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about this situation.

Parodi Silvia
09:56 | March 9th 2022

New dangers on the web: fake news is spreading fastly.

In this period Putin contacted more than 500 influencers to talk on TikTok. A
lot of information they are saying is wrong and they are also using emojis and
hashtags to help their cause. TikTok is a social network utilized by teenagers
and Russians are trying to use them to help their propaganda. They are given
information on Telegram, an app to message without consequences. Since
February 24th a part of the Ukrainian war trend has been manipulated.

These days Tik Tok has left Russia and Russians can’t download it or use it but
they’re still active on VKontakte, which is a Russian social media. Right now
Russian teenagers are angry and scared, they want social networks back. A lot
of influencers lost their jobs, they cry on live with their followers… There is a
lot of panic online. News in Russia is now only spread by the Russian
government and people can’t post their own news online.

Some people in Russia are paid to tell us Kremlin propaganda: 2k or 20k rubles
for video. They are also showing us Putin videos or speeches to make them
more reliable.

They are saying that Russia is saving Ukraine and its people. But this is not
totally accurate! Don’t believe only Russian influencers, some of them are paid!
You can unfollow Russian influencers that are strongly supported by the
Kremlin to not see anymore their fake news.
@D0zenn is a singer and an influencer, he is “singing for Putin”. He has 901k followers
and he also wears Russian army clothes.

@Tvoya_malyshka001_, 1,8 millions followers. A fashion influencer. She is talking

about Russian nationalism and she hates capitalism and Western world but she actually
is a rich influencer...
@Roldozzzer and @Kirill_Felix are two teenagers that are spreading propaganda! They
support Russian armies and they are paid. They even use teenagers!

Be careful of what you read online. Fake news aren’t only spreading rumors
about the Ukrainian war, they are dangerous to our society and to our liberty of
what we believe and what we do not believe. When you think that an influencer
is spreading rumors or fake news, you can just click the “block” button or
unfollow them to not be influenced anymore. Be sure of the sources of what
you're reading and don’t share these fake news, this could be very harmful and
dangerous to our community.

“Fake news is very dangerous, it can change the thoughts of a whole continent
- says Frank Castello, a famous Facebook employee - we are trying to find
these fake news and to block them but we need the help of our whole
community. Please help us by blocking influencers who are spreading fake
news about this situation and tell your friends about it .”

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