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The Critical Social Theory Approach to Information Systems: Problems and


Chapter · January 1991

DOI: 10.4135/9781849209687.n7

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1 author:

Ojelanki Ngwenyama
Ryerson University


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Ojelanki K. Ngwenyama

School of Business Administration, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

48109-1234, USA

For some time now critical social theory has been put forward as an alternative to
traditional approaches to Information Systems research and practice. It has however
remained a mystery to 'outside' observers, because of the language of its discourse, and
radically different position on scientific enterprise. This paper attempts to open the discourse
on critical social theory by presenting a review of basic concepts and discussing some of the
theoretical problems and challenges which must be addressed if progress is to be made in
applying it to the practical issues of Information Systems.


The past decade has seen much discussion about the theoretical foundations of the
various Information Systems research programmes and the future of Information Systems as
a discipline [46, 51]. These discussions have been useful in that they have exposed many of
our theoretical assumptions to debate and critical reflection. More recently, Hirschheim and
Klein [28] have presented an analysis and classification of the general theoretical
assumptions of various approaches to Information Systems research into four paradigms:
Functionalism, Social Relativism, Radical Structuralism, and Neohumanism. Although
much research has been carried out within each of the paradigms, some approaches have not
received adequate attention. One such approach, critical social theory, which falls within the
neohumanist paradigm, has been primarily limited to theoretical issues. However, the
potential contribution of critical social theory to new knowledge about Information Systems
development and usage has been discussed by several researchers.
Mingers [47] was one of the first to point out its relevance to applied systems thinking.
He specifically pointed to the work of Habermas as a fruitful starting point. As he explained:

More recently Habermas has produced a critique of science and technology

which includes an attack on systems theory and particularly systems analysis.
It might appear, at first sight, that the two should be dedicatedly opposed and
yet, although there are important disagreements, the striking similarities make
it seem possible that the two approaches may both benefit from a dialogue

Citation: Ngwenyama, O.K. "The Critical Social Theory Approach to Information Systems: Problems and Challenges," in
Information Systems Research: Contemporary Approaches and Emergent Traditions, H-E. Nissen, H.K. Klein, R.A.
Hirschheim (eds.), NorthHolland, Amsterdam, 1991, pp. 267-280. Reprinted in: Myers, M. D. and Avison, D. E. (eds.)
Qualitative Research in Information Systems: A Reader. Sage Publications, London, 2002.
IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, December, 1990.

More recently Klein [31] and Lyytinen and Klein [32] have made the argument that
critical social theory could inform the theoretical assumption of several traditional
approaches to Information Systems and perhaps free the discipline from what they call the
'poverty of scientism'. Much work needs to be done, however, in order to clarify the critical
social theory perspective and research programme. It is the objective of this paper to help
demystify the critical social theory approach, and open it up for debate and critical analysis
by both critical and traditional theorists. The focus of the paper is on outlining: (a) the main
concerns of critical social theory, specifically Habermas's critical social theory; (b) the
theoretical assumptions of critical social theory as they might apply to Information Systems
research and practice; (c) to offer a critique of the current application of critical social theory
to Information Systems research; and (d) to outline a methodology for practice oriented


Critical social theory is a school of thought which has as its primary objective the
improvement of the human condition. Its focus, according to its founders (Horkheimer,
Adorno, Fromm, and Marcuse) is on general theoretical problems, as well as specific
investigations of concrete problems of contemporary social organization. The approach was
to break with traditional hypothetical deductive methods, which are oriented towards the
preservation and gradual reformation of the status quo. Critical social theory was intended to
be a radically different approach which would take into account the human construction of
social forms of life and the possibility of their recreation. At the inaugural address of the
opening of the Institute For Social Research, Horkheimer (1937) outlined the goals of critical
social theory as follows:

The critical theory of society on the contrary (... to the positivist view of
social science) has as its objects men as the producers of their total historical
forms of life. The conditions of reality from which science starts out, appear
to it not as given to be established and calculated purely on the basis of laws
of probability. What is in each case given, depends not solely upon nature but
also upon what men wish to make of it. The objects and the manner of
perception, the statement of the problem and the interpretation of the answers
are created from human activity and the degree of its power. (cf. Frisby [12],
pp. 107).

The primary difference between traditional social theory and critical social theory is the
researcher's attitude toward his/her world and work. Fundamentally, traditional social theory
is premised on the analysis and understanding of the status quo. By implicit acceptance of
'what is', traditional social theory does not challenge, but contributes to the preservation of
the status quo. Further, because of its rejection of value issues, it is easily transformed into
reified ideology. Critical social theory on the other hand, is concerned with finding
alternatives to existing social conditions which more adequately address human desires. Its
research focuses on the emancipation of individuals and the human species in general.
Critical social theory rejects the separation of value and inquiry, knowledge and action, and
challenges the unity of the scientific method with regard to social affairs.
The critical social theory programme for social research and practice is grounded on five
fundamental assumptions: (1) People are the creators of their social world, and as such, can
change it if they wish. (2) All scientific knowledge about the social world is socially
IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, December, 1990.

constructed, and as such, cannot avoid being infused with 'value orientations', because all
social constructions are value laden. Value orientations can be identified in both implicit and
explicit forms of ideology held by the researchers. (3) Reason and critique are inseparable.
As Marcuse [42] explains: reason means the capacity to understand the existing social
world, to criticize it, and to search for and present alternatives to it. Reason here is to be
understood in the Hegelian sense, as the critical faculty which reconciles knowledge with
change toward the goal of human freedom. It is through critical reason that the inherent
distortions of the social affairs can be reconstructed and understood. (4) Theory and practice
ought to be inextricably interconnected, because the task of critical social theory is seen as
that of reconciling knowledge with the satisfaction of the human need for self improvement.
(5) Critical social theory must be reflexive: that is, it must concern itself with the validity
conditions of knowledge and change which it produces. Therefore, researchers following
this approach must collaborate with those who will be affected by it, opening it up to public
debate and critical reflection.

Summary of the Fundamental Assumptions

1. People have the power to change their world.

2. Knowledge of the social world is value laden.

3. Reason and critique are inseparable.

4. Theory and practice must be interconnected.

5. Reason and critique must be reflexive in practice.

2.1 Habermas's Contribution to Critical Social Theory

In line with the stated fundamental assumptions, Habermas has set out to broaden the
discourse on critical social theory to include various strands of contemporary thought. In the
early 1960's, he entered the Popper-Adorno debate over the philosophical foundations of
social science, attacking the narrowness of 'instrumental reason' and 'the technological
imperative' of modern science. He felt that scientific and technological thought had become
too dogmatic, extending its instrumental rationality into all spheres of life, reducing political
and social issues into matters of technical rationality. He believed that a critical approach
with a broader notion of rationality was needed to ensure that society maximizes the benefits
of technological advancements while minimizing the disadvantages. In an attempt to extend
beyond instrumental rationality, Habermas adopts from Kant's critical philosophy, the notion
of practical reason, critique, and reflective judgement, incorporating them in his principles
for critical inquiry. He has also provided significant criticisms of modern theories of
management and social control, such as functional systems and organizational theory,
cybernetics, game theory, and decision theories, which are the current core not only of
information systems research, but also of management and other applied behavioral sciences.
In studying extensively the methodological problems of knowledge acquisition of the
social sciences, Habermas set out to construct a conceptual framework upon which a critical
scientific methodology suitable to critical social theory research could be based. In
Knowledge and Human Interest [16],
IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, December, 1990.

Table 1
Fundamental Human Knowledge Interests



Technical Natural Prediction Scientific

World Control Knowledge

Social Technology

Practical Social Mutual Social

Relations Understanding Consciousness

Tradition Humanity

Emancipatory Technology Social Norms for

Criticism Justice

Social Freedom

he outlines a program for the development of this methodology. He starts by identifying at

the transcendental level, three types of knowledge interest which he believes drive all human
inquiry: (1) technical; (2) practical; and (3) emancipatory. Technical knowledge interest has
as its concern the human need for prediction and control of the natural and social world. It is
rooted in instrumental rationality and focuses on defining means for achieving given ends.
Consequently, its major products are technology: for example, management procedures,
problem solving methods and so on. Technical knowledge interest is validated with regard
to its effectiveness. Practical knowledge interest on the other hand, is concerned with our
quest for self-understanding. The focus of practical knowledge interest is on understanding
social forms of life, traditions, social behavior and relations, and offers as its products
improved social consciousness and humanity. It uses communicative rationality and is
validated with regard to truth and clarity. Emancipatory knowledge interest is related to our
concern for freedom from physical and mental restrictions and social distortions. It uses
dialectic rationality for critical reflection and analysis of instrumental rationality, and its
products, with regard to their 'rightness'. Emancipatory knowledge interest also focuses on
the establishment of norms for justice and enhancement of human freedoms. Each type of
knowledge interest is believed to represent a frame of reference (or mental mode) through
which researchers apprehend and make sense of the world as they seek to obtain knowledge
about it.
IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, December, 1990.

Habermas sees science and its project of improving the human condition as a
collaborative effort where people (scientists and non-scientists) work together to achieve its
ends. Such being the case, communication is central to the performance of a collaborative
science. The question then becomes; how do the participants guard against systematic
distortions and violations of free and unencumbered scientific discourse? Habermas has
defined two classes of criteria for analyzing and validating discourses: (a) content, and (b)
relationship. The content criteria deal with the truth and clarity of every communicative
action, while the relationship criteria deal with the appropriateness and sincerity of those
actions. For Habermas the act of entering scientific discourse means that the participants are
committed to finding a solution by force of better argument, and must adhere to domination
free cooperation and communication. Facts may not be misrepresented, and jargon may not
be used to mystify, as this would violate the principle of ideal discourse.



The universe of inquiry of critical social theory spans the objective - subjective spectrum
of social reality. It emphasizes open collaboration by giving primacy to the actors'
participation in the creation of a social world with meaning appropriate to them. Physical
and organizational structures, social relations, symbolic interactions as well as each actor's
interpretation of these are the universe of inquiry for critical social theory research. In order
to make sense of this 'messy' world, the inquirer must focus on both process and context from
an individual as well as an institutional perspective. To deal with this task, critical social
theory adopts pluralistic inquiry methods that are heavily oriented towards interpreting and
mapping the meaning and social construction of the universe of inquiry. This allows the
researcher to be sensitive to the life-worlds of participants which are central to understanding
the way social actions are constructed and executed. The approach is one of active
participation, observation and analysis of contextual data. This strategy enables the analysis
of social contexts in which social actions are embedded.
Critical social theory aims to integrate the three fundamental knowledge interests into a
holistic approach to inquiry and intervention. In support of technical knowledge interest, it
admits the inquiry methods of empirical sciences as appropriate to problems of technical
control and prediction in engineering research. Technical control and prediction is not
limited to nature - people are included as well (e.g., human systems engineering, such as
marketing research, behavior control, etc.). Critical social theory recognizes the other
knowledge interests as mitigating influences to the possible excesses of instrumental
rationality and balances these with the communicative rationality of practical knowledge
interest and the dialectic rationality emancipatory knowledge interest. Critical social theory
also recognizes the difference between observing nature and observing people in scientific
research. People are not inanimate objects serving only as passive objects of observation for
the researcher. Under observation, they may adopt different behaviors depending on their
perception of the role of the researcher, thus invalidating the principle of asymmetric
observation. Further, critical
IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, December, 1990.

Table 2
Conceptual Foundations of Critical Social Theory Methodology


Technical Objective Empirical Instrumental Effectiveness


Practical Shared Descriptive Communicative Truth

Subjective Interpretive Clarity

Emancipatory Inner- Critical Dialectic Justice

Subjective Interpretive

social theory does not accept that science is value free; it makes explicit its value position,
which is the improvement of the human condition. Improvement of the human condition
here means freeing people from social and psychological distortions and barriers to social

Reflection Theory

Experience Decision

Practice Action

Figure 1. The Critical Social Theory Inquiry-Change Process

Although critical social theory does not have its own research methodology, many, currently
available interpretative methodologies can be adapted to its needs. Its requirements,
however, are very stringent. (1) Methods must be practice oriented focusing on change. (2)
IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, December, 1990.

They must support inquiry into the organization process and its social context. (3) They
must be sensitive to individual as well as organizational needs. (4) They must be
collaborative, supporting free and open participants. (5) They must be critically self-
reflective. These requirements can be used as criteria for selection or adaptation of
appropriate methods which could be used individually or cooperatively to achieve the
objectives of critical social theory research.


It would be instructive at this point, to classify current critical social theory-information

systems research in order to clearly identify the nature of it, and its possible future directions.
The concepts of Figure 1 are used as the schema for analysis (cf. Figure 2), as they offer a
simple and straight forward classification which adheres to the basic assumptions of critical
social theory. On the theoretical level, two types of research are identified: (a) Decisionistic
- work which provides criteria, principles, or guidelines for dealing with a specific class of
problems. Few papers report this type of research (cf. Figure 2); and (b) Reflective - work
which focuses on critique. By far, most of the research falls within this category (cf. Figure
2 below), with the focus being on the foundations of information systems. On the practical
level we have: (c) Interventionist - action oriented work which intervenes or provides
methods for intervention into information systems research and practices with the clear
objective of improving it; and (d) Experiential - participant observation work on information
systems research and practice to collect data for theory building and critical reflection. So
far, very little research has been reported at the level of practice. However, a study is in
progress on collaborative systems development which utilizes the critical social theory
framework [53].


THEORETICAL [38,35] [28, 32, 33, 36, 39, 31, 34,

37, 38, 40, 52]

PRACTICAL [53] [53]

Figure 2. Critical Social Theory Schema for Classifying Research

Much of the work listed above can be criticized on two important aspects: (1)
Communicative competence - their use of jargon serves to create barriers to free and open
participation in the debate; (2) Reductionism - by separating theory from practice, and
narrowing the focus to issues of theoretical interest, a grave sin has been committed against
the philosophy of critical social theory. More attention needs to be given to work which
integrates the four quadrants of the schema. Although the use of the schema in this analysis
could be characterized as reductionist, the aim is to point out how the existing research has
been segmented in focus. Another important problem that the critical social theory
programme must face is the question of an appropriate methodology. The next section
IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, December, 1990.

presents a brief discussion on how action science might contribute to a solution of this

4.1 Toward an Action Science Research Strategy

Action science is a methodology for practice oriented social research developed by
Argyris [1, 4]. It is considered an exemplar of critical social theory because it shares similar
core assumptions: (1) critique of the status quo and a search for alternatives to it; (2)
collaborative action for learning and fundamental change; (3) free and open participation by
individuals in the creation of their social world; (4) critical self-reflection as a methodology
for improving self-awareness and transformation. Like critical social theory, action science
is concerned with bridging the gap between science and intervention (i.e., theory and
practice, knowledge and action). As a science, it focuses on producing 'knowledge of action,'
which informs social practice. It assumes a definition of 'knowledge of action' that goes
beyond that of mainstream applied science. While the latter is concerned with the technical
problem of choosing the best means to achieve specified ends, and defines knowledge of
action as knowledge about the relationship between means and ends; action science extends
the definition to include a normative component which concerns the choosing ends. It holds
that value judgements are not simply "emotive utterances" but social facts which have
consequences in the social world. Action science is concerned not only with technical
effectiveness but also with the validity of norms for guiding open and informed choices and
responsible action. Both action science and critical social theory take the position that
technical knowledge in the absence of intelligent and responsible choice of ends is
impractical and often dysfunctional. Although it would be useful to enter a discussion on
action science, space does not permit. For a comprehensive overview see Argyris et al., [4].
The following is a summary of the basic principles of action science:

1. It seeks to enact reflective inquiry as a fundamental aspect of social

practice. The ground of its knowledge claims is the community of social
practice, which is the ultimate judge of its validity.

2. It seeks to produce generalized knowledge of action through reflective

inquiry of social practice which is guided by norms of public testing,
falsifiability, intersubjective agreement on data and explicit inference.

3. It is concerned with the interpenetration of empirical, interpretive, and

normative claims, insofar as they relate to the meaning and logic of action.

4. It seeks to create alternatives to the status quo and to promote learning and
change at the level of norms and values, by focusing on double loop
learning and frame breaking.

4.2 Action Science Methodology

The action science methodology intends to produce knowledge which
can be characterized by two main criteria: (a) immediate usefulness in action situations; and
(b) unconformable propositions and theory, falsifiable by practitioners in real-life action
situations. It follows then that the universe of inquiry is practice. The approach is a
collaborative process in which scientist and participants of the action situation of interest
enquire into problems of social practice in a learning context. The learning context is
designed to foster learning about the constraints of practice and about alternative ways of
constructing it. The process of action learning is a cycle of public critical reflection and
experimentation-in-action in which taken-for-granted routines are challenged, alternatives
IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, December, 1990.

developed and tested, and new competences learned. Communicative action is the primary
source of data for inquiry and analysis. It is an important form of social action which
provides a window for inquiry into the logic of action, that is, the rules and tacit theories
which inform the actor's routines [4,14,20,21,22,57].

on Practice

Implement Definition of
New Modes Problems of
of Practice Practice


Figure 3. The Action Learning Cycle

4.2.1 The Action-Experimentation Process

Action-experimentation is a process in which participants in real-life action situations
collaborate with action scientists to identify and solve problems of social practice. The
process seeks to foster open and free participation in which individuals are encouraged to:
(a) select problems for study which are relevant to them; (b) take responsibility for data
collection; and (c) participate in data analysis. The rules of action science inquiry, although
designed to push back constraints of real-life conditions for collecting and analyzing data,
and testing hypotheses, are nevertheless generalizable in everyday practice.
The aim of action science is to help individuals learn the rules and shared norms of
inquiry so that they can implement these as aspects of regular practice. Data collection and
analysis are not separated in action science research as they are in other research
programmes. There are however, preferred approaches to conducting action science research
which share well defined strategies for collecting data, conducting action-experiments, and
ensuring internal validity and consistency. A range of methods is employed to ensure
reliable data collection: (1) participant observation; (2) audio and video taping; (3)
interviews; (4) action experiments; and (5) participant written cases. In action science
research several of these methods are used together to accommodate cross-checking and
minimize data pollution. Two types of data are elicited: (a) what individuals say and do as
they perform their routines; and (b) their self-reports of what they were thinking and feeling
at the time of action. Since action science promotes collaborative inquiry, the participants
are encouraged to select problems for study which are relevant to them.
Three conceptual tools are used for data analysis: (a) theory-in-use models; (b) the
ladder of inference; and (c) cognitive maps. The first are a set of abstract explanatory and
IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, December, 1990.

normative models, or ideal types, that guide the researchers in doing data analysis. They
were developed by Argyris and Schon [3] to help action scientists decide which data and
causal sequences of actions are important to their problem solving.
The ladder of inference serves three functions. First it is used to derive maps of action
from collected data. These models are then tested in the action context. Second it is used to
help connect generalized knowledge to specific cases during the design of new action
strategies. Finally, it is a tool for retracing and making public the inferences that actors make
when carrying out their action strategies.
The third tool, mapping, gives recognition to the fact that participants edit their
organizational experience into scripts of personal knowledge. A cognitive map consists of
the concepts and relationships an actor uses to understand action situations. When these
maps are limited to defining causal relationships, they are called cause maps. Maps can be
either graphic or narrative representations of action-strategies. They describe the tacit and
propositional logic which are embedded in the action-strategies along with their effects on
the behavioral world of the actors.

4.2.2 Hypothesis Testing

Hypotheses are derived from maps and tested in real-life action-experiments. Although
the action context is a formidable domain for ensuring the validity tests, it is the only setting
that provides the multitude of interacting variables which actors face in practice. Testing is a
repetitive cycle of mapping action-situations, deriving hypotheses, designing action-
experiments, and implementing them in practice (cf. Figure 4). The objective of this activity
is to develop generalizable maps suitable for problem analysis and solving across a wide
variety of case situations.


This paper has presented a review of the basic assumptions of critical social theory, and
its principles for collaborative practice oriented research. The analysis of current research
suggests that it is time to re-orient toward more practical concerns. The critical social theory
approach was never intended to be an abstract philosophy. It was to bring about real change
in the human condition. Although it may be argued that rushing from theory to practice
results from the fear of speculation, and from shallowness of action and knowledge [56], it
must be remembered that Theoros (the Greek god with whom theory is associated), was sent
out to contemplate the cosmos only on holidays; praxis dominated the workdays.
Much fieldwork is needed to better understand how information systems research and
practice can be improved by critical social theory. The latter sections of the paper have
attempted to deal with the methodology problem
IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, December, 1990.

Analysis and
Mapping of
Action Situations

Implement Generation of
Action Hypotheses

Designing of

Figure 4. The Action-Experimentation Cycle

which has impeded progress on practice oriented research. While work continues on
adapting and implementing an action science methodology [53], other methods need to be
identified and tested for suitability to this type of research. Further, the discourse needs to be
more accommodating of other forms of social research and practice if a dialectic is ever to be
achieved. The critical theory information systems research programme could learn a great
deal from dialogues with the Soft Systems Approach and Trade Union Perspective.
Acknowledgements: The author wishes to thank Prof. Gareth Morgan, Faculty of
Administrative Studies, York University, and the referees for their valuable comments.


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