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Name:__________________________Grade Level : _______________Date:______________ SCORE: ___________

TEST 1. TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
______1. Any DNA, RNA, or protein sequence can be used to generate a phylogenetic tree.
_____2. A change in genetic make-up does not lead to a new trait.
_____3. Unrooted trees show a common ancestor but do not show relationships among species.
_____4. The less information you’re able to compare, the more accurate the tree will be.
_____5. Any phylogenic tree is a part of the greater whole, and like a real tree, it does grow in
only one direction after a new branch develops.
TEST II. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the space provided
before the number.
_____6. Why do scientists apply the concept of maximum persimony?
a. To decipher accurate phylogenies b. To eliminate analogous traits
c.. To identify mutations in DNA codes d. To locate homoplasies
______7. What is used to determine phylogeny?
A. mutations B. DNA C. Evolutionary history D. Organisms on Earth
______8. On a phylogenetic tree, which term refers to lineages that diverged from the same place?
A. Sister taxa B. Basal taxa C. Rooted taxa D. Dichotomous taxa
_______9. . In a phylogenic tree, this is the most recent common ancestor of all species on those branches.
A. Root B. Tip C. Branch D. Node
_______10. These are the units of organisms that encode the results of evolution, making them particularly useful for
building phylogenetic trees. A. Cells B. Genes C. Clades D. Root
_______11. The force that initiates evolution is ______.
a. Variation b. Mutation c. Extinction d. Adaptation
_______12. Which condition can be explained by Lamarckism?
a. How giraffes got their long neck b. How humans lost their tail
c. How humans became bipedal d. All of the above
_______13. The last common ancestor of humans is __________.
a. Pan troglodytes b. Homo neanderthalensis c. Lemuroidea d. Dromaeosaurus
_______14. On the Origin of Species was written by ___________.
a. Charles Darwin b. Ludmila Kuprianova c. Mikhail A. Fedonkin d. None of the above
_______15. Charles Darwin was best known in the 19th century for _________.
a. creating the idea of evolution b. creating the idea of uniformitarianism
c. making the idea of evolution acceptable for scientists and the educated general public d. all of the above
_______16. The theory of evolution by natural selection was independently developed by ________.
a. Charles Lyell and Charles Darwin b. Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace
c. Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck d. Charles Lyell and James Hutton
_______17. The evolution of one species into two or more species as a result of different
populations becoming reproductively isolated from each other is __________.
a. adaptive radiation b. creationism c. photosynthesis d. transmutation
________18. Boucher de Perthes is known for discovering something in northern France during the
1830's. What was it? a. a partial Neanderthal skeleton b. prehistoric stone tools
c. the major cause of biological evolution d. none of the above
______19. These are the blueprints for making an organism and, as such, hold information about its every conceivable
aspect. a. Genes b. Cells c. Chromosomes d. None of the above
______20. It refers to the passing on of traits from parent organisms to their offspring.
a. Ascent with modification b. Descent with modification c. Natural Selection d. Theory

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