESMAN’);
b. select ename,sal from emp where sal>(select sal from emp where ename=’ALLEN’);
c. select ename,job,sal,deptno from emp where deptno in(select deptno from emp
ename=’WARD’ or ename=’JONES’);
d. select * from emp a where 1=(select count(distinct sal)from emp b where
Queries of view:
1. select * from emp_clerk;
2. update emp_clerk set sal=sal+(sal*0.1) where job=’CLERK’;
3. delete from emp_clerk where ename=’JAMES’;

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