Secret of Evermore (U)

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Se Cote CSCO ee imond, WA. 98052 | For Square Soft Customer Service/Game Counseling, Call Cee) oe yet eee eta entry coal Peed Uda 0 WARNING: Please read the enclosed consumer information and precautions booklet carefully before using your Nintendo hardware system. This product has been rated by the Entertainment Software Rating Board. For information about the ESRB rating. or to comment about the appropriateness of the rating, please contact the ESRB at 1800-77 1- 772, THE QUEST THE CONTROLLER MORE CONTROLS ... WORLD OF EVERMORE PLAY SCREEN .. RING COMMANDS ALCHEMY 5 ALCHEMY FORMULAS .. ALCHEMY INGREDIENTS INTO THE FRAY ........ THE HEROES . WEAPONS ARMOR ITEMS oes: CREDITS ..... WARRANTY .. SQUARESOFT* 1995 Squore Soft Ine. AllRights Reserved. Secret Of Evermore isa redemork of Square Soft In. Squaresoft ‘ aregistered trademark of Square Co. ld After years of research and mony failed attempts, Professor Sidney Ruffleberg finally did it! With one brilliant shot of elec tricity, he successfully catapulted himself and his friends into a fantasy world of their own design. He called the world “Evermore” and watched over it from a futuristic city, loating hi above the encient lands. What the rofessor didn’t now was that a sinister force has iogatnat fin from the beginning This entity would quickly make the world of Professor Sid's dreams into a nightmare from which there would be no escape. In the real world the disappear 4 once of the pro fessor and his friends went largely unnoticed Years after the spark that sealed the fate of the scientist and his friends, the man. sion was on abon. doned, deterio: rating heap—a mysterious struc ture from the past Anda mystery it would have remained if it weren't for the adventurin faectet a bey and his dog from Podunk. Propelled into Eve without as much os @ warning, they find a world that has gone from a fantasy-born utopia to a dream turned upside-down. With his wits, weapons and will the boy finds adventure, and the dog sniffs out everything else Seek out the leaders of the lands of Evermore They alone can help you unravel the myster ies of the land. Discover the secret of Evermore or you will never see Podunk again 5 To succeed in the worlds of Evermore you will need to have complete control over the hero and his dog. ‘Some buttons have more than one function, depend- ing on your situation. ©. fing Commend menu sonthering one way roadie org to ndaowmtoswtenRgs ess to open the ing Conmands or the characte youre not con ress¥ to oper close heing Commands for the character youre controling Use’ tod covesations. Alsouse Y when you Want we AButtontorun Bl < |x] After youreeive the Jaguar Fir, press an hok ‘As youun you power meter wil siowiy deplete ‘controls @aunber of fren actong. tang with B fs fam the menus and ing Commande, and Button tsi out and ete ems wth LR stant | Used to start the gane I] se cool tern te roa do, wos the SLE In addition to normal control, some buttons also per- form other functions. Pressing the Button when enees ae around wil Tet yout. While you are in town, pressing the B Button bogs a conversa han a fing Conmand ion scree, press eft or right on the Cental Pad to rotate the seectons tha em you wantin the ux, press the B ll sleet All Command ngs Wark the To see the Fra Commands fr the eo os ca (whchover yu are ‘controlling press the Bator Fress 29am to clove the ge Ths an as be od to pause andasune pay PA, Our hero andhis dog begin their quest together After the ttle soTeenippears press the START button tobeginanew game. Start a New Game the begiring, select Now tart your ga eg, set ra aready begun quest and sa othe pant what twas st 0 fut ferent quests at 2 tine. Choose the fie you want from the Game Select ‘cee and press the Button, ed You Use Hero or Dog When th hero 9 re topeter, you Character ress SELEC 80 a d, ” Ee Input Dog's Name Lexa] Arran Fe Ee’ ile, you wil na to ‘As you make your way through the lands of Evermore you need to stay aware of your status. Listed below is a summary of the stats normally dis: played on the screen. Hour Hero ~~ Bj Power Meter e hes wnin thelower After reaching loft corer of tho sereen, nat 10 his The Dog status s shown inthe lower of te screen ext to hs Hit Points Our hero has more than one Ring Command menu, and his dog has one. Push the Control Pad up or down to move from one Ring to another. To rotate a Ring, push left and right. When the item you want is selected in the box at the top of the Ring, push B to select it. MERCHANT RINGS When yu comers with shopkeapas, ing agg song atte ora a Sele As youmove tems nto he selection tox enter auoun ofthat parievlr tem and is pen url appear nthe shapkespers con vertetion window. Your mane shen th mmadle ofthe seroen, EDIT RING The Et ing lets you view the status of your characters and 23 your eontals. Character Status Choosing the STAT icon ini Inrgup yur characters status wea, Both ‘ha feo and the og have stats wd Use the ® Button to Switch botneen charac as Ping wi 10 This tea Gps, the type and al : ening RONREA ST ea et aon is fa ofthe window displays Gy" 'you-have. Each, world. your Ghraeters ht pants, curent Evetmorehes a dffrent monetary Tove experence pants. andexer- unt. sted bio, ence ports reedod toinrease to Pesta Tons renert Argel deves Seems ik Gottica/Go gales Gnitopia/Credts ene Leee Heo raring mart? Lo our curarts carer ol praia ogrircopns ‘opatee ports ree 0 reahitenation Gee ne airs yur cheracters abilities. bi Magi Det. dtonso ajmst mag = cabattacks uip} Frado% potential to ovade on atiork Tis area of the window displays Hi potential for comectng the weapons ard armor cuenty when sting an enemy upper ess parse ane eee iets’ rere Brainstorm ra uiere(T Level Choosing the LEVEL ican in the Et ing il sg up the Feros espa Sl vow. To acess the diferent panes, press fe Arto rican each weep ovlabe s Shown witht hare ae vel ext 10 apo has fou aierent levels of power, eat by the rbers aitack power fel"). The second naeris ou exer pon " Fress up and dow onthe Control Pad to select a weapon, Any spril abit athe weapon selected wil be shown in themestage wadow ot te bt om O these. A demonstration ofthe weapon actin appears nme whew Action Level Costa the ACT (ACTION cnn fing teria he stn ot Fert ands doy You an set te gues: Sion lve for ether choracier and set he ower ot ar ata Press B to hichght the character you Manto aust (a charceter wil Tish hen rete Cert adit Or right Co set the agressen level Apress lvls age rm DEE SUE SEARGK nthe owen eels io AGSFESSIVE ar FIGHT Ita hgh ft als). When the dogs eat SEARCH ne wil spe most of hs twnesntingetogedents 2 Alte set the aggression evel you lb ale fo sek the mtu stack owe the chatter you tena conto fg leorgter controled) wil use. Yo tar set the atack power of thohero a the dog to ay level up to they cant maser setthg 0-3) Controller Edit The Conley EBt opion of thee ng or ives pot oset tor ‘rotons Fress up down. the Conta Pad to Change: button ontguration Press SELECT 10 Sa Mode Window Edit alferent mes ss by uh ihe Conte {py aon, et aed i Press Tan or the ¥ Bion ent B musing tho Eau fr to mor, gator about fe Soler box ape sees. Te numbe ruse to thengh oy the power ot Tre amar Targeting nit You ean algo use the Target fune tion a find eu the name o apa tala eramy onthe seen” Yeu ITEM RING As youadventure throughout the world of Evermore you will need the assistance of many potent and magical items. Some are hidden in chests, others you will earn when defeating enemies, and still others you purchase. Item Usage The taming dplays al ofthe beets cure By te baw (atop be aco fing ard press 8. you can use the ftem a that tine ou wl meneiately dos, Oth message's depajed ling 15 Tradeable Goods and Charms cused 0 help you through your jaune amet you garth! goad Tradeable Goods Call Beads deable goods are ites that you By combing rareelements with jst her amnount othe, he Blchemsts of Evermore created tfadeable™goost choose’ the Call Boads. Treowing trese con fom the tem fing an mystical stones to th groand press YouWllbe texan toastenn and satterng thom releases a Shore st otal go tof eneay tha can Sun nly your ventory mon the leaders of vmore (0 ast youn cattle Tose eal poritinta selecton x of the item ng ae res Bt youve ea ity sunmon ny of the ea a ing il appar wth ter Pace the mageat tho juwiht9 apis rs pale Charms Chars ar erchnte ites — gat erthan tepance you characters urutes Tey cat be ptches Bu tay canbe Ye fords reds yo ioe NOTE: A complete list or the items pears on pages 3037 WEAPON RING Only the hero can use weapons. Using the proper weapon is essen- tial to success. When you receive a new weapon, it is added to your Weapon Ring. You cannot sell or dispose of weapons. To check the strength of a weapon, open the Weapon Ring and place it in the selection box. Thenumber to the left indicates the relative strength of your current weapon; the number to the right shows how much stronger or weaker the selected weapon is. Changing Weapons Open yu W leon weapa a are curent sen the solecton ox atte op of tha Bition te E: Alt of alte weapons yu wil use theutout the game NOTE: ‘appears on pages 32-33. * = e ALCHEMY RING Scattered throughout Evermore, you will find many different alchemists. Whenever you encounter an alchemist there is a good chance that you will learn new formulas or receive ingredients. Alchemy is the lost art of creating magical spells from combining ordinary items. Alchemy can be learned from various inhabitants of Evermore. Ingredients for alchemy can be found in many different places. Some may be purchased, but most are found scat- tered throughout Evermore. Each formula takes two ingredients. Select the Alchemy (Flask) icon from the Edit Ring to access your selected alch my formulas and alchemy ingredient inventory. Alchemy formulas can only be added or deleted from your list of available formulas at an alchemist, so choose wisely. It's a good idea to keep a balance of offensive, defensive and curative formulas handy. Use the L and R Buttons to switch between the Alchemy Formulas and the Alchemy Ingredients. You can only memorize 9 formulas to take with you at any one time and you can only select different formulas by visiting an alchemist. To see the for- mulas you have memo- rized choose the Flask from the Edit Ring, 18 ALCHEMY FORMULAS The formulas you have memorized are shown on the Alchemy Formulas screen. The name of the formula is shown first, followed by the number of times you can create the concoction. Experience with a particular formula is shown next. Finally, the number of ingre- dients needed to create the for- mulaare shown. ‘As you gain experience mixing alchemy, the formu: las will become stronger (up to level 9. NOTE: A tulistot as can bo our en pa FORMULA TYPES There are two basic types of formulas you can learn. Light Formulas Dark Formulas ant formulas, Dark. formu: ae used for Tas are usod ratertion. to attack healing, or 3s Your enorme, tools ta.cpen ew pas Changing Formulas g Yau can ery memarze 9 omulas to take with you t fe, and you ca only sclect eet rove formulas, yur Alchemy Fig il change ‘cen Ring postin fre eon ot sh se nth Conta Target thon press You con alsa target appears, than peosing the Buta nou when a formula placed nthe slectan bot. yo Scagnareent omc oma the ruber a tho that eyed esery chose the Flask from th The following are lists of alchemy formulas that can be discovered throughout this game. Roots, Water, Mud Pepper, Oil, Clay, Prehistoria &ya's:h'0o Us hry Mad app 1 ae bec soon ste hows 10 cee poner emer reer rey yc leer Sia bi pone AF Fi 1 Wan 208 | rr cp 1 yal | nei ly Lash 3 Wie ou une 20 Antiqua pertain wm TL] Romer | Reread pn rnp | 24h | Lee | Retest top anreovr se MP | 3 Ron | Bone 1 Beape | ape Fo ero mans | tens Yeme | Atm CGrethaa pore Ftd in| A + A ee el dere et | awe Yep | Orin | Stabs rn er | eat +2 Rane Gothica peisisieere vicar ferns | Pretorer _| Duman nero || er 1 Bae | Uperysonm| Masset tig paver 0| emi | Beware | eats as 2 | earron | Batya pdt an | 1 Moo #3 te | egos | Caren eam ntti. | 1 Aen + Wr | Sovton | Emery aroma ssmgy rn | Iw be Omnitopia Osa iericeepsue eel Neo | Beeson 1 morte Grene 2 | ss Seem chert | 29 Va a ergs | Heese owe rigone | 1 Crm hen 2 ALCHEMY INGREDIENTS To see the alchemy ingredients you are carrying press the R Button from the alchemy for mula screen. The list includes the number of ingredients, the ingredient icon and its name. Alchemy can be cast upon many different objects in Evermore. This includes the hero, his dog, enemies and some features of the landscape. If you are unsure whether a formula works ona specific object, choose a spell and try to target the object. FINDING ALCHEMY. INGREDIENTS Findng and calecting ingredients fr alchenyis essen il the neadents aves tocreate ache ate Seated everywhere Evermore. Same canbe ad by searing. To seach fr rg Bhiton at te spot where youth Search with The Dog Same tems canon be ound by sng the dogs wert sir. To make fi sf, st pashan hold Teor bates Water Root oil Clay Ash Wax Crystal Mudpepper Vinegar a Biiistone Wh ciense ee eoGeee Bone Limestone Alas (Medallion) Mushroom Acorn Feather Dry Ice Meteorite Iron Ethanol Gunpowder 23 Toleamasmary fore spossbl til be essa to ss Sore iy tod fondest fame Use reat Feo ad fis cog Use te Formula Levels Seles the lak ian on the Et Ring to See the formulas you have mamarzed Usted after each spall re the rier of es yootanmm the frnula ng fs, the forma fame, the level and fperenee wth that formula, ad the ‘agents nacessaty rouse ts you 1s the forrsas ard your knowledge ot alchony Ineteases, they will bacon Stvonger When yeu cere 3 formulas level wil 09. The frst number ‘adeatesthocurent lve of hat formula vel sisthemast power. The fume after the lve ndcatas you exponence val uany tat formula Wher ts muri: eaches 98 the lve of te forms vl erease by one. MAGIC OF IMAGINATION The Leaders of Evermore esto As the esters of hese tans hey \ fave raga ais whch caw ante eames o Fremog. ul ned ther hap fo sdvace yout remrlete tacts fr tam, owl econo Using the Magic of Imagination Alter yvvsurmonad one ofthe aes tly ou sing a Cal ea thr Auge awl our an yu wl abe to henson of er sale best ‘spel ress the utton and get you enemy youd want t use Cal Fire Eyes/Elizabeth Flare — Produces a small fireball Heat Wave — Ablonket of heat affects all enemies Storm —ighining bolt fe Spark —Heal spell The Historian/Horace Highwater fime Warp — Enemy takes back last blow. BM First Aid — Super heal J Confound —Confuses target enemy fora short time Tablet Spells Tse ane usin Aetna toHoares eli went arecolect Regenerate — When the player perishes, he will come back to life with minimal HP ‘Aura — Makes the hero invincible for a short time 25 Camellia Bluegarden/Queen Miranda Magic Drain —steols MP rom arget Shield—Halves the number of HP being ag BI token from the target player fora shor time Plague —Dces biological damage to forge! Hypnotize —Freezes torget enemy for a period of ine proportional to thot enemy's remaining HP: more HP equals more time Frozen Shock Wave—A devastating blest Professor Ruffleberg Bullseye — Adds to target heros attack power Restore — Brings bothheroes fo maximum He Electra-Bolt — Multiple lighning blasts Disrupt —Confounds the enemy. Throughout Evermore you will be confronted by many strange and unusual beasts and mechanical creations. You must fight to grow strong and experi- enced. Enemies can be found around every corner, but you can avoid them by running. Attack 1 you ara confeting enemies an he B Button to attack = md an, yu ily Wigger weak attr. ihemeter ful tote atu po Power Attack When you fist receive @ weapon you wl ony be tousea on al atta. AS ou gan expr atists. Each weapon has tree ferent evel al atack (xcept the bezeota To fad mo cu rust frst sot the attack nthe ACTION menu of th Ea fing othe " 2g se, press and hen the pow meter Stats wreow fl carteue Rang the & Baton you Songer tks, nother po ban sopearandbeon ulna imum leva ofthat weapon Once eacos ul svergi elease the BB {rage the stot. Be amod hough, Pat his menewe fakes te and you Spent stat nhleyousre wotny toca op youn Enemy Bosses (Shae Welfare oti sou rd help from the leaders of ‘anton hte" Battle with Alchemy When batting a pember to cast hese members and use avant inne! .o most ends of ae Tou mst Pies pertnent fear which type of aeheny he 27 Survival fogontoit pened Mok Ie teang and sangtheneg tems You eng the hn ques ut you len Situation FRIENDS AND SERVICES Most of the inhabitants of Evermore are safe within their towns. When youenter a town, you should speak witheveryone to collect valuable information. Youcan also purchase items and rest at Inns. Occasionally, you will meet people as you explore. Talk to them as well Conversation have fev moan ad ees to ‘ls, ty bat comers Stock Up Bote leaving atom. visita store toby all he ems youmay eed ilar pack ond putas he test amor youcan fled Save ou pest limber denrtng. Goods con also be pursed fonniebtats entered teugrut emore Weapon Masters Ding your traels you wil encounter inhabtants of Evermore who are i weapon sage. Speak fo them whenever you thd them and thy wl each yuna weap kl Inns When you enter a wetter you nut - soak ty your rag nyou ensher Yes, a Save files wl appear. Select the ae pushing apo dawn onthe Coal Pad 28 MODES OF TRAVEL ‘As you wander through Evermore you will travel mostly on foot. Sometimes you will find other ways toget around. You can fly ina futuristic Shuttlecraft, putter around in a homemade Windwalker, or be warped from one location to another. Taking the Shuttle joss y After entering Evermore. you wil be from Orntople mat escape pod to the Surface the planet. Its 2 ough one-way tip. Tetum to ‘Metroplex you wil have tof another way back ‘Power of the Wind =~ As you joumey though Evermore you will meet Srcone itotas mastered he pow ol the wid. iF you can help him hel et you use is vention he Weaker. es nat the gant fying racine, Buti vil get you were you ate going Windwalker Controls ‘Tpeater the Windwaer, approach it fom the rear and pres the B Button. ‘ule whisked upinig the ses of Ever. To soe the Word Map press START while youre ing. Press taretumtananal vison. When yo besure to remember you suroundnas- you wil bave to rake your way back tothe Weaver otsgtogan Welw ess he Aten ba and ta cron down Press tne Lr Button for atop down view. Use onto ad toga the machine naiferen rections Landing ae aeW n tsoerc,Wg pox fo dw seo sgurnr a hans repo theses en tnorst grer repoteBren oend 29 OBSTACLES Your quest will lead you through many strange and unusual places. Sometimes, you may find your path blocked by objects or strange creatures. You can usually get around most of these obstacles with alit- tleclever thinking, Ty using alchemy, items youhave with you, or objects you find nearby to break through or go around roadblocks. Underbrush Wen yu fd locked by bushes ond ipearyete eer tn ctareps Sacks/Chests/Remains Sy vg oil eee Som Teleporters eee ee Rocks When racks or boulders block hse Silenytomor ordetroytion Chasms Soman th ny ath ison chm igh ‘Staitons op Sey acode op 30 There are two heroes in this adventure, a young boy and his dog. Pret sb Racal es ol ee oo a hs gel OE FS ARS dagen orp uopseateecrhcs ee Apa ses Scones een ener see The Dog Tele uy eee FeeeeeieRateederae Griarecy ont eae eee Sy pL Four different weapon types can be found in the lands of Evermore, sword, ax, spear and bazooka. Each weapon type can be upgraded twice (except for the bazooka) depending upon which land you are exploring. Each individual weapon can be used for three different types of powered attacks, depending upon your experience with that weapon. Choose the most effective weapon for different sit uations. To see on-screen weapon information, ‘choose LEVEL on the Edit Ring. Use the Control Pad to highlight the weapon you want to check. You will then see a brief description at the bottom of the screen. As you adventure through Evermore you will find ways to upgrade your weapons which will make them more powerful SWORDS. Pfs! R28 Par ehapebaltenee ter than nothing, 32 herein Pretistria you wil ean the AXES Ste ceases & ‘rough loge ff SPEARS tranirin dace bewesn yr ad You eteres when you ttck wh he ar Bore sper Bronze Spear a BB Lance Laser Lance BAZOOKAS siisinsia 35% Glos poss Gare rat i ohace epoe thunder sa Many different types of armor can be found through- ut Evermore. It's a good idea to make sure youhave the best armor available before exploring uncharted territory. The dog can also wear different collars which will enhance his abilities. The dog can only equip one collar at a time. BODY ARMOR ‘ore Shel Plate z 7 2 HEAD GEAR REgeecoad w ARM GEAR Vine Bracelet Memmoth Gvard Clow Guard Spot's Collar To purchase items which will help you in your quest, visit shops. Gourds, sacks or the remains of enemies hold items that may be of use to you as well — but remember that they may also hide traps. You can carry six of eachitem Petals Nectar You can puchase gm You will get moe setae aot vey srogy, tan fam {here in Evermore peta by eating some ing some petals hoctar Nectar 30 ‘will partially restore your hit ponts. more expensive. Honey Dog Biscuit Eating, honey vin, thee, fostore uri pants inyeed, eed hin {other mun Wisc a hei feeorer alo hs pats Wings Essence ‘return to the beginning of the area Pixie Dust Call Beads Enchant the tera When jo chos to Sant et vera Cheon 3g oe te vi vit Se eae ote Zetorataly teen it wl oppeat ihe fe pth Chosing laa mor en 36 Choose the Pouch icon to see your inventory of ‘Tradeable Goods, Charms, and Rare Items you've col- lected, TRADEABLE GOODS “Yodeabl goods are items you an use to barter within the markets and some tons nevermoce. Blow Wa istof two tradeable gods you ean Th. Tarot Spice Coromie Por Beg of Rice Tapestry Seeds Golden Jock Bottle of Perfome Jeweled Scorab Chicken LUmestone Tal Souvenir Spoon [Amulet of Annihilation-?7? Magic Gourd Ticket for Exhibition CHARMS/RARE ITEMS Asyauergla ouwildscover many ifs chs. y tocllect as nary possble Most shams wil enhanoe heabitesot you characters. Crt rd thor caabutes are lsteelon Sra bove Svc cet Pe ate Brign Fehdrau Jeff Petkau ian Weiss George Sinfield Rick Ryan Stephen Magladry Brian Fehdrau George Sinf Bart Kijanko Boniei Deciv ‘aod ator jecea Coffman Clayton Kauzlaric Peter Fries He tel Beau Folsom Kevin Pon. Clayton Kouzlar Damon Conklin Junichi Yanagihara foun Ted Woolsey’ Brod Clarkson Chris Budd Geer lenn Holae Jeremy Soule Mirko Fregui Serres peg ‘Reel Kreider George Sinfi Kelly Belo! Rick Ryan tynn Novak Stephen Magladry Jackie Tietze Belen Abratom Paul Mezurek 38 ‘SQUARE SOFT, INC. LIMITED WARRANTY Scates0f hc wre sie den a SUNS wher pearance econ uaa ts Cece eecrern ener name SQUASH (ence gt tacaey rons one eae Tpdtitenylty tn aaeetertar ie wsskctoe isda ase secant antag Fhe SCUAFESOFT ne she prc fl comply wh is ited wonerty SGUARESOF re ogres io etre replace heecl eye hese erg SQUARE SOFT he sles pode pred rebar heal Chose posoge poo with pron of purchase SOUMFESOFT et Facer Sree Cte TO RECEIVE THIS REMEDY: DONO eh jour delete SQUARESCET re sftere rock tothe ier 2 Sard clot proce! lo SQUARESOT Ic Fac Seve Car ot SQUARE SORE NC ‘WestprG-8351 ath ve NE Redmond WA 98052 faaslsstonns| ‘When yoo wrte ws plese provious wih you phorerunbe enor exoion ot ‘llores wa heehee ote ce yar eve Ie th SQUARESOR hee prec oes tt cory wits ted ‘Ths waren solr be applicable andl be voli he delct nthe SQUARE SOFT kv es avr aee es rre et TS WARRANTY IN UR OF AL CTHER WARRANTIES ANDNO OTHER RERESEN. TAFIONS ORIGHTIONS OF CLAbNS OF ANY NATURE SHAlL BE BRONG ON OR QBUGATESGUARESOFLNC ANT WPLED WARRANTIES PPUICARLE TO TIS SOFT Wage PECOUCT INGUDING VWARRANTES OF MEXCHANTABIIY AND FINESS FORA PAITICULARPURPOSE ARE LMITEDTO THENINETY (01D RICO DESCREED ‘ABOVE NINO EVENT Wik SQUARE SOFT NC BELABLEFOR ANY DRECT SPECAL INCOR TAL Of CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES SULTING ROM POSSESSION USE (GRMALFUNCTIONOF THESGUaRESOFT NE SOFTWARE OOUCT Soe st oa iw nen a oho rg an ngewe n/a claionsor nations of resenl r crenquent darege 10 the coe Iisare ‘ax eclson of liy mayo ep tayo Ths ised wean gies you pe eligi ord youney abe heehee ps which rom soos 39

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