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Speech 1:

So, another point could be something like "Greater species diversity is generally concentrated in
equatorial regions and decreases as we move towards the poles. However, the artic circle, which has
low species richness, has a stable ecosystem"

there is more species richness in the equatorial regions and that richness decreases as we move
closer to the poles. species richness is how many different species is in one area and that's species
diversity right there. the Artic Circle has a way less species diversity compared to the tropical region
yet the. Due to the harsh conditions of the Artic Circle or the Artic and Antarctic poles, not many
species/organisms can live there. This in turn causes the ecosystem located in said places to become
less diverse than what would be found in the tropical and equatorial climate or regions. Despite the
low species diversity, the ecosystem is stable within these regions. This is due to adaptation of the
different organisms found in these regions that make the ecosystem so stable. Since not every
organism can live in such areas it will have a lower species diversity than normal but in turn creates a
stable ecosystem since it will have ???? Th Artic is said to home over the thousands of plant species

Speech 2:

In the Caribbean, the lionfish has become more prominent in the aquatic ecosystem. It is
said that having a greater species diversity result in greater ecosystem stability, however,
this is not always the case. The lionfish is a prime example of this in the Caribbean Sea.
Before the introduction of the lionfish, the aquatic ecosystem of the Caribbean was said to
be stable. However, after their introduction, they have turned the aquatic ecosystem upside
down. The lionfish is what we would refer to as an invasive species. Since there is no natural
predator of the lionfish in our waters, there tends to be an abundance of them in the
Caribbean Sea. This in turn leads to them preying on the native reef fish causing a
population decrease. With no more fish to interact with the corals it may lead to an
overgrowth of algae that will smother the corals since they have mutual dependencies upon
one another. As can be seen, the addition of another species to an ecosystem that is already
stable can disrupt the entire feeding relationship that is exhibited by an ecosystem or its
food web.
The introduction of the Small Indian Mongoose is an example of an intentional introduction
of an invasive alien species. The Small Indian Mongoose was introduced to Jamaica in 1872
to kill the rats. It is believed that the mongoose has contributed to the possible extinction of
two of Jamaica's endemic ground nesting birds - the Jamaica Petrel and Jamaican Paruraque
- as well as the Giant Galliwasp, and a snake, the Black Racer. It is also a threat to the
endemic Jamaican Iguana.
As a result, these invasive species increase the biodiversity of the region they seek
habitation. However, since they have no natural predators to maintain a balance of the
population. They in turn disrupt the feeding relationships of the entire ecosystem reducing
the stability of the environment.
Before we begin, there are key definotions that will

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