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A 40-years old man was brought to the casualty following a road traffic accident.

On examination, his
right lower limb was shorted, flexed and internally rotated. X-ray of his right hip showed posterior
displacement of head of femur. Following surgical correction of dislocation of hip, the patient was not
able to dorsiflex his right foot. Based on your knowledge in anatomy answer the following questions.
• Briefly describe the articular surfaces, capsule and ligaments, blood supply and nerve supply of the
hip joint.
• Injury to which nerve in posterior dislocation of hip, can produce inability to dorsiflex the foot.
• Name the muscles acting at the hip joint and mention the appropriate movements produced by
• Mention the anatomical features render this joint prone to dislocation.

A 40 years old person came to OPD with non-healing ulcers above the left medial malleolus. He is a
salesman in a textile shop and it requires standing up to 12 to 15 hours per day as part of his job. On
examination it was found that there were abnormally swollen and tortuous veins in his legs. leading to
The condition was diagnosed by a surgeon as dilated and incompetent saphenous vein and the
associated incompetent perforators".
Based on your basic knowledge of anatomy answer the following questions
(a) Describe the course and relations of great saphenous vein
(b) Name the tributaries of great saphenous vein
(c) What are perforating veins and what is its function.
(d) Describe the various perforating veins in lower limb.
(e) Explain the tests performed for observing competence of superficial veins and perforators

A 35 years male patient was brought to the casualty with a swollen right knee and a
history of a fall during mountain climbing. There was severe pain and restricted mobility
at the joint. Answer the following based on your anatomical knowledge:
• describe the attachments and relations of the ligaments and menisci of knee joint
• what are the movements at this joint and which muscles are involved.
• What is Unhappy triad and what are the signs

A 35 years old lady was admitted to the hospital with pain abdomen and vomiting: On examination a
small lemon sized swelling was noticed on upper medial aspect of right thigh, infero-lateral to the pubic
tubercle. The patient told she is having the swelling for the last four months. With your knowledge in
anatomy answer the following questions.
• What is the swelling in the front of thigh.
• Why did the patient present with abdominal pain and vomiting
• Describe the boundaries and contents of femoral triangle

While driving a car, a 30 years old man was accidently hit against a tree. He was rushed to the hospital.
His chief complaint was that, he could not stand up because of severe pain. Physical examination
revealed, his lower limb was slightly flexed, adducted, medially rotated and appeared shorter than the
other limb. X-rays were taken. Posterior dislocation of the right hip with fracture of the posterior margin
of acetabulum was diagnosed. With your knowledge in anatomy, answer the following:
• Mention the type and articular surfaces of hip joint.
• Describe the ligaments
• Describe the blood supply of the joint giving its clinical importance
• Which nerve is prone to get injured in this case. What is its origin and root value.
• Enumerate the movements of the hip joint and the muscles producing them.
A footballer is suffering from sustained injury to his right knee while kicking. His leg got forcefully
abducted in a slightly flexed position.
• Which is the likely meniscus has injured in this case.
• Why this meniscus is more prone to injury as compared to the other one.
• Enumerate the other intra capsular structures of the knee joint
• Briefly describe the process of locking and unlocking at the knee joint

A 12-year-old boy following an inadvertent intramuscular injection in the gluteal region developed
certain neurological deficits including difficulty to dorsiflex the foot. With your knowledge of Anatomy
answer the following questions:
•Mention briefly the structures under cover of gluteus maximus.
•Name the structure which is affected in this case. Give its origin, course and distribution in thigh.
•Give the cutaneuous innervations of lower limb below knee.
•Name the muscles responsible for dorsiflexion and eversion of the foot.

1. Femoral sheath & hernia

2. Lymphatic drainage of lower limb
3. Intra articular structures of knee joint
4. Menisci of knee joint
5. Medial longitudinal arch of foot
6. Dorsalis pedis artery
7. cruciate ligaments
8. Femoral triangle- boundaries and contents
9. Medial longitudinal Arch of Foot
10. Hamstring muscles
11. Popliteal Fossa- boundaries and contents
12. Inversion and Eversion movements.
13. locking and unlocking movements of Knee Joint
14. ilio-Tibial Tract
15. Bursae related to knee joint
16. Superficial inguinal lymph nodes
17. Great saphenous vein
18. Short lateral rotators of Hip
19. Venous drainage of lower limb
20. Profunda femoris artery
21. Boundaries and contents of adductor canal
22. Anastomoses around knee joint
23. Common peroneal nerve

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