5 Tricks To Amp Your Listening Skills

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5 Tricks to Amp Your

Listening Skills
You’ve spent weeks Step One
working on project, only PUT AWAY ANYTHING THAT
to realize you completely WILL PULL YOU AWAY FROM
misunderstood the major
This seems like a no-brainer, but in this
pieces. Or you’re surprised age of constant access to distraction,
to discover your coworker is we need to emphasize it. Any time
upset with you—seemingly you’re face-to-face with a coworker
or friend, put away cellphones, laptops,
out of nowhere. Or you newspapers—really anything that isn’t
spaced out during a relevant to the conversation. They’ll
meeting only to get appreciate your presence much more if
you’re actually… present. All those texts
side-eyes from everyone will still be there when the conversation
in the room. is over. Unless it’s a life-threatening
emergency, trust us: it can wait.
We don’t often think of
listening as a skill that we Step Two
can improve. But whether SHOW EMPATHY
you’re one-on-one with THROUGH ACTIVE LISTENING
your boss or out with The best way to demonstrate that
friends, listening skills you care is through active listening.
Studies show that—combined with
can—and will—prevent empathy and an effort to step in
misunderstandings, enhance another person’s shoes—active
your relationships, even listening is the most effective form
of listening. Taking a personal interest
make you a better manager. doesn’t always come naturally (like at
4:55pm when your manager’s rambling
Here are five steps to amp about her kid’s soccer game), but you
can use these three parts of active
your listening skills. listening to fake it until you make it:

+ Recognize all verbal and nonverbal Step Four
cues. Pay attention to what the JOT IT DOWN
speaker isn’t saying as much as
what they are. Do they seem tired? No matter how finely tuned your
Uncomfortable? Frustrated? listening skills are, you and your memory
aren’t perfect. Take notes. And kick it
+ Make sure you get what they’re old school with a pen and paper, as
saying. The best way to do this is research shows that writing notes by
to use phrases like: “So what I think hand increases “mental lifting”—your
you’re saying is…” or “It sounds like ability to summarize the bigger picture.
you want me to…” It’ll save you both Because it’s slower than typing, it
from having to send unnecessary forces the brain to spend more time
follow-ups later on. thinking about what every word means.
+ Validate + relate. You don’t have
to agree with them, their thoughts,
or their ideas. But you need to Step Five
hear them. Do this through verbal KEEP YOUR BRAIN IN
acknowledgement (paraphrasing, TIME WITH YOUR MOUTH
thoughtful questions, empathetic
Humans think faster than we talk, with
comments like “That must be so
our mouths moving at only 125 words
frustrating” or “I know how that
a minute while neurons can go off about
feels.”) and nonverbal cues (nodding
200 times a second. So it’s normal
your head, making eye contact, etc.).
that your brain tends to speed up to
point F while you and your partner
are still talking about point A.
Step Three
To resist mental avalanching, give your
STAY PRESENT brain other tasks to do. These could
Someone mentions a business trip next include noting and organizing key
month and suddenly your brain leaps to points, paying attention to nonverbal
plane tickets, getting to the airport, who body language, etc. Instead of moving
will watch the cat while you’re gone… too far ahead, plunge deeper into
Or you stop listening because you start the present.
formulating your own response—which
totally defeats the purpose of listening
at all.
Stop anticipating, and just focus on
following along. Not only will you listen Is there a resource you need
better, but you’ll probably feel less but couldn’t find on Career Contessa?
stressed, too. Let us know at editorial@careercontessa.com


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