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1. On_________, the international Association of schools of social work and the

international Federation of Social Work jointly announced this new international definition
of Social Work.
A. June 27,2001
B. July 27, 2001
C. June 20, 2000
D. June 28, 2001
2. In general social functioning problems are caused by?
A. Situational inadequacies and other conditions which are beyond man’s coping
B. Personal inadequacies or sometimes pathologies which may make it difficult for man
to cope with the demands of his environment.
C. Both personal and situational inadequacies
D. All of the above
3. He characterizes social welfare as an organized concern of all people for all people.
A. Elizabeth Wickenden
B. Gertrude Wilson
C. Richard M. Titmus
D. Walter Friedlander
4. These refer to systematic and voluntary efforts undertaken by individuals and/or groups
in response to the unmet needs of people in a community.
A. Social Agency
B. Major Societal institutions which have their designated roles and responsibility for
meeting human needs
C. Individual and group efforts
D. None of the above
5. He sees social problems as structural or basically located in the economy.
A. Elizabeth Wickenden
B. Gertrude Wilson
C. Richard M. Titmuss
D. Walter Friedlander
6. This view or conception of social welfare often carries the stigma of doles.
A. Organizational
B. institutional
C. Residual
D. Societal
7. This view or conception of social welfare sees social welfare as a proper, legitimate
function of modern society.
A. Institutional
B. Residual
C. Societal
D. Organizational
8. One of the categories of social welfare is personal social services and among these
choices are the examples, except one.
A. Rehabilitation
B. Counseling
C. Treatment for deviants
D. Compulsory employer liability
9. This refers to physiological factors like poor physical conditions, wrong attitudes, and
values etc...
A. Situational inadequacies
B. Personal inadequacies
C. B both personal and situational
D. None of the above
10. According to him social welfare is an organized system of social services and
institutions, designed to aid individuals and groups to attain satisfying standards of life.
A. Walter Friedlander
B. Gertrude Wilson
C. Elizabeth Wickenden
D. Richard M. Titmuss
11. This refers to material/concrete aids/ support provided usually by government
agencies, to people who have no income or means of support for themselves and their
families for reasons.
A. Personal Social services
B. Social security
C. Both A and B
D. Public assistance
12. At all times everywhere, there are people who have needs and problems beyond their
own capacity for solution.
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe True
D. Maybe False
13. According to her social welfare includes those laws, programs, benefits and services
which assure of strengthened provisions for meeting social needs recognized as basic to
the well being of the population and the better functioning of the social order.
A. Josefa Jara Martinez
B. Helen Harris Perlman
C. Elizabeth Wickenden
D. None of the above
14. These refer to services functions which have major bearing upon personal problems,
individual’s situations of stress, interpersonal helping of helping people in need, and the
provisions of direct services in collaboration with workers from government and voluntary
A. Personal social services
B. Public Assistance
C. Social Security
D. All of the above
15. This refers to the programs, services and other activities provided under various
auspices, to concretely answer the needs and problems of the members of society.
A. Social agency
B. Social goal
C. Social services
D. Social welfare
16. In its broadest sense it is practically everything that man do for the society.
A. Social work
B. Social services
C. Social welfare
D. Social goal
17. it is the profession which is concerned with man’s adjustment to his environment.
A. Social worker
B. Social work
C. Sociology
D. Social agency
18. This goal of social welfare is rooted in the democratic idea of social justice and is
based on the belief that men has the potential to realize himself, except that physical,
social, economic, psychological and other factors sometimes hinder or prevent him from
realizing potentials.
A. Social control goal
B. Economic developmental goal
C. Humanitarian and social justice goal
D. Individual and group goal
19. This goal place priority on these programs designed to support increases in the
production of goods and services, and other resources that will contribute to economic
A. Social Control goal
B. Economic developmental goal
C. Humanitarian and social justice goal
D. Individual and group goal
20. This goal is based on the recognition of the needy, deprived, or disadvantaged groups
who may strike out, individually and or collectively, against what they consider to be
alienating or offending society.
A. Social Control goal
B. Economic developmental goal
C. Humanitarian and social justice goal
D. Individual and group goal

1. It is a child caring institution with fresh cow’s milk from a dairy farm in Pasay,
Manila, supervised by a veterinarian. This agency opened a free consultation for
A. American Red Cross
B. Associacion de Damas Filipinas
C. La Gota de Leche
D. Philippine Anti- tuberculosis society
2. In 1885 an asylum for girls was established, offering religious instruction, primary
education and training housework for its inmates.
A. Asilo de San Vicente de Paul
B. Nuestra Senora de la Consolacion
C. Hospicio de san Jose
D. None of the above
3. This is founded in 1882 originally to house the aged and orphans, the mentally
defective and young boys enquiring reform.
A. Asilo de San Vicente de Paul
B. Nuestra Senora de la Consolacion
C. Hospicio de san Jose
D. None of the above
4. The first hospital established in the Philippines was founded by?
A. Fr. Juan Clemente
B. Don Miguel Lopez de Legaspi
C. Josefa Jara Martinez
D. Asuncion A. Perez
5. In______ the Philippine anti- tuberculosis society was organized.
A. 1910
B. 1920
C. 1810
D. 1911
6. It was organized by a civic- spirited women to help destitute mothers and their
children using funds obtained from membership, and later funds granted by the
public welfare board.
A. La Gota de leche
B. Red Cross
C. Hall house
D. Associacion de Damas Pilipinas
7. In the year 1924 the Philippine legislature passed a law relating to the care and
custody of neglected and delinquent children and providing probation officers for
A. Philippine legislation Act No. 3204
B. Philippine legislation Act No. 3203
C. Philippine legislation Act No. 3023
D. Philippine legislation Act No. 3223
8. This President passed the anti-usury laws, the 8 hour labor law, and increase
wages of 1peso in the provinces and 1 peso and 25 centavo in the cities.
A. Pres. Corazon Aquino
B. Pres. Manuel L. Quezon
C. Pres. Ferdinand Marcos
D. Pres. Elpidio Quirino
9. The 2nd world war was to last for 3 years, from years?
A. 1943-1945
B. 1942-1944
C. 1941-1943
D. 1944-1948
10. UNRA stands for?
A. Universal and National Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
B. United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
C. United Nation Recovery and Rehabilitation Administration
D. None of the above
11. In August 1948 President Qurino created the?
12. An important development in the mid-sixties was the passage of the 1965 Republic
A. 9262
B. 7610
C. 4373
D. 8505
13. On September 8, 1976, the DSW became the?
A. Department of Social Services and Development
B. Department of Social Security and Development
C. Department of Security and Social Development
D. None of the above
14. On January 30, 1987, President Corazon Aquino signed the Executive order No.
123. Recognizing the MSSD and renaming it to?
15. In this year the council of Welfare Agencies of the Philippines and the Community
Chest of Grater manila were organized.
A. 1849
B. 1959
C. 1969
D. 1949
16. Special Protection of Children against Child abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination
A. 7658
B. 6972
C. 9262
D. 7610
17. Domestic adoption act of 1998
A. R.A. 8980
B. R.A. 8552
C. R.A.8353
D. R.A.8505
18. Anti Rape Law of 1997
A. R.A.8980
B. R.A.8552
C. R.A.8353
D. R.A.8505
19. Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act.
A. R.A.9262
B. R.A.7876
C. R.A.7277
D. R.A.9208
20. Magna Carta for Disabled Persons Act.
A. R.A.7432
B. R.A.7876
C. R.A7277
D. R.A. 9208

1. The general assignment for the social work profession is to mediate the process
through which the individual and the society reach out to each other through mutual
need for self-fulfillment.
A. Wernes Boehm
B. Willam Schwartz
C. Willam Gordon
D. Harriet Barlet
2. Social work seeks to enhance the social functioning of individuals, singularly and
in groups by activities focused upon their social relationship which constitute
interaction between individual and their environment.
A. Wernes Boehm
B. Willam Schwartz
C. Willam Gordon
D. Harriet Barlet
3. The central focus of social work traditionally seems to have been on the person-
in-his-life-situation complex ------- a simultaneous dual focus on man and his
A. Wernes Boehm
B. Willam Schwartz
C. Willam Gordon
D.Harriet Barlet
4. Social workers become involved when individual are having difficulty in relationship
with other people; in growing so as to maximize their potential; and in meeting the
demands of the environment.
A. Willam Schwartz
B. Harriet Barlet
C. Louise C. Johnson
D. Wernes Boehm
5. Social functioning is the relation between the coping activity of people and the demand
from the environment.
A. Harriet Barlet
B. Wilam Schwatrz
C. Louise C. Johnson
D. Wernes Boehm
6. In the functions of social work, thisis to identify potential areas of disequilibrium
between individuals or groups and the environment in order to prevent the occurrence od
disequilibrium. This is referred to as the?
A. Normative function
B. Formative function
C. Preventive function
D. None of the above
7. In social work profession this is the extensive education in systematic theory of her
discipline provides the professional’s judgement which the layman does not have.
A. Community Sanction
B. Professional Authority
C. Norms and laws
D. Code of ethics
8. it is said to be the recognition of professional authority is expressed not only in the
client-professional relationship but also on the professional- community relationship.
A. Community Sanction
B. Professional Authority
C. Norms and laws
D. Code of ethics
9. This code serves to check possible abuses which can arise out of a profession’s
exercise of authority, and its accompanying powers and privileges.
A. Normative Code of Ethics
B. Formative Code of Ethics
C. Professional Code of Ethics
D. Regulative Code of Ethics
10. A profession can enforce the observance of its ethical code trough self-discipline,
which is achieved formally and informally. This is according to?
A. Greenwood
B. Roonwood
C. Alfred Adler
D. None of the above
11. Assumptive knowledge also known as __________
A. Practical knowledge
B. True knowledge
C. Practice Wisdom
D. Practical wisdom
12. There are three types of knowledge the social work uses. Among the choices which
is not part of the three knowledge?
A. Practical knowledge
B. Tested knowledge.
C. Assumptive knowledge
D. Hypothetical knowledge
13. Defined as the socially organized pattern of behavior and activities expected from an
individual occupying a certain position in society.
A. Social functioning
B. Social Image
C. Social role
D. None of the above
14. It is a network of overlapping social system and social situations, including ecological
systems, cultures, and institutions, whereas as social situation is an impinging segment
of social environment.
A. Social system
B. Social environment
C. Social Situation
D. None of the above
15. Many decades ago, there was a big issue about which should be given priority
attention by social work, changing the individual or changing the environment. This issue
A. Individual vs. Environment
B. Psychosocial vs. Biological
C. Environment vs. the Physical
D. Social vs. the Psychological
16. Social functioning is what results from the interaction between the two forces------ the
individual’s cooping capacities and the demands of his situation/environment. The social
worker’s job assignment involves?
A. Mediating or Matching or striking.
B. Matching or labeling
C. Mediating or labeling
D. Mediating or Matching and labeling.
17. Control over admission into the profession has been achieved with the passage in
1965 of law______?
A. R.A. 9262
B. R.A. 7610
C. R.A. 4373
D. None of the above
18. Formal and informal groupings characterize all occupations, including the profession.
A. Professional Culture
B. Regulative Code of Ethics
C. Professional Code of Ethics
D. None of the above
19. This refers to facilitating a client’s access to a colleague who can provide help other
than what the worker can or is already providing.
A. Referral
B. Consultation
C. Counseling
D. Intervention Plan
20. This refers to the practice of inviting a colleague to participate in some aspect to the
work being done in relation to a client’s need
A. Referral
B. Consultation
C. Counseling
D. Intervention Plan

1. It is defined as that worth which man attaches to certain thing, systems, or persons
within the realm of usefulness, truth, goodness or beauty.
A. Belief
B. System
C. Value
D. Philosophy
2. It is crucial to any profession and the dictionary simply defines it as ability,
expertness, or proficiency gained from practice and knowledge.
A. Learning
B. Study
C. Values
D. Skill
3. In this view, man is seen as highly complex, requiring understanding of multiple
and complex social, organic, psychological, and cultural variables.
A. Natural vs. Transcendental view
B. Man as Social, Asocial, or Anti-social
C. Democracy view of Man.
D. All of the above
4. With this man is viewed as capable of reason, of rational analysis and choice.
A. Natural vs. Transcendental view
B. Man as Social, Asocial, or Anti-social
C. Democracy view of Man.
D. All of the above
5. SIR is a facility at getting along with others in such a way as to avoid outward signs
of conflict. What does SIR stand for?
A. Simple Interpersonal Relations
B. Smooth Interpersonal Relations
C. Significant Interpersonal Relations
D. None of the above
6. Is a term used to refer to the sensitivity to personal affront and functions to protect
the individual against loss of social acceptance.
A. Amor Propio
B. Hiya
C. Pakikisama
D. Pakikibagay
7. Defined as being taken by one’s fellows for what one is, or believes he is, and
being treated in accordance with his status
A. Social Acceptance
B. Social Role
C. Social Function
D. None of the above
8. Thes form the basis for respecting the client ( individually, group, community) under
any circumstances, an approach which is an expression of a compound of attitudes
that are based on scientific assumptions about human behavior.
A. Participation of the client problem- solving
B. Self- determination as a right of the client
C. Individualization of the client
D. Acceptance of people as they are
9. From the time that the worker begins to gather information, the client is asked to
provide pertinent facts, to present his own perception of the situation, and is
involved in defining the nature of the problem, and if there are many problems, he
is involved in prioritizing these problems.
A. Transference
B. Countertransference
C. Participation of the client in problem solving
D. None of the above
10. A client shared his problems and experiences with the worker and right after their
session, a lady who introduced herself as the neighbor of the client asked the
worker about what the client told the worker during their session. In this situation
the worker must know the importance of?
A. Confidentiality
B. Control emotional involvement.
C. Individuality
D. None of the above
11. A proposition that the human mind functions in a dualistic way, that conflict
between its opposing tendencies often result to?
A. Transference
B. Dualistic mindset
C. Ambivalence
D. None of the above
12. It is believed to take place when the client unconsciously transfers to the social
worker attributes or characteristics of some important or powerful persons in his
early life.
A. Transfer
B. Transcendence
C. Both A and B
D. Transference
13. It is the system of ethical principles and rules conduct generally accepted by the
members of a professional group, based on the philosophy, values, and guiding
principles of that profession.
A. Professional ethics
B. Ethics
C. Ethical values
D. None of the above
14. The relationship between worker and a client.
A. Client- worker relationship
B. Client relationship
C. Intimate relationship
D. Worker Self- awareness
15. This principle means that the social worker is always conscious that her role is to
make use of her professional relationship with her client in a way that will enhance
primarily the client’s development rather than her own.
A. Client- worker relationship
B. Client relationship
C. Intimate relationship
D. Worker Self- awareness
16. This principle involves the recognition and understanding of each client’s unique
qualities and the differential use of principles and methods is assisting each toward
better adjustment.
A. Worth and Dignity principle
B. Individualization of the client
C. Worker Self-awareness
D. Client-worker relationship
17. This is a cultural belief that a person must suffer before he can gain happiness,
and related to it is that which many still believe, that women, particularly, must
suffer in silence.
A. Pag-iinda
B. Patience, Suffering and Endurance
C. Suffering, Pain and Endurance
D. None of the above
18. It is granted when a transfer of goods or services takes place between individuals
belonging to two different groups. This literally means dept of gratitude.
A. Hiya
B. Pag- bibigayan
C. Utang na Loob
D. None of the above
19. The belief that the family will remain close if someone exerts firm authority.
A. Suffering, Pain and Endurance
B. The family value
C. The Authority Value
D. Emotional Closeness and Security in a Family
20. One example of this value is sacrificing individual interest for the good of the family,
such parents stiving to give their children an education even at a great cost to
A. Suffering, pain and Endurance
B. The Authority vale
C. Family value
D. Emotional Closeness and Security in a Family

1. He stated that knowledge base of social work is a comprehensive topic which
encompasses the facts and theories, skills and attitudes, necessary for effective,
efficient practice.
A. Elizabeth Wickenden
B. Gertrude Wilson
C. Alfred Kadushin
D. Walter Friedlander
2. At the present time, the knowledge components in the Social Welfare Policy and
Services and Social Work Practice areas come mainly from knowledge developed by
social workers for social workers, and are found in Social work books, journals, and other
professional literature in social work.
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe true
D. Maybe false
3. Concept of the problem is a part of the outline in specific knowledge required in
SWPPS. All of this are part of Concept Problem EXEPT?
A. Problem as manifest need
B. Problem as universal and yet singular
C. Problem as person- centered.
D. Problem as never ending
4. This are all Motivations of Social Welfare Programs and Services EXCEPT.
A. Social Justice
B. Social control
C. Economic development
D. Human values and norms which shape policies and service.
E. None of the above
5. Concept of Provision explains how society meets the needs of its members. Choice
the correct answer.
A. Individual and Group Efforts
B. Major societal institutions and their roles and responsibilities foe meeting human
C. The social agency as provision for helping people with their problems.
D. All of the above
6. Concept of needs are composed of?
A. Material and non-material needs
B. Universal and Singular needs
C. Social and economic needs
D. None of the above
7. This knowledge area focuses on knowledge about the individual as a bio-psycho-social
being, the interaction between him/her in the environment which affect or influence
A. Socialization
B. Human Behavior and the Social Environment
C. Psychodynamic and Psychoanalytic
D. Deviancy
8. In psychological component inner states has three aspects. Identify the wrong aspect.
A. Cognitive
B. Emotional
C. Spiritual
D. Conative
9. Identify among the choices one of the components in social component.
A. Spiritual
B. Socialize
C. Conative
D. Normative
10. This component would include the individual’s state of health and nutrition, genetics
and natural physical endowments at birth, normal biological growth and development, as
well as any deviation from normal functioning including illness and physical disabilities.
A. Genetical components
B. Biological components
C. Psychological components
D. Physical Components
11. In social component this is defined as the type of interaction and participation of
interactions made of self and others that are basis of behavior.
A. Participative
B. Willingness
C. Interactive
D. None of the above
12. It is still social component, and it is the characteristics of persons and their position in
society as seen in the way persons are described, by age, sex, race and religion.
A. Social Role
B. Status
C. Role
D. Functioning
13. This refers to the organizational arrangements in society, such as family, government,
education, and social services.
A. Organizational
B. Societal
C. Institutional
D. All of the above
14. These forms and rules reflect the values of society which are, in turn, influenced by
the existing culture.
A. Formative
B. Informative
C. Interactive
D. Normative
`15. In physical environment, this examples ( climate, topography, amount of rainfall and
ozone levels) are considered as?
A. Natural environment
B. Physical environment
C. Constructed environment
D. None of the above
16. In psychological component, Conative means?
A. Striving, tendency to do actively or purposely.
B. Feelings
C. Perceptual or intellectual
D. All of the above
17. In physical environment this include homes, offices and hospitals. This is?
A. Physical environment
B. Constructed environment.
C. None of the above
D. Natural environment
18. In Universality needs, this refers to food, clothing, shelter.
A. Non-material needs
B. Physical needs
C. Material needs
D. Special needs
19. In universality needs, this refers to spiritual needs, aesthetic needs, need for affection,
acceptance, and achievement.
A. Non- material needs
B. Physical needs
C. Material needs
D. Special needs
20. The keywords for this curriculum area are social welfare, needs, problems and

1. It ins common knowledge that in the Philippines, the first professionally trained
social workers were educated in?
A. United States
B. United Kingdome
C. Spain
D. Japan
2. In United States, the concept of the integrated method of social work practice, or
what in that country is more commonly referred to as the “generalist approach” to
social work practice, was developed, mostly in the years?
A. 1970’s
B. 1860’s
C. 1960’s
D. 1870’s
3. The popularity of case work in the United States was reflected in these agencies.
A. Social welfare agencies
B. Casework agencies
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
4. Herbert Bisno offers a conceptualization consisting of nine social work methods
which may be utilized with any client system. Among this are part of Bisno’s
method EXCEPT:
A. Adversary
B. Conciliatory
C. Developmental
D. Organizational making
5. Authors have come out clearly with their objections to separate methods of
casework, groupwork and community organization. According to him this a faulty
A. Herbert Bisno
B. Juan Luna
C. Herbert Bissno
D. Juan Bisno
6. This approaches focusses in the individual either as an individual or as a member
of a family or small group and are directed toward assisting the person in coping
with environmental stress.
A. Mesosystem approaches
B. Micro approaches
C. Macro approaches
D. None of the above
7. This approaches are directed primarily toward the community or large social
systems and toward producing a change in these systems .
A. Mesosystem approaches
B. Micro approaches
C. Macro approaches
D. None of the above
8. This is one element of the essential elements in social work practice that defined
as a change originating from a decision to make a deliberate effort to improve the
system and to obtain the help of an outside agent in making the improvement.
A. Planned change
B. Organized change
C. Absolute change
D. Un-planed change
9. The specific system that is being helped is called?
A. Client system
B. Client
C. Helped client
D. Clientele
10. The outside agent in planed change is called a _________ who works with
particular client system.
A. Change agent
B. Professional change agent
C. Professional outside agent
D. All of the above
11. Lippit describes two useful concepts in understanding the dynamics of planned
change. This are?
A. Positive and negative force
B. Outside and inside force
C. Change and resistance force
D. Both A and B
12. It is an aspect of the situation which reduces the willingness of the client system to
change. This may be rational or irrational, recognized or unrecognized, general or
A. Change force
B. Outside force
C. Unchanged force
D. Resistance force
13. This is an aspect of the situation which increases the willingness of the client
system to make a proposed change.
A. Change force
B. Outside force
C. Unchanged force
D. Resistance force
14. This is one of the phases of planned change, where the client system discovers
the need for help, sometimes with stimulation by the change agent.
A. Phase 2
B. Phase 5
C. Phase 3
D. Phase 1
15. This is one of the phases of planned change, where change is generalized and
A. Phase 2
B. Phase 4
C. Phase 6
D. Phase 5
16. This is one of the phases of planned change, where the helping relationship ends
or a different type of continuing relationship is defined.
A. Phase 1
B. Phase 7
C. Phase 5
D. Phase 6
17. This is one of the phases of planned change, where change efforts in the reality
situation are attempted.
A. Phase 3
B. Phase 4
C. Phase 5
D. Phase 6
18. This is one of the phases of planned change, where the helping process is
established and defined.
A. Phase 1
B. Phase 2
C. Phase 3
D. Phase 4
19. This is one of the phases of planned change, where alternative possibilities for
change are examined; change goals or intentions are established.
A. Phase 5
B. Phase 6
C. Phase 3
D. Phase 4
20. This is one of the phases of planned change, where the change problem is
identified and clarified.
A. Phase 2
B. Phase 1
C. Phase 3
D. Phase 5

1. The problem-solving concept can be generally traced to the book of ______ intitled
“How we Think.”
A. Carl Jung
B. Walter Friedlander
C. John Dewey
D. Alfred Kiddushin
2. Hellen Harris Perlman is considered as the originator of the _______ framework in
social work which influenced social work thinking.
A. Problem-solving
B. Casework
C. Solving process
D. None of the above
3. The social work helping process consist of the following.
A. Assessment
B. Planning
C. Intervention or Plan Implementation
D. Evaluation and termination
E. All of the above
4. All of the worker’s professional relationship should involve?
A. Self-discipline
B. Self-awareness
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
5. The process involves the collection of necessary information and its analysis and
interpretation in order to reach an understanding of the client, the problem, and
social context in which it exists.
A. Analysis
B. Data gathering
C. Intake
D. Evaluation
6. In order to obtain accurate definition of the client’s problem a variety of sources are
used. Example is the worker has the opportunity to observe the individual client
alone, or the worker usually makes a client’s membership in a group temporary for
at least a couple of meetings to allow her to observe the individual as he interacts
with the other members. This is?
A. Secondary sources
B. Primary source
C. Worker’s own observations
D. Existing data
7. It is the process by which a potential client achieves the status of a client.
A. Assessment
B. Intake
C. Presenting problem
D. Data gathering
8. This requires the worker to clearly indicate who has the problem, and why the
problem exists at this time.
A. Opening casual statement
B. Change potential statement
C. Initial statement
D. None of the above
9. It is the link between Assessment and Intervention.
A. Evaluation
B. Termination
C. Assessment
D. Planning
10. This is a popular and useful assessment, planning, and interventive tool, and this
is simply a paper-and-pencil simulation that present the individual or family and
their major systems in the life space, as well as the nature of the individual’s or
family’s relationships with these various systems.
A. Johari window
B. Ecological or eco map
C. Systems tool
D. All of the above
11. This interventive role involves the process of negotiating the services jungle for
clients, singly or in groups.
A. Social Broker
B. Mediator
C. Advocate
D. Enabler
12. It is a person who act as an intermediary or conciliator between two persons or
A. Social Broker
B. Mediator
C. Advocate
D. Enabler
13. Like the lawyer the worker has to take a partisan interest in the clients and his
A. Social Broker
B. Mediator
C. Advocate
D. Enabler
14. This intervention involves the worker in activities aimed at informing and
interpreting to certain sectors of the community, welfare programs and services,
as well as needs and problems, with objective of enlisting their support and
involvement in them.
A. Advocate
B. Mediator
C. Mobilizer of Community Elite
D. Policy/Program Change Advocate
15. There are limitations on workers activity and one of that is ________. This means
that the worker should perform only those activities that are within her competence.
A. Ethics
B. Time
C. Agency function
D. Skill
16. There are limitations on workers activity and one of that is ________. This means
that the worker may not be able to give the client unlimited time.
A. Ethics
B. Time
C. Agency function
D. Skill
17. This is defined as the collection of data about the outcomes of the program of the
action to the goals and objectives set in advance of the implementation of that
A. Evaluation
B. Termination
C. Assessment
D. Continuation
18. You are assigned to take a case of a child in a temporary shelter center. As you
review all the date and information about the child, you found out that he is an
abandoned child and he is almost seven years in the center, you also observed
that the child has a difficulty in walking due to his leg condition. Along the way you
found out that the child is not participative and this because of the bullying he
experienced in the center, resulting to a low self-esteem. As a social worker what
do you think is the presenting problem of the child?
A. He is abandoned.
B. HE experienced bullying.
C. He has now a low self-esteem
D. He has difficulty in walking.
19. This is a process by which a client is referred by his social worker to another
worker, usually in the same agency.
A. Transference
B. Transfer
C. Referral
D. None of the above
20. It is the act of directing a client to another worker/agency because the service that
the client needs is beyond the present agency worker’s competence, or the client
needs the additional service which the present agency cannot provide.
A. Transference
B. Transfer
C. Referral
D. None of the above

1. When undertaken by a social worker, the systematic steps in the social work
helping process of assessment, planning, plan implementation, evaluation and
termination are observed.
A. Direct Provision Model
B. Intercession-Mediation Model
C. Crisis Intervention Approach
D. Problem-Solving Model
2. This model of intervention is premised on the belief that problems are not always
due to personal inadequacies but, often, to deficiencies in the social reality, and
that if people are to be helped, the target of attack should be the latter.
A. Direct Provision Model
B. Mobilizing the Resources of Client Systems to change their Social Reality
C. Problem-solving Model
D. None of the above
3. It is a process for actively influencing the psycho-social functioning of individuals
and groups, during a period of acute disequilibrium.
A. Crisis intervention
B. Direct Provision Model
C. Direct intervention
D. All of the above
4. In this model it view the personality as an open system, continuously responsive
to input and feedback from the outside itself.
A. Direct Prevision Model
B. Intercession-Mediation Model
C. Problem-Solving Model
D. Crisis Intervention Model
5. It is defined as a technology for alleviating specific target problems clients
recognize, understand, acknowledge, and want to attend to.
A. Direct Provision Model
B. Intercession-Mediation Model
C. Problem-Solving Model
D. Task Centered Model
6. This approach is associated with the Freudian theory of personality and was often
referred to as the organismic approach and the diagnostic school of thought.
A. Psychoanalytic Approach
B. Psychodynamic Approach
C. Psycho-Social Approach
D. Psycho-social-cultural Approach
7. The ultimate objective of social work in psychosocial Approach is to alleviate the
client’s distress and decrease the malfunction in person-situation system. This part
A. Treatment
B. Initial Phase
C. Assessment
D. None of the above
8. This approach was first developed in the 1930’s by the faculty members of the
University of Pennsylvania School of Social Work and this approach has three
characteristics which differentiate it from diagnostic social work.
A. Crisis Intervention Approach
B. Functional Approach
C. Family Intervention
D. All of the above
9. It is an approach intended to improve the social functioning of individuals, families,
groups, and organizations by helping them learn new behavior and eliminating
problematic ways of behaving.
A. Functional Approach
B. Behavioral Adjustment
C. Behavioral Modification
D. Behavioral Approach
10. In Behavioral Modification a social worker can perform different roles. Determine
what role is this. The worker is the agent of modification in which she herself
directly uses a technique like positive reinforcement to increase a child’s behavior
relating to observe g rules.
A. Behavioral instigator
B. Direct modifier
C. Teacher
D. Facilitator
11. What are the forms of Family Intervention?
A. Family Therapy
B. Family session
C. Family-focused work with an individual client
D. Both A and C
12. In this approach people are not seen to be sick or healty, but on a scale ranging
fro socially functional(adequate) to dysfunctional(inadequate) to eufunctional
(good functioning)
A. Functional Approach
B. Developmental Approach
C. Developmental Scale Approach
D. None of the above
13. There are three major themes characterize the developmental approach:
Humanistic, Phenomenological, developmental. Its main concern is what is
happening at the present, whether in the group or outside of it, or both. This is?
A. Humanistic
B. Phenomenological
C. Developmental
D. All of the above
14. This group work theory was developed by William Schwartz who believed that the
job of assignment of social work in society for which it is held accountable is to
mediate the process through which the individual and society reach out to each
other through a mutual need for self-fulfillment.
A. Interactionist Approach
B. Group Work Model
C. Developmental Approach
D. Mutual aid Approach
15. This approach focuses on the use of guided group processes in treating and
rehabilitating individuals whose behavior is disapproved or who have been
disadvantage by society.
A. Interactionist Approach
B. Remedial Approach
C. Developmental Approach
D. All answers are incorrect.
16. One model of Community Organization that emphasizes a technical process of
problem-solving with regard to substantive social problems, such as delinquency,
housing, and mental health. Rational, deliberately planed, and controlled change
has a central place in this model.
A. Social Action
B. Locality Development
C. Social Planning
D. All of the above
17. One model of Community Organization, presupposes that community change may
be pursued optimally through broad participation of a wide spectrum of people at
the local community level in goal determination and action.
A. Social Action
B. Locality Development
C. Social Planning
D. All of the above
18. This approach presupposes a disadvantaged segment of the population that needs
to be organized, perhaps in alliance with others in order to make adequate
demands on the larger community for increased resources or treatment more in
accordance with social justice or democracy.
A. Social Action
B. Locality Development
C. Social Planning
D. All of the above
19. She offers a treatment model that is rooted in the problem-solving theory of
casework and developed as part of the short-term, task-centered approach to
A. Crisis intervention
B. Helping process in Crisis
C. Social Crisis intervention
D. None of the above
20. In this model the worker connects the client to need services in the system until he
has availed of them.
A. Intercession-Mediation Model
B. Crisis Intervention Approach
C. Problem-Solving Model
D. None of the above
1. This is a face-to-face meeting between two or more persons, directed towards a
purpose, such as to obtain information, to give instructions, and to help. This tool
A. Interview
B. Communication
C. Recordings
D. Community Resources
2. In conducting an interview, the interviewer should feel comfortable herself since
anxiety, tension and nervousness can be sensed by the client and can affect the
A. Use your intuition or sixth sense.
B. Always start by making the client feel comfortable.
C. Be conscious of time.
D. Be aware of the client’s situation.
3. In the element of communication process, one stated that communication may
originate from an individual, a group or an institution. When applied in social work
this means that communication could be initiated by a social worker, with her client,
her co-worker, her agency, or with a worker in another agency.
A. Receiver
B. Channel
C. Source
D. Message
4. IT is the use of a word or phrase which expresses something unpleasant or
offensive in a more pleasant way, is almost a norm in a society and one example
of this is: Baka sakali (maybe), Titingnan ko (I’ll see) are substitute for NO, or I can
A. Empathy
B. Communicating skill
C. Respect
D. Euphemism
5. It is a type of communication without the use of words.
A. Non-verbal communication
B. Verbal communication
C. Symbols
D. All of the above
6. It serves as a tool that guides the worker as he and the client proceed with the task
of problem-solving. They show the process as it has developed, and help the
worker keep track of the significant events that have taken place so far.
A. Message
B. Chanel
C. Recordings
D. None of the above
7. It is one of the types of records that are also called face sheets, admission form,
application form.
A. Summary records
B. Intake forms
C. Survey report
D. Summarized process recordings.
8. This may be offered under public, semipublic, or private sponsorship, this may be
available in both local and international. These resources take various forms,
including funds, supplies and equipment , material assistance, and counseling.
A. Economic resources
B. Social resources
C. People funds
D. Community resources
9. Identify whether it is an activity or program: A Community doing canal draining.
A. Activity
B. Program
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
10. Every activity has various dimensions, one of these is a type of gratification and
rewards available like praise, legitimate tension release, improved skill, their
abundance of scarcity, and the manner of their distribution.
A. Prescriptiveness
B. Reward structure
C. Provision for physical movement
D. All of the above
11. The person, group, or population segment/total population that intended audience
of a communication is called the?
A. Sender
B. Community people
C. Receiver
D. Client system
12. This is a channel of communication that comes in two forms, printed material such
as pamphlets or posters and electronics like radio or TV.
A. Interpersonal communication
B. Program media
C. Social media
D. Mass media
13. This involves face-to-face contact with people. This can be a one-on-one basis,
such as the communication that takes place during office interviews and home
A. Interpersonal communication
B. Program media
C. Social media
D. Mass media
14. Communication that involves the use of words, whether spoken or written.
A. Non-verbal communication
B. Verbal communication
C. Symbols
D. None of the above
15. Communication is a term derived from the Latin word that means to make common.
A. Communis
B. Communal
C. Communos
D. Muni-care
16. In Latin words this means to share or to impart.
A. Communis
B. Communal
C. Communos
D. Muni-care
17. Interviewing requires knowledge and skill, that is why it is considered to be an?
A. Art
B. Technique
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
18. It can also serve as a euphemistic device especially to an older person or person
in authority, best example of this is “kayo ho” (that’s up to you sir) it added respect
or courtesy.
A. Courteous language
B. Respectful language
C. Positive terms
D. None of the above
19. It came in the form of pictures, diagrams, posters, logos and can stand by
themselves, or with words.
A. Mass media
B. Non-verbal communication
C. Symbols
D. Verbal communication
20. If you encounter a client who is hesitant to speak and answer you during the
session, as a social worker you must not force the client rather you will go ln and
observe the client trough?
A. Non-verbal communication
B. Symbols
C. Mass media
D. None of the above

1. It is a field of social work that is concerned with the well-being of children and youth
through the provision of programs and services for physical, social, psychological,
spiritual and cultural development.
A. Child welfare
B. Family Welfare
C. Child Protection
D. Child and Family Welfare
2. There are two types of child welfare services, and one of this is rendered in the form
of assistance to children in their own homes in the form of material assistance, formal
and/or informal educational services, foster care, or adoption.
A. Direct provision services
B. Indirect provision services
C. Direct services
D. Indirect services
3. There are two types of child welfare services, and one of this in the form of a
financing on national or international level such as sponsorship of programs and
personnel and/or the provision of supplies, equipment and certain facilities, and
coordination to facilitating linkages and avoid duplication among agencies with similar
or related services.
A. Direct provision services
B. Indirect provision services
C. Direct services
D. Indirect services
4. It is a legal process whereby a child who is deprived of birth family is provided with
substitute new ties, a new parent-child relationship is established.
A. Foster care
B. Legal guardianship
C. Residential/institutional care
D. Adoption
5. This refers to substitute temporary parental care provided to a child by a licensed
foster family under the supervision of a social worker.
A. Foster care
B. Legal guardianship
C. Residential/institutional care
D. Adoption
6. This is a process undertaken to provide substitute parental care through the
appointment of a legal guardian for the child, including his property, until the child
reaches the age of majority.
A. Foster care
B. Legal guardianship
C. Residential/institutional care
D. Adoption
7. This provides temporary 24-hour residential group care to children whose needs
cannot, at the time , be adequately met by their biological parents and other alternative
family care arrangements.
A. Foster care
B. Legal guardianship
C. Residential/institutional care
D. Adoption
8. This is a field of social work that is concerned with the improvement, strengthening
and support of the family in meeting its own needs. In the Philippines today, it involves
programs, activities and measures that would prevent or resolve problems of role
performance and relationships which threaten the stability of the family unit.
A. Family system
B. Family strengthening
C. Family Welfare
D. None of the above
9. More specifically, however, her main concern is medical care, and she finds or
develops ways and means to solve problems that usually go with illness and
A. Health
B. Family Welfare
C. Educational
D. All of the above
10. Those social workers in the field of health are called?
A. Meditational social worker
B. Medical social worker
C. Medicinal social worker
D. None of the above
11. Modern society's response to those who violate the criminal law is not by
eliminating the offender, but by assigning him a degraded supervised status for a
specific period of time. This is under?
A. Corrections
B. Administration
C. Legislation
D. Crime law
12. Development and progress in education have been such that today, school
systems generally view education as being concerned about and responsible for the
"specific" person and not in just for his intellectual growth, and being so concerned,
therefore, commit themselves to the goal of developing the intellectual, physical, social
and emotional endowments of the individual. This statement is?
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe true
D. Maybe false
13. The first known school social work program in the country took form of an
"experiment" which began in January 1924 and ended in March, 1925, at Zaragoza
Elementary School in Tondo. This statement is?
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe true
D. Maybe false
14. These includes persons like drug dependents, women ins especially difficult
circumstances, released prisoners and patient of psychiatric institutions, older
persons, and with disabilities. What type of group is this?
A. Extended group
B. Social group
C. Special group
D. None of the above
15. These persons are the persons you use drugs, usually in a form of sedative,
stimulants, and hallucinogens you have developed a physical and/or psychological
need for/dependence on these drugs to the extent that their denial produces adverse
effects on themselves.
A. Drug users
B. Drug dependents
C. Drug addicts
D. None of the above
16. These women are victims of gender -based violence such as domestic violence or
wife beating, marital rape, incest, rape, and sexual harassment. This type of women
is considered.
A. Socially disadvantage women
B. Harassed women
C. Socially harassed women
D. Women at risk
17. It refers to a program or composite of interventive techniques, activities, or
measures focused on relationships that threaten the stability of the family as a social
A. Family programs
B. Social welfare
C. Family Welfare services
D. Non of the abo
18. This term is used by the UN to refer to people between sixty and above.
A. Older old
B. Young old
C. Old age
D. Older persons
19. The World Health Organization describes these persons as those suffering from
restriction of different abilities as a result of a mental, physical, or sensory impairment,
to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for human
A. Persons with disabilities
B. Personally abled persons
C. Persons with special needs
D. None of the above
20. It is a social work practice that encompasses a variety of programs and services
which have for their main goal the well-being of entire communities.
A. Social welfare
B. Community welfare
C. Community programs and services
D. Social community
1. It is frequently used to refer to the process of combining social as well as economic
concerns in on policy formation and program development.
A. Integrated development approach
B. Integrated program approach
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
2. The use of a range skills as needed to intervene in a variety of client situations.
A. Generalist social work practice
B. Integrated development approach
C. Generalist approach
D. All of the above
3. The practitioner of the generalist /integrated method sees the client as part of a
social system which causes his problems or situation and recognizes that she
cannot be of real help if she ignores such system.
A. The concept of normal problem-solving
B. The concept of total Problem-solving
C. The concept of general problem-solving
D. None of the above
4. It refers to those laws, programs, benefits and services which assure or strengthen
provisions for meeting social need recognized as basic to the well-being of the
population and the better functioning of the social order.
A. Social Methods
B. Social programs
C. Social Welfare
D. All of the above
5. There are two essential levels of developmental social welfare task. One of these
includes or involves the formulation of laws, policies, programs and benefits that
will promote social justice.
A. Micro level
B. Macro level
C. Messo level
D. Exo level
6. Re- orientation of existing social welfare services is one of the activities in one of
the essential levels of developmental social welfare task.
A. Micro level
B. Macro level
C. Messo level
D. Exo level
7. This will involve the allocation of resources based on consideration of returns,
client will become self-supporting.
A. Setting life goals
B. Setting priorities
C. Setting plans
D. All of the above
8. One very important task of social workers is that of simulating, motivating, and
assisting people to become active partners in planed change, focusing on the full
participation of the people in any effort that will affect their lives.
A. Identifying leaders
B. Participating in social welfare planning
C. Mobilizing people
D. All of the above
9. Social workers should exert effort to identify and develop local/indigenous
community leaders and provide them training opportunities so that they can
acquire the knowledge and skills needed to be able to assist their respective
communities to become self-reliant.
A. Identifying leaders
B. Participating in social welfare planning
C. Bothe of the above
D. None of the above
10. Social workers should help people gain access to available opportunities and
resources and whenever necessary, help set up the necessary mechanism so that
people are linked to available resources.
A. Identifying leaders
B. Participating in social welfare planning
C. Bothe of the above
D. Facilitating access and linkages
11. In the implications of developmental social welfare for social work, it is specified
that social work has to give priority attention to activities that will bring about
economic productivity and independence.
A. Setting Priorities
B. Identifying leaders
C. Participating in social welfare planning
D. Facilitating access linkages
12. It is under the major functions of case management that involves critical scrutiny
of the client’s situation in order to understand the nature of the difficulty with
increasing detail and accuracy.
A. Service Planning
B. Implementation of the Case Plan
C. Termination
D. Follow-up
13. One of the best known and successful efforts in the direct organization of people
for their own problem-solving done in a “systematic, replicable way” during the
A. Woman’s Crisis Center
B. Zone One Tondo Organization (ZOTO)
C. The Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development (PPGD)
D. Empowerment – Oriented Social Work Practice
14. The case manager seeks to accomplish the following goals, EXCEPT:
A. to promote when possible, the skills of the client in accessing and utilizing these
supports and services;
B. to develop the capacity of the social workers and relevant human service
providers in promoting the functioning and well-being of the client; and
C. to promote service effectiveness while attempting to have services and
supports delivered in the most effective manner possible
D. to enhance human well-being and help meet basic and complex needs of all
15. In 1967, the First National Workshop on Social Work Education was held in
response to the realization that social work practice was not making any impact on
Philippine society and there was a need to make it relevant to the goals of national
development. What is mainly the purpose of the workshop?
A. introduce a new concept, spurring participants to investigate it further on their
own, or can demonstrate and “encourage” the practice of actual methods.
B. this workshop challenged schools to teach social work methods based on a
“wholistic approach” and develop skills based on the generic aspects of the
methods used by social workers.
C. to create a space in which a group of people can meet to discuss questions,
brainstorm ideas, identify problems, make decisions and develop solutions.
D. provide all social workers with basic knowledge about handicaps and the
challenges and problems they present for individuals, their families and the
16. The “developmental thrust” in social welfare which started in the sixties (the 60’s
was called by the U.N as “The First Social Development Decade”) and which
continues today greatly reinforced the interest in the Integrated Method or what is
now called
A. General Method of Social Work Practices
B. Generalist Method of Social Practices
C. Generalist Method of Social Work Practice
D. General Method of Social Worker Practices
17. Social workers must critically analyze the current level of social work practice in
the country, particularly in connection to the national development goal.
A. Systematic problem-solving and choosing appropriate helping interventions.
B. Participating in social welfare planning.
C. Examining/assessing social work practice and education
D. Evaluating and measuring impacts.
18. It is being advocated in place of the separate practice of the methods of social
casework, social groupwork, and community organization.
A. Integrated Method of Social Work Practice
B. Integrated Methods of Social Practice
C. Integrate Method of Social Work
D. Integrate Method of Social Work Practices
19. Total problem-solving framework allows the worker to help the client as a system
and to deal with the other system of which the client is a part, and which is affecting
A. The concept of one (any) client system as point of entry for working with other
client system
B. The concept of total problem-solving
C. The concept of the client’s problem or situation as the basis for the choice of
the worker’s helping approach or intervention.
D. The concept of conducting an investigation in accordance with the scientific

20. The nature of social welfare service delivery system creates power differences
between the workers and clients even when social workers operate from an
egalitarian value system.
A. Collectivity for mutual aid
B. Competency-Based Assessment
C. Power-Shared Relationship
D. Education for Critical Thinking, and knowledge and skills for finding resources
and taking action.

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