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DAY 010 - RULE 1


Day Day of the Week Complete

1 Saturday Rule
2 Sunday
3 Monday
4 Tuesday
5 Wednesday
6 Thursday
7 Friday
8 Saturday
9 Sunday
10 Monday ✓

We Call into Action the Flame of Mighty Cassiopeia and Lumina to give us the PERCEPTION
and ILLUMINATION of the Perfectly Clear Picture of Our Salvation through the study of
the 14 Rules today. We hereby Know that this PERCEPTION shows us what to do in this and
all moments, along with the direction as to how best manifest the Out Pictured experience
which is God’s Will for us for the benefit of All Life! We call forth the Elemental Grace
Alliance Council and the I Am Presences’ of the Sun of Even Pressure Council to join with us
now! We celebrate the Manifested Radiance of Beloved Djwhal Khul, Chohan Lord Lanto,
the Goddess of Harmony, Archangel Jophiel and Archaii Christine to imbue us with Radiation
of the Qualities and Virtues of Transmutation through the Gold Flame of Light, Illumination,
Wisdom, Invention and Harmony.



O Divine Mother, Father, may we actualize through intention and extension our body vehicle,
Singing Eternally before the Throne with the Words: Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai
'Tsebayoth. May the Hierarchy and the Bands of Heavenly Angels Sing with us on earth as it is
in Heaven. May the Holiness of Our Brothers and Sisters in the Higher Worlds be with us in
every heartbeat and every thought-form. We Pray that all of the Letters in the Language of Light
be Eternally Expressed in this Holy Prayer and Song Ceaselessly for us.
The Soul Mantra

I Am the Monad

I Am the Soul
I Am the Light Divine
I Am Love
I Am Will
I Am Fixed Design
I Am That I Am On Earth - As It Is In Heaven


From the Point of Light within the Mind of God
Let Light Stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the Point of Love within the Heart of God

Let Love Stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the Centre where the

Will of God is Known
Let Purpose Guide the little wills of men –
The Purpose which the Masters Know and Serve.

From the Centre which we call the race of men

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where inequity dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power Restore the Plan on Earth.
And So It Is and It Is Done!

Begin Writing -
Love governs the Way into the life of the Hierarchy and is the foundation for all
approach to, and appreciation and acceptance of truth.
Will governs the Way into Shamballa and is the foundation for all approach to,
appreciation of and identification with, Being.
This developed will expresses itself as tension, esoterically understood. It embodies
the ideas of orientation, implacable determination, ability to wait and to preserve
intention and orientation unmoved by aught which may occur. It also involves the
determination to take the intended action (always of a creative nature and based on
loving understanding) at the psychological moment (right timing), or that exact
moment which the psyche or soul determines to be correct. Here you have one of the
interesting transferences of meaning and of relationship which occur in the Ageless
Wisdom. The Son or soul emerges into manifestation with the concurrence and aid of
the Mother or of the matter aspect. This is to you a most familiar truth. In the next
stage, that of initiate-development, the Son, in its turn, becomes the feminine or
negative aspect and, demonstrating as the Psyche, enables the initiate to bring into
expression another divine aspect—that of the will. Until the fourth initiation is
undergone, it is the soul as a "focal point for descending light and for ascending
radiance." This dual activity reveals the nature of the will. Note how this phrase from
an ancient writing describes the Antahkarana.

It is not possible in these brief instructions to deal adequately with the will aspect of
divinity, nor would it profit at this time. Aspirants have to learn the nature of the will
by the power of inner illumination and by certain intelligent recognitions. They learn
the nature of the self through the aid of the personality, the shadow or distortion of
the divine will. They pass from the expression of the will which is purely selfish, self-
sufficient and self-focused, to the grasp of the group will and to the effort to embody
that group will. This group will is always concerned with that which is not the will of
the separated self.

As this ability to be selflessly decentralized grows and develops, the aspirant reaches
a point where the group life and the group good is seen as an integral part of a much
greater Whole. This greater Whole is Being Itself, divorced from form but ever
working through form whilst in manifestation, and working with planned purpose.
The realization then grows that intelligence and love are not enough, but that they
must be supplemented and implemented by will, which is active intelligent purpose,
lovingly applied.

The difficulty of this subject is inherent in the fact that basically (no matter how
strange this may seem) love is the line of least resistance for the developed human
being. It is the governing principle of the present solar system. Will is the governing
principle of the next or coming solar system, which will be brought into manifestation
through the agency of those human beings who—in this solar system—arrive at the
full expression of the will aspect. Then, in the coming consummating manifestation,
love will be to the will aspect what intelligence is, in this solar system, to love.

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