Adjectives Adverbs Vertaal Key

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Adjectives and adverbs. Translate these sentences.

1. He was about/approximately 6 feet tall.

2. He made me feel a complete idiot.
3. My mother has always been very/terribly fond of you.
4. Perhaps they are jealous of your success.
5. The teacher was very dissatisfied with the results.
6. I was proud of her because she played the piano very well.
7. He was afraid to go home.
8. She is easy to deceive / She is easily deceived.
9. Usain Bolt will probably win the race.
10. Rising/increasing prices make food very expensive.

11. The existing system simply doesn’t work.

12. I liked/enjoyed the film. The monster was absolutely terrifying.
13. We were rather disappointed with the results.
14. The results were very disappointing.
15. I was happiest when I was alone.
16. These are the most beautiful gardens in England.
17. Our eldest daughter couldn’t come.
18. I am older than my brother.
19. Bono has never sung worse than at his latest concert.
20. The smaller the package/parcel is, the cheaper it is to post.

21. That is the most ridiculous story I have ever heard.

22. He ran almost as fast as his brother.
23. Becky works as hard as Jenny.
24. The children were playing happily in the garden.
25. (Yesterday) It was raining heavily in London yesterday.
26. He opened the door quietly.
27. It was a terrible accident but fortunately nobody had been seriously wounded.
28. I have a rather large / rather a large bedroom with space for a walk-in closet.
29. I will probably be back in a few minutes.
30. Nowadays we hardly ever go to the cinema.

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