Marketing Proposal

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Marketing is the most important aspect of management and requires skills much beyond than mere thinking. Talking in context to symulate marketing is the flagship event and thereby tests the participants skills such as innovation creativity, persuasion skills and thinking out of the box We haven t predicted a next big thing for Symulate for the last few years, we definitely wish to set a high standard for obvious successors to the Symulate s Marketing throne. We definitely know that we will bring alive every product that we market this year.


Neeraj Gurbani

SYMPULSE 2011 Was part of the Best Manager Core committee, SYMULATE. One of the most enriching experiences, learned about the intricacies of organizing. SIMUNC 2010 Participated in Model united Nations conference during Sympulse 2010. Part of E-cell core committee last year and the current year as well, was selected for the post of Manager for Internal Events and was involved in successfully organizing the E-Genesis event for both years.

Participated in the Management Fest at : BMCC College (Fest name Beyond Horizon) Our college team stood 2nd in the WITS END event. Accomplishment at various Business Plan Competitions: Fergusson College (Fest name Wall Street) Won the First prize in Business plan competition. SICSR (Symbiosis Institute for Computer studies and Research) Bagged the first prize in the business plan event organized with the support of NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network) MITCON College Out of a total of 32 teams, cleared the first round by eliminating 28 teams and bagged the 3rd Prize in the second round. INENCY (B-Plan event organized by venture capitalist firm India co. ) Have cleared the initial three rounds of the event and have been selected among the top ten. If selected for the final presentation, then have a chance to win a cash prize of Rs. 3 lakhs.

Sheetal Gupta

Part of the E-cell core committee for current year, was involved in organizing E-Genesis Event. y Conoscenza 2010 -- Had participated and reached the final round of the personality contest (conoscenza 2010). y I was part of the student council body in my school and was essentially involved in organising events.

 Business plan Competition at FC College Bagging the First prize  Business plan Competition at Symbiosis institute of computer science and research - First prize  Business plan competition hosted by MITCON Cleared first round by eliminating 28 other participants and ranked 3rd in the final round.  I have also cleared 3 rounds in INENCY which is a business plan competition hosted by INDIA CO - a venture capitalist firm. We are through to the top 10 and are striving for another success which would mean a cash prize of Rs 3lakh.

Vedant Gupta

y y

Was in the core committee of E-Cell the previous year and had played a vital role in organising the events and is the club head of E-cell this year. Have won many entrepreneurship competitions in various Fests, the highlighted ones are: Business plan Competition in FC College Bagging the First prize  Business plan Competition in Symbiosis institute of computer science and research - First prize  Business plan competition hosted by MITCON Cleared first round by eliminating 28 other participants and ranked 3rd in the final round.  I have also cleared 3 rounds in INENCY which is a business plan competition hosted by INDIA CO - a venture capitalist firm. We are through to the top 10 and are striving for another success which would mean a cash prize of Rs 3lakh.

I was also in the core committee of Best manager Symulate 11, which is the flagship event of Symulate. I had organised various events for best manager which was a huge success. These events mainly aimed at extracting and discovering the managerial skills of the participants. I had also been in the organising committee of Battle Rock Solid Lucknow which was a rock competition inviting band from all over the state.


XYZ Ltd. Is undergoing expansion plans, and wants to launch its new brand of confectioneries and chocolates in an entirely new country. At present, the company has its operations in China. As the Marketing head of XYZ Ltd., the company wants you to formulate a marketing strategy for the new country, keeping in mind the following constraints : Previously, a company from china had been charged for manufacture and export of low graded and sub standard chocolates, which lead to cancellation of export license. Your company has been granted the permission for export but the government s EXIM department wants you to give a blueprint of your marketing strategy along with quality certifications for your product. Your Marketing strategy should inculcate various modes :i) Print media (newspaper ads and pamphlet designing) ii) Television ads (An advertisement video of 40 60 secs) iii) A Radio ad (audio clip) The event will be given as a Pre-Assignment to the participants and as a surprise element, during the Panel Interview the participants can be given an additional constraint like their present brand ambassador (sportsperson) has been charged for Doping allegations and how do they tackle this issue, in order to safeguard their image in the current Chinese market as well as in the new country wherein they have expansion plans.

Each participant in this event will represent them self as the owner of an outsourcing marketing agency which assists organizations in formulating marketing strategies. Now they will be required to make a marketing strategy for a particular firm undergoing severe crisis whose data and problems will be listed to them. This is will be an overnight assignment and they will be told that they have to present themselves in front of panel of judges for the strategy they have prepared. At the time of the interview it will be told to them that the panel of judges represents the board of directors of the organization for whom you have prepared the strategy and that you are not the only agency which has been approached by the company. Another participant who has worked on the same crisis will be introduced and both of them will have to convince their strategy to the panel. They can also point out the flaws in the opposition s strategy.

Roll, Camera, ACTION!!!!

Participants are put in the shoes of a director who is handed over 7 different scripts for a movie, he is responsible to choose amongst the script and forward it to the producer for funding. But as the taste of the crowd is changing he has to decide which movie will attract the majority of crowd and will get him maximum revenues. For understanding the taste he has to himself go in the crowd and find out what the public expects from the movie. In short they have to do an intensive market research. They have to use the medium of only one questionnaire in order to understand the need of the public. The participants will be marked on the questionnaire they have prepared. At the end they will submit a market report with one final script they have chosen. In order to set up a parameter for evaluation our team will already prepare a standard marketing survey and research report for all the movie scripts thereby laying down a basis for the comparison of participant s actual performance.

(The Marketing Extravaganza)

The focus is to test the participants on their ability to negotiate and market their products and earn profits individually as well as a part of a team . The event has been divided into two rounds :1. In the first round, the participants work individually to maximize their profits from a basic seed amount of Rs.100, which they will have to fetch out from their own pockets. All the participants will be required to choose the field of operation, which has to be either THE FOOD INDUSTRY or THE BEVERAGE INDUSTRY. Both industry has to have the equal number of participants, eliminations will be conducted before this event if the number of participants are odd. In the second round, they have to merge with other participants and form a company (operating unit), wherein they need to invest back a portion/whole of the profits earned in the Ist round and reap maximum returns by deploying the collective profits of the members of the resultant merged company. This has to be kept in mind while merging that in every team the number of participants from food industry should equal the number of participants from beverage industry.


Round one

(i) In the first round, participants have to invest the seed amount of Rs.100 and buy some food items/beverages from the shops nearby college campus. The products thus bought by the participants cannot be sold as it is, they have to make sure that the final product they sell should be at least a combination of two products. Therefore the idea would be to check participants on the parameters of innovation and the marketability of the product. For Example :- You can buy a packet of bread and a sandwich spread, and sell sandwiches in and around the campus. But you cannot buy a packet of chips or cold drink and sell it as it is to a person. (ii) The total operational time in the first round will be one and a half hours, and each participant will be accompanied by a volunteer, who needs to keep a track of whatever the participant is doing and make sure that the participant adheres to all the rules.

(iii)The areas (Within Viman Nagar) where participants can sell and market their products are, namely:=> college campus => nearby sakore nagar girls hostel => CCD Chowk => Dutt mandir Chowk => Shree Krishna Restaurant Chowk

(iv)The transportation cost (for himself as well as the volunteer) of moving from one place to another has to be borne by the participant himself. He/she at any stage, cannot leave behind the volunteer and proceed forward. Every sale

transaction has to be made in the presence of the volunteer. Violation of this will lead to disqualification of the participant. (v) After the completion of the first round, the participant are required to report back to the campus immediately, failing which he will be negatively evaluated. (vi)At any stage of Paisa to Rupee, the participant cannot disclose the fact that he/she is a part of a competition, and thereby request/beg people for money). (VII) It has to be kept in mind that each participant deals only in the field of operation they have opted initially, i.e. Participant who chose food industry cannot sell beverages he has to deal in food items only. (viii)The participants should make sure that the event is played in a competitive spirit, and on a fair and just basis. (ix)The participants after reaching back hand over their returns to the officials.


(i) Results of all the participants of the first round will be announced so that all participants can make out the marketing ability of others based on the returns the participants have brought in. (ii) They now have to merge with other participants depending upon their performance and their returns and have to keep in mind the abilities, the capital he can bring in (which depends upon the returns from the first round), the profit sharing ratio which have to be set up amongst them (optional to them whether it should be on the basis of capital invested or in any mutually agreed ratio) and the field of operation the other participants have chosen. And thus the participants now have to operate as a merged unit and conduct their respective business in a particular area of the city, which they will have to acquire through the bidding procedure. They have to now sell the food product as well as beverage product as a combo to the public. They also have to submit a hard copy stating all the details of the merged company, like capital contribution and profit sharing ratio and other relevant details.

(iii)However it should be kept in mind that the maximum number of participants who can merge and form one single company is 4 . No more than 4 participants can merge together.

(iv)Once they have decided their team they come up to the officials and register themselves, with their profit sharing ratio. And thus now operate as collective integrated operational unit.

(v) Then the companies will have to choose their place of operation and have to bid for the areas. To assist them during the bidding procedure, an introduction of various places will be given to the teams, which will be useful in making a choice as to which place to bid for. The bidding will be on the estimated profits that each participants ancitipates and not on companies profit. For eg if team 1 says that they believe they will be earning Rs5000 and the companies profit sharing ratio is 3:2:1 then they can max to max bid on 3000 and not on 5000. The highest bidder takes their respective area and subsequently bidding of other areas takes place. The participants will be marked on the difference between the estimated amount (during bidding) and earned amount. (vi)In the second round, each newly merged company will be accompanied by one volunteer. Therefore, the number of volunteers needed for the second round will be equal to the number of companies. Moreover, it has to be ensured that as similar to the first round, every transaction a company conducts has to be carried out in the presence of the allotted volunteer. (vii)During the entire course of second round, the members of the company can split and attract customers for their business but the place of conduct of business should remain fixed. The individual participants cannot carry sale transactions on their own, they have to get customers to their established place of business and make transactions in the presence of the volunteer. (viii)Transactions made in the absence of the volunteer will be considered invalid.

(ix) Next, they will have to face an interview with a judge, where in they will have to explain what different strategies they adopted in the course of business. The participant will then be judged on the basis of the creativity in his ideas and how successful has he been in implementing above said strategies. (x) In order to depict the transition phase, pre and post 1991, we have thought about the following idea:The participants will be firstly acting as the local market player which were existing in the economy prior to 1991, they will run around the streets and convince the public to purchase their combo of food and beverage. Half way through the operation time we will introduce a foreign and branded food chain has entered the market place depicting the phase POST 1991. This will be done through volunteer acting as sale representative for the brand. The participants will now have to adjust they operations accordingly. VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED Approx 15 volunteers will be required for the first round, i.e one volunteer per participant and for the second round number of volunteers required will be as per the numbers of newly merged companies.

Press conference
This will be an overnight assignment before the final day. Each participant will represent as a marketing head of a company, which is planning to diversify their operations and will be asked to plan and prepare themselves for a press conference announcing the diversification plans. In midst of the conference, an allegation would be put on the company regarding the company s previous advertisements which have been misleading. Consequently the misstatement of facts has affected the public adversely. The participant will now be required to defend the allegations, save the company s image at the same time act in a matured manner so that the future diversification and marketing plans for the new product are not adversely affected.

In this event the participants are divided into groups of three each. Within the group they have to assign themselves the role of Resource marketing personnel, the Product Development Manager and the marketing manager. The event is divided into three stages and each stage focuses on one of the manager and his abilities in the assigned field. In the first stage all the raw material will be displayed to the participants and they will be asked to make a list of products in order of preference, that they feel can be made from the raw materials. This list is then submitted to the Resource marketing personnel. In the second stage raw materials will be randomly allotted to the teams and the Resource marketing personnel has to exchange the raw materials in order to bring back all the required raw materials for one of the various products that the product manager had suggested. This whole system will be based upon the barter exchange concept. They have to then make the product according to the instructions of the marketing manager. The last round is the marketing round where the marketing manager comes into action and has to market the final product that the product manager has developed using the raw materials. He will be the only person who will face the panel of judges.

How would we ensure fun in our events? Marketing has always been a field where its been more about the practicality of the ideas and your ability to persuade people. Our events though would be focussing upon both the aspects of Marketing i.e. preparation of market survey reports and research but at the same time the prime focus will be on developing events that give the participants an opportunity to work and experience themselves in an actual marketplace or at a mock market environment created through our events. We will strive to make the events at par with practical circumstances so as to not only make them learning but also maintain a high degree of interest and fun for the participants. Even our judging criteria will encompass parameters which will test the participants on skills like innovation, persuasion, and also a test of theoretical knowledge which can be tested through minor rounds like quizzes or management games associated to marketing.

How many team members we will require and why? Since we are applying as a team of three for the post of head for Marketing Symulate, therefore we will require maximum of 4 more core committee members. That is, the total Marketing Team will have Maximum 7 members. Inspite of having 3 co heads, we are of the opinion that a maximum of 4 more core committee members will serve the purpose because at times of the final implementation of the events, there can be two events happening at the same time, therefore in order to manage any unforeseen situations or carry out multiple events at the same time, we will require the above mentioned number, so that no hitches are encountered and the event goes on smoothly. Moreover, a committee of seven seems to be an optimum combination, as it would be manageable and at the same time, we will have influx of numerous ideas and opinions, which will further furnish the events.

Why do you think you are most suited for this department?

With Sympulse heading towards greater heights and Symulate trying to keep in pace with it, we need a more innovative yet insightful approach towards the events in marketing. Last year, it failed to capture the attention but this year we have come up with better events which are not only innovative and insightful but also flexible in approach. A team of three with two experienced candidate and another new candidate make us a formidable combination for we bring about a balance between the improvised ideas and new ideas. Moreover, the coordination between us has always brought forth the best in us. And we know that this year we will make the marketing as the star event of Symulate.

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