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MARCH 2021


Passage (Q.1-Q.5): Permanent Indus Commission
A delegation of Pakistani officials arrived in India via the Wagah land border crossing on Monday for a meeting of the
permanent Indus commission, the first such talks in over [1]
The delegation, led by Pakistan’s Indus water commissioner Mehr Ali Shah, will hold talks with the Indian team led by
Indus water commissioner Pradeep Kumar Saxena in New Delhi during March 23-24.
The talks are being held against the backdrop of a thaw in bilateral relations, which had taken a hit after the 2019
Pulwama suicide bombing and a subsequent military standoff. The last meeting of the permanent Indus commission
was held in Lahore in August 2018.
Last month, the Indian and Pakistani militaries recommitted themselves to the 2003 ceasefire on the Line of Control
(LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir, raising hopes for further improvements in bilateral ties. The decision to adhere to the
truce on the volatile LoC was the apparent outcome of behind-the-scenes contacts between the two countries.

1. The first day of the meeting, i.e., 23rd March, coincided with which of the following?
(a) Pakistan Independence Day (b) Pakistan Republic Day
(c) National Pakistan Day (d) None of the above

2. The commission was established under

(a) Indus Waters Treaty, 1960 (b) Indus Waters Treaty, 1961
(c) Indus Waters Treaty, 1970 (d) Indus Waters Treaty, 1971

3. The Treaty under which the commission is formed is backed by which of the following?
(a) World Bank (b) United Nations (c) European Union (d) USA

4. The Treaty which distributes the water of Indus and its tributaries was signed by Indian Prime Minister Nehru and
Pakistan’s President _________
(a) Yahya Khan (b) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (c) Iskandar Mirza (d) Ayyub Khan

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5. Which of the following will replace [1]?
(a) Yahya Khan (b) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (c) Iskandar Mirza (d) Ayyub Khan

Passage (Q.6-Q.10): Catch the Rain campaign

PRIME Minister Narendra Modi on Monday launched ‘Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain’ campaign for conserving
water and stressed that every penny of MGNREGA funds be spent on rain water conservation till the monsoon arrives.
Addressing an event at the virtual launch of the campaign on the World Water Day, Modi said it is a matter of concern
that majority of rain water in India gets wasted. He said the more the rain water is conserved, the less will be the
dependence on groundwater.
The Prime Minister urged that every penny of MGNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee
Act) funds be spent on rain water conservation till the monsoon arrives. The event was also attended by a number of
panches and sarpanches from across the country. Participating through virtual mode, some of them also shared their
experiences towards water conservation. Modi said India’s self-sufficiency is dependent on its water resources and
water connectivity, and its fast-paced development is not possible without effective water conservation. He also urged
the people to use water judiciously.

6. When is the world water day celebrated?

(a) Yahya Khan (b) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (c) Iskandar Mirza (d) Ayyub Khan

7. Which of the following is the theme of the campaign?

(a) Catch the rain, when it falls, where it falls (b) Catch the rain, save the future
(c) Catch the rain, stop the ruin (d) Catch the rain, when it happens

8. On the occasion, the Chief Ministers of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh signed a memorandum to implement
interlinking of which of the following rivers
(a) Catch the rain, when it falls, where it falls (b) Catch the rain, save the future
(c) Catch the rain, stop the ruin (d) Catch the rain, when it happens

9. When was the Jal Sakti Ministry formed?

(a) 2017 (b) 2019 (c) 2020 (d) 2021

10. The interlinking of the agreed rivers under the memorandum will effect which of the following?
(a) Panna Tiger Reserve (b) Kanha Tiger Reserve
(c) Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve (d) Pench National Park

Passage (Q.11-Q.15): World Happiness Report

The [1] has released its annual report called “World Happiness Report, 2021”. The report was collected and prepared
slightly differently amid the COVID-19 Pandemic.. The report was presented ahead of “World Happiness day” which
is observed on [2].
The World Happiness Report is a landmark survey of the state of global happiness that ranks 149 countries by how
happy their citizens perceive themselves to be.
The World Happiness Report 2021 focuses on the effects of Covid-19 and how people all over the world have fared.
The annual report ranks nations based on gross domestic product per person, healthy life expectancy and the opinions
of residents. Surveys ask respondents to indicate on a 1-10 scale how much social support they feel they have if
something goes wrong, their freedom to make their own life choices, their sense of how corrupt their society is and
how generous they are.

11. Which of the following will replace [1] in the above passage?
(a) UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network
(b) UN Sustainable Development Network Initiative
(c) UN Sustainable Development Solutions Initiative
(d) UN Sustainable Solutions Initiative

12. India has ranked the following out of 149 in the 2021 report?
(a) 131 (b) 139 (c) 141 (d) 149

13. Which of the following country has topped the list in 2021 report?
(a) Finland (b) Denmark (c) Iceland (d) Norway

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14. Which of the following is one of the indicators used as measure of well-being in the report?
(a) Life Evaluation (b) Positive Emotions (c) Negative Emotions (d) All of the above

15. The happiness study ranks the countries of the world on the basis of questions from
(a) Hallup World Poll (b) Gallup World Poll (c) Happie World Poll (d) Hippy World Poll

Passage (Q.16-Q.20): Sinatra Doctrine

As China's increasing aggressiveness to undermine European unity through a 'divide and rule' policy continues, the
Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) member countries have responded by accepting their own way to deal with the
increasing threat of Beijing's influence, known as the [1].
This [1] is being seen by scholars as a threat and a blowback to China's growing influence in the CEE.
Democracy News Live writes for EU Reporter that China's ambition to undermine European unity was fuelled by
leveraging the regional platform to extract political favours in exchange for economic benefits. However, China's
credit-based offer in a neo-colonial fashion has proven ill-suited for the CEE members of the EU.

16. Which of the following will replace [1] in the above passage?
(a) Sinatra Doctrine (b) Warsaw Pact (c) Kvitsinsky Doctrine (d) Finlandization

17. Consider the following about [1]:

I. Continuing cooperation with China with respect to address the global challenges like covid-19, climate change &
regional conflicts and
II. Strengthening the strategic sovereignty of European Union by protecting the technological sectors of its economy.
Which of the above is/are the pillars of [1]?
(a) Only I (b) Only II (c) Both I and II (d) Neither I nor II

18. The name of [1] is taken from which song?

(a) My way (b) Highway (c) Lily (d) Even a fool Learns to love

19. China invested the maximum in which of the following CCE members?
(a) Netherlands (b) Romania (c) Finland (d) Bulgaria

20. The original implementation of [1] was part of doctrine of new political thinking by which political leader?
(a) Mikhail Gorbahev (b) Ronald Regan (c) Angela Merkel (d) François Mitterrand

Passage (Q.21-Q.25): Same Sex Marriage may cause havoc: Union Govt
In response to a petition dealing with the recognition of same-sex marriages in the Delhi High Court, the government
said that there exists a "legitimate State interest" in limiting the recognition of marriage to persons of opposite sex.
They cited the "sanctity" of the "Indian family unit" and age-old customs.
Rohini Malur, a pansexual cis-woman and a founding member of All Sorts of Queer (ASQ), a group for queer
marginalised genders, says that the statements are not new or surprising.
"It makes very clear that the Centre does not think of queer people as equal to heteronormative people. Their marriage
has a 'sanctity' which we would sully. It's an insult," she says.
Anirudh, writer and trans person says that a government opposition to same-sex marriages was something that the
community knew would happen since the reading down of Section 377. "During that verdict, the government said that
in matters of the IPC they would leave the decision to the bench but if issues of civil liberties and social rights came
up, the government would have an opinion," they say.
Source: 'Same-sex marriage not a priority' | Deccan Herald, › Metrolife

21. The right to marriage is recognised as which right under Indian Constitution.
(a) Fundamental Right (b) Constitutional Right
(c) Is not expressly recognized as either (d) Both a and b

22. Marriage is regulated through various statutory enactments and developed through judicial decisions of India’s
Supreme Court. Such declaration of law is binding on all courts throughout India under which Article of the
(a) Article 121 (b) Article 141 (c) Article 35 (d) Article 47

23. While referring to Article 16 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Puttaswamy case, the SC held that the
right to marry a person of one’s choice is integral to which Article of the Constitution.
(a) Article 19 (1) (a) (b) Article 377 (c) Article 21 (d) Article 14

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24. The SC held that members of the LGBTQ community “are entitled, as all other citizens, to the full range of
constitutional rights including the liberties protected by the Constitution” in which famous case
(a) K.S. Puttaswamyretd Vs. Union of India and Ors.
(b) Joseph Shine vs. Union of India
(c) National Legal Services Authority vs Union of India &Ors.
(d) Navtej Singh Johar vs. Union of India

25. Which one of these countries Laws Criminalizing Same-Sex Relations, by Sentence
(a) Belgium (b) Iceland (c) Denmark (d) Papua New Guinea

Passage (Q.26-Q.30): Political Crisis in Puducherry

The unprecedented defections from the ruling Congress to the BJP, a national party without a single elected
representative in the Puducherry Assembly, in the last two months led to the collapse of the Narayanasamy
government in the Union Territory. The BJP was blamed for “toppling” the government by purchasing Congress MLAs.
The BJP’s plan to have their own government and chief minister in Puducherry, however, is unlikely to materialise as
the All India NR Congress chief and former CM N Rangasamy has made it clear: “You make me the CM, we will go
A Namasivayam, a senior Congress leader considered second in the previous cabinet, was the first to join the BJP in
January. He was among the half-a-dozen Congress MLAs who quit the government two months ahead of assembly
While BJP’s calculation was to make Namasivayam a CM candidate, it has faced roadblocks from his uncle –
Rangasamy of NR Congress, the powerful leader who commands respect and clout across parties.
Rangasamy has categorically conveyed that he should be declared the CM candidate to strike an alliance with BJP
in the election. The AIADMK is already an ally of NR Congress.
There were informal queries from the DMK too for an alliance with NR Congress.
Another plan before the BJP, which they did not choose, was a prolonged President rule after the collapse of
government and take majority of the population into confidence by pumping Central funds and streamlining sectors
that are bankrupt.

26. The Government of Union Territories Act, 1963 enacted by the Parliament in accordance with the provisions of article
(a) 238C (b) 238A (c) 239B (d) 239A

27. Article 239 to 242 under which Part of the Indian Constitution deals with the administration of Union Territories.
(a) VI (b) VII (c) VIII (d) None of these

28. Which of these is not provided with a legislative assembly and a council of ministers headed by a chief minister.
(a) Jammu and Kashmir(b) Delhi (c) Puducherry (d) Lakshadweep

29. Which of these statement is wrong about President’s rule in a state

I. President’s Rule implies the suspension of a state government
II. imposition of direct rule of the Centre
III. also known as ‘State Emergency’ or ‘Constitutional Emergency
(a) III is wrong (b) II is not completely right
(c) I and III are right (d) None of these

30. The President’s Rule is imposed through the invocation of which Article of the Constitution
(a) Article 355 (b) Article 357 (c) Article 356 (d) Article 354

Passage (Q.31-Q.35): India and Pakistan agreed to a ceasefire

In 2003, after decades of tensions and sniping along the Line of Control, the de facto international border in disputed
Kashmir, India and Pakistan finally agreed to a cease-fire. The agreement came in the aftermath of a major crisis in
2001-2002, which had brought the two states to the brink of war.
That meltdown started with an attack that Jaish-e-Mohammed, a Pakistan-based terrorist organization, launched on
the Indian parliament in December 2001. In response, India undertook a massive military mobilization along its
borders with Pakistan to force it to end its support for a range of terrorist groups operating from its soil. Pakistan made
some nods toward reining in various terrorist groups, but it was clear that it was not prepared to bow to Indian pressure.
The 2003 accord lasted a mere three years, but it nevertheless proved to be robust during that period. According to
reliable sources, neither side violated its terms during that period. Now, after a couple of years in which Indian-
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Pakistan relations have taken a nosedive over a series of bloody border clashes, the two sides have agreed to strike
another deal. Both will hold their fire and continue negotiations to end the long-simmering conflict between them.
There is reason for optimism; even a fragile peace is better than continued conflict. That said, given the fraught history
of peace agreements between India and Pakistan, there is ample reason for caution as well.

31. The Line of Control was created in the aftermath of the third India-Pakistan war, in the year
(a) 1971 (b) 1972 (c) 1973 (d) 1974
32. Which of these is/are not correct about LoC?
I. It was designated as the LoC in 1972, following the Shimla Agreement between the two countries.
II. LoC is demarcated upto the Siachen Glacier (Point NJ9842)- the world's highest battlefield.
III. The Line of Control (LoC) emerged from the 1965 ceasefire line negotiated by the United Nations (UN) after the
Kashmir War.
(a) Both I and II are not correct (b) Only III is not correct
(c) Only I is not correct (d) All of these are not correct
33. Dialogue of 2015 broke down soon thereafter because of the
(a) Bhimber Gali Assassination (b) Pulwama Terror Attack
(c) Pathankot Airbase Attack (d) None of these
34. When was the victorious Kargil War with Pakistan fought
(a) 1965 (b) 1971 (c) 1999 (d) 2001

35. Who is the current Chief of Army Staff and the chairman of the Indian Army
(a) General Manoj Mukund Naravane (b) General Bipin Rawat
(c) General Bikram Singh (d) General Karambir Singh

Passage (Q.36-Q.40): Pakistan to stay in Financial Action Task Force

To Islamabad’s deep disappointment, the Paris-based [1]-member Financial Action Task Force has decided once
again to keep Pakistan on its “grey list” of countries under “increased monitoring”, giving it another three
months to complete its commitments. After being removed from that list in 2015, Pakistan was put back on it in June
2018, and handed a 27-point action list to fulfil. On Thursday, FATF President Marcus Pleyer announced that although
Pakistan has made “significant progress”, it had [2] remaining points of the 27 that were only partially addressed,
notably all in the area of curbing terror.
The FATF decision coincides with the first signs of a thaw between India and Pakistan since 2016. The decision of
the Directors General of Military Operations, also on Thursday, to strictly observe the ceasefire agreement at the LoC,
and revelations in the media, which have not been contradicted by the government, that National Security Adviser
AjitDoval has been in touch with senior officials including the Pakistan Army Chief, are both significant.
36. The FATF listing makes it extremely difficult for Pakistan to get financial aid from the
(a) International Monetary Fund (IMF) (b) World Bank
(c) European Union (d) All of these

37. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an inter-governmental body established in 1989 during the
(a) G20 Summit
(b) G7 Summit
(c) Association of Southeast Asian Nations Summit (ASEAN)
(d) Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit

38. The points on which Pakistan failed to deliver included its lack of action against the non-profit organisations linked to
the terror groups banned by the UN Security Council (UNSC); and delays in the prosecution of banned individuals
and entities like
(a) Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) chief Hafiz Saeed (b) LeT operations chief, Zaki Ur Rahman Lakhvi
(c) Jaish-e- Mohammad chief Masood Azhar (d) All of these
39. Which of the following will replace [2] in the above passage?
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6
40. Which of the following will replace [1] in the above passage?
(a) 28 (b) 30 (c) 36 (d) 39

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Passage (Q.41-Q.45): Australia’s new News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code.
For those in Australia whose primary exposure to news was through the world’s largest social network, Facebook,
last few days were not just a slow news days—it were no news days. That day, the company blocked users in Australia
from posting any news stories from Australian media, and prevented news-sharing from Australian media companies
Facebook did this because it opposed an Australian law that would force Facebook and Google to pay local media
companies for articles and content that would appear on their platforms. Google opposes the law in principle, but it
did deals; Facebook stared back.
After Facebook pulled the plug, traffic to Australian news sites fell sharply, by 13%, according to data analysis firm
Chartbeat. Incoming traffic to Australian sites fell by nearly a third. Australia claims the law is necessary to force social
media companies to pay publishers, and to curb foreign-owned social media platforms’ power. Under the law, the
companies are expected to negotiate deals with publishing companies, but if negotiations stall, a third party would
decide how much should be paid.

41. What is the name of Australia’s proposed law that mandates a bargaining code that aims to force Google and
Facebook to compensate media companies for using their content
(a) Media and Digital Platforms Bargaining Code Bill 2020
(b) News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Code Bill 2020
(c) Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code Bill 2020
(d) News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code Bill 2020

42. What does ACCC stands for

(a) Australian Competition and Consumer Code
(b) Australian Consumer and Competition Commission
(c) Australian Consumer Complaint Commission
(d) Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

43. Which of these is incorrect about the law passed

(a) It is named the News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code Bill 2021.
(b) It mandates a bargaining code that aims to force Google and Facebook to compensate media companies for
using their content.
(c) It mandates that these platforms negotiate with publishers of news regarding payment for their content.
(d) None of these

44. Which of this is not the issue involved as a consequence of which the new code has been brought up
(a) The media industry is already benefiting from traffic routed to them by the digital platforms, and that the proposed
rules would expose the Internet companies to “unmanageable levels of financial and operational risk”.
(b) Journalism is a public good and a pillar of democracy. Digital platforms piggyback on its content without sharing
the associated costs.
(c) The subsequent diversion of advertising revenue has undermined traditional media, particularly regional
(d) Big tech and social media giants like Facebook and Google will have to pay local news outlets for using their

45. Who has been appointed as India's next High Commissioner to Australia
(a) Manpreet Vohra (b) Taranjit Singh Sandhu
(c) Gaitri Issar Kumar (d) Vikram Misri
Passage (Q.46-Q.50): SC plans exclusive courts for cheque cases
The Supreme Court on Wednesday said a committee should be formed to resolve the problem of pendency of cheque
bounce cases, which from 30% to 40% of the backlog in trial courts and a sizeable chunk of the pile-up in High Courts.
A Bench led by Chief Justice of India Sharad A. Bobde is hearing a suo motu case on the high pendency of cheque
bounce cases across the country.
The Bench did not agree with a March 2 memorandum of the Union Ministry of Finance suggesting alternatives to the
apex court’s push for setting up additional courts to quickly hear and decide such cases under the Negotiable
Instruments Act. The court, instead, reminded the government of its obligation under Article 247 of the Constitution
to establish additional courts for the “better administration of the laws of Parliament”.
“Prima facie we are of the view that the Article confers a power coupled with duty on the Union of India to establish
additional courts, for better administration of laws made by Parliament. There is no doubt or dispute about the fact
that matters under the Negotiable Instruments Act have posed what by now has become an intractable problem
accounting for close to 30 to 40 percent of the pendency in the trial courts and a very high percentage in the High
Courts also,” the court order said.
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46. Which bench of the Supreme Court has proposed setting up fast-track courts for a limited time to clear dishonoured
cheque cases
(a) Single Bench (b) Divisional Bench (c) Three Bench (d) Constitutional Bench

47. Under which section of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 2018, Supreme Court proposed to set up fast-track courts
(a) 103 (b) 121 (c) 138 (d) 133

48. The government has both power and an obligation under which Article of the Constitution to set up “additional courts”
to better the administration of laws enacted by Parliament, including the Negotiable Instruments Act, which deals with
(a) Article 237 (b) Article 243 (c) Article 232 (d) Article 247

49. Which of these is not the part of reforms suggested?

(a) Establishment of Indian Courts and Tribunal Services to focus on the administrative aspects of the legal system.
(b) Deployment of technology to improve efficiency of the courts, e.g.eCourts Mission Mode Project and the National
Judicial Data Grid being rolled-out in phases by the Ministry of Law and Justice.
(c) Setting up of Tribunals, Fast Track Courts and Special Courts to dispense important cases at the earliest.
(d) None of these

50. Whom has been recommended as a successor of current CJI by SA Bobdehimself

(a) DY Chndrachudh (b) Uday Umesh Lalit (c) N. V. Ramana (d) Ajay ManikraoKhanwilkar

Passage (Q.51-Q.55): Mizoram group seeks asylum for coup-hit Myanmar villagers
As the Myanmar security forces intensify their crackdown on peaceful civilian protesters, demonstrations against the
coup have been held in many parts of the world – including right next door in Mizoram, which shares a 404-km-long,
porous border with Myanmar’s [1] State.
While the rest of India nonchalantly observes the tragic events unfolding in their eastern neighbour, the Mizo Zirlai
Pawl – the apex Mizo students body – on February 3 organised a sit-in demonstration in the capital Aizawl in solidarity
with the people of Myanmar, specially the [1] who are the ethnic brethren of the Mizos and Kukis of India.
The MZP headquarters in Lunglei organised a similar gathering roughly a week later on February 11 in conjunction
with the Welfare Organisation based in that town.
On March 19, the border town of Champhai on Mizoram’s eastern flank witnessed another demonstration led by the
MZP that saw students and others lining the streets carrying banners and placards. The Mara Students Organisation
followed suit in Mizoram’s southernmost town of Saiha, the capital of the Mara Autonomous District Council adjoining
Myanmar’s [1] State.

51. The Chin community and the Mizos in India belong to the which ethnic group, which share the same ancestry
(a) Zo (b) Koireng (c) Ao Naga (d) Dimasa

52. Who is the current CM of Mizoram?

(a) Neiphiu Rio (b) NongthombamBiren Singh
(c) Zoramthanga (d) Lal Thanhawla
53. Which of these has been replaced by [1] in the passage?
(a) Chin State (b) Rakhine State (c) Shan State (d) Mon state

54. Which of these statements is incorrect about United Nations Refugee Convention 1951
(a) It is a United Nations multilateral treaty that defines who is a refugee, and sets out the rights of individuals who
are granted asylum and the responsibilities of nations that grant asylum.
(b) It grants certain rights to people fleeing persecution because of race, religion, nationality, affiliation to a particular
social group, or political opinion.
(c) The Convention also provides for some visa-free travel for holders of travel documents issued under the
(d) India is a member of this convention.

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55. Under FMR every member of the hill tribes, who is either a citizen of India or a citizen of Myanmar and who is resident
of any area within _______km on either side of the Indo-Myanmar Border (IMB) can cross the border with a border
(a) 10 (b) 15 (c) 18 (d) 16

Passage (Q.56-Q.60): “Glacial burst” in Uttarakhand

Union Minister of State for Home Nityanand Rai said the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has
constituted a joint study team of experts from different institutes and organisations of central and state governments
to understand the causes of the flash floods in river Rishiganga and Dhauliganga, and to suggest mitigation and
preparedness measures to prevent such events.
He said the government of Uttarakhand has also constituted a committee to review the glacial natural lakes and their
"As per information received from the state government of Uttarakhand, 74 bodies have been recovered so far and
130 persons are still reported missing. The state government has announced an ex-gratia of ₹4 lakh each for the next
of kin of those who have lost their lives due to the incident," Rai said in a written reply.

56. Recently, a glacial break in the Tapovan-Reni area of which District of Uttarakhand
(a) Bageshwa (b) Chamoli (c) Pithoragarh (d) Almora

57. What was the name of a 520 MW run-of-river hydroelectric project that was being constructed on DhauligangaRiver
(a) BawlaNandprayag (b) Kishau Dam (c) Loharinag Pala (d) TapovanVishnugad

58. According to the topography and the location of the glacier, it cannot be categorized as
(a) Mountain Glacier (b) Continental Glacier (c) Rock Glaciers (d) None of these

59. Retreating glaciers, like several in the Himalayas, usually result in the formation of lakes at their tips, called
(a) proglacial lakes (b) Fluvial lakes (c) Fresh water lakes (d) Aeolian lakes

60. Dhauliganga river originates from the largest glacial lake in Uttarakhand known as
(a) Vasudhara Tal (b) Kedar Tal (c) Brahma Tal (d) Dodi Tal

Passage (Q.61-Q.65): Unprecedented fuel prices rising

Facing political bouncers from the Opposition during the debate on the Finance Bill in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday on
the fuel price hike, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman returned the favour with an economic googly.
Several members of opposition parties launched an attack on the government over all-time high rates of taxes and
fuel prices as the Lok Sabha discussed The Finance Bill, 2021.
During the day, Opposition MPs complained that high prices of diesel, petrol and LPG were hurting the common man
across the country as they asked the Centre to reduce these rates.
In response to the debate, Nirmala Sitharaman said, “Members raised a point to bring petrol and diesel under GST.
Highest tax today on petrol and diesel is in Maharashtra. I am not pointing out whether one state is more or less. The
point is that states also tax fuel, not just the Centre. When Centre taxes, it is part of the amount which is devolved

61. Which of these statements is wrong about Fuel price dynamics in India
(a) Retail petrol and diesel prices are in theory decontrolled — or linked to global crude oil prices.
(b) oil price decontrol is a one-way street in India
(c) if crude prices fall retails prices should increase, and vice versa
(d) When global crude oil prices fall and prices slide, the government slaps fresh taxes and levies to ensure that it
rakes in extra revenues.

62. Why crude oil prices are rising now?

(a) Prices collapsed in April 2020 after the pandemic spread around the world, and demand fell away.
(b) But as economies have reduced travel restrictions and factory output has picked up, global demand has improved,
and prices have been recovering.
(c) The controlled production of crude amid rising demand has been another key factor in boosting oil prices, with
Saudi Arabia voluntarily cutting its daily output.
(d) All of these

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63. Excise duty on petrol has been raised from Rs 9.48 per litre in 2014 to
(a) Rs 32.90 (b) Rs 31.80 (c) Rs 33.10 (d) Rs 31.60

64. Which of these countries is not the part of OPEC

(a) Iran (b) Iraq (c) India (d) Libya

65. The present government has implemented the dynamic pricing, according to that, which of these does not comes
under GST
(a) LPG (b) Furnace Oil (c) Light Diesel (d) Crude Oil

Passage (Q.66-Q.70): J&K restores 4G mobile Internet

The J&K Union Territory administration on Friday said the high speed 4G Internet services would be restored by later
in the day evening so that people of the Valley can sit inside their homes, thereby effectively containing the global
pandemic COVID-19.
Talking to Radio Kashmir government spokesperson Rohit Kansal said the decision was taken in a high-level meeting
on late on Thursday chaired by Lieutenant Governor G.M. Murmu in Jammu.
He said after consensus it was agreed that only high-speed Internet can keep the Kashmiri people inside their homes.
"We thought of imposing curfew but that won't keep people at home in this part of the world. Best is to give them 4G
speed internet," he said.
Kansal said the Lieutenant Governor was also informed about the recent catfight, over the closing of educational
institutes, between the Srinagar Municipal Corporation Mayor Junaid Azim Mattu and Divisional Commissioner
Kashmir Baseer Khan.
He said the LG appreciated the fight on the ground that under his leadership everybody was showing concern for the
common masses.

66. The union territory of Jammu and Kashmir is administered under the provisions of which Article of the Constitution of
(a) Article 370 (b) Article 35 (c) Article 235 (d) Article 239

67. High speed internet services in J&K were suspended in

(a) August 2018 (b) August 2019 (c) May 2019 (d) December 2018

68. The internet could be restored in how many district of Jammu region and Kashmir region
(a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 5

69. In August 2020, 4G services were resumed on a trial basis in two districts- Udhampur and
(a) Reasi (b) Kishtawar (c) Ganderbal (d) Ramban

70. Internet shutdowns by themselves were historically expressed under which Section of CrPC
(a) Section 142 (b) Section 124 (c) Section 140 (d) Section 144

Passage (Q.71-Q.75): Centre ready to introduce Bill defining Delhi govt., L-G powers
The Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Act, 2021, passed by Rajya Sabha following an
uproar and subsequent walkout by the Opposition, on March 24, has once again revived the fight over jurisdictional
powers between Delhi’s elected government, the Centre and its nominated administrator – the Lieutenant Governor.
Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal, who had won a pyrrhic victory in July 2018 following a five-judge Constitution
Bench verdict from the Supreme Court that had settled Delhi’s power arithmetic in the elected government’s favour,
has decided to challenge the amended GNCTD Act in the apex court.
Critics of the amendment – Opposition politicians, several legal luminaries and votaries of federalism – have
unanimously dubbed the amended law as unconstitutional. Kejriwal’s AamAadmi Party claims the BJP-led central
government has brought the new law out of vengeance as the saffron party lost three consecutive assembly polls in
Delhi to AAP.

71. Which Section of the 1991 Act says that all executive actions of the LG, whether taken on the advice of his Ministers
or otherwise shall be expressed to be taken in the name of the LG.
(a) Section 44 (b) Section 42 (c) Section 34 (d) Section 54

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72. The court in the landmark verdict of 2018 said that the status of the LG of Delhi is not that of a Governor of a State,
and held that the LG’s concurrence is not required on issues other than
(a) Police (b) Land (c) Public order (d) All of these

73. Delhi’s current status as a Union Territory with a Legislative Assembly is an outcome of the which Amendment Act
(a) 59th Amendment Act (b) 67th Amendment Act
(c) 40th Amendment Act (d) 69th Amendment Act

74. The Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD) Act outlines the powers of the
(a) Assembly (b) the discretionary powers enjoyed by the LG
(c) the duties of the Chief Minister (d) All of these

75. Who is the current Lt. Governor of Delhi (NCT)

(a) Shri Acharya Dev Vrat (b) Shri Anil Baijal
(c) Shri Praful Patel (d) Shri Satya Pal Malik

Passage (Q.76-Q.80): The International Criminal Court (ICC) convicted a Ugandan child soldier-turned-Lord’s
Resistance Army commander
The International Criminal Court (ICC) has allocated three hours to convicted former Lord Resistance Army (LRA)
commander DominicOngwen, nicknamed [1] and his lawyers to mitigate his would-be sentence, which will be
pronounced in the near future.
On February 4, Ongwen was found guilty of 61 offences of war crimes and crimes against humanity that he committed
between 2003 and 2004 in Northern Uganda under rebellion leader Joseph Kony. However, the Chamber reserved
his sentencing for another date.
He was facing 70 counts in total. “For the foregoing reasons, the Chamber hereby schedules the hearing on sentence
for Wednesday, April 14 and April 15 at 9.30 hours,” reads in part a communication from The Hague-based court.
Adding: “The parties and participants shall be allocated time for their oral submissions as follows:-prosecution: three
hours;-legal representatives of victims: 1.5 hours to divide between them; and-defence, including Dominic Ongwen
himself: three hours.”
During the mitigation session, the chief ICC prosecutor, Ms Fatou Bensouda will move court to pass a deterrent
sentence against Ongwen while the defence lawyers led by Mr KrispusAyena Odongo will ask for a lenient sentence
on his behalf. It’s after the mitigation session that the court will set a date for passing its sentence against Ongwen.
The Rome Statute does not provide for a death penalty as one of its punishments.

76. For how many charges was Dominic Ongwen was found guilty of over a reign of terror in the early 2000s, including
the first conviction by the ICC for the crime of forced pregnancy.
(a) 55 (b) 61 (c) 99 (d) 101

77. Which of these has been replaced by [1] in the above passage
(a) Red Ant (b) Black Ant (c) White Ant (d) Brown Ant

78. The LRA was founded three decades ago by former Catholic altar boy and self-styled prophet Kony. The group
originated in Northern Uganda as a movement to fight for the rights of the
(a) Acholi people (b) Banyala people (c) Aringa people (d) Lendu people

79. The International Criminal Court (ICC) is an intergovernmental organization and international tribunal headquartered
(a) Geneva (b) Hague (c) Brussels (d) Vienna

80. The LRA was founded three decades ago by former Catholic altar boy and self-styled prophet Kony, who launched a
bloody rebellion in northern Uganda against President
(a) Yoweri Museveni (b) Yusuf Lule (c) Edward Mutesa (d) Milton Obote

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Passage (Q.81-Q.85): Jal Jeevan Mission Urban [JJM(U)]
After setting the ball rolling in the rural areas, the Government of India took another much-needed initiative Jal Jeevan
Mission (urban) to realise its vision of [1]. The Finance Minister of India Nirmala Sitharaman announced the launch of
JJM(U) while presenting the Union Budget 2021 on Adopting technology-based solutions for the removal of
contaminants to ensure potability of water supplied. Retrofitting of completed and ongoing schemes to provide
functional tap connections at a minimum service level of 55 litres per capita per day (lpcd) Greywater management,
Extend support to activities like IEC, HRD, training, development of utilities, water quality laboratories, water quality
testing & surveillance, R&D, knowledge centre, capacity building of communities, etc. JAL JEEVAN MISSION
(URBAN) After setting the ball rolling in the rural areas, the Government of India took another much-needed initiative
Jal Jeevan Mission (urban) to realise its vision of ‘[1].

81. The mission has been launched under the auspices of which of the following?
(a) Housing and Urban Affairs (b) Ministry of Earth Sciences
(c) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (d) Ministry of Jal Shakti (Water)

82. It complements the Jal Jeevan Mission (Rural) which envisages supply of 55 litres of water per person per day to
every rural household through
(a) Functional Housing-board Tap Connections (b) Government Household Tap Connections
(c) Functional Household Water Connections (d) Functional Household Tap Connections

83. Sitharaman had said that the new ministry would ensure that every rural household gets piped water by 2024 under
the Jal Jeevan Mission and that the government is committed to its mission of [1]
(a) Har Ghar Jal (b) Jal Jeevan
(c) Pey Jal Survekshan (d) Pradhan Mantri Pey Jal Yojana

84. Who is the current minister of Housing and Urban Affairs

(a) Hardeep Singh Puri (b) Prahalad Singh Patel
(c) Santosh Gangwar (d) Pralhad Joshi

85. In how many AMRUT cities, coverage of sewerage/septage management is to be covered as per Jal Jeevan Mission
(a) 300 (b) 450 (c) 500 (d) 600

Passage (Q.86-Q.91): Foreign troops to stay in Afghanistan beyond May’ and US Taliban Peace deal
US-led troops will remain in Afghanistan beyond the deadline laid down in a peace deal with the Taliban because the
militants have failed to comply with the agreement, NATO officials said on Sunday.
The move casts doubt on the future of the agreement signed last year, under which international troops would
withdraw before May in return for the insurgents fulfilling security guarantees. The Afghan government and others say
the Taliban has failed to meet the deal’s conditions, with an escalation in violence and a failure to cut ties with militant
groups such as Al-Qaeda.
There will be no full withdrawal by allies by the end of April,” a senior NATO official said. Conditions have not been
met. And with the new US administration there will be tweaks in the policy, the sense of hasty withdrawal that was
prevalent will be addressed, and we could see a much more calculated exit strategy.

86. Which of these is not the part of Biden’s proposal

(a) UN-led conference of representatives of Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran, India and the US to discuss a unified
approach to support peace in Afghanistan.
(b) The people of Afghanistan do not have any good options. If Ghani rejects the American offer, the war will continue
(c) It urges both sides including the Taliban to reach a consensus on Afghanistan’s future constitutional and
governing arrangements.
(d) It asks to find a road map to a new “inclusive government”; and agree on the terms of a “permanent and
comprehensive ceasefire”.

87. At a recent United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting, convened under which Formula, India called for an
“immediate comprehensive ceasefire” in Afghanistan, while welcoming all opportunities to bring peace to the country.
(a) 7-7-7 Formula (b) Sisyphus Formula (c) Arria Formula (d) None of these

88. Who is the current President of Afghanistan

(a) Amrullah Saleh (b) Zalmay Khalilzad
(c) Abdul Rashid Dostum (d) Ashraf Ghani

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89. According to NATO, what is the estimated number of troops in Afghanistan in addition to US Soldiers
(a) 1000 (b) 10000 (c) 15000 (d) 5000

90. Which of these is not the objective of the US-Taliban Peace deal
(a) An end to violence by declaring a ceasefire.
(b) An intra-Afghan dialogue for a lasting peace.
(c) The Taliban will provide US with financial sources of terrorist organisations such as al Qaed(a)
(d) U.S. troop withdrawal by April 2021.

91. Which port is the most tangible symbol of India-Iran-Afghanistan trilateral cooperation
(a) Chabahar port (b) Abadan port (c) Ahvaz port (d) Bushehr

Passage (Q.92-Q.96): NAGA peace deal

The largest Naga armed group - National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN-IM), which has been involved with
peace talks since 1997, on Wednesday claimed through a press release that the Naga political talk teams are back
on the table and the talk would continue under the 2015 framework agreement that was signed by the Centre and
NSCN(IM) for paving way to the final solution.
NSCN(IM) has also heavily criticised Nagaland Governor and Centre's interlocutor for the peace talks RN Ravi
alleging that he had been "creating unnecessary confusion".
The NSCN (IM), in a release issued by its Ministry of Information and Publicity, said that the historic "Framework
Agreement (FA)" signed on the August 3, 2015 is being brought back to live in order to remove any misinterpretation
and thereby hasten the signing of Naga solution agreement. It has been a year since the talks went into a deadlock.
"It is needless to say that in many points of his statements and conclusions reflected his role as Nagaland Governor
and not as Interlocutor. It is a matter of regret that his role as interlocutor is nothing less than disparaging and dismal,"
the group has written in the press release.

92. The Naga Hills became part of British India in

(a) 1881 (b) 1891 (c) 1931 (d) 1929

93. The Central Government views Nagaland as a "disturbed area" and has kept the state under a draconian
(a) Armed Forces Special Powers Act (b) The Armed Forces Act
(c) The Special Armed Forces Act (d) Special Powers and Arms Act

94. Which article of the Constitution of India confers power to the Central Government to protect every state from internal
(a) Article 355 (b) Article 345 (c) Article 335 (d) Article 325

95. The Governor had expressed his anguish over the culture of extortion and the collapse of general law and order
situation in Nagaland, where organised armed gangs run their own parallel ‘tax collection’ regimes. Who is the
(a) Mr. R.N. Ravi (b) Shri P.S. Sreedharan Pillai
(c) Shri Satya Pal Malik (d) None of these

96. Who among these recognised the “unique history and the situation of the Nagas” and created a ceasefire monitoring
group in 2001.
(a) H. (D)Deve Gowda (b) P. V. Narasihma Rao
(c) Atal Bihari Vajpayee (d) Manmohan Singh

Passage (Q.97-Q.101): National Hydrogen Energy Mission

India’s petroleum and natural gas minister Dharmendra Pradhan on Tuesday said that there is an increased push for
adopting “hydrogen fuel mix."
This comes in the backdrop of India’s National Hydrogen Energy Mission in the works, which may mandate fertilizer,
steel and petrochemicals industries to shift to green hydrogen use.
Green hydrogen gas is produced by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen using an electrolyzer, that may be
powered by electricity generated from clean energy sources such as wind and solar, or ‘green’ hydrogen.
“Our oil and gas companies are already developing projects for use of hydrogen as fuel," Pradhan added.
There is growing interest in the space, as India is running the largest renewable energy project, with record low solar
and wind power tariffs and Solar Energy Corp. of India looking to invite bids to build green hydrogen plants. Apart
from state-owned firms, such as NTPC Ltd and Indian Oil Corp. Ltd, private companies Greenko, Adani Group and
Acme Solar Holdings Ltd have been tying up with technology providers too.
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97. India's ambitious goal of ________ GW by 2022 got an impetus in the 2021-22 budget which allocated Rs. 1500 crore
for renewable energy development and NHM.
(a) 165 (b) 157 (c) 175 (d) 170

98. Which of these is not a type of hydrogen

(a) Grey Hydrogen (b) Green Hydrogen (c) Blue Hydrogen (d) Yellow Hydrogen

99. As per National Hydrogen Energy Mission advantages of Hydrogen fuel, which one of these is not the advantage of
hydrogen fuel
(a) It has near zero carbon footprint. The electricity to extract hydrogen comes from fossil fuels.
(b) It can be stored in tanks such as CNG and can be integrated into car's be,lies.
(c) The average that can be provided is about 500 kilometre or 400 miles per charge.
(d) There are 500 hydrogen stations globally

100. Which of these is a State-run power generator that already signed an MoU with Siemens for production of green
hydrogen from the company’s renewable energy plants and its use in transportation
(a) BHEL (b) SAIL (c) NTPC (d) TISCO

101. Which of this has been replaced by [1] in the above passage
(a) Harsh Vardhan (b) RK Singh
(c) Dharmendra Pradhan (d) Mahendra Nath Pandey

Passage (Q.102-Q.106): East Container Terminal (ECT) at the Colombo Port

Sri Lanka on Tuesday said it will develop the [1] at the Colombo Port along with India and Japan. The decision comes
a month after the Rajapaksa government ejected the two partners from a tripartite agreement to jointly develop
the East Container Terminal (ECT), citing resistance to “foreign involvement”.
Addressing the media on decisions taken at Monday’s Cabinet meeting, spokesperson KeheliyaRambukwella said
approval had been granted to develop the [1] with investors nominated by India and Japan. While the High
Commission of India had “approved” Adani Ports, which was to invest in the ECT project earlier, Japan is yet to
name an investor, according to officially published Cabinet decisions.
Neither India nor Japan has officially commented on the offer, or on the said private investment from the countries.
According to official sources in New Delhi, Colombo had been in talks directly with potential investor Adani Group,
while the government “was not part of” the discussions.
Further, official sources in Colombo expressed surprise at the mention of the Indian High Commission in the Cabinet
decision, pointing out that it was the Government of Sri Lanka, and not a foreign mission, that would “approve”
investments coming into the island nation.

102. In which year India and Sri Lanka signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for “co-operation on economic
(a) 2017 (b) 2018 (c) 2019 (d) 2020

103. Which of the following will replace [1] in the above passage?
(a) North Container Terminal (NCT) (b) South Container Terminal (SCT)
(c) East Container Terminal (ECT) (d) West Container Terminal (WCT)

104. In the ECT project agreed upon earlier, the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) was to hold a majority stake of
(a) 51% (b) 100% (c) 60% (d) 72%

105. Which of these is not significant for India

(a) The WCT is adjacent to the China-run CICT and just a couple of kilometres away from the China-backed Port
City being built on reclaimed land, making it a strategically desirable spot for Indi(a)
(b) It will support India in accomplishment of its strategic vision (SAGAR) for the Indian Ocean
(c) countering China’s String of Pearls strategy
(d) Increasing trade with Australia and other countries leading to growth of GNDP

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106. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had signed an agreement for extending a USD _____ million currency swap facility
to Sri Lanka to boost the foreign reserves and ensure financial stability of the country, which was badly hit by Covid
19 pandemic.
(a) USD 250 (b) USD 300 (c) USD 350 (d) USD 400

Passage (Q.107-Q.111): The Information Technology (Guidelines for Intermediaries and Digital Media Ethics
Code) Rules, 2021
Digital media has been largely unregulated and allowed complete creative freedom to content creators. Increased
consumption of content by the Indian audience also resulted in a massive growth in the number of OTT Platforms
launched in India, catering to the diverse sensibilities of the Indian audience. However, this also resulted in numerous
controversies, with several shows, both Indian and foreign, being dragged into disputes on questions of obscenity,
defamation, hurting of religious sentiments, etc. The ministry of information and broadcast (MIB) has in the past year
stressed on some form of regulation of OTT Platforms to streamline the sector and held consultations with several
stakeholders. In this background, the MIB recently notified the Information Technology (Guidelines for Intermediaries
and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules 2021 (Rules).
The new rules require OTT platforms to set up a robust three-tier grievance redressal mechanism. The first level will
comprise regulation by the OTT Platform itself through a grievance officer. The second level will be an institutional
self-regulatory body formed by publishers of content and their associations. This self-regulatory body will comprise
industry experts headed by a retired Supreme Court/ High Court judge /eminent personality in the relevant field. At
the third level is an inter-department committee constituted by the MIB that will provide oversight and hear appeals
for decisions taken at level two or if a complaint is referred to the inter-department committee by MIB.

107. Which of these is not one those guidelines related to Social Media that to be Administered by Ministry of Electronics
and IT
(a) The Rules prescribe due diligence that must be followed by intermediaries, including social media intermediaries.
(b) to establish a grievance redressal mechanism for receiving resolving complaints from the users or victims
(c) Ensuring Online Safety and Dignity of users, especially Women Users
(d) Automatic deletion of Booth accounts (Unknown accounts not active for more than 30 days)

108. Safe Harbour Provision is given under which of the following sections of the IT Act?
(a) Section 69 (b) Section 74 (c) Section 79 (d) Section 84

109. Which of the following is not one of the categories of self-classification of content on OTT?
(a) U (b) U/A12 (c) U/A 16 (d) A

110. Publisher shall appoint a Grievance Redressal Officer based in India who shall be responsible for the redressal of
grievances received by it. The officer shall take decision on every grievance received by it within
(a) 7 Days (b) 15 Days (c) 30 Days (d) 48 Hours

111. The self-regulatory body referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be headed by a retired judge of the Supreme Court or of a
High Court, who shall be appointed from a panel prepared by the Ministry, and have other members, not exceeding
(a) Five (b) Six (c) Seven (d) 4+ Ministry Chairperson

Passage (Q.112-Q.116): Biden Attempt to revive Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and IAEA
Since President Biden took office and put his national security team in place, we have wondered about the future of
the Iran Nuclear Deal. In the past weeks, the Biden Administration has taken formal steps to possibly restore the Joint
Comprehensive Plan of Action (i.e., JCPOA or Iran Nuclear Deal).
In 2015, the JCPOA lifted many of the secondary sanctions on Iran (i.e., sanctions that could be imposed on non-
U.S. activities involving Iran) as part of the agreement reached between Iran and the P5 + 1. In exchange, Iran agreed
to dismantle a large part of its nuclear program and allow for monitoring and inspection of its nuclear facilities by
international inspectors. Also in exchange of these commitments, Iran would be for relieved from certain U.N.

112. Which one of these is not the part of P5+1

(a) Russia (b) India (c) Germany (d) France

113. While withdrawing from the JCPOA, Donald Trump embarked on which of the following policies?
(a) Maximum Pressure (b) Fair and Equitable Deal
(c) Maximum Coercion (d) Total Abandonment Deal

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114. Under the JCPOA deal, Iran agreed to curb its nuclear activity in return for the lifting of sanctions and access to global
trade. The agreement allowed Iran to
(a) accumulate small amounts of uranium for research
(b) redesign a heavy-water reactor being built, whose spent fuel would contain plutonium suitable for a bomb and to
allow international inspections.
(c) negotiate a new nuclear accor(d)
(d) All of these

115. Iran agreed to eventually implement a protocol that would allow inspectors from ____________the United Nations’
nuclear watchdog, unfettered access to its nuclear facilities and potentially to undeclared sites.
(a) International Atomic Energy Agency (b) European Organization for Nuclear Research
(c) Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (d) International Energy Agency

116. International Atomic Energy Agency was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in which year?
(a) 2019 (b) 2008 (c) 2005 (d) 2001

Passage (Q.117-Q.121): Model Code of Conduct and Assembly Elections

Assembly elections in four states and one Union Territory will begin from 27 March, 2021 and the polling process will
end on 2 May.
Nearly 18.68 crore electors are eligible to cast their votes at 2.7 lakh polling stations in Tamil Nadu, West Bengal,
Kerala, Assam and Puducherry during the period, Chief Election Commissioner Sunil Arora said in a press conference
on Friday.
With the announcement of the polling dates, the Model of Conduct has come into force in the four states and one
Union Territory. Here is an overview of what it entails.
Model Code of Conduct is a set of guidelines issued by the Election Commission to regulate political parties and
candidates prior to elections, to ensure free and fair polls. This is in keeping with [1] of the Constitution, which gives
Election Commission the power to supervise elections to the Parliament and state legislatures.
The idea behind MCC is that political parties and their candidates should have a respectable competition with their
opponents, have constructive criticism against the opponent's policies and not resort to mudslinging and personal
attacks. The MCC is intended to help the poll campaign maintain high standards of public morality and provide a level
playing field for all parties and candidates.

117. Which of the following will replace [1] in the above passage?
(a) Article 322 (b) Article 323 (c) Article 324 (d) Article 325

118. Model Code of Conduct was first introduced in ahead of the which state Assembly election in 1960
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Karnataka (c) Kerala (d) Gujarat

119. What malpractices by parties, made EC released a revised Model Code of Conduct with seven parts, with one part
devoted to the party in power and what it could and could not do once elections were announced
I. ruling parties monopolised public spaces, making it difficult for others to hold meetings.
II. party in power publishing advertisements at the cost of the public exchequer to influence voters.
III. misuse of official machinery by parties in power
(a) only III (b) both I and III (c) both I and II (d) All I, II and III
120. The MCC is operational from the date that the election schedule is announced till
(a) The date that results are announced (b) The date of the polling
(c) Two days after the polling (d) One day before the election

121. What kind of Status does the MCC enjoys?

(a) Statutory Backing (b) Constitutional Backing
(c) Election Commission Guideline (d) It has not backing at all

Passage (Q.122-Q.126): Civil War in Yemen and recent developments

Hours after Saudi Arabia proposed a cease-fire to end [1]’s six-year war, jets from the Saudi-led coalition bombed
military positions in the capital of Sana’a belonging to the Iran-backed Houthi rebels. We shouldn’t be surprised. It is
not unusual in long-running wars for a truce to be followed by a spasm of fighting, as the belligerents try to gain some
advantage they can use at the negotiating table.
But if that is what the coalition was seeking, it is certain to be disappointed. The rebels, having dismissed the Saudi
offer as “not serious and [containing] nothing new,” are working toward a more ambitious goal: the capture of Marib in
the eponymous hydrocarbon-rich governorate east of Sana’a.

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The Houthis are determined to take the town, which would consolidate their control of northern and central [1]. The
Saudis and their allies appear just as keen to prevent Marib from falling into rebel hands. Discussions about ending
what the United Nations calls the world’s worst humanitarian crisis may have to wait until the outcome of this battle.

122. Which Country is being discussed in the above passage as [1]

(a) Lebanon (b) Syria (c) Somalia (d) Yemen

123. Along with the ongoing civil war, the United States continues counterterrorism operations in Yemen, relying mainly
on airstrikes to target the militants of
(a) Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (b) The Islamic State (ISIS)
(c) Boko Haram (d) None of these

124. The Yemeni Civil War is an ongoing conflict between two factions: the Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi-led Yemeni
government and the
(a) Ali Abdullah Saleh allies (b) Houthi armed movement
(c) new Salafi movement (d) None of these

125. Which of these is/are the domestic opponents to the Houthis

(a) The new Salafi movement, who oppose them on religious grounds,
(b) The Islah Party affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, who fight the Houthis on political grounds,
(c) A broad array of nationalists, liberals, and others, who contest their rule by force of arms
(d) All of these

126. India launched a massive air and sea operation to evacuate over 4000 Indian nationals from Yemen in April 2015,
(a) Operation Airlift (b) Operation Madad (c) Operation Raahat (d) Operation Nistar

Passage (Q.127-Q.131): India ‘out of recession’, GDP grows 0.4% & V shaped recovery.
After contracting as much as 15.8 per cent in the April to September period of FY ’21 – a 24.4 per cent fall in the first
quarter and a 7.3 per cent slide in the July to September quarter (revised data) – due to the Covid-19 pandemic and
national and regional lockdowns, economists had predicted that the GDP growth would see a marginal expansion in
the October-to-December quarter. Therefore, after two consecutive quarters of a waterfall-like slide, the data for the
third quarter released by the National Statistical Organisation (NSO) on February 27 did not come as a surprise, as
gross domestic product for Q3 returned to year-on-year growth, although of a small magnitude and on a low base,
thus putting an end to India’s technical recession.
While the GDP was expected to return to positive territory, there was uncertainty about the extent of steady recovery,
which had begun in the last quarter. According to average estimates of 10 economists polled by Bloomberg, the GDP
was expected to grow 0.5 per cent in the third quarter. State Bank of India’s chief economist Soumya Kanti Ghosh
had projected the GDP growth to be around 0.3 per cent, based on the bank’s ‘SBI Nowcasting Model’. The rating
agency ICRA had estimated a rise of 0.7 per cent, while DBS Bank predicted the third quarterly growth to be at 1.7
per cent. The NSO data shows India’s Q3 GDP growth rate was in line with expectations: a marginal rise at 0.4 per
cent, reaffirming that the economy has managed to exit the pandemic-led slump by 2020-end.

127. The NSO has revised its advance national income estimates for FY21 to project decline in GDP by
(a) 7% (b) 7.3% (c) 8% (d) 7.8%

128. Which of these statements about GDP is incorrect

I. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the monetary value of all finished goods and services made within a country
during a specific period.
II. GDP provides an economic snapshot of a country, used to estimate the size of an economy and growth rate.
III. GDP can be calculated in only two ways, using expenditures and production.
(a) I and III are correct (b) Only II is correct
(c) I and II both are incorrect (d) Only III is incorrect

129. A technical recession is when a country faces a continuous decline for

(a) three consecutive quarters in the GDP
(b) two consecutive quarters in the GDP
(c) two consecutive years in the GDP
(d) None of these

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130. The economic recovery is also the result of which of the following missions announced last year?
(a) Pradhan Mantri Gram Kalyan Yojna (b) Atmanirbhar Bharat
(c) Pradhan Mantri ArthvyavasthaYojna (d) All of the above

131. According to OECD India is pegged to grow as fastest country in the World with ______% growth in Financial Year
(a) 11.8% (b) 12.6% (c) 9.7% (d) 10.6%

Passage (Q.132-Q.136): India to Gift 2 lakh Covid Vaccine Doses to UN Peacekeepers

The 200,000 doses of Covid-19 vaccines, announced as a gift by India, will be sent to the UN peacekeepers on March
27 and then will be distributed to the peacekeeping missions. The announcement that India will gift 200,000 Covid-
19 doses for UN peacekeepers was made by External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar in February.
During his address in the UN Security Council open debate on the implementation of resolution 2532 (2020) on the
cessation of hostilities in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, Jaishankar had said that keeping in mind the UN
Peacekeepers who operate in such difficult circumstances, India would like to announce a gift of 200,000 doses for
Quoting the Bhagvad Gita, Jaishankar had said “Do your work with the welfare of others always in mind.”
The 200,000 doses essentially mean that it will be possible to administer the required double doses of Covid-19
vaccines to all UN peacekeepers across missions. According to UN Peacekeeping, as of January 31, 2021 a total of
85,782 personnel are serving in 12 peacekeeping operations across the world led by the Department of Peace
A total of 121 nations are contributing uniformed personnel to the UN peacekeeping missions. India is traditionally
among the largest troop contributing countries to peacekeeping missions.

132. India will send 200,000 doses of which COVID-19 vaccines to the UN peacekeepers.
(a) Covishield (b) Covaxin (c) AstraZeneca (d) All of these

133. External Affairs Minister had announced this while addressing “UN Security Council open debate on implementation
of resolution 2532 (2020) on cessation of hostilities” in the line of COVID-19 pandemic. Who is the current External
Affairs Minister
(a) Dharmendra Pradhan (b) S Jaishankar
(c) Pralhad Joshi (d) Prahlad Singh Patel

134. How many nations are contributing uniformed personnel for UN peacekeeping missions.
(a) 110 (b) 121 (c) 140 (d) 84

135. The peacekeepers assist ex-combatants to implement peace agreements UN peacekeepers are also called as
(a) Blue Berets (b) White bonnet (c) Green helmets (d) None of these

136. Which country is the only exception to India’s regional vaccine diplomacy, which has cleared the AstraZeneca vaccine
for use, but has neither requested nor discussed any doses from India yet
(a) Afghanistan (b) Myanmar (c) Sri Lanka (d) Pakistan
Passage (Q.137-Q.141): China announces Sanctions on British Individuals & entities
China announced sanctions on [1] individuals and entities following the [1]'s joining the EU and others in sanctioning
Chinese officials accused of human rights abuses.
A statement from the Chinese Foreign Ministry said the move by the Western bloc was based on “nothing but lies and
disinformation, flagrantly breaches international law and basic norms governing international relations, grossly
interferes in China's internal affairs, and severely undermines China-[1] relations".
Several individuals and four institutions were placed on the sanctions list, including member of Parliament Iain Duncan
Smith and the Conservative Party's Human Rights Commission. Smith is a former leader of the Conservatives. China's
sanctions are the latest move in an increasingly bitter row over the region where Beijing is accused of detaining more
than 1 million members Muslim minority groups engaging in forced labour and imposing coercive birth control

137. Which of these has been replaced by [1] in the above passage
(a) India (b) USA (c) UK (d) Russia
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138. As per the statement of Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, United Kingdom had imposed unilateral sanctions
on relevant Chinese individuals and entity citing human rights issues in
(a) Guizhou (b) Zhejiang (c) Xinjiang (d) Hubei

139. Following the Chinese sanctions, how many individuals and their immediate family members have been prohibited
from entering Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Macao of China.
(a) Four (b) Five (c) Seven (d) Nine

140. United Kingdom had sanctioned Chinese Individuals citing the human rights violation with respect to Beijing’s
treatment of
(a) Kharijite Muslims (b) Uyghur Muslims (c) Kyrgyz Muslims (d) Hui Muslims

141. Who is the current Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China
(a) Wang Yi (b) Li Keqiang (c) Li Yuanchao (d) Wang Qishan

Passage (Q.142-Q.146): Haryana’s quota law

The State government notified a new law that requires [1]% of private sector jobs in the state, up to a specified salary
slab, reserved for local candidate. This has renewed the debate on whether the government force should private
companies to adopt its reservation policy in jobs. While constitutional guarantees for reservation has been limited to
public employment, attempts to extend it to private sector are not new either.
The State Employment of Local Candidates Bill, 2020 requires private companies to set aside for domiciles [1]% of
jobs up to a monthly salary of Rs 50,000 or as may be notified by the government from time to time. The Bill was
passed by the state Assembly in November. Now notified, the law is applicable to all the companies, societies, trusts,
limited liability partnership firms, partnership firms and any person employing 10 or more persons and an entity, as
may be notified by the government from time to time shall come under the ambit of this Act.

142. Which state is being discussed in the above passage

(a) Maharashtra (b) Delhi (c) Haryana (d) Andhra Pradesh

143. Which if these has been replaced by [1] in the above passage
(a) 50% (b) 75% (c) 60% (d) 45%

144. In July 2019, which state government had passed a similar law, which was challenged in court.
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Kerala (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Chhattisgarh

145. For mandating reservation in public employment, the state draws its power from which Article of the Constitution
(a) Article 16 (b) Article 334 (c) Article 35 (d) Article 332

146. Who is the current CM of Haryana

(a) Dushyant Chautala (b) Manohar Lal Khattar
(c) Bhupinder Singh Hooda (d) Om Prakash Chautala

Passage (Q.147-Q.151): Fire in Shetrunjay Hills Reserve Forest Area

Fire that broke out in Shetrunjay Hills reserve forest area, a habitat of Asiatic lions, in Bhavnagar territorial forest
division on Saturday evening, engulfed an area of around 200 hectares before the forest department brought it under
control early on Sunday.
The fire started in revenue area privately owned hills at around 2 pm on Saturday and spread to the forest at around
6.30 pm. The fire spread rapidly due to daytime heat, high velocity winds, dry grass and leave in the autumn season.
The DCF said that the fire spread to around 150 to 200 hectares before it could be controlled. “Our staff worked
overnight in firefighting operations. They lit controlled counter-fires to isolate the area where the fire was raging and
managed to control the fire around 3 am Sunday. The wind velocity and temperatures that dropped significantly at
night helped… A 10-member team camped in the area to look for any flare up but nothing was observed.
Bhavnagar territorial forest division is part of Junagadh territorial forest circle. Bhavnagar deputy conservator of forests
(DCF) Sandeep Kumar, Bhavnagar superintendent of police Jaipalsinh Rathore and incharge collector of Bhavnagar
district Varun Baranwal also rushed to the spot to oversee the firefighting operations.

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147. The officers of the Bhavnagar territorial forest division highlighted that the fire started in the revenue area of which
(a) Kanjarda (b) Palitana (c) Bhavnagar (d) Charoda

148. The hills are located in city of Bhavnagar district in which State
(a) Maharashtra (b) Uttarakhand (c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Gujarat

149. The Jain’s sacred hill of Shatrunjaya comprises of how many temples on it
(a) 865 (b) 856 (c) 568 (d) 658

150. As per primary estimate, the fire covered around _______ hectares
(a) 100 (b) 150 (c) 200 (d) 250

151. Which of these is one of the endangered species that is found in The ShetrunjayDunagar Reserve Forest
(a) Whit buck (b) One horn Rhinoceros
(c) blue bulls (d) White tiger

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1. (c) The first day of the Meeting coincided with the have fared. It ranks the world’s 149 countries on “how
National Day of Pakistan (marks Lahore happy their citizens perceive themselves to be”.
Resolution of 23rd March, 1940). Therefore, a) is Finland has been ranked as the happiest country in the
the correct answer. world. The Nordic nation is followed by Iceland, Denmark,
2. (a) It is a bilateral commission of officials from India Switzerland, The Netherlands, Sweden, Germany and
and Pakistan, created to implement and manage Norway.
goals of the Indus Waters Treaty, 1960. The Pakistan is on 105th, Bangladesh on 101st and China on
Commission, according to the treaty, shall meet 84th, according to the report. People in war-torn
regularly at least once a year, alternately in India Afghanistan are the most unhappy with their lives,
and Pakistan. followed by Zimbabwe (148), Rwanda (147), Botswana
3. (a) It is a water-distribution treaty in between India and (146) and Lesotho (145).
Pakistan. The treaty is backed by the World Bank. The report measures the subjective well-being by relying
The treaty provides for the provision of using the on three indicators namely, Life Evaluation, Positive
available water in the Indus River and its tributaries. Emotions and Negative Emotions
4. (d) The treaty was signed by the Indian Prime Minister, 11. (a) is the correct answer.
Jawaharlal Nehru and the President of Pakistan, 12. (b) is the correct answer.
Ayub Khan in Karachi on September 19, 1960. The 13. (a) is the correct answer.
Treaty provides control over the waters of three 14. (d) is the correct answer.
Eastern Rivers namely, Beas, Ravi and Sutlej. 15. (b) is the correct answer.
5. (a) The meeting is being held after a gap of more than Hint (Q.16-Q.20): The Central and Eastern Europe
two-and-a-half years, a period that witnessed: (CEE) member countries have accepted the “Sinatra
• Pulwama attack (14th February, Doctrine” as a counter to the increasing China’s
2019), Balakot air strike (26th february, 2019), aggressiveness to undermine the unity of the European
and Union through the divide and rule policy.
• Abrogation of special provisions The Sinatra Doctrine will be based on two pillars:
under Article 370 that gave special status to 1. Continuing cooperation with China with respect to
J&K. address the global challenges like covid-19, climate
Hint (Q.6-Q.10): Prime Minister Narendra Modi is all set change & regional conflicts and
to launch the “Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain 2. Strengthening the strategic sovereignty of European
campaign” in the virtual mode. The campaign is being Union by protecting the technological sectors of its
launched on the occasion of World Water Day on March economy.
22, 2021. The campaign will be implemented under This doctrine was the name which the Soviet government
the theme– ‘Catch the rain, where it falls, when it falls’. of Mikhail Gorbachev used to describe their policy to
On the occasion, the Chief Ministers of Madhya Pradesh allow the neighbouring Warsaw Pact states to determine
& Uttar Pradesh will sign a historic Memorandum of their internal affairs. The name was taken from the song
Agreement to implement the “Ken Betwa Link Project” in “My Way” which was popularized by Frank Sinatra. The
the presence of Prime Minister. This will be the first implementation of the doctrine was part of doctrine of new
project of “National Perspective Plan” for interlinking of political thinking by Gorbachev.
the rivers. The Chinese investments in 12 EU member states which
Ministry of Jal Shakti is a ministry under Government of were participating in “17+1 initiative” was approximately
India which was formed in May 2019 under the second 8.6 billion euros in the year 2010 to 2019. On the other
Modi ministry. This was formed by merging of two hand, the Chinese investment in Finland for the same
ministries; Ministry of Water Resources, River period was 12 billion euros and in Netherlands it was 10.2
Development & Ganga Rejuvenation and Ministry of billion euros. Thus, this mismatch between the economic
Drinking Water and Sanitation. promises and outcome by the Beijing, made the CEE
Congress leader Jairam Ramesh on Monday expressed members to adopt the Sinatra doctrine.
fear that the interlinking of Ken and Betwa rivers will 16. (a) is the correct answer.
destroy the Panna Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh. 17. (c) is the correct answer.
6. (c) is the correct answer. 18. (a) is the correct answer.
7. (a) is the correct answer. 19. (c) is the correct answer.
8. (a) is the correct answer. 20. (a) is the correct answer.
9. (b) is the correct answer. 21. (c) The right to marry is not expressly recognized either
10. (a) is the correct answer. as a fundamental or constitutional right under the
Hint (Q.11-Q.15): The happiness study ranks the Indian Constitution. Though marriage is regulated
countries of the world on the basis of questions from the through various statutory enactments, its recognition
Gallup World Poll. Theresults are then correlated with as a fundamental right has only developed through
other factors, including GDP and social security. judicial decisions of India’s Supreme Court.
India has been ranked 139 out of 149 countries in the list 22. (b Such declaration of law is binding on all courts
of UN World Happiness Report 2021, which was released throughout India under Article 141 of the
on Friday. Finland topped the list. Constitution.
The World Happiness Report 2021, issued by the UN 23. (c) While referring to Article 16 of Universal Declaration
Sustainable Development Solutions Network, focuses on of Human Rights and the Puttaswamy case, the SC
the effects of Covid-19 and how people all over the world held that the right to marry a person of one’s choice
is integral to Article 21 of the Constitution.
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24. (d) LGBTQ Community Entitled to all Constitutional 34. (c) The original ceasefire agreement was reached in
Rights (Navjet Singh Johar and others v. Union of November 2003, four years after the Kargil War
India 2018): The SC held that members of the (1999). The 2003 ceasefire agreement remains a
LGBTQ community “are entitled, as all other citizens, milestone as it brought peace along the LoC until
to the full range of constitutional rights including the 2006. Between 2003 and 2006, not a single bullet
liberties protected by the Constitution” and are was fired by the jawans of India and Pakistan.
entitled to equal citizenship and “equal protection of 35. (a) The Chief of the Army Staff is the head of the military
law”. staff of the Indian Army and the chairman of the
25. (d) Except d) rest all countries have legislation in favour Indian Army Board. The current COAS is General
of same-sex marriage. Manoj Mukund Naravane, who took office on 31
26. (d) The President was satisfied that a situation had December 2019.
arisen in which the administration of the Union 36. (d) The FATF listing makes it extremely difficult for
Territory of Puducherry could not carry on in Pakistan to get financial aid from the International
accordance with the provisions of the Government of Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the
Union Territories Act, 1963. The Government of European Union.
Union Territories Act, 1963 enacted by the 37. (b) The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an inter-
Parliament in accordance with the provisions of governmental body established in 1989 during the
article 239A. G7 Summit in Paris. To set standards and promote
27. (c) Article 239 to 242 under Part VIII of the Indian effective implementation of legal, regulatory and
Constitution deals with the administration of Union operational measures for combating money
Territories. Every union territory is administered by laundering, terrorist financing and other related
the President acting through an administrator threats to the integrity of the international financial
appointed by him. system.
28. (d) The Union Territories of Puducherry (in 1963), Delhi 38. (d) The points on which Pakistan failed to deliver
(in 1992) and Jammu and Kashmir (in 2019) are included its lack of action against the non-profit
provided with a legislative assembly and a council of organisations linked to the terror groups banned by
ministers headed by a chief minister. But, the the UN Security Council (UNSC); and delays in the
establishment of such institutions in the union prosecution of banned individuals and entities like
territories does not diminish the supreme control of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) chief Hafiz Saeed and LeT
the President and Parliament over operations chief, Zaki Ur Rahman Lakhvi, as well as
them. Jaish-e- Mohammad chief Masood Azhar.
29. (d) President’s Rule implies the suspension of a state 39. (d) On Thursday, FATF President Marcus Pleyer
government and the imposition of direct rule of the announced that although Pakistan has made
Centre. It is also known as ‘State Emergency’ or “significant progress”, it had three remaining points
‘Constitutional Emergency’. of the 27 that were only partially addressed, notably
30. (c) The President’s Rule is imposed through the all in the area of curbing terror.
invocation of Article 356 of the Constitution by the 40. (d) Paris-based 39-member Financial Action Task
President on the advice of the Union Council of Force has decided once again to keep Pakistan on
Ministers. its “grey list” of countries under “increased
Under Article 356, President’s Rule is imposed if the monitoring”, giving it another three months to
President, upon receipt of the report from the complete its commitments.
Governor of the State or otherwise, is satisfied that a 41. (d) Australia’s proposed law, News Media and Digital
situation has arisen in which the government of the Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code Bill 2020,
State cannot be carried on in accordance with the mandates a bargaining code that aims to force
provisions of the Constitution. Google and Facebook to compensate media
31. (c) The Line of Control was created in 1972 in the companies for using their content. The Bill is
aftermath of the third India-Pakistan war. The original expected to set a precedent in regulating social
intention was to create a working border while efforts media across geographies.
continued to secure a permanent one. Ever since, 42. (d) The Australian Competition and Consumer
the Line of Control has seen periodic clashes Commission (ACCC), in its 2019 report, Digital
between the two warring parties. Platforms Inquiry, noted that there was a
32. (b) The Line of Control (LoC) emerged from the 1948 fundamental imbalance in the power between news
ceasefire line negotiated by the United Nations (UN) media and internet platforms.
after the Kashmir War. It was designated as the LoC 43. (a) It is named the News Media and Digital Platforms
in 1972, following the Shimla Agreement between Mandatory Bargaining Code Bill 2020. It mandates a
the two countries. LoC is demarcated upto the bargaining code that aims to force Google and
Siachen Glacier (Point NJ9842)- the world's highest Facebook to compensate media companies for
battlefield. LoC is delineated on a map signed by the using their content. It mandates that these platforms
Director General of Military Operations (DGMO) of negotiate with publishers of news regarding payment
both armies and has the international sanctity of a for their content.
legal agreement. 44. (d) The Issue Involved:
33. (c) Dialogue broke down soon thereafter because of the The media industry is already benefiting from traffic
Pathankot airbase attack of 2nd January, 2016, routed to them by the digital platforms, and that the
which was followed by the attack at the garrison in proposed rules would expose the Internet
Uri and the Indian response with a surgical strike companies to “unmanageable levels of financial and
along the border. Bilateral ties continued to nosedive operational risk”.
because of the Pulwama terror attack of 14th Journalism is a public good and a pillar of
February, 2019, and the Balakot operation by India. democracy. Digital platforms piggyback on its
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content without sharing the associated costs. The west, and the Indian states of Mizoram to the west
subsequent diversion of advertising revenue has and Manipur to the north.
undermined traditional media, particularly regional 54. (d) India is not a member of United Nations Refugee
newspapers. Convention.
Paying for news feed in itself appears to be less of 55. (d) Under FMR every member of the hill tribes, who is
an issue for the tech giants, given that Google either a citizen of India or a citizen of Myanmar and
agreed to pay news publications in France. who is resident of any area within 16 km on either
Google signed a deal with a group of French side of the Indo-Myanmar Border (IMB) can cross the
publishers to make digital copyright payments for border with a border pass (with one-year validity)
online news content. issued by the competent authority and can stay up to
45. (a) Manpreet Vohra, Senior diplomat Manpreet Vohra two weeks per visit.
has been appointed as India's next High 56. (b) Recently, a glacial break in the Tapovan-Reni area
Commissioner to Australia, the Ministry of External of Chamoli District of Uttarakhand led to massive
Affairs said on March 1. Flash Flood in Dhauli Ganga and Alaknanda Rivers,
46. (d A Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court has damaging houses and the nearby Rishiganga power
proposed setting up fast-track courts for a limited project. In June 2013, flash floods in Uttarakhand
time to clear dishonoured cheque cases. Earlier the wiped out settlements and took lives.
Supreme Court has suggested forming a committee 57. (d) TapovanVishnugad Hydropower Project on the
to resolve the problem of pendency of cheque Dhauliganga: It was a 520 MW run-of-river
bounce cases. hydroelectric project being constructed on
47. (c) Supreme Court Proposal: Set up fast-track courts Dhauliganga River. Several other projects on the
under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, Alaknanda and Bhagirathi river basins in
2018. northwestern Uttarakhand have also been impacted
48. (d) Power to establish additional courts: The by the flood.
government has both power and an obligation under 58. (c) According to the topography and the location of the
Article 247 of the Constitution to set up “additional glacier, it can be categorized as Mountain Glacier
courts” to better the administration of laws enacted (Alpine Glaciers) or Continental Glacier (Ice Sheets).
by Parliament, including the Negotiable Instruments Rock Glaciers are sub part of Mountain Glaciers.
Act, which deals with cheques. Article 247: It gives The Continental Glacier moves outward in all
power to Parliament to establish certain additional directions whereas the Mountain Glacier moves from
courts for the better administration of laws made by a higher to a lower altitude.
it or of any existing laws with respect to a matter 59. (a) Retreating glaciers, like several in the Himalayas,
enumerated in the Union List. usually result in the formation of lakes at their tips,
49. (d) Reforms Suggested: Increased number of working called proglacial lakes, often bound only by
days. Establishment of Indian Courts and Tribunal sediments and boulders.
Services to focus on the administrative aspects of 60. (a) Dhauliganga Origination: It originates from
the legal system. Deployment of technology to Vasudhara Tal, perhaps the largest glacial lake in
improve efficiency of the courts, e.g.eCourts Mission Uttarakhand.
Mode Project and the National Judicial Data Grid 61. (c) Fuel price dynamics in India
being rolled-out in phases by the Ministry of Law and • Retail petrol and diesel prices are in theory
Justice. Better Case and Court Management: decontrolled — or linked to global crude oil
Professional Court Managers as suggested by the prices.
13th Finance Commission. Court managers or • It means that if crude prices fall retails prices
equivalent professionals are the need of the hour should come down too, and vice versa.
and justice delivery can improve only if the courts
• But this does not happen in practice, largely
accept and adopt professional help in their
because oil price decontrol is a one-way street
administration. Setting up of Tribunals, Fast Track
in India.
Courts and Special Courts to dispense important
cases at the earliest. Mechanisms such as ADR • When global crude oil prices fall and prices
(Alternate Dispute Resolution), Lok Adalats, Gram slide, the government slaps fresh taxes and
Nyayalayas should be effectively utilised. levies to ensure that it rakes in extra revenues.
50. (c) Chief Justice of India SA Bobde has recommended • The consumer should have ideally benefited by
senior-most judge Justice N V Ramana as his way of lower pump prices, is forced to either
successor and the 48th Chief Justice of India in shell out what she’s alreadypaying or spend
keeping with convention and norms of seniority. even more for every litre of fuel.
51. (a) The Chin community and the Mizos in India belong • The main beneficiary in this subversion of price
to the Zo ethnic group, which share the same decontrol is the government.
ancestry. Asylum, in international law, the protection 62. (d) is the correct answer.
granted by a state to a foreign citizen against his own 63. (a) Excise duty on petrol has been raised from Rs 9.48
state. per litre in 2014 to Rs 32.90 a litre now while the
52. (c) Zoramthanga (born 13 July 1944) is an Indian same on diesel has gone up from Rs 3.56 a litre to
politician who is the current Chief Minister of Rs 31.80.
Mizoram. 64. (c) The current OPEC members are the following:
53. (a) Chin State is a state in western Myanmar. The Algeria, Angola, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Iran,
36,019-square-kilometre Chin State is bordered by Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, the Republic of the
Sagaing Division and Magway Division to the east, Congo, Saudi Arabia (the De facto leader), the
Rakhine State to the south, Bangladesh to the south- United Arab Emirates and Venezuela. Former OPEC
members are Ecuador, Indonesia and Qatar.
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65. (d) ATF prices were deregulated in 2002, Petrol prices he remains an Administrator, in a limited sense,
were deregulated in 2010 and diesel prices were working with the designation of Lieutenant Governor.
deregulated in 2014. The present government has 73. (d) Delhi’s current status as a Union Territory with a
implemented the dynamic pricing Legislative Assembly is an outcome of the 69th
Under GST Amendment Act through which Articles 239AA and
• LPG 239BB were introduced in the Constitution.
• Naptha 74. (d) The Government of National Capital Territory of
Delhi (GNCTD) Act was passed simultaneously to
• Furnace Oil
supplement the constitutional provisions relating to
• Light Diesel the Assembly and the Council of Ministers in the
• Out of the ambit of GST national capital. For all practical purposes, the
• Crude oil GNCTD Act outlines the powers of the Assembly, the
• High-Speed Diesel discretionary powers enjoyed by the LG, and the
• Petrol (Motor Spirit) duties of the Chief Minister with respect to the need
• Natural Gas to furnish information to the LG.
75. (b) is the correct answer.
• Aviation Turbine Fuel 76. (b) Dominic Ongwen was found guilty of 61 charges
66. (d) The union territory of Jammu and Kashmir is
over a reign of terror in the early 2000s, including the
administered under the provisions of Article 239 of
first conviction by the ICC for the crime of forced
the Constitution of India. The Article 239A, originally
formulated for the union territory of Puduchery, will
77. (c) Ongwen, nicknamed “White Ant”, was convicted of
also be applicable to Jammu and Kashmir.
charges including murder, rape, sexual enslavement
67. (b) High speed internet services in J&K were suspended
and the conscription of child soldiers. The court said
in August 2019, when the Centre announced
Ongwen ordered attacks on refugee camps as a
revocation of J&K’s special status and bifurcation of
senior commander in the Lord’s Resistance Army
the state into two Union Territories (UTs).
68. (b) The internet could be restored in one district each of
78. (a) The LRA was founded three decades ago by former
Jammu region and Kashmir region which are away
Catholic altar boy and self-styled prophet Kony. The
from the international border or line of control, and
group originated in Northern Uganda as a movement
has low intensity of terrorist activities. Telecom
to fight for the rights of the Acholi people. Joseph
operators in the districts which are allowed to have
Kony waged a bloody campaign in four African
4G services on a trial basis may also have to submit
nations to set up a state based on the Bible’s Ten
reports of data usage volume and which apps are
being used the most.
79. (b) The International Criminal Court (ICC) is an
69. (c) in August 2020, 4G services were resumed on a trial
intergovernmental organisation and international
basis in two districts- Udhampur and Ganderbal, the
tribunal headquartered in The Hague. It investigates
remaining 18 districts continued to have 2G service.
and tries people charged with serious and grave
The 4G ban was extended in the remaining districts
crimes such as genocide, crimes against humanity,
citing security concerns.
war crimes and the crime of aggression. It is the first
70. (d) Internet shutdowns by themselves were historically
permanent international criminal court in the world.
expressed under the Section 144 of CrPC that
80. (a) Joseph Kony waged a bloody campaign in four
permits the Magistrates to direct properties i.e., cell
African nations to set up a state based on the Bible’s
phones, towers etc to be used in certain ways. This
Ten Commandments. He launched a bloody
power has been utilized by magistrates to infact
rebellion in northern Uganda against President
prevent or cease the internet services in certain
Yoweri Museveni. The United Nations says the LRA
areas for certain durations which has ordinarily been
killed more than 1,00,000 people and abducted
48-72 hours, and it has been challenged too.
60,000 children in a campaign of violence that
71. (a) or Structural Clarity: The Ministry of Home Affairs’
spread to three other African nations — Sudan, the
statement on “objects and reasons” of the Bill stated
Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central
that Section 44 of the 1991 Act deals with conduct of
African Republic.
business and there is no structural mechanism for
81. (a) In the Budget 2021-22, Jal Jeevan Mission (Urban)
effective time-bound implementation of the said
has been announced under the Housing and Urban
section. Also, there is no clarity as to what proposal
Affairs Ministry to provide universal coverage of
or matters are required to be submitted to Lieutenant
water supply to all households through functional
Governor before issuing order thereon. Section 44 of
taps in all statutory towns in accordance with
the 1991 Act says that all executive actions of the
Sustainable Development Goal- 6.
LG, whether taken on the advice of his Ministers or
82. (d) It complements the Jal Jeevan Mission (Rural) which
otherwise shall be expressed to be taken in the name
envisages supply of 55 litres of water per person per
of the LG.
day to every rural household through Functional
72. (d) In its 2018 verdict, the five-judge Bench had held that
Household Tap Connections (FHTC) by 2024.
the LG’s concurrence is not required on issues other
83. (a) In her 2019-20 budget speech, amidst great
than police, public order and land. It had added that
applause from her party members, Sitharaman had
decisions of the Council of Ministers will, however,
said that the new ministry would ensure that every
have to be communicated to the LG. The LG was
rural household gets piped water by 2024 under the
bound by the aid and advice of the council of
Jal Jeevan Mission and that the government is
ministers. The court also said that the status of the
committed to its mission of “har gharjal”.
LG of Delhi is not that of a Governor of a State, rather
84. (a) Hardeep Singh Puri (born 15 February 1952) is an
Indian politician, former diplomat who is the current
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Civil Aviation Minister of India and Minister of 94. (a) The Article 355 of the Constitution of India confers
Housing and Urban Affairs in India. He is a 1974 power to the Central Government to protect every
batch Indian Foreign Service officer who served as state from internal disturbance.
the Permanent Representative of India to the United 95. (a) A letter written by the Governor to the CM of
Nations from 2009 to 2013. Nagaland has become the latest irritant. Mr. R.N.
85. (c) 2.68 crore is the estimated gap in urban household Ravi, the Governor had expressed his anguish over
tap connections that is proposed to be covered under the culture of extortion and the collapse of general
JJM(U). Likewise, estimated gap in sewer law and order situation in Nagaland, where
connections/septage in 500 AMRUT citiesproposed organised armed gangs run their own parallel ‘tax
to be covered in JJM(U) is 2.64 crore. collection’ regimes.
86. (b) The US has asked the Afghan President to show 96. (c) Atal Bihari Vajpayee recognised the “unique history
“urgent leadership in the coming weeks”. and the situation of the Nagas” and created a
The proposal included many elements- It has ceasefire monitoring group in 2001. Manmohan
proposed an UN-led conference of representatives Singh also tried to negotiate with the NSCN-IM but
of Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran, India and the US to nothing could be finalised.
discuss a unified approach to support peace in 97. (c) India's ambitious goal of 175 GW by 2022 got an
Afghanistan. impetus in the 2021-22 budget which allocated Rs.
It urges both sides including the Taliban to reach a 1500 crore for renewable energy development and
consensus on Afghanistan’s future constitutional and NHM. The usage of hydrogen will not only help India
governing arrangements. in achieving its emission goals under the Paris
It asks to find a road map to a new “inclusive Agreement, but will also reduce import dependency
government”; and agree on the terms of a on fossil fuels.
“permanent and comprehensive ceasefire”. 98. (d) Type of Hydrogen:
87. (c) At a recent United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Grey Hydrogen:
meeting, convened under the Arria Formula Constitutes India’s bulk Production.
(informally convened at the request of a UNSC Extracted from hydrocarbons (fossil fuels, natural
member), India called for an “immediate gas).
comprehensive ceasefire” in Afghanistan, while By product: CO2
welcoming all opportunities to bring peace to the Blue Hydrogen:
country. Sourced from fossil fuels.
88. (d) The president of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan By product: CO, CO2
is the head of state and head of government of By products are Captured and Stored, so better than
Afghanistan and Commander-in-Chief of Afghan gey hydrogen.
Armed Forces. The incumbent office holder is Ashraf Green Hydrogen:
Ghani. Generated from renewable energy (like Solar, Wind).
89. (b) There are an estimated 10,000 foreign troops in Electricity splits water into hydrogen and oxygen.
Afghanistan, in addition to US soldiers. The NATO By Products : Water, Water Vapor
says troop levels are expected to stay about the 99. (d) National Hydrogen Energy Mission: Advantages of
same until after May, but the plan beyond that is not Hydrogen fuel-
clear. • It has near zero carbon footprint. The electricity
90. (c) There were four objectives of the deal: to extract hydrogen comes from fossil fuels.
• An end to violence by declaring a ceasefire. • It can be stored in tanks such as CNG and can
• An intra-Afghan dialogue for a lasting peace. be integrated into car's be,lies.
• The Taliban cut ties with terrorist organisations • The average that can be provided is about 500
such as al Qaeda. kilometre or 400 miles per charge.
• U.S. troop withdrawal by April 2021. • It is lighter than heavy Lithium ion batteries,
Though the deal was to be held in march-April 2020, better for long haul trucks and commercial
it got delayed due to disagreement on mutual release vehicles.
of prisoners by both Taliban and Afghan • It can be refueled in 5 minutes.
Government. • National Hydrogen Energy Mission:
91. (a) The Chabahar port is the most tangible symbol of Disadvantages of Hydrogen fuel-
India-Iran- Afghanistan trilateral cooperation.
• It has only three manufacturers that are
However, China's potential involvement in the
equipped with the technology- Honda, Toyota
Chabahar project has unmistakable strategic
and Hyundai. Under 25000 hydrogen FCEVs on
implications for India.
road were launched in 2020, compared to EVs.
92. (a) The Naga Hills became part of British India in 1881.
The effort to bring scattered Naga tribes together • Lack of Infrastructure: There are less than 500
resulted in the formation of the Naga Club in 1918. hydrogen stations globally
The Naga club rejected the Simon Commission in • Hydrogen has great explosion risk and is a
1929 and asked them “to leave us alone to determine highly combustible gas.
for ourselves as in ancient times”. 100. (c) State-run power generator NTPC has already signed
93. (a) The Central Government views Nagaland as a an MoU with Siemens for production of green
"disturbed area" and has kept the state under a hydrogen from the company’s renewable energy
draconian Armed Forces Special Powers Act plants and its use in transportation. It has also
(AFSPA). The act extends wide-ranging powers to planned pilot projects to run five hydrogen-cell
the army, including the use of force and arrests electric buses and five cars in Delhi and Leh. In its
without warrants. laboratories, NTPC is designing a prototype for
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hard/sea water electrolysis and reactors for Ensuring Online Safety and Dignity of Users,
hydrogen production through the photo-electro- especially Women Users: Intermediaries shall
chemical process. remove or disable access within 24 hours of receipt
101. (b) Raj Kumar Singh is a former Indian bureaucrat and of complaints of contents that exposes the private
a current Minister of State in the Government of areas of individuals, show such individuals in full or
India. He is a Member of the Indian Parliament for partial nudity or in sexual act or is in the nature of
Arrah, Bihar, since May 2014. Singh is a 1975 batch impersonation including morphed images etc. Such
Bihar cadre Indian Administrative Service officer and a complaint can be filed either by the individual or by
former Home Secretary of India. On 3 September any other person on his/her behalf.
2017, he was appointed as the Minister of Power 108. (c) The safe harbour provisions have been defined
(Independent Charge) in Prime Minister Narendra under Section 79 of the IT Act, and protect social
Modi's cabinet. media intermediaries by giving them immunity from
102. (c) In 2019, India and Sri Lanka signed a memorandum legal prosecution for any content posted on their
of understanding (MoU) for “co-operation on platforms.
economic projects” 109. (b) The OTT platforms, called as the publishers of online
103. (d) Sri Lanka has decided to offer the West Container curated content in the rules, would self-classify the
Terminal (WCT) to Indian and Japanese companies. content into five age based categories- U
The decision comes a month after the Sri Lanka (Universal), U/A 7+, U/A 13+, U/A 16+, and A
government ejected the two partners from a 2019 (Adult).
tripartite agreement to jointly develop the East 110. (b) Self-regulation by the Publisher: Publisher shall
Container Terminal (ECT), citing resistance to appoint a Grievance Redressal Officer based in India
“foreign involvement”. who shall be responsible for the redressal of
104. (a) In the ECT project agreed upon earlier, the Sri Lanka grievances received by it. The officer shall take
Ports Authority (SLPA) was to hold a majority 51% decision on every grievance received by it within 15
stake, but in the WCT proposal, India and Japan will days. Self-Regulatory Body: There may be one or
be accorded 85% stake. more self-regulatory bodies of publishers. Such a
105. (d) Significance: body shall be headed by a retired judge of the
The WCT is adjacent to the China-run CICT and just Supreme Court, a High Court or independent
a couple of kilometres away from the China-backed eminent person and have not more than six
Port City being built on reclaimed land, making it a members. Such a body will have to register with the
strategically desirable spot for India, whose Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. This body
concerns over China's presence in Sri Lanka are well will oversee the adherence by the publisher to the
known. Code of Ethics and address grievances that have not
It will support India in accomplishment of its strategic been resolved by the publisher within 15 days.
vision (SAGAR) for the Indian Ocean, 111. (b) The self-regulatory body referred to in sub-rule (1)
‘Neighbourhood First policy’, and in countering shall be headed by a retired judge of the Supreme
China’s String of Pearls strategy. Court or of a High Court, who shall be appointed from
Colombo’s alternative comes at a time when Sri a panel prepared by the Ministry, and have other
Lanka is seeking support at the ongoing UN Human members, not exceeding six, being experts from the
Right Council session, where a resolution on the field of media, broadcasting, technology and
country's rights record will soon be put to vote. entertainment.
106. (d) The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had signed an That also looks like an easy way for the government
agreement for extending a USD 400 million currency to ensure that the SROs will be toeing the
swap facility to Sri Lanka to boost the foreign government line on any controversial issues, by only
reserves and ensure financial stability of the country, putting sympathetic judges on the list. You can also
which was badly hit by Covid 19 pandemic. Recently, hope that your outlet is so small that it will fly under
India has also supplied Covid-19 Vaccines to Sri the radar but if you get a complaint against you, there
Lanka. is a risk sanction under the IT Act.
107. (d) guidelines Related to Social Media to Be 112. (b) Iran with the P5+1 group of world powers - the USA,
Administered by Ministry of Electronics and IT: Due UK, France, China, Russia, and Germany agreed on
Diligence To Be Followed By Intermediaries: The a long-term deal on its nuclear programme.
Rules prescribe due diligence that must be followed 113. (a) JCPOA was signed in 2015, but former US President
by intermediaries, including social media Trump has withdrawn from it (in 2018) and embarked
intermediaries. In case, due diligence is not followed on a policy of ‘maximum pressure’ to coerce Iran
by the intermediary, safe harbour provisions will not back to the negotiating table.
apply to them. 114. (a) Under the deal, Iran agreed to curb its nuclear
Grievance Redressal Mechanism: The Rules seek to activity in return for the lifting of sanctions and
empower the users by mandating the intermediaries, access to global trade. The agreement allowed Iran
including social media intermediaries, to establish a to accumulate small amounts of uranium for
grievance redressal mechanism for receiving research, but it banned the enrichment of uranium,
resolving complaints from the users or victims. which is used to make reactor fuel and nuclear
Intermediaries shall appoint a Grievance Officer to weapons. Iran was also required to redesign a
deal with such complaints and share the name and heavy-water reactor being built, whose spent fuel
contact details of such officers. Grievance Officer would contain plutonium suitable for a bomb and to
shall acknowledge the complaint within twenty-four allow international inspections.
hours and resolve it within fifteen days from its 115. (a) Iran agreed to eventually implement a protocol that
receipt. would allow inspectors from the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA), the United Nations’ nuclear
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watchdog, unfettered access to its nuclear facilities nationalists, liberals, and others, who contest their
and potentially to undeclared sites. Inspections are rule by force of arms. And finally, the remnants of
intended to guard against the possibility that Iran Saleh’s supporters after his murder in December
could develop nuclear arms in secret, as it has 2017.
allegedly attempted before. The IAEA has issued 126. (c) Operation Raahat was an operation of the Indian
quarterly reports to its board of governors and the Armed Forces to evacuate Indian citizens and
UN Security Council on Iran’s implementation of its foreign nationals from Yemen during the 2015
nuclear commitments. military intervention by Saudi Arabia and its allies in
116. (c) The 2005 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded that country during the Yemeni Crisis.
to International Atomic Energy Agency and 127. (c) GDP had shrunk in the first two quarters by 24.4%
Mohamed ElBaradei "for their efforts to prevent and 7.3% as per revised data, amid the COVID-19
nuclear energy from being used for military pandemic and lockdowns, marking a technical
purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for recession. The NSO has also revised its advance
peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way national income estimates for FY21 to project an 8%
117. (c) Article 324 of the Constitution gives Election decline in GDP, compared with the 4% growth seen
Commission the power to supervise elections to the in FY20. The NSO had earlier estimated a 7.7%
Parliament and state legislatures. shrinkage for FY21.
118. (c) Model Code of Conduct was first introduced in 128. (d) GDP provides an economic snapshot of a country,
Kerala ahead of the state Assembly election in 1960. used to estimate the size of an economy and growth
It was a set of instructions to political parties rate. GDP can be calculated in three ways, using
regarding election meetings, speeches, slogans, etc. expenditures, production, or incomes. It can be
In the 1962 general elections to the Lok Sabha, the adjusted for inflation and population to provide
MCC was circulated to recognised parties, and state deeper insights. Though it has limitations, GDP is a
governments sought feedback from the parties. key tool to guide policymakers, investors, and
119. (d) the MCC was meant to only guide the conduct of businesses in strategic decision making.
political parties and candidates. After September 129. (b) A technical recession is when a country faces a
1979, the EC was apprised of the misuse of official continuous decline for two consecutive quarters in
machinery by parties in power. The EC was told that the GDP.
ruling parties monopolised public spaces, making it 130. (b) This is the result of unrelenting efforts of the
difficult for others to hold meetings. There were also government to go all-out to revive investments under
examples of the party in power publishing the ambit of the various measures which formed a
advertisements at the cost of the public exchequer to part of the AtmaNirbhar Bharat package.
influence voters. 131. (b) Organization for Economic Co-operation and
120. (a) The MCC is operational from the date that the Development (OECD) interim economic outlook has
election schedule is announced till the date that pegged India’s gross domestic product (GDP)
results are announced. growth to rebound to 12.6% in FY22, which will be
121. (c) The MCC is a set of guidelines issued by the EC to the fastest in the world, followed by China at 7.8%
regulate political parties and candidates prior to growth.
elections. 132. (c) India will send 200,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines
122. (d) Yemen’s civil war began in 2014 when Houthi (AstraZeneca Vaccine) to the UN peacekeepers. on
insurgents—Shiite rebels with links to Iran and a March 27, 2021 and then vaccines will be distributed
history of rising up against the Sunni government— to peacekeeping missions.
took control of Yemen’s capital and largest city, 133. (b) Subrahmanyam Jaishankar (born 9 January 1955) is
Sana’a, demanding lower fuel prices and a new an Indian diplomat and politician who is the current
government. Minister of External Affairs of the Government of
123. (a) The United States continues counterterrorism India since 31 May 2019. Announcement to gift
operations in Yemen, relying mainly on airstrikes to 200000 covid-19 doses to UN Peacekeepers was
target al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) announced by External Affairs Minister, S
and militants associated with the self-proclaimed Jaishankar, in February 2021.
Islamic State. In 2016, the United States conducted 134. (b) As per UN Peacekeeping, a total of 85,782
an estimated 35 strikes in Yemen; in 2017, it personnels are serving in 12 peacekeeping
conducted about 130. In April 2016, the United operations led by Department of Peace Operations
States deployed a small team of forces to advise and across the globe, as of January 31, 2021. So, a total
assist Saudi-led troops to retake territory from of 121 nations are contributing uniformed personnel
AQAP. for UN peacekeeping missions. India is the largest
124. (b) The Yemeni Civil War is an ongoing conflict between troop contributing countries to peacekeeping
two factions: the Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi-led missions.
Yemeni government and the Houthi armed 135. (a) They assist ex-combatants to implement peace
movement, along with their supporters and agreements UN peacekeepers are also called as
allies. Both claim to constitute the official Blue Berets or Blue Helmets because of their light
government of Yemen. blue berets or helmets. They include police officers,
125. (d) Domestic opponents to the Houthis (Diverse and soldiers, police officers, and civilian personnel.
disunited)- Southerners: They perceive the Houthis 136. (d) India’s Vaccine Diplomacy Plan:
as yet another wave of northern invader’s intent upon Shipments have begun arriving in the Maldives,
subduing the South. The new Salafi movement, who Bhutan, Bangladesh and Nepal. Myanmar and the
oppose them on religious grounds. The Islah Party Seychelles are next in line to get consignments. In
affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, who fight the cases of Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Mauritius, India
Houthis on political grounds. A broad array of is awaiting their confirmation of necessary regulatory
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clearances. The only exception to India’s regional The Andhra Pradesh High Court had made a prima
vaccine diplomacy would be Pakistan, which has facie observation that the move might be
cleared the AstraZeneca vaccine for use, but has unconstitutional, but the challenge is yet to be heard
neither requested nor discussed any doses from on merits.
India yet. 145. (a) For mandating reservation in public employment, the
137. (c) China has announced sanctions on relevant British state draws its power from Article 16(4) of the
individuals and entities on March 26, 2021. Constitution, which says that the right to equality in
138. (c) As per the statement of Chinese Foreign Ministry public employment does not prevent the state from
spokesperson, United Kingdom had imposed making any provision for the reservation of
unilateral sanctions on relevant Chinese individuals appointments or posts in favour of any backward
and entity citing human rights issues in Xinjiang. So, class of citizens which, in the opinion of the State, is
this move by China is based on lies and not adequately represented in the services under the
disinformation. State.
139. (d) Following the Chinese sanctions, nine individuals 146. (b) Incumbent- Manohar Lal Khattar. Term is for five
and their immediate family members have been years and is subject to no term limits. The Chief
prohibited from entering Chinese mainland, Hong Minister of Haryana is the chief executive of the
Kong and Macao of China. Property of Individuals in Indian state of Haryana.
China will also be frozen. Chinese citizens and 147. (a) The officers of the Bhavnagar territorial forest
institutions would not be able to do business with division highlighted that the fire started in the
them. Further, China has reserved the right to take revenue area of Kanjarda village of Palitana taluka.
more measures. Later it spread to the ShetrunjayDungar Reserve
140. (b) United Kingdom had sanctioned Chinese Individuals Forest.
citing the human rights violation with respect to 148. (d) The hills are located in Palitana city of Bhavnagar
Beijing’s treatment of Uyghur Muslims. UK had district in Gujarat. The hills are located on the banks
alleged that; China represses Uyghurs who are of river Shetrunji and are considered as a sacred hill
predominantly Muslim ethnic minority living in the by Jains. It has an altitude of164 feet above sea
western region of Xinjiang. level.
141. (a) Wang Yi is a Chinese diplomat and politician who 149. (a) The Jain’s sacred hill of Shatrunjaya comprises of
has been the foreign minister since March 2013. 865 temples on it. These hills were sanctified when
142. (c) the Haryana government notified a new law that Rishabha gave his first sermon atop the hill.
requires 75% of private sector jobs in the state, up to Rishabha was the first tirthankara of Jainism.
a specified salary slab reserved for local candidate. 150. (c) As per primary estimate, the fire covered around 200
143. (b) The Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates hectares. However, no damage to wildlife has been
Bill, 2020 requires private companies to set aside for observed so far.
domiciles 75% of jobs up to a monthly salary of Rs 151. (c) The ShetrunjayDunagar Reserve Forest, a patch of
50,000 or as may be notified by the government from hilly, dry and deciduous forest, is home to Asiatic
time to time. lions and leopards as well as herbivores such as blue
144. (c) In July 2019, the Andhra Pradesh government had bulls.
passed a similar law, which was challenged in court.

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MARCH 2021
The International
Criminal Court (ICC)
Unprecedented fuel convicted a Ugandan Supreme Court to
Suez Canal blockade
prices rising child soldiers-turned- review 50% quota cap
Lord’s Resistance
Army commander

National Capital
Territory of Delhi Bill
Recent Political
National Hydrogen 2021 and recent
Developments in NAGA peace deal
Energy Mission Political spat between
Hong Kong
Delhi and Union

Lokpal selection
committee & Central Jal Jeevan Mission J&K restores 4G
LSTV & RSTV merger
Information Urban [JJM(U) mobile Internet
Commission (CIC)

India Pakistan
International North observer ceasefire Human rights abuses Foreign troops to stay
South Transport agreement and Indo in Xinjiang province in Afghanistan
Corridor Pak bilateral of China beyond May’ and US

East Container Civil war in Yemen Centre ready to Centre likely to

Terminal (ECT) at the and recent introduce Bill defining postpone Census to
Colombo Port developments Delhi govt., L-G 2022

50th anniversary of
Bangladesh and Indo “Glacial burst”in
Bangladesh bilateral Uttarakhand

Head Office: 127, Zone II, MP Nagar, Bhopal |+91-9111555433| Page 28 of 42

1. The Golden Globe Awards 2021 was held to recognise 13. Matam Venkata Rao has taken charge as the new
excellence in film, both American and international, and Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Central
American television. This was the 78th edition of the Bank Of India. Rao till now held the position of Executive
annual event. American TV series “The Crown” won the Director at Canara Bank. His appointment is for a period
most awards for the ceremony with four awards. Late of 3 years.
American actor Chadwick Boseman won the Golden 14. IPS officer Kuldiep Singh has given an additional charge
Globe award for Best Actor in Drama category, of CRPF director general (DG) after incumbent chief A P
posthumously, for his portrayal of Levee Green in Ma Maheshwari retires. Kuldiep Singh is working as the
Rainey’s Black Bottom. special DG of its central zone, will hold the additional
2. The 10th Edition of Hurun Global Rich List 2021 was charge of the CRPF head till “the appointment and joining
released, which ranked 3228 billionaires from 2,402 of the successor or until further orders.
companies and 68 countries. The report showed that 15. Senior diplomat, Manpreet Vohra has been appointed as
despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the world added 8 India’s next High Commissioner to Australia. Vohra, a
billionaires every week in 2020 and 421 in a year, taking 1988-batch Indian Foreign Service (IFS) officer, is
their total number to a record 3,288. presently Ambassador of India to Mexico.
3. Tesla chief Elon Musk bagged the top spot on the Hurun 16. Six-time world champion boxer Mary Kom has been
Global Rich List for the first time after adding a massive appointed as the Chairperson of the International Boxing
$151 billion during the year 2020 to take his net worth to Association’s (AIBA) Champions and Veterans
$197 billion. Inc CEO Jeff Bezos ranked Committee. The 37-yearold was voted to the post by
second with $189 billion in net worth. AIBA’s board of directors on March 03, 2021.
4. Asia’s richest person and Reliance Industries chairman 17. Department of economic affairs secretary, Tarun Bajaj
Mukesh Ambani is ranked eighth on the Hurun Global has been given the additional charge of revenue
Rich List 2021. The total wealth of Ambani surged by 24% secretary. Present revenue secretary Ajay Bhushan
to $83 billion (approximately Rs 6.09 lakh crore). Pandey retires on February 28.
5. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated the first- 18. UN chief Antonio Guterres has appointed leading Indian
ever Indian Toy Fair 2021 via video conference during economist Ligia Noronha as Assistant Secretary-General
which he urged the country to become ‘Atmanirbhar’ in and Head of the New York Office of the United Nations
the toy manufacturing sector. The toy fair is divided into Environment Programme (UNEP).
five stages — pre-school to Class II, primary, upper 19. The Indian Air Force (IAF) is participating in Exercise
primary, secondary and senior secondary. Desert Flag-VI, which has been organised from March 03
6. The UN General Assembly adopted by consensus a to 27, 2021 at Al-Dhafra airbase, UAE
resolution sponsored by India and supported by over 70 20. The Defence Research and Development Organisation
nations declaring 2023 as the International Year of Millets (DRDO) conducted a successful flight test of Solid Fuel
7. The Russian space corporation Roscosmos successfully Ducted Ramjet (SFDR) technology from the integrated
launched its first satellite to monitor the Arctic’s climate test range (ITR), Chandipur, off Odisha coast.
and environment. The satellite called “Arktika-M”, was 21. India’s Polar rocket has successfully launched
launched on February 28, 2021, onboard Soyuz-2.1b Amazonia-1 of Brazil and 18 other satellites from the
carrier rocket, from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in spaceport here, in the first mission of the year for space
Kazakhstan. agency ISRO. The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle PSLV-
8. Ghana has become the first country in the world to C51 lifted from the first launch pad of the Satish Dhawan
receive vaccines acquired through the United Nations- Space Centre (SHAR) and first injected into orbit primary
backed COVAX initiative with a delivery of 600,000 doses payload Amazonia-1.
of the AstraZeneca vaccine made by the Serum Institute 22. Indian Scientists at Aryabhatta Research Institute of
of India. observational sciences (ARIES), Nainital, have
9. Israel’s president has formally received the firstever indigenously designed and developed a low-cost optical
ambassador from the United Arab Emirates, following last Spectrograph named as Aries-Devasthal Faint Object
year’s historic agreement between the countries to Spectrograph & Camera (ADFOSC).
normalise ties. UAE envoy Mohamed Al Khaja, who 23. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has received the
arrived in Israel, delivered his credentials to Israeli CERAWeek global energy and environment leadership
President Reuven Rivlin at a ceremony in Jerusalem. award during an annual CERAWeek Conference-2021.
10. Anindya Dutta, a banker turned author, penned a new 24. The 30th Bihari Puraskar for 2020 will be given to
book titled “Advantage India: The Story of Indian Tennis”, MohankrishnaBohara for his Hindi book of Criticism, titled
a chronicle of Indian Tennis. Advantage India is a well- Taslima: Sangharsh aur Sahitya. The K.K. Birla
researched account of the journey of Indian tennis, with Foundation announced this in New Delhi. The book was
a special section on the Doubles game and on women’s published in 2016.
tennis in India. The book is published by Westland 25. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has participated in the
publications. virtual India-Sweden summit, with the Prime Minister of
11. The re-appointment of Pramod Chandra Mody as Sweden, Stefan Lofven.
Chairman of the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) 26. Bengaluru emerged as the top city on the government’s
has been extended for a further period of three months. Ease of Living Index 2020 that was released by Housing
12. Vice Admiral Ajendra Bahadur Singh took over as the and Urban Affairs Minister Hardeep Singh Puri.
Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief (FOC-inC) of Eastern Bengaluru emerged as the top performer in this Million+
Naval Command (ENC). He replaces Vice Admiral Atul category . In this group, Shimla was ranked the highest in
Kumar Jain. Atul Kumar Jain has been transferred to New Less than Million category of ease of living.
Delhi to assume charge as the Vice Chief of Integrated 27. Kieron Pollard hit six sixes in an over to guide West Indies
Defence Staff to the Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee to a comprehensive four-wicket win against Sri Lanka in
(CISC). the first game of their threematch T20 series. Pollard joins

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former India batsman Yuvraj Singh as the only other 40. The President of India, Ram Nath Kovind has laid the
player to hit six sixes in an over in T20 cricket, and just foundation stone for the conservation works of
the third man to hit six sixes in an international match, Singorgarh Fort in Singrampur village of Damoh district,
emulating Herschelle Gibbs (South Africa) and Yuvraj Madhya Pradesh. He also inaugurated the newly carved
Singh (India). Jabalpur Circle of Archaeological Survey of India.
28. Zero Discrimination Day is an annual day celebrated on 41. The Union Cabinet has given its nod for amendments in
1 March each year by the United Nations and other the Insurance Act, paving way for 74 per cent foreign
international organisations. The theme of Zero direct investment in the sector. Currently, the permissible
Discrimination Day 2021: “End Inequalities”. FDI limit in life and general insurance stands at 49 per
29. The Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS) observes the cent with ownership and management control with Indian.
“Civil Accounts Day” every year on March 01, 2021, since 42. Trivendra Singh Rawat has resigned as the chief minister
its inception in 1976. The year 2021 marks the 45th Civil of Uttarakhand, a year before the hill state is scheduled
Accounts Day celebrations. ICAS is one of the Civil to go to polls. Rawat, who became the CM after the BJP
Services of India, under the Department of Expenditure, swept the assembly elections here in early 2017. The
Union Ministry of Finance. Bharatiya Janata Party’s member of Parliament from
30. World Hearing Day is held on 3 March each year by the Pauri Garhwal, Tirath Singh Rawat, will be the next chief
World Health Organisation (WHO) to raise awareness on minister of Uttarakhand.
how to prevent deafness and hearing loss and promote 43. In the 50th year of Indian victory over Pakistan in the 1971
ear and hearing care across the world. The theme of Liberation war, Indian Naval Ships arrived in the port town
World Hearing Day 2021 is Hearing care for ALL!: of Mongla for a three-day visit to Bangladesh.
Screen, Rehabilitate, Communicate. 44. Switzerland has voted in favour of a proposal banning full
31. World Wildlife Day is observed globally on the 3rd of facial coverings including the burqa and niqab in almost
March every year to celebrate the beautiful and varied all public places. In the public referendum, around 51.21
forms of wild fauna and flora present on earth. World per cent of voters voted in support of the controversial
Wildlife Day will be celebrated in 2021 under the theme proposal.
“Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet”. 45. Mahamadou Issoufou, the incumbent President of Niger
32. Nand Kumar Singh Chauhan, the Bharatiya Janata Party has won the “2020 Ibrahim Prize for Achievement in
(BJP) MP from Khandwa in Madhya Pradesh, has passed African Leadership”, the world’s largest leadership prize,
away. He was a six-term MP. worth $5 million.
33. The SarasAajeevika Mela 2021 is underway at Noida 46. The autobiography of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan,
Haat. The fair was inaugurated by Union Minister popularly known as the “Frontier Gandhi”, titled “The
Narendra Singh Tomar. Frontier Gandhi: My Life and Struggle” is set to be
34. India captain Virat Kohli became the first cricketer in the published in English by the publishing house Roli Books.
world to have 100 million followers on the social media 47. Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG), Girish
platform Instagram. The 32-year-old Kohli is also the Chandra Murmu has been re-appointed as the Chairman
fourth most followed sportsperson on Instagram. of the Panel of External Auditors of the United Nations for
35. The Heritage Foundation, a US Conservative thinktank, the year 2021. Prior to this, Mr Murmu was elected as
recently launched the “Economic Freedom Index”. , Chairman of the Panel for 2020 as well.
Singapore has topped the global ranking for the second 48. The Central Government has appointed Dr G P Samanta
consecutive year. In the 2021 Index, India came in as the new Chief Statistician of India (CSI) for a period of
around the middle of the pack among Asia-Pacific two years. He is India’s fourth CSI.
countries ranking 26th out of 40 countries, scoring 56.5 49. Union Minister Anurag Thakur has become the first
points. Globally, the Foundation rates India’s economy as serving MP to be appointed as Captain in the Territorial
the 121st freest. Army. Thakur has been promoted to the rank of Captain
36. India’s ace shuttler PV Sindhu has won a silver medal in at 124 Infantry Battalion Territorial Army (Sikh).
the BWF Swiss Open Super 300 in the final of the 50. The Indian Navy got its third Scorpene submarine,
women’s singles event held at Basel, Switzerland. commissioned as INS Karanj, of Project P-75 in Mumbai.
37. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has flagged off the 91st With the delivery of Karanj, India further cemented its
anniversary of Dandi March on March 12 in Ahmedabad position as a submarine-building nation. Mazagon Dock
to celebrate the 75th anniversary of India’s Ltd (MDL), one of India’s leading shipyards with the
Independence. The Salt March, which took place from capacity and the capability to meet the requirements and
March to April 1930, was an act of civil disobedience led aspirations of the Indian Navy. Before Karanj, INS Kalvari
by Mahatma Gandhi to protest the British rule in the and INS Khanderi have been commissioned in the Indian
country. The event is kicked off from Mahatma Gandhi’s Navy in 2017 and 2019, respectively.
Sabarmati Ashram and this event is also the part of the 51. The India – Uzbekistan joint military exercise DUSTLIK II
State government’s programme to mark “Azadi Ka Amrut has commenced in Foreign Training Node Chaubatia,
Mahotsav.” Ranikhet in Uttarakhand. This is the Second Edition of the
38. The Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal has annual bilateral joint exercise of both armies.
inaugurated the New Delhi World Book Fair 2021-Virtual 52. In wrestling, the World Championship bronze medallist
Edition, through video-conferencing. The program has Bajrang Punia won a gold medal at the Matteo Pallicone
been organized by the National Book Trust (NBT). ranking series held in Rome, Italy. Apart from this, the ace
39. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has addressed India woman wrestler VineshPhogat won the gold medal
‘JanaushadhiDiwas’ celebrations through video in the 53kg title.
conference. He dedicated to the nation the 7500th 53. India spinner Ravichandran Ashwin was awarded the ICC
Janaushadhi Kendra at NEIGRIHMS, Shillong during the Player of the Month award for February, the International
event. 1st March to 7th March is celebrated as Cricket Council (ICC). Meanwhile, England opener
‘Janaushadhi Week’ across the nation with the theme of Tammy Beaumont won the ICC Women’s Player of the
“Jan Aushadhi – SevaBhi, Rozgar Bhi” for creating Month for February.
awareness about the use of generic medicines.

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54. India will play their inaugural World Test Championship the first female vicepresident of the country, since
final against New Zealand at Southampton’s Ageas Bowl November 2015.
Stadium, England from June 18-22. 69. Netherlands Prime Minister, Mark Rutte has won the
55. The veteran Indian women’s cricketer Mithali Raj has 2021 parliamentary elections with most seats to be sworn
become the first Indian woman cricketer that has in as the Prime Minister for the fourth straight term.
completed 10,000 international runs in all the cricket 70. Italy has signed the amended Framework Agreement of
formats. the International Solar Alliance (ISA) with India. The
56. International Women’s Day is celebrated on the 8th of framework agreement was signed by the Italian
March every year. This day celebrating the social, Ambassador to India Vincenzo De Luca. ISA is an
economic, cultural and political achievements of women. alliance of over 121 nations that have been initiated by
This year’s theme for International Women Day, “Women India.
in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 71. The Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari
world”. released a digital e-book titled Dawn Under The Dome.
57. The Central Industrial Security Forces (CISF) – Raising The digital book depicts the history of the Mumbai
Day (CRD) is observed on March 10 in India every year. General Post Office building. It has been authored by
In 2021, the nation is celebrating the 52nd Raising Day of Post Master General of Mumbai Swati Pandey in
CISF. The basic objective of the CISF is Better collaboration with Orchida Mukherjee.
“protection and security” of industrial undertakings in both 72. A book titled “Battle Ready for 21st Century” coedited by
government and private sectors in the country. Lt Gen AK Singh, Distinguished Fellow CLAWS and Brig
58. Justice Shri Anshuman Singh, the former Governor of Narender Kumar, Visiting Fellow CLAWS was released
Rajasthan & Gujarat, has passed away. Anshuman Singh by Gen Bipin Rawat.
was a retired Justice who served as the Governor of 73. India’s foreign-exchange reserves surpassed Russia’s to
Rajasthan from January 1999 till 2003. become the world’s fourth-largest reserve. The foreign
59. The Delhi government presented a Rs 69,000-crore currency holdings of India stood at $580.3 billion as of
budget themed on ‘patriotism’ or ‘Deshbhakti’ for the March 5, as per the data by the Reserve Bank of India
financial year 2021-22. The budget was presented by the (RBI). The reserve of Russia was $580.1 billion.
Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi, Manish Sisodia. 74. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed a
60. The 63rd edition of the annual Grammy Awards monetary penalty of 2 crores on the State Bank of India
ceremony was held in Los Angeles on March 14, 2021. (SBI) for contravention of certain provisions of Section 10
Beyonce received the most nominations with nine, as well of the Banking Regulation (BR) Act, 1949.
as the most awards with four. 75. Deepak Mishra, Practice Manager in the World Bank’s
61. “Folklore” by Taylor Swift won Album Of The Year, while Macroeconomics, Trade, and Investment Global
“Everything I Wanted” by Billie Eilish won Record Of The Practice, has been appointed as the next director and
Year. chief executive of the Indian Council for Research on
62. Mumbai City FC has defeated ATK Mohun Bagan 2-1 in International Economic Relations (ICRIER).
the ISL 2020-21 final to lift yet another trophy this year. 76. Senior IPS officer, M. A. Ganapathy was on March 16,
Mumbai had earlier secured the ISL Shield along with a 2021 appointed Director General of National Security
spot in the AFC Champions League group stage by Guard. Ganapathy, a 1986 batch Indian Police Service
finishing first in the standings in the regular season. (IPS) officer of the Uttarakhand cadre, is currently
63. The Supreme Court has asked the government to Director General, Bureau of Civil Aviation Security
respond to a plea challenging the Places of Worship Act (BCAS).
enacted in 1991. A notice is issued by a Bench led by 77. Dr Ajay Mathur has assumed office as the Director-
Chief Justice of India Sharad A. Bobde to the Union General of the International Solar Alliance (ISA) with
Ministries of Home, Law and Culture on a plea filed by effect from March 15, 2021.
advocate Ashwini Kumar Upadhyay against various 78. The Kalyani Rafael Advanced Systems (KRAS), which is
provisions of the Places of Worship (Special Provisions) a joint venture between the Kalyani Group of India and
Act of 1991. Rafael Advanced Defence Systems of Israel, have
64. The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has released the first batch of Medium Range Surface to Air
announced a new scheme for tourist vehicle operators, Missile (MRSAM) kits.
under which any tourist vehicle operator may apply for an 79. As part of Mission Sagar-IV, Indian Naval Ship Jalashwa
“All India tourist authorization and permit” through online arrived at Port Anjouan, Comoros to deliver 1,000 Metric
mode. The new set of rules will be known as “All India Tonnes of rice.
Tourist Vehicles Authorization and Permit Rules, 2021”. 80. The India-Finland Virtual Summit was held on March 16,
This will come into effect from April 01, 2021. 2021, with the participation of Prime Minister Shri
65. The Jammu and Kashmir administration has approved Narendra Modi and Prime Minister of the Republic of
the incorporation of a joint venture company (JVC) under Finland Ms Sanna Marin.
the name “Ratle Hydroelectric Power Corporation”. 81. New Delhi has been adjudged as the world’s most
66. El Salvador is the first country in Central America to be polluted capital city for the third straight year in the 2020
certified malaria-free by the World Health Organization. World Air Quality Report by Swiss organisation, IQAir.
WHO grants a certification of malaria elimination when a Globally, New Delhi is ranked as the 10th most polluted
country proves “beyond a reasonable doubt” that there city in the world. The topmost polluted city in the world is
has been no indigenous transmission of the disease Xinjiang in China.
nationwide for the previous three consecutive years. 82. India’s arms imports fell 33% between 2011-15 and 2016-
67. The largest floating solar farm in the world is being built 20, said a report released by the Stockholm International
in Singapore. The country has resorted to set up energy Peace Research Institute (Sipri).
plants off the coasts and reservoirs across it. 83. ndian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has
68. SamiaSuluhu Hassan was sworn in as the sixth President launched the sounding rocket (RH-560) to study
of Tanzania, becoming the first female leader of the East attitudinal variations in the neutral winds and plasma
African country. Prior to taking charge as President, dynamics, at Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC),
Hassan was the Vice-President of Tanzania, also being Sriharikota Range (SHAR).

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84. Bhavani Devi became the first-ever Indian fencer to 92. Renowned Indian artist and painter Laxman Pai has
qualify for the Olympics. The sabre fencer secured an passed away. The Goa-based painter was a recipient of
Olympic spot due to events in the ongoing Fencing World the Padma Bhushan, India’s thirdhighest civilian honour.
Cup. 93. The Dutch inventor of audio cassette tapes, Lou Ottens
85. The International Cricket Council (ICC) has imposed passed away. Dutch engineer credited with inventing the
eight years ban on former UAE players Mohammad cassette tape and playing a major role in the development
Naveed and Shaiman Anwar Butt from all cricket, for of the first CD.
trying to fix matches during the T20 World Cup qualifiers 94. Former Union Minister and BJP leader, Dilip Gandhi
in 2019. passed away, due to coronavirus. He had served as the
86. Indian captain Virat Kohli has breached the 3000- run Union Minister of State, Ministry of Shipping .
mark in Twenty20 Internationals with his last shot in the 95. The 67th National Film Awards are currently being
second T20I against England. announced in New Delhi. Best Feature Film: Marakkar:
87. World Consumer Rights Day is celebrated on March 15 Lion of the Arabian Sea (Malayalam). Best Actor
every year to raise global awareness about consumer (shared): Manoj Bajpayee for Bhonsle (Hindi), and
rights and needs,and protect consumers across the globe Dhanush for Asuran (Tamil). Best Actress:
against market abuses. The theme for World Consumer KanganaRanaut for Panga (Hindi) and Manikarnika: The
Rights Day 2021 is “Tackling Plastic Pollution.” Queen of Jhansi (Hindi).
88. The National Vaccination Day, (also called the National 96. India has been placed at 139th position out of 149
Immunization Day), is celebrated every year on March 16 countries in the UN World Happiness Report 2021
in India, to convey the importance of vaccination to the released. In 2019, India was ranked 140th. The World
entire nation. Happiness Report 2021 has been topped by Finland, for
89. The Ordnance Factories’ Day is observed on the 18th of the fourth consecutive year.
March every year. The production of India’s oldest 97. Every year, March 23 is observed as Martyrs Day
Ordnance Factory, which is at Cossipore of Kolkata, was (Shaheed Diwas or Sarvodaya Day) to pay tribute on the
started on the 18th of March, 1802. OFB is the 37th death anniversary of the freedom fighters Bhagat Singh,
largest defence equipment manufacturer in the world, Sukhdev Thapar, and Shivaram Rajguru, who laid their
2nd largest in Asia, and the largest in India. lives for the freedom of India. It was on March 23 in 1931,
90. International Day of Happiness is celebrated on March 20 in Lahore (Pakistan).
to promote happiness as a fundamental human right for 98. Indian Navy on 18th March undertook Passage Exercise
all human beings across the world. The 2021 (PASSEX) with Royal Bahrain Naval Force Corvette Al
International Day of Happiness campaign theme is ‘Keep Muharraq in the Persian Gulf under Operation Sankalp.
Calm. Stay Wise. Be Kind’. 99. Legendary singer Asha Bhosle will be honoured with the
91. World Oral Health Day is observed every year on 20th prestigious Maharashtra Bhushan Award for the year
March. It focuses on highlighting the benefits of good oral 2020.
health, spreads awareness about oral diseases and 100. India has moved down 13 spots in the latest global home
promotes maintenance of oral hygiene. The theme for the price index to finish last at 56th rank in the quarter ending
next three years, 2021- 2023 is: Be Proud Of Your Mouth. December 2020.

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1. The President’s Rule has been imposed in the Union court-district-court-performance-monitoring-tool-
Territory of Puducherry, by a notification issued by judicialofficers#:~:text=The%20Uttarakhand%20High%2
Ministry of Home Affairs, on the recommendation of the 0Court%2C%20under,of%20judicial%20officers%20in%
Lieutenant Governor, after the established government 20Uttarakhand.&text=We're%20glad%20you're,and%20
lost power during a vote of confidence. The President Bench%20%2D%20Indian%20Legal%20news.)
was satisfied that a situation had arisen in which the 5. International Criminal Court (ICC) has launched
administration of the Union Territory of Puducherry could investigations into the war crimes in Palestinian territories
not carry on in accordance with the provisions of the occupied by Israel (West Bank and the Gaza Strip). The
Government of Union Territories Act, 1963. Union Home investigation is also expected to cover the 2014 Gaza
Secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla issued the notification by war, the 2018 Gaza border clashes and Israeli
which the Union Territory is placed under suspended settlement-building in the West Bank. Prosecutor Fatou
animation. Bensouda said that her probe would look into the actions
(Source: of Hamas, which fired rockets indiscriminately into Israel
ry/presidents-rule-imposed-in- during the 2014 war. The inquiry will also look at whether
puducherry/article33933493.ece ) rocket fire by Hamas and other groups from Gaza
2. The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet ACC amounts to war crimes. The decision for investigation is
(Chaired by PM Modi), approved the appointment of the taken after a recent ruling that the court’s jurisdiction
former Chief justice of Madras High Court, Amreshwar extends to territories occupied by Israel since the 1967
Pratap Sahi, as the Director of the National Judicial Six-day Arab- Israeli war.
Academy. He will be succeeding Justice (retd) G. (Source:
Raghuram. Further, the National Judicial Academy is ernational-criminal-court-investigates-alleged-crimes-in-
situated in Bhopal. The NJA is an independent society palestinian-territories/article33981746.ece)
established under Societies Registration Act, 1860 and 6. A five-judge Constitution Bench led by Chief Justice of
was established in 1993 and its General Body is chaired India Sharad A. Bobde of the Supreme Court has
by the Chief Justice of India. proposed setting up fast-track courts for a limited time to
(Source: clear dishonoured cheque cases. The pendency of
sahi-appointed-as-director-of-national-judicial-academy- cheque bounce cases forms 30% to 40% of the backlog
170545) in trial courts and a sizable chunk of the pile-up in High
3. The Chief Justice of the Himachal Pradesh High Court Courts and is termed as a “grotesque” problem. The
has constituted 'National Law University, Advisory Supreme Court Proposal is to set up fast-track courts
Committee' to look after the matters pertaining to under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act,
Himachal Pradesh National Law University. The will be 2018. The Bench also suggested that even retired judges
constituted of 2 HP High Court judges: Hon’ble Mr. could preside in these “temporary” additional courts to
Justice Tarlok Singh Chauhan and Hon’ble Smt. Justice clear pending cheque cases.
Jyotsna RewalDua. Further, the recommendations of the (Source:
Committee will be placed before the Chief Justice of the me-court-proposes-fast-track-courts-to-clear-
High Court and he will also be the ex-officio Chairman of dishonoured-cheque-cases/article33991492.ece)
the Committee. 7. The European Parliament has declared the European
(Source: Union an “LGBTIQ Freedom Zone” which happened in
justice-of-himachal-pradesh-high-court-constitutes- response to the backsliding of LGBTIQ rights in some EU
national-law-university-advisory-committee-to-look-after- countries, notably Poland and Hungary. A majority of
hpnlu-170675 ) countries in the EU (23/27) recognise same-sex unions,
4. Uttarakhand High Court has launched an application with 16 legally recognising same-sex marriage. The
software called the District Court Performance Monitoring symbolic resolution was passed in response to local
Tool (DCPMT) for monitoring the performance of judicial authorities in Poland labelling themselves "LGBT
officers in Uttarakhand. It was was inaugurated by Mr. ideology-free zones" in recent years. The Polish
Justice Raghuvendra Singh Chauhan, the Chief Justice government announced its proposal for the adoption ban
of High Court of Uttarakhand, Nainital. The software just hours before the European Parliament's declaration
helps the High Court to monitor the performance of the in support of LGBT right.
Judicial Officers of the State on five parameters of the (Source:
Court work on daily and monthly basis and further, it also
tracks the progress of all the subordinate courts in terms why-the-eu-has-been-declared-a-lgbtiq-freedom-zone-
of disposal of every case including special category 7225776/)
cases like old cases, cases relating to Women. 8. The Supreme Court asked the Centre to respond to a
(Source: plea challenging the Places of Worship (Special Provisions) Act, 1991 which freezes the status of places
Head Office: 127, Zone II, MP Nagar, Bhopal |+91-9111555433| Page 33 of 42
of worship as it was on 15th August, 1947. In agreeing to over the delineation of their maritime border in the Indian
examine the law, the court has opened the doors for Ocean, with a vast area of 100,000 km sq rich in fish and
litigation in various places of worship across the country potential hydrocarbons at stake.
including Mathura and Varanasi. The bench of Chief (Source:
Justice S A Bobde and Justice A S Bopanna issued 56391643)
notice on the plea filed by advocate Ashwini Kumar 11. The central government introduced the Government of
Upadhyay who contended that the Act bars the remedy National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Bill, 2021
of judicial review which is a basic feature of the in the Lok Sabha to amend the Government of National
Constitution, thereby depriving Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists Capital Territory of Delhi Act, 1991. It aims to "further
and Jains the right to move court to get their places of define the responsibilities of the elected government and
worship, destroyed or encroached upon by “barbarian Lieutenant Governor (LG) in Delhi". The Bill gives
invaders”, restored. discretionary powers to the LG even in matters where the
(Source: Legislative Assembly of Delhi is empowered to make laws. Further, the bill is also later on passed by the
seeks-govts-response-on-plea-against-places-of- Parliament.
worship-act/article34050961.ece) (Source:
9. A Bench led by Justice Rohinton F. Nariman of the liament-clears-contentious-bill-to-expand-delhi-lgs-
Supreme Court ruled that serving bureaucrats must not power-amid-opposition-
be appointed as election commissioners to ensure that uproar/articleshow/81674664.cms)
the independence of the office of the election 12. The Kerala High Court Justice Anu Sivaraman, in a
commissioner is not compromised. The Bench was landmark judgment directed the Central government to
hearing an appeal by the Goa government against an amend the National Cadet Corps Act (NCC Act) 1948
order of the Bombay High Court. As per the ruling, which excludes transgender persons from joining the
Independent persons and not government employees National Cadet Corps (NCC). The order came at the
should be appointed Election Commissioners and further backdrop of a writ petition was filed in 2020 by a student
also directed States to comply with the constitutional (Heena Haneefa) opposing her exclusion from the NCC
scheme of independent and fair functioning of election unit at the college on the basis of her gender
commissions. (Transgender). The petition challenged Section 6 of the
(Source: NCC Act, 1948 which only allows either ‘male’ or ‘female’
s-associated-with-govts-cannot-work-as-state-election- cadets. Central government argued that transgender
commissioners-sc/article34050251.ece) persons cannot be allowed into the NCC as there is no
10. Kenya has declined to take part in proceedings of the provision for the same.
International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague over its (Source:
maritime border dispute with neighbouring Somalia. kerala-hc-issues-directive-to-amend-ncc-act-and-enrol-
Somalia and Kenya have been at odds for several years transgenders/article34072271.ece)

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1. Parliament proceedings | Over 72% rise in number of UAPA cases registered in

As many as 1948 persons were arrested in 1226 cases registered across the country that year
There has been over 72% increase in the number of persons arrested under the anti-terror law UAPA (Unlawful
Activities [Prevention] Act) in 2019 compared to 2015, data provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) in the Lok
Sabha shows.
As many as 1948 persons were arrested under the UAPA in 1226 cases registered across the country in 2019. Such
cases registered in 2015-2018 stood at 897, 922, 901 and 1182 and the number of those arrested was 1128, 999,
1554 and 1421 respectively.
In 2019, the highest number of such cases were registered in Manipur-306, followed by Tamil Nadu-270, Jammu and
Kashmir-255, Jharkhand-105 and Assam-87 cases. The highest number of arrests under the UAPA in same year
were made in Uttar Pradesh- 498, Manipur- 386, Tamil Nadu-308, Jammu and Kashmir- 227 and Jharkhand- 202.
Union Minister of State for Home Affairs G Kishan Reddy said in a written reply in the Lok Sabha, “cases under the
UAPA are investigated by the State police and the National Investigation Agency (NIA). As far as the NIA is concerned,
so far 48 special courts have been constituted across the country for the speedy trial of terror related case.”
Getting bail is rare
Under the UAPA, getting bail is rare and the investigating agency has up to 180 days to file a charge sheet.
In a separate reply, the Minister stated that “after abrogation of Article 370, the number of terrorist incidents in Jammu
and Kashmir have reduced significantly.”
The data provided shows that in J&K, 244 terrorist incidents were reported and 221 terrorists killed in 2020, while in
2019, the numbers were 594 and 157 respectively. Till February 28 this year, there were 15 incidents and eight
terrorists killed.
The government had declared 42 organisations as terrorist organisations and listed their names in the First Schedule
of the UAPA, the Minister said and added that “terrorism in India has largely been sponsored from across the border.”
Earlier, a reply by the government in the Lok Sabha shows that only 2.2 % of cases registered under the UAPA
between 2016-2019 ended in convictions by court.

2. Quad: strategic opportunity or quagmire?

The grouping neither shares a strategic vision nor is it animated by a shared agenda
On March 5, the Indian media carried news reports, based on remarks by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison,
that the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, known briefly as Quad, would soon meet at summit level, thus signalling the
importance attached to this grouping by the Biden administration. The Quad, which comprises the U.S., Japan,
Australia and India, had in February been described by the U.S. State Department as having “essential momentum
and important potential”.
India’s engagement with the Quad goes back to China’s expanding footprint in South Asia and the Indian Ocean
Region over the last few years. China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative, proposing logistical connectivity across
Eurasia and the Indian Ocean, rang alarm bells in India as the projects were viewed as encroachments into India’s
strategic space. India responded with an upgradation of its naval capabilities and enhancement of ties with the Indian
Ocean Region littoral states and other major powers in the region.
Separately, largely as a result of their shared concerns relating to the rise of China, India has been deepening its
security ties with the U.S. Building on the initiatives of earlier administrations, the Obama and Trump presidencies
focused on interoperability of defence equipment and training based on defence purchases, frequent land and sea
exercises, and agreements harmonising the two countries’ military doctrines and operations.
India in the Quad
The U.S.’s focus on the west Pacific due to aggressive Chinese maritime activity gradually pulled India into the ambit
of the Indo-Pacific that views the western Pacific and the Indian Ocean as an integrated geopolitical space. Besides
the U.S. navy, India expanded its maritime ties with other regional states, the most high-profile of the interactions
being the Quad. Since November 2017, the joint naval exercises of Quad members are being supplemented by
extensive consultations on security issues.
However, India’s involvement with the Quad was initially cautious due to its reluctance to join an overt anti-China
coalition. For instance, at the Shangri La Dialogue in June 2018, Prime Minister Narendra Modi described the Indo-
Pacific as a “geographical definition” and firmly denied it was a “strategy” or a “club of limited members … directed
against any country”. Despite this, in September 2019, India agreed to elevate the Quad platform to ministerial level.

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This had dire consequences. By affiliating with the U.S.-led maritime coalition, India ignored the principal areas of its
security concerns; as former National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon noted, “New Delhi and Washington see
eye to eye on maritime strategy, but not on what to do on the Asian mainland”. India is the only Quad member that is
not in the west Pacific and the only one that shares an undemarcated 3,500-km land border with China. From April
2020, Indian and Chinese forces had their latest border face-off in Ladakh, abruptly ending a long period of productive
Ties with China
In retrospect, this confrontation appears to be China’s sharp response to the steady shift in India’s regional posture
in favour of an alignment with the U.S. and its allies against China, particularly the increasing interoperability between
the respective forces. China has given India a rude reminder that India’s security concerns lie in its northern borders,
not the west Pacific.
The U.S. views China’s rise as a threat to the world order it has led since the Second World War and is anxious to
pull in allies to retard China’s ambitions and maintain its global hegemony. Despite rhetoric relating to the promotion
of a ‘rules-based’ world order (the rules being most frequently violated by the U.S. itself), the Quad neither shares a
strategic vision nor is it animated by a shared agenda. This is obvious not only from its inability to deter China in the
west Pacific, but also by its members’ anxiety to maintain close ties with China.
Thus, in 2020 China became India’s number one trade partner, with two-way trade at $77 billion. Again, China-U.S.
trade continues to favour China — American investors hold $1 trillion of Chinese equity, and 75% of U.S. companies
in China say they will continue to invest there.
The Quad has a core structural problem as well in that it pivots around the U.S. The U.S. is a super-power with global
interests, but it is also self-centred in defining and pursuing its interests, even as its policies experience major shifts
due to government change or domestic lobbies. Clearly, the Quad riles China as a hostile grouping, but hardly serves
the security interests of its members.
Resetting alignments, policies
Not surprisingly, the stand-off at Ladakh has been a bitter experience for India: it has affirmed the limits of India-U.S.
security ties, the folly of Indian involvement in the Quad, and the need to focus national attention and resources in
areas of abiding interest for India — the border, the neighbours and the Indian Ocean.
Ladakh also offers some valuable lessons for India. One, the rebuilding of ties with China will have to be a priority
concern. Though it will take time for trust to be restored, what will help will be for India to dilute its focus on the Indo-
Pacific and the Quad and accept that the borders and the Indian Ocean are where its crucial interests lie.
Two, the Ladakh experience has highlighted certain deficiencies at home: the government appears to be largely
focused on reshaping the national ethos on the basis of a narrow and exclusive political ideology that has raised
doubts about India’s continued commitment to democratic pluralism. It hardly needs reiteration that India’s capacities
can only be built by a united people committed to the national cause.
Finally, foreign policy cannot be a part-time concern of the national leadership; in terms of priority and attention, it
should be on a par with domestic affairs. While this approach is being corrected, it should also be noted that India’s
foreign policy has often been ad hoc, reactive and short term, reflecting the absence of a broad strategic culture. As
the global scenario gets more complex and India’s ambitions increase, a cohesive strategic vision would give
substance and drive to India’s pursuit of its interests over the long term.
Ladakh offers a clear blueprint for the content and direction of national policy. Implementing it will ensure that the
martyrdom of our soldiers in the northern snows would not have been in vain.

3. Dandi March Highlights: Flagging off Salt March, PM Modi launches Azadi ka
Amrit Mahotsav
PM Modi in Ahmedabad, Dandi March 2021 Highlights: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has flagged off a symbolic 386-
kilometre 'Dandi March' from Ahmedabad, which will culminate on April 6 at Dandi in Navsari district.
Dandi March Highlights: On the 91st anniversary of the historic Salt March led by Mahatma Gandhi, Prime Minister
Narendra Modi on Friday flagged off a symbolic 386-kilometre ‘Dandi March’ from Ahmedabad, which will
culminate on April 6 at Dandi in Navsari district. The event started a 75 week countdown to India’s 75th anniversary
of Independence — Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.
The government plans on holding 75 events as part of the celebrations, which will be held till August 15, 2023.
Speaking on the occasion, PM Modi paid tribute to the freedom fighters and said India would showcase to the entire
world its achievements. Apart from the freedom struggle, he said four pillars — ideas, achievements, actions and
resolve — would inspire the dreams and duties of India.
On March 12, 1930, Gandhi led a group of 80 people on a 24-day march against the British monopoly on production
of salt. This non-violent protest came to be known as the Dandi March or Salt March.
What was the original Dandi March of 1930?

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The Dandi March or Salt March was part of Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent protest against the British monopoly on
production of salt. Led by Gandhi, 78 people started the 24-day march on March 12 and reached Dandi on April 5,
1930. After making salt at Dandi, Gandhi headed to Dharasana Salt Works, 40 km south, but was arrested on May 5.
Who will participate in the 2021 Dandi March?
Gujarat Minister of State for Sports, Youth and Cultural Activities (Independent charge) Ishwarsinh Patel said
“descendants of those who walked the Salt March (in 1930) will be honoured”, though they have not been invited to
participate in the nearly 386-km walk “due to their age”. The march itself will see 81 walkers traverse the route in
memory of the 78 who accompanied Mahatma Gandhi in 1930 from Ahmedabad to Dandi and two others who had
joined mid-route.
The subsequent journey will see “big events at six places” associated with Gandhi. These include MK Gandhi’s
birthplace Porbandar, along with Rajkot, Vadodara, Bardoli (Surat), Mandvi (Kutch) and Dandi (Navsari).
Simultaneous programmes to “foster patriotism” will be held on March 12 at 75 places where the 1930 entourage had
taken halted. Cultural programmes are planned at 21 spots on the route at the nightly stops for the walkers. As per
Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, political leaders will join in on each day of the 21 days.
What will the Prime Minister’s schedule look like on the day?
As per the tentative plan, the Prime Minister is expected to visit Hriday Kunj in the Sabarmati Ashram managed by
the Sabarmati Ashram Preservation and Memorial Trust (SAPMT) for “two to three minutes” at around 10.30 am, as
per an Ashram official.
Followed by Hriday Kunj visit, the Prime Minister is expected to proceed to a ground beside Abhay Ghat to address
a gathering. This event could go on for an hour and will be streamed live at 75 locations in Gujarat.

4. Anti-defection law: When a nominated MP loses Rajya Sabha membership

What is the anti-defection law because of which Dasgupta had to resign after being chosen as an election candidate?
On Tuesday, nominated MP Swapan Dasgupta resigned from Rajya Sabha, a year before completion of his term.
Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra had raised the issue of his disqualification from Rajya Sabha under the anti-
defection law, after the BJP had fielded Dasgupta as its candidate for Tarakeswar constituency in the West Bengal
Assembly elections. What is the anti-defection law because of which Dasgupta had to resign after being chosen as
an election candidate?
Nominated members
During the making of the Constitution, members of the Constituent Assembly felt that Rajya Sabha should have
members who might not win elections but will bring knowledge and expertise to discussions in the Upper House. N
GopalswamiAyyangar said that nominating members to Rajya Sabha gives “an opportunity, perhaps, to seasoned
people who may not be in the thickest of the political fray, but who might be willing to participate in the debate with an
amount of learning and importance which we do not ordinarily associate with the House of the People”.
It led to Rajya Sabha having 12 nominated members from different walks of life. The broad criterion for their
nomination is that they should have distinguished themselves in fields like literature, science, art, and social service.
The President nominates such individuals as recommended by the Centre. Nominated members have the same rights
and privileges as elected members, with one notable difference — they cannot vote in the election of the President.
Anti-defection law
In 1985 the Tenth Schedule, popularly known as the anti-defection law, was added to the Constitution. But its
enactment was catalysed by the political instability after the general elections of 1967. This was the time when multiple
state governments were toppled after MLAs changed their political loyalties. The purpose of the 1985 Constitution
Amendment was to bring stability to governments by deterring MPs and MLAs from changing their political parties on
whose ticket they were elected. The penalty for shifting political loyalties is the loss of parliamentary membership and
a bar on becoming a minister.
The law specifies the circumstances under which changing of political parties by MPs invite action under the law. The
law covers three types of scenarios with respect to an MP switching parties. The first is when a member elected on
the ticket of a political party “voluntarily gives up” membership of such a party or votes in the House contrary to the
wishes of the party. The second possibility is when an MP who has won his or her seat as an independent candidate
after the election joins a political party. In both these instances, the MP lose the seat in the House on changing (or
joining) a party.
The third scenario relates to nominated MPs. In their case, the law specifies that within six months of being nominated
to the House, they can choose to join a political party. The time is given so that if a nominated MP is not a member
of a political party, they can decide to join one if they want. But if they don’t join a political party during the first six
months of their tenure, and join a party thereafter, then they lose their seat in Parliament.
That is what has happened in Dasgupta’s case. After his nomination to Rajya Sabha in 2016, he did not join a political
party within the mandatory period of six months, and his membership was open to challenge under the anti-defection
Changing/joining a party
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Over the years, courts have decided that changing a party or joining another does not have to be a formal act. It can
also be interpreted through an MP’s actions, on a case-by-case basis. In the past, actions like campaigning for another
political party, joining a delegation of elected representatives from another political party to give a representation to
the Governor, appearing in political rallies or fighting an election on the symbol of a political party have been held to
constitute defection.
When the 1985 law was made, its statement of objects and reasons stated: “The evil of political defections has been
a matter of national concern. If it is not combated, it is likely to undermine the very foundations of our democracy and
the principles which sustain it.”
Now the continuity and stability of an elected government are decided in Lok Sabha, where a no-confidence motion
can be moved against the government. But the anti-defection law applies equally to both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
MPs, even though the Upper House has no role in deciding the government’s fate. Earlier versions of the law did not
contain the provision for the disqualification of nominated MPs.
Of the 12 nominated members in Rajya Sabha today, eight members have joined the BJP, including classical dancer
Dr SonalMansingh and sculptor Dr Raghunath Mohapatra.

5. Bill giving Centre more power over Delhi gets Lok Sabha nod

Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal says passage of the Bill in Lok Sabha is an insult to the people of Delhi as it takes away
powers from those who were voted by the people and gives control to those who were defeated.
The Lok Sabha on Monday passed the The Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Bill, 2021,
that aims to give Centre more power over Delhi. The Bill suggests amendments to the Act that specifies the roles of
the elected government and the nominated Lieutenant Governor in Delhi.
The Centre had said that the Bill has been brought to end ambiguity in running the affairs of the national capital, and
appealed to everyone not to term it a “political move” since it will be beneficial to the people of the city.
Reacting to the decision, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal tweeted, “Passage of GNCTD amendment Bill in Lok Sabha
today is an insult to the people of Delhi. The Bill effectively takes away powers from those who were voted by people
and gives powers to run Delhi to those who were defeated. BJP has cheated the people.”
Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said that if the proposed amendments to The Government of National
Capital Territory of Delhi Act, 1991 are passed, elections and the elected government in Delhi will become
Officials said two proposed amendments, in particular, have the potential to render the elected government irrelevant.
While one seeks to state clearly that the expression “government” will mean the Lieutenant Governor in laws made
by the Legislative Assembly, the other says that the opinion of the L-G has to be sought for any executive action.
“The Centre has brought in an undemocratic and unconstitutional Bill. It says L-G is the government and all decisions
and files have to be routed through him,” Sisodia said on Monday. “This Bill goes against what the Supreme Court
Constitution Bench order had stated. If this is what the Centre wants to do, what is the point of holding elections and
there being an elected government in the state? Why does the Centre pretend to be democratic?” he asked.
The bill was introduced in Lok Sabha on March 15 following which Delhi ministers and AAP MPs, MLAs and councillors
staged a protest at Jantar Mantar here against it, saying it gives overarching power to the L-G.
The Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Bill, 2021, introduced by Minister of State for
Home G Kishan Reddy, proposes to amend four clauses of the 1991 Act.
The first is in Section 21, “Restrictions on laws passed by Legislative Assembly with respect to certain matters”. The
Bill seeks to add a subsection making it clear that the “expression ‘Government’ referred to in any law to be made by
the Legislative Assembly shall mean the Lieutenant Governor”.
The second amendment is sought in Section 24, which deals with assent to Bills passed by the Legislative Assembly.
The amendment seeks to add that the L-G will not assent to and pass on to the President for consideration any Bill
which “incidentally covers any of the matters which falls outside the purview of the powers conferred on the Legislative
Third, the Bill wants to add in Section 33 (“Rules of procedure”) that rules made by the Assembly for regulating its
procedure and conduct of business shall not be “inconsistent with the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business
in House of People”.
Also, “Provided that the Legislative Assembly shall not make any rule to enable itself or its Committees to consider
the matters of day-to-day administration of the Capital or conduct inquiries in relation to the administrative decisions,
and any of the rule made in contravention of this proviso, before the commencement of the Government of National
Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Act, 2021, shall be void.”
The amendment Bill seeks to add that before any executive action is taken in “pursuance of the decision of the Council
of Ministers or a Minister” or to “exercise powers of the government”, the opinion of the L-G has to be obtained.

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6. International Criminal Court investigates alleged crimes in Palestinian
Fatou Bensouda has said her probe would look into the actions of Hamas, which fired rockets
indiscriminately into Israel during the 2014 war
The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court said Wednesday she has launched an investigation into alleged
crimes in the Palestinian territories, plunging the court into the midst of one of the most fraught conflicts of the past
half century.
Fatou Bensouda said in a statement the probe will be conducted “independently, impartially and objectively, without
fear or favor.”
Ms Bensouda said in 2019 there was a “reasonable basis” to open a war crimes probe into Israeli military actions in
the Gaza Strip as well as Israeli settlement activity in the occupied West Bank.
Following that assessment, she asked judges to rule on the extent of the court’s jurisdiction in the troubled region.
They did that last month, saying that the court’s jurisdiction extends to territories occupied by Israel in the 1967
Mideast war.
There was no immediate reaction from Israel.
The Palestinians joined the court in 2015 and have long pushed for an investigation of Israel, which is not a member
of the court. The Palestinians asked the court to probe Israeli actions during its 2014 war against Palestinian militants
in the Gaza Strip, as well as Israel’s construction of settlements in the occupied West Bank and annexed east
In the past, Israeli officials have accused the court of overstepping its bounds, saying the Palestinians are not an
independent sovereign state. Officials say that Israel has been unfairly singled out and reject the allegations. They
say military actions in Gaza were acts of self-defense and the status of the West Bank is disputed and must be
resolved through negotiations.
The investigation will likely also look into alleged crimes by Palestinian militants. Bensouda has said her probe would
look into the actions of Hamas, which fired rockets indiscriminately into Israel during the 2014 war.
Ms Bensouda said how prosecutors prioritize their work will be “determined in due time” based on constraints including
the coronavirus pandemic, limited resources and their existing heavy workload.
“Such challenges, however, as daunting and complex as they are, cannot divert us from ultimately discharging the
responsibilities that the Rome Statute places upon the Office,” she said, referring to the court’s founding treaty.

7. Supreme Court proposes fast-track courts to clear dishonoured cheque cases

Solicitor General says the idea will require ‘wide-ranging consultations’ at the highest level.
A Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court on Thursday proposed setting up fast-track courts for a limited time to
clear dishonoured cheque cases, which form over 30% of the backlog in courts across the country.
The five-judge Bench led by Chief Justice of India Sharad A. Bobde termed the pendency of cheques cases a
“grotesque” problem. The Bench suggested that even retired judges could preside in these “temporary” additional
courts to clear pending cheque cases.
Solicitor General Tushar Mehta welcomed the proposal of additional courts from the Bench, but said the idea would
require “wide-ranging consultations” at the highest level.
Mr. Mehta’s submission indicated a softening of its earlier position against setting up additional courts to exclusively
hear cheque cases.
On March 2, the Finance Ministry had issued a memorandum suggesting other alternatives to curb pendency in
cheque dishonour disputes.
Power, obligation
But, on March 3, a three-judge Bench led by Chief Justice Bobde dismissed the Ministry’s memorandum and reminded
the government that it had both power and an obligation under Article 247 of the Constitution to set up “additional
courts” to better the administration of laws enacted by Parliament, including the Negotiable Instruments Act, which
deals with cheques. The CJI, to buttress the importance of the issue, overnight placed the issue before a Constitution
Taking the cue, on Wednesday, Mr. Mehta, who was asked to be present before the Constitution Bench, said the
government was open to the idea but would need time to hold detailed consultations on the court’s proposal.
The court agreed and scheduled a hearing for March 10.
The apex court had registered a suo motu case last year to evolve a “concerted” and “coordinated” mechanism for
expeditious disposal of cheque cases. The court had found that over 35 lakh cheque bounce cases were pending in
courts all over. The court had appointed senior advocate Siddharth Luthra and advocate K. Parameshwar as amici
curiae in the suo motu case.

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In their report, Mr. Luthra and Mr. Parameshwar made various suggestions for preventing delay in cheque dishonour
These include having the Centre, Reserve Bank of India and the Indian Banks Association create a nodal service
agency for effective service of summons through electronic process.
They have also recommended empowering local Magistrates to order attachment of the bank account of an
absconding accused to the extent of the cheque amount.
“Since bank accounts are linked to Aadhaar, the court can always issue directions to the bank concerned to attach
all bank accounts to the extent of the cheque amount,” their report in the Supreme Court explained.
Unique number
One of their other suggestions was generating a unique number for a dishonour memo, which when fed into a system
would reveal the details of the account holder.
“The online banking platform may also be modified to ensure that once there is a dishonour on grounds of insufficient
funds, a computer generated notice may automatically be sent to the account holder stating that the cheque has been
dishonoured due to insufficient funds,” their report said.

8. Supreme Court seeks govt.’s response on plea against Places of Worship Act
Certain provisions are against principles of secularism, according to petition
The Supreme Court on Friday asked the government to respond to a plea challenging a special law enacted in 1991
by the Congress government, which freezes the status of places of worship as it was on August 15, 1947.
A Bench led by Chief Justice of India Sharad A. Bobde issued notice to the Union Ministries of Home, Law and Culture
on a plea filed by advocate Ashwini Kumar Upadhyay against various provisions of the Places of Worship (Special
Provisions) Act of 1991.
Mr. Upadhyay said the “arbitrary, irrational and retrospective” cut-off date bars Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, and Sikhs
from approaching courts to “re-claim” their places of worship which were “invaded” and “encroached” upon by
“fundamentalist barbaric invaders”.
“The Act declared that the character of places of worship-pilgrimage shall be maintained as it was on August 15, 1947
and no suit or proceeding shall lie in court in respect of disputes against encroachment done by fundamentalist
barbaric invaders and law breakers and such proceeding shall stand abated,” the petition said.
The petition said Sections of the Act that dealt with the bar on legal claims were against the principles of secularism.
“Section 2, 3, 4 not only offend right to pray, practice and propagate religion (Article 25), right to manage maintain
administer places of worship-pilgrimage (Article 26), right to conserve culture (Article 29) but are also contrary to
State’s duty to protect historic places (Article 49) and preserve religious cultural heritage (Article 51A),” the petition

9. Kenya withdraws from ICJ case over Somalia sea border at last minute
Kenya will not take part in Monday's hearings over its maritime border dispute with Somalia at the
International Court of Justice, government sources have told the BBC.
Kenya accuses the ICJ of bias in the case, which concerns a 62,000 sq miles (160,000 sq km) triangle in the Indian
The area is thought to be rich in oil and gas.
The dispute is at the heart of a diplomatic row between the neighbours.
Kenya had asked for the case to be delayed while it briefed a new legal team, and also cited the coronavirus pandemic,
but the ICJ ruled the case should be heard virtually on Monday.
Kenya also objects to the presence on the ICJ panel of a Somali judge, saying he should recuse himself.
Somalia brought the case in 2014, saying the maritime frontier should follow on in the same direction as the land
border, while Kenya argues that it has always been taken in a horizontal line from the point where the two countries
meet at the coast.
Kenya's legal team is understood to want to brief the ICJ for 30 minutes on Monday before the hearing officially starts.
Somalia also accuses Kenya of interfering in its internal affairs by backing the administration of the Jubbaland region
against the federal government.
However, the two countries are allies against the al-Shabab Islamist group, which controls many rural parts of
Somalia and has staged numerous deadly attacks in Kenya.

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10. Former Madras High Court Chief Justice AP Sahi Appointed As Director Of
National Judicial Academy
Former Chief Justice of Madras High Court, Justice AP Sahi has been appointed as the Director of National Judicial
Academy (NJA). He will succeed Justice (retd) G. Raghuram. Justice Sahi enrolled as an Advocate in the Allahabad
High Court after obtaining his LLB degree in 1985.He practised mainly on the Civil & Constitutional side, and also
worked as counsel for largenumber of Educational Institutions including. He was elevated as an Additional Judge of
the Allahabad High Court in September 2004 and was made a permanent Judge in August 2005. He swore in as the
Chief Justice of Patna High Court on November 17, 2018. He served as the Chief Justice of the Madras High Court
from November 11, 2019, until his retirement on December to 31, 2020. About NJA NJA is an independent society,
established in 1993 under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. Its mission is to enhance timely justice, focusing on
(i) delay and arrears reduction (DAR); and (ii) enhancing the quality and responsiveness of justice (QRJ). The Chief
Justice of India is the Chairman of the General Body of NJA as well as the Chairman of the Governing Council, the
Executive Committee and the Academic Council of NJA.

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Across Down
2. forgiven for an error or offence 1. written command to a person to appear in court
4. illegal demand of money 3. person against who m criminal charges are levied
6. not guilty 5. taking away of a person by force or violence
9. information received on account of others 7. showing guilt, incriminate
11. absence of guilt 8. lying underoath
13. support 10. person swears an affidavit
14. brutal 12. question someone for lo ng time to obtaininformation
15. person against who m criminal charges are proved 16. procedure of examining facts and law by the judge
17. help so meone in a criminal act
18. illegal
19. to lure
20. release of convictbefore completion of his sentence

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