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Name of work : Annual Plan 2022-2023-" Production and distribution of quality planting
material'- Mechanization and Infrastructure Development in departmental Farms 2022-
2023-Infrastructure Development in banana nursery Peringamala, Thiruvananthapuram

GENERAL: As per the directions from the authorities , we have conducted a joined site inspection
with BN peringamala officials . Based on their requirements and suggestions following estimates are
prepared. Mean time of the execution few inevitable changes happened. Details of these changes
are described in the comparative statement format. That is why we have prepared this revised

TECHNICAL: This projects contains 2parts. .

Part 1-Construction of toilet units ( 2Nos) - Here a toilet unit (2 numbers) with plinth area size 3.6m x
3.4 m isproposed for the usage of farm labourers. Water supply and sanitary items also incorporated
inthis estimate

Part 2- Construction of Vertical Garden Structures (8 Big structures and 5 small structures) using GI
Square Tube and MS square roads and Flat.

All other details are self-explanatory from detailed estimate

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