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Job Description Program Coordinator

Responsible for assisting with planning, monitoring program implementation and technical
operations in the field and coordinating programs and their activities with Metrics,
Operations, Training, Supervisors, and Field Officers so that objectivity and program quality
are achieved. Maintain the program in accordance with the agreed time and in accordance
with the budget.

Scope and Responsibilities

1. Report to the Program Manager, coordinate with the SPV and other departments.
2. Assist with planning, implementation, tracking, reports, program coordination, field
activities, and budget control.
3. Ensure program operations are in accordance with the SOP and objectivity of Pancer
4. Going on a business trip.
5. Create and provide regular reports.
6. Be professional and follow the standards and rules of the organization at all times.

Detailed Job Description

1. Supervise, evaluate and report periodically the program and performance of the field
2. Actively contribute and provide constructive suggestions for the running program to
be more effective.
3. Identify and discuss with field teams to ensure program operations run smoothly.
4. Ensuring program implementation according to SOP by reporting periodically.
5. Provide program progress reports to relevant Supervisors.
6. Identify, communicate and provide information on activities, achievements, field
activities to be uploaded on social media every month.

Program Coordinator Profile

Analytics - Initiative - Dynamic - Aggressive - Integrity - Independent - Leadership - Strong

interpersonal relationships - Expressive - Agile.


1. Experience as program coordinator or relevant position.

2. Have knowledge of project management, digitization applications, and business plans.

3. Understand the structure and potential of agribusiness.

4. Ability to work with diverse and multi-disciplinary teams.

5. Good time management and team work skills.

6. Good verbal and written communication skills in English.

7. Result oriented.

8. D3 or S1 in Economics/Management/Agribusiness or relevant.

9. Have the ability to operate Microsoft Office and have added value in Ms. Projects and

Notes Job Onboarding:

Setidaknya sudah pernah berpengalaman sebagai Program Coordinator dan punya minat di Agri Bisnis secara
umum, tidak hanya pertanian.

Orangnya yg pro-aktif memberikan ide baru dan konkret, bisa dieksekusi kalau punya ide dan rencana.

Mengerti tentang implementasi digitalisasi. Bukan menjalankan tetapi mengerti konsep mentransfer
komunikasi transisi dari manual ke digital sehingga bisa support tim supervisor lapangan dalam menjelaskan.

Akomodasi tugas ke luar/ business trip ditanggung kantor.

Interview 2 tahapan:

1. Panel (Pak Ronny dan Bu Adis)

2. Pak Teddy

Cari orang yg militan, mau kerja lapangan bukan yang “manja”. Gender tidak masalah asal itu.

Scoop kerjaan:

Intinya membantu perencanaan dan budget sesuai dengan SOP dan dilakukan dan objektivitas tercapai.

Lalu membuat laporan secara berkala dari setiap pelaksaan project.

Kemampuan menghandle management proyek.

Good communicator karena akan feeding suggestion aktivitas lapangan juga ide untuk dipdate ke sosmed

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