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Group – 150a
Fənn – Tələffüz və şifahi nitq vərdişləri
Mövzunun adı: Dialog
Müəllimə: Həsənova Təranə
Tələbə: Şamaryayeva Emiliya
Sərbəst işə verilən qiymət:
Stella wants to go abroad with her beloved husband, but is not
quite sure where exactly, so she calls her close friend Olivia for some
advise. After the basic questions, like how she is doing and if
everything is alright, she finally asks her:
- (St) As you know we have been busy bees with Henry this year,
so I want to surprise him with summer trip to a new country.
But I’m not sure where to go exactly, any suggestions?
- (Ol) Hm, I know, that you both like to explore while travelling
rather than staying at hotel the whole time, right?
- (St) For sure! That’s one of the reasons we fell in love.
- (Ol) Yeah, do you remember me and John going to Baku last
- (St) Right, I remember how exited you were everytime I called,
and your awesome photos on your Instagram!
- (Ol) They are my favourite ones. Anyways, the whole 10 days I
was out exploring new places and eating THE MOST delicious
traditional food in different restaurants everytime. There is no
such food in The UK, I swear…
- (St) Wow, you intrigue me, tell me more
- (Ol) Now listen, Baku is combination of the ancient in the
modern. There are soo many sightseeing with rich history.
Looking at those pictures now I can tell you all about them. By
the way, I’ve been both in the city and the countryside.
- (St) Sounds good to me. Did you do everything on your own?
- (Ol) No, of course no. It would have cost me an arm and a leg if
I booked everything separately and without recommendations.
I mean, unless you have money to burn…
- (St) You have got a point, though… So who helped you?
- (Ol) One very famous travel company in Baku called ,,Zəfəran’’.
They will do everything individually for you. Plus, It will turn
out much cheaper and more reliable.
- (St) You are absolutely right, as it’s better safe than sorry. Can
you, please, tell me the price and I would really appreciate
their contacts!
- (Ol) Sure, give or take 1.500$ , but the price may have been
changed a little bit. The CEO’s name is Mr.Ilgar and tell him that
I gave you his contacs.
- (St) Awesome, thanks a million you really helped me out!
- (Ol) Not at all, I’m sure, you gonna have a whale of a time in
Baku, trust me! Now I need to run some errands, I’ll call you
later. Bye!
- (St) Sure, you really are a life saver. See you, Bye!

Then found the time difference between Baku and The UK and
called the agency right away:
- (St) Hello, I would like to talk to Mr.Ilgar.
- (Agent) Good afternoon, Mrs. All right, just a second.
- (Ilgar) Good afternoon, how can I help you?
- (St) Hi, my close friend Olivia recommended your agency as
you are the best at your field, and I would really like to book a
flight to visit Baku, is that alright with you?
- (Ilgar) Oh, for sure. We are really glad you choose our agency.
But first and foremost we must know your visit days.
- (St) Only a week, will we manage to visit all the places?
- (Ilgar) No need to worry, we had cases with even less time.
Your hotel will be in the heart of the old city with the most
picturesque view and the famous Boulevard will be in the
walking distance for you.
- (St) Wow, sounds great.
- (Ilgar) It these 7 days we will guide you through sightseeings
telling you the stories behind not only in the city but in
countrysides too. You will be conducted to the heart of the city,
exactly to the places only the true natives know.
- (St) Super.
- (Ilgar) You are going to taste the most satisfying traditional
foods of our country. And our professional photographer will
make sure you have the best photos nobody has.
- (St) I’m intrigued. It sounds amazing now, please, tell me the
- (Ilgar) As you are Olivia’s friend it’s going to be 1.600$ per
- (St) Thank you very much, now please, book everything from
the 14th to 21th of July for me and my husband. I’ll pay by
credit card on Stella Brown’s name
- (Ilgar) Great, thank you for choosing us and we are sure that
you will be satisfied!

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