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PDCA Cycle 1914006 - Siddhesh Bagwe

1914007 - Chaitanya Bandiwdekar

What exactly is the PDCA Cycle? Phases of the PDCA Cycle

PDCA (plan–do–check–act) is an iterative design

and management method used in business for

the control and continual improvement of
Establish objectives and
processes and products. processes required to deliver

It is an essential part of the LEAN manufacturing

Apply everything that has been considered

the desired results.

philosophy and a key prerequisite for
during the previous stage.
Planning takes a major part of

Unpredicted problems may occur at this

continuous improvement of people and

the team’s efforts depending

phase, which is why, the plan is first

processes. upon the project size.

incorporated on a small scale and in a

It enables teams to avoid recurring mistakes

Consists of smaller steps, so a

controlled environment.
and improve processes. It includes solutions
proper plan is built.
In short, the plan is implemented in this
testing, analyzing results, and improving the
phase and its performance is tested.
process. Act
PDCA is a simple four-stage method:
Also called "Adjust", this act
phase is where a process is

This step involves analyzing the collected

data and feedback, and comparing the

Root causes of issues found in

outcome against the planned objectives.

DO and CHECK phases are

It allows to evaluate how well the solution

investigated, found, and

has worked and whether further

eliminated by modifying the

improvement is needed.
process. Risk is re-evaluated.
This phase is also concerned with

At the end, the process has

identifying the unexpected issues and

better instructions, standards, or

gathering and summarizing the key


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