Future Vertaalzinnen Key

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Future – key vertaalzinnen

1. The Prime Minister is opening the new theatre tonight. (is going to open)
2. What are you going to do this weekend? (are you doing)
3. Does the train leave at 3.30 or 4.30?
4. I hope they won’t forget to call her .
5. The milkman is coming at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning.
6. My brother is returning from Denmark next week.
7. It is very warm. I ‘ll turn off the heating.
8. You have collected a lot of sticks. Are you going to build a bonfire?
9. I will never forget him.
10. Are you going to read this magazine or shall I throw it away?

11. He is retiring in a few days.

12. Look! You have broken a window! What will your mother say?
She is going to be angry. It is the second one this month.
13. The neighbours are going to build a new shed in their garden.
14. My sister is going to have a baby in July.
15. Will you have some more cake? No, thank you.
16. Are you working tomorrow? (going to work). No, I am going to stay at home because
I’m still feeling ill.
17. That bag looks heavy. I’ll help you with it.
18. I promise you I will return the money on Friday.
19. The economical situation is bad and it is only going to be worse.
20. What time are you meeting Ann tonight?

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