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Karisma Lailatul Sakbana, Ulfi Chevarenta, Sinta Jessica, Wanda Afifah S, Fitria Alfi Nurul
Mufidah, Karinatul Mayheilla

English Education Department, Tarbiyah and Teaching Education Faculty, Sayyid Ali
Rahmatullah State Islamic University of Tulungagung,


Vocabulary is the basic component aspect in learning language besides pronunciation and grammar.
Learning vocabulary very needed in learning foreign language. Learners that must mastered the
vocabulary to easier in spoken act. Learning vocabulary is difficult to do in the learning process in
the classroom. The difficulties in learning vocabulary can make learners lack of vocabulary.
Therefore need a media to make learning vocabulary more fun and interesting. The media that can
use is Duolingo. Duolingo give many features to beginner until advanced level. Duolingo has
learning concept study ―learning while playing‖. This new innovation in learning vocabulary hoped
can make learners mastery in vocabulary. Therefore the writers, proposes to improve vocabulary
though Duolinggo media. This method hoped can support other elements of language such as
speaking, listening, writing, and reading. This paper aimed to learners improve their vocabulary
ability to be mastered using Duolingo as learning media.

Keywords: vocabulary, learning vocabulary, Duolingo media, improve vocabulary.


English as a foreign language that was used almost the entire population in the world.
English make the user easier to interact with the world both in the education, work and the
main factors as a way to improve the knowledge and technology. As foreign language that
needed more effort to learn mastered because there are many part that mas mastered and
understandable by learners. English involve four language skills such as listening skill,
speaking skill, writing skill, and reading skill. Besides the language skill there are basic aspect
that important to support the language skill consist of vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar
that the three of basic aspect is need to be taught.

Vocabulary is the essential and important part in learning language. According to

Puspita, vocabulary is very important to be learned by the students who want to mastery in

English. In learning a language especially foreign language like English, as the beginner that
must be known and mastered in the vocabulary. As a learners that learn a new language, that
have a difficulty in learning process to make the material to be mastered. In learning process
that conduct by itself or teacher that needs method that make the learning process more easier,
fun, relax and interesting.

Learning vocabulary is not easier learning, that must combined the memorized and
speech action or replying. The problem of learning vocabulary as foreign language is there
low implementation as action in the daily activity than the mother tongues. Its’ makes of t the
many words that was memorized will lose. It caused learners difficulty to improve their
vocabulary because, they was memorized the vocabulary from the book they read or articles,
and it lose before they try to action in speech. Lack of vocabulary it will makes challenge in
doing conversation. The learner may be will bored or lazy to open their book or article to
memorize the same vocabulary again. It makes the learners to lack of vocabulary and
difficulty to understand texts or difficulty if they want to express in spoken form. From that,
needed a media that was interesting and upgrade to learning vocabulary and the result the
learners can improve their vocabulary and can learn the material continuously without bored.

In the modern era, that the technology was growth so fast, not to be a difficulty thing
to makes learning process more interesting. Technology also makes the learning process more
various and learners suggested the use of the technology can work to help to organize and
provide the material for learners, help learners, and teachers interact, anytime and anywhere.
There many applications can use to learning vocabulary that give interesting and fun features
so that didn’t make boring in replying the same topic. Therefore, it is need a technology can
apply as the media to support learning process without the limitation time and has various
feature to make the learning process more interesting and nor make easier to get bored.

Duolingo is one of the popular applications in learning English that was downloaded by more
than 300 million users in the world. The company missions are to make education free,
accessible to all users and fun learning. Duolingo designed to feel like a game in learning
process and scientifically proven to be effective in learning language. Duolingo is an
application which designed to help students learn language easily and fun. In the Duolingo the
learners work through a series of lessons in one of the six available language that served by
the application. Each lesson of the Duolingo consists of a series of questions, requiring
learners to type out a translation, responds to voice prompts, identify which pictures relate to

the specific words or sentences and select answer from a multi choice list. Duolingo choose
as one of various media that hopes can improve vocabulary skills.


A. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is the most important aspect in learning a language. These are the basic
elements that students must master so that they can learn other elements of language such
as speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Therefore, language learners must be able to
master vocabulary well, if they fail to master vocabulary then they will experience
problems in learning the new language they are learning.
Learning vocabulary is difficult to do in the learning process in the classroom, even
though vocabulary is the basis of elements/aspects in language (Nunan, 1991). Teaching
vocabulary can help students more easily understand language material. Not only that,
students can also improve their language skills such as speaking, listening, reading and
writing. For example, students will fine it difficult to read and understand an English text,
so they will have difficulty working on questions related to the text. Furthermore,
students will have difficulty in speaking or understanding what the native says in foreign
languages, this is because they do not understand the meaning of the words they have to
express. Therefore, learning vocabulary is very important for someone who wants to
master a foreign language because vocabulary is the basis of the language itself.
From the explanation above, mastering vocabulary makes it easier for students to
learn everything about language. They will be easy to communicate using foreign
languages and students will easily understand specific words such as nouns, verbs,
adjectives and adverbs.

B. Duolingo
In this era of globalization, technology, especially Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) is growing rapidly, which forces the world of education. One of the
functions of educational technology is that it can change the conventional way of learning
to be non-conventional. In the context of innovative schools, schools must respond to
increasingly sophisticated technological developments that provide a myriad of
knowledge. Learning in schools also requires technology to support the learning process

so that learning objectives can be achieved effectively and efficiently. Even so the
teacher’s role is very necessary in the classroom as a designer, motivator, and mentor
who is vital and urgent in his presence in the teaching and learning process.
Educational technology experts argue that the main role of educational technology
is to help improve overall efficiency in the teaching and learning process. The application
of educational technology in education makes the education process in general and the
teaching and learning process in particular more efficient, more effective and provides a
positive addition. Effective and efficient means that educational efforts are carried out to
achieve the goals that have been outlined with the least possible cost, effort, and time
(Asmani, Makmur: 2011).
Duolingo is a free language learning app founded to help the world of
education and there are no language barriers. Users can easily learn languages just by
using an application for free simultaneously translating the web (Jaskova, 2014).
Duolingo already has various features to support users in learning especially vocabulary.
Duolingo provides features that are attractive and easy to use so that users feel happy,
interested, easy to understand and remember words.
Duolingo is the future hope for technological advancements so that it can advance
education and achieve learning goals. It can be easily accessed by anyone. It provides
multiple languages so that users can learn multiple languages using just one app. The
languages served are English, Arabic, Spanish, French, Dutch and other languages.
Duolingo has the latest features that provide benefits for users to use it. The features
presented include the user's study schedule alarm feature, the joint discussion feature so
that each user can exchange opinions or others, the Linot store feature and others.
Duolingo is a language learning application that uses games as a technique. It has a
great how-to procedure so the app is easy to use even if it's a new user. The target users
of this application are children, teenagers, parents and others. Because Duolino is easy
and more interesting to use, it will be a learning medium that has the potential to succeed
if applied in the classroom.
Duolingo aims for users to understand the language well and can be useful in their
lives. Not only that, Duolingo can be used by students as a medium of learning in
learning foreign languages, especially vocabulary. As for teachers, this application can be
used as a teaching medium so that students can master vocabulary well.

Structure of Duolingo

Cool feature of the duolingo application and if you've ever studied writing,
speaking and listening, then duolingo's application can do the same. When you try to
climb a new level and answer any question you have, then you will be challenged by
Duolingo on every aspect. Starting from translating the sentence, compose the sentence
(as grammar), write the sentence you hear, answer the one you hear, repeat the
conversation you hear and even look for the similarities or resistance of the word.

(Picture 1. Screen language tree)

And that's not all! Duolingo will be ready to pamper and remind users to keep up a
good routine every day.

Each unit contains a linier sequence of lessons, each made up of a set of

chronologically ordered activities facilitated in the L1. Despite Duolingo claiming «a variety

of speaking, listening, translation and multiple choice challenges,» the vast majority of these
activities involve translation of a sentence or phrase usually through selection from a word
bank as seen in Figure 2. New L2 words give the user the ability to access various highlighted
L1 pop up gloss options, and most exercises offer optional corresponding spoken L2 text.
When no hearts remain, incorrect responses result in restarting the lesson.

(Picture 2. Translation activity)

Correct responses and completed lessons, units, and levels earn language experience
points used to track progress. In addition, accomplishments, such as completion of a unit,
Duolingo’s own currency which can be used at the shop to buy extra hearts or out2its for the
Duolingo mascot . Users can track their progress on a line graph found under the profile link
at the top of the screen.

(Picture 3. Screen of Duolingo app shop display)

(Picture 4. Screen of Duolingo app profile tab)

Technological Features of Duolingo

When it comes to technological considerations, such as layout, sound and visual

affordances, Duolingo capitalizes on some features while also showing room for
improvement. Duolingo has taken obvious care to simplify the screen layout for mobile
devices, allowing for both vertical and horizontal orientation of the fairly intuitive L1
interface with simple navigation. The sound quality is clear overall, though it
occasionally sounds computer generated and sometimes experiences lag or fails to play
in some audio, augmented touch, based activities. The program takes advantage of the
microphone for users’ spoken translations and seems adept at accepting less than perfect
learner pronunciation. Microphone lag is rare, and the interface shows a visualization of
recorded volume for immediate user confirmation. This can be a valuable option when
using the app in public and desiring muted audio.

The app also effectively utilizes the automation and social capacity of mobile
devices to motivate users and track progress, capitalizing on such functions to offer
users the ability to compete with friends using the program, and monitor achievements
through on screen pop up and email reminders to help users stay on track with their
individualized goals. However, considering Duolingo’s use of CALL affordances
broadly, the app ignores the effectiveness of input elaboration, limiting its use of input
enhancement to salience and modification.

Advantages and Disadvantages Using Duolingo

Duolingo has a lot of languages to learn, including English, Arabic, Spanish,

French, etc. This application is well-known especially for English learners. Certainly,
this kind of learning application has many advantages and disadvantages in it.
According to Cambridge dictionary, advantages means a helpful or good effect on
something, meanwhile disadvantages here means a weakness or undesirable
characteristics. If we look at the initial appearance of the Duolingo application, the
sentence of ―playing while learning‖ can describe this learning application. Learning
language with fun facilities such as in the form of game is one of the prominent
advantages of Duolingo. Presented with good and attractive visuals and audio that can
make it easy for learners or users to remember and understand what has been taught.
This application has benefits for learners, especially for beginner learners who want to
learn foreign languages, because the learning system is not easy to get bored and
interesting to use. In addition to these main advantages, Duolingo also has other
advantages that make this application attractive to many learners, which is as follows:

a. Step by Step Learning

The learners will learn language or English gradually, slowly but surely, where every
task given by Duolingo starts from the basics such as recognizing noun and adjective
first. Each task presented in the application has several very easy tasks, these tasks can
answer and will be guided until the learners are successful at the task

b. The Learners Will Get a Feedback

Giving feedback in learning here means that when a learner or user makes a mistake
either during a quiz or something else, automatic feedback is immediately given in the
form of the correct answer (Hidayati & Diana. 2019). When the learner finds an error
several times, the question will continue to be repeated until he/she gets the correct
answer. This is very useful for sharpening the learners’ understanding. According to
D.I Herminingsih (2014), that students’ English skills will be quickly honed if they are
often drilled, either drilled to hear or use word and sentence in English.

c. Practical Learning
With this Duolingo, the learners just need to open the application via their mobile
phone or gadget anytime and anywhere. According to Alan J & Siti D (2019), learning
can be done by someone anytime, anywhere using mobile device and learning is not
limited by a predetermined location and time. Also, (Kacetl J, Klímová B. 2019)
maintain that the use of technology in education is strongly supported by the way of
people live in this 21st century.

d. Free App
Duolingo is a free application to access, so learners do not have to spend money to use
this application. Just only download the Duolingo application via Play Store.

e. Alarm Features
Duolingo also has a super-sophisticated flagship feature, which is an alarm feature that
will reminds the learner of the study schedule that they have previously set. So, in this

Duolingo application, learners can set daily goals in language learning. There are
various target options, including a set target of 5 minutes a day, 10 minutes a day, 15
minutes a day, and 30 minutes a day. In this case, students can adjust according to
their busy schedule and routines. This aims for the learner so that can learn every day.

f. No Ads
Duolingo doesn’t place or give ads on its application, so learners are not distracted
while studying. It aims to make learners feel comfortable and calm while studying.

g. Rewards
Just like playing games, in Duolingo, learners can get grades or rewards every time
they successfully complete a level. Normally, the reward is written with the symbol
Xp. This facility will certainly make the learner even more enthusiastic to continue

h. Room for discussion

Besides being able to study on their own, Duolingo can also discuss or join existing
forums or groups. The groups consist of Duolingo members who want to learn the
same language. In groups, the learners can discuss, exchange information and
knowledge each other.

Behind those advantages, Duolingo also still has disadvantages in its

application. Some of disadvantages this application includes many sentences are rigid.

In this application, there are still many sentences and terms that are a bit
standardized or rigid, which means they are not often used in everyday life. Also, the
translation is still a bit weird. The translation is automatically done per word. Whereas
in some sentences, when translated word by word, it will be strange. Then, language
learning in Duolingo is not comprehensive in all the vocabulary in the language being
studied. So, the learner only learn vocabulary that is only taught and it feels less varied.
Other than that, in terms of grammar, Duolingo does not provide any explanation on the
use of grammar. Whereas for English learners, the grammar section is the most
important things to learn. In addition, this application also requires internet connection
to be able to access it, so it is quite difficult for some people who do not have an internet

connection, such as people who are outside the signal range. The last, this application is
suitable for new learner who wants to learn English for the first time, because learning
in this application is too basic. For learners who already understand about English, of
course, they are quickly feel bored and less challenging.


A. How To Use Duolingo

Duolingo is apps available free for ios and android. Duolingo have 4
languages. Duolingo is an internet-based application that has gamified elements to
make language learning more fun and effective. In using this application, students
become more interactive and attractive in learning English particularly learning

The first part of Duolingo is setting the account:

a. Sign up.
The first thing you have to do is register. Register can use Facebook and email.
However, so that you can easily find friends, it is recommended to use Facebook
to register.

b. Choose language
The next step is to determine the language you will use in this Duolingo
application. Choose the appropriate language so that it is easy for you to
understand and easy to use.

c. Set up reminder
Set up your profile. The first thing you are only asked to enter a name and
password, but you can enter your complete profile. Such as, name, place of birth
date, photo etc.

The second part of duolingo is using to learning language:

a. Klik home or beranda to accsess your skill

It is divided into three skills which consist of several units. And you can learn the
language of some of these units. Furthermore, after you successfully complete
this level you will advance to the next level and you will get five units in the next
b. Test what knowledge you already have
If you understand the language, you will advance to the next level by clicking on
the bottom of the skill tree. Then you have to take the knowledge test to go up to
level 5. If you are still a beginner in language learning, you can study it first so
that you really understand by taking notes or repeating what is in the Duolingo
c. Klik on the first unit
d. Click on a lesson.
In each unit there are questions that you must answer correctly so that you can
continue to the next level. Here are the different types of questions within a
a. Vocabulary
b. Listening
c. Translation
d. Speaking
e. Move the cursor into the word you want to know for help
f. Try to maintain a Duolingo streak.
Practice every day to have better English skill

The third parts of Duoliongo using to other features.

a. Discussion tools.
This forum can use to discuss and answering question. Click on the top bar to
select language
b. Follow other people
This apps can use to add some friend klik the blue bar ― add friend‖ You can see
how many points they've accumulated on the leader-board, at the right of your
skill tree.

c. Download the apps
Duolingo is available for free in android IOS
d. Use Duolingo available in your language.
They are only available for French Germany Spanish and portugis .

B. How to Improve Vocabulary using Duolingo

The use of duolingo to enhance vocabulary is that duolingo is used to motivate

students to want to learn more about vocabulary, one of which use the feature of
games in the duolingo application, so the learning process becomes fun, the games use
English so that students close a new vocabulary that they have not known yet. Using
the features of the duolingo app motivates children to try new things on a large
amount, including the ones that make learning while playing. Moreover, on the
duolingo app there isa feature of "duolingo friend" where they can speak foreign
languages especially English, thus honing the ability to add new vocabulary.

C. The Effectivenes of Duolingo

People who learn English as a language used socially and culturally has many
advantages. But at the same time many students learn English have many difficulties.
This is supported by the fact that English is not used as their daily language.
Therefore, as a teacher must be able to motivate students to increase their interest in
English. The teacher must also be a motivator, stimulator and facilitator. According to
Herminingsih (2016) The motivation is divided into three kinds a) coercion, b) reward
based, c) reference.

In this modern era, everyone are using technology. And in the field of
education many media can be used for effective and easy learning. Especially the
second language learning media which is very common. Because now most people
around the world communicate with each other in English. Currently English has been
taught as a compulsory subject from elementary schools to university. Students can
learn English language skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. To
support these four language skills, students clearly must have a good understanding of

the components of English, such as vocabulary, pronounciation and grammar as the
essence of having sturctured English in communication and understanding.

Communication is an important thing in life. By communicating we can

express ideas, thoughts, or desires. Communication cannot be separated from
language, because language is a means of communication. According to Lado (1970)
language is considered as the main means used by humans to express feelings and
fulfill basic needs for social interaction with other people. According to the Faculty of
Social and Political Science's 2010 curriculum, the purpose of teaching English is to
provide opportunities for students to communicate in English (as cited in
Herminingsih, 2013). There are many ways to learn English, but please note that
English must be studied along with acceptable vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation.

Duolingo is one of the technologies that can be used for language learning. Ths
Application includes a lesson skill tree with listening exercise, flashcards, and multiple
choice question to train you on new words, phrase and sentences. And some exercises
have comment threads where users can discuss specific question in detail
(Ravenscarft, E. 2019). According to Guaqueta & Castro-Garces (2018) Duolingo was
used as an alternative to help students learn vocabulary of eight topics choosen at the
beginning of the project.

Duolingo Application contains learning experience broken down into themed

units starting with ―Basic‖ which includes ―Animal‖ or ―Colors‖ material etc., to
about more advanced grammar within each of these themed units there are between
two and ten lesson available to the user (Teske, K. 2017). Besides that in this
application there are attractive icons that can increase user interest in learning English.
According to Wijaya, Yufrizal, & Kadaryanto (2016) Duolingo can make students
more active and motivated in the learning process, as said by Clark (2013) that
technology can improve effectiveness of vocabulary teaching efforts. They also state
that technology can be useful, chalenging, creative tool and resource in and around the

This Application system is ―learning while playing‖, where students learn

vocabulary through the activities they play in the game. This technique will make
students learn vocabulary without realizing that they are learning. This statement is

supported by Wright (2006) who said that games help and encourage students to
maintain their interest and work. That is, the use of this application is very helpful in
developing activities to make students forget that they are in class, so that they do not
get bored with this way of learning.

The effectiveness of Duolingo in learning vocabulary is has high effect in

improving learners vocabulary. Duolingo is one of the media that can improve learner
vocabulary proven by many learners choose this media to support their learning
process. The learners feel enjoy and fun in learning process using this media as we
ever try in a courses to improve our vocabulary.


Vocabulary is the most important aspect in learning a language. Vocabulary must be

mastered to develop other language proficiency in listening skill, speaking skill, writing skill,
and reading skill. To make learning process in vocabulary more fun, enjoy and interesting
there is a media that can support the learning process that is Duolingo. Duolingo is a media
that has learning concept ―learning while playing so it makes the different situation in
learning vocabulary because there served many interesting features and levels to the learners.
The effectiveness of Duolingo media to impro vocabulary has high effect to improve the
learner’ss vocabulary skill, its proven by many user or learners that use Duolingo to learn


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