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Westphalia regarded the origin of the modern ideas of the state sovereignty, religious tolerance
and internal relations and diplomacy. This treaty grounded a peaceful settlement for the nations
that fought over religious differences (between catholic states led by Spain, France, the Dutch,
and Protestant nations of Sweden in Europe. The war between these nations lasted 30 years
(1618 and1648 and is considered one of the deadliest in the history of Europe that claimed the
lives of more 80 million people. The participants of the treaty were 96, representatives from
different entities under the Holy Roman Empire. The conferences held in the two cities of
Osnabriick and Munste.

Outcome and the Legacy of the Treaty

During the peace negotiations, the sides agreed on the following resolutions.

1. The treaty freed the nations from pressure and influence of the church. This was the
beginning of the journey of secularism evolution that is center of the modern government
2. Initially, the war was a mean or, a tool of policy change used by the nations to gain their
political and economic repositioning over the other nations. The treaty replaced this with
negotiations and the diplomacy as a way to solve dispute between the nations.
3. To respect the sovereignty each nation to exist. This means each nation will be free from
fear and oppression but, if there is any difference between the nations will be settled
through negotiations and diplomacy

1. What are the natures or sources of national security threats? Any state including Somalia.

Nature of Threats

1. Political threat:

Political threats refers threats to the sovereignty of the government and political system and the

safety of the society from unlawful internal threats and external threats or pressures. It involves

both national and homeland security and law enforcement.

2. Military Threat,
A military threat, sometimes expressed as danger of military action, a military challenge, or a military

risk, is a concept in military intelligence that identifies an imminent capability for use of military force

in resolving diplomatic or economic disputes

3. Economic Threat,

Economic threats involve threats to the capacity of the economy to provide for the people, but

also threatening the degree to which the government and the people are free to control their

economic and financial decisions. It also entails threats to a nation’s wealth and economic

freedom including outside threats and coercion.

4. Social Threat,

5. Ecology, Resources and Environmental Threat.

Environmental threat is an idea with multiple meanings. One is the more traditional concept of

which is threats caused by environmental problems such as water shortages, energy

disruptions, or severe climate changes; it is assumed that these problems are “transnational”

and thus can cause conflict between nations.

2. What value does it to be protected under the label of national security? Any state

including Somalia.

to preserve the state’s core values which include:

 Physical based: territory and population (secessionism and tribalism),

 The idea of state: It’s political philosophy: socialist, democratic, Islamic state,

 Constitutional organizations,

 The citizenry’s lives, properties and dignity,

 Sovereignty or diplomatic security,

 Maintenance of favorable regional & international security environment

3. How is national security conceived by the Somalia’s elite since independency?

At the time of independace the somalia’s elite conceived notational security from only one
dimention which was political security. However, soon after the independence an other
national security came into light which was military security. This dimension of the national
security was conceived due to the early disputes with the neighboring countries. After the civil
war the elites conceived all kinds of national securities including, but not limited to,
environmental security, food security and cultural security

4. How Somalia’s future elite should conceive the national security’s appraisal?

 Future elite should regard the appraisal of national security with the utmost


 National security dimentions should be ranked according to the levels of threats

5. Internally: How is the national security to be preserved and enhanced?

 Enhance the legitimacy of the regime in power, (to eliminate irregularities including misrule,

nepotism, and injustice, corruption both tangible and intangible).

 Eliminating internal contradiction, (FG vs. FMS),

 Develop national ideology and resilience,

 Reduce the intensity of internal threats,

 Minimize the opportunity for external intervention,

 Suppression of opposing forced by selective measures including to use forces

6. The conflicts over the organizing ideology of the state increase the insecurity.

Discuss on in line with the Somalia’s current security situation.

- Different state ideology creates insecurity in our country, where everyone wants to

implant their own ideology that serves their interests rather than the national interest. In

Somalia There are a lot state ideology preferred by different groups such nationalists, Al-

shabab, Sadi una bil Haq, Ahlusona, etc

7. Discuss on Somalia- Ethiopia’s psychological and historical dimensions’ influence

on Somalia’s national security concerns.

 Ethopia-Somalia => Historic background dates back to 16th Century

 Based religious grounds
 After independence territorial issues arose.
 issues related to etnopia wanting region dominance.
 Economic exploiation wanth militery intervation through EMISOM

8. Currently Somalia’s internal policies (FG vs. FMS) are contradicting. Discuss on

these contradictions’ negative impacts on security environment.

 Lack of proper understanding of federalism and it’s functions due to incomplete constitution

 Lack of well defined policy for resource sharing

 Segeregation of duties of FGS and FMS

9. Does traditional instruments are usable to enhance Somalia’s current insecurity?

 Trinational clan leaders can play a role since the can be representatives of their people and the people

are more likely to follow them

10. In order to persevere it the national security from local spoilers, the state must to

enhance the legitimacy of the regime in power. Discuss on in line with Somalia’s

current political process.

Gaining legitimacy is a need that is not restricted to liberal democratic regimes but is

considered a basic condition of rule, because governing regimes without at least a

minimal amount of legitimacy would face deadlock or collapse.

-to Enhance the legitimacy of the regime it is important to eliminate irregularities

including misrule, nepotism, and injustice, corruption both tangible and intangible).

11. To develop “national organizing ideology” is a very vital for national unity or to

eliminate the sources of disunity. The “organized ideologies” include: nationalist,

democrats, socialist and theologists/Islamist. So, based on your appraisal what kind of

“organized ideology” is applicable to Somalia?

12. Does or do the unregulated social media and non-local Values are threat to

Somalia’s national security? Explain with examples.

It has the power to shape or distort narratives and incite public opinion and behaviour has

been in full view for some time now. This power can become a dangerous force

multiplier when accessed by those who want to spread hate, sow divisions and create

violence. This can severly impact the national security as well as the national values.
13. The Horn of Africa’s regional states (including Somalia) to preserve their “national

security”, they have to join together for economic cooperation aimed for the region’s total

development. Discuses on if there’s any possibility Somalia–Ethiopia join together for

economic cooperation for security reasons.

THE NEED for economic cooperation among developing countries has assumed critical

importance, as it is believed to be perhaps the only hope for developing countries to

march ahead on the path of economic growth. Incase of somalia and ethopia joining

together in economic cooperation for security reasons can help with enhancing the

national security in terms of ; Economic security, Food Security, Environmental security


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