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May 3, 2008

Electron in a rotating magnetic field

Rotating frame
Suppose we have an electron at rest in a magnetic field

B = B0 (sin α cos ωtî + sin α sin ωtĵ + cos αk̂)

So the field vector points along the polar angle α and rotates about the z-
axis with frequency ω. It is convenient to transform into the rotating frame.
At t = 0, the magnetic field is B~ = B0 cos αk̂ + B0 sin αî. At a later time
the field has rotated about the z-axis by an angle θ = ωt. If we rotate the
spinor about the z-axis we can move to a frame in which the hamiltonian is
independent of time. A rotation about z is accomplished with
e 0

iθσz /2 i(ωt)σz /2
R(θ) = e =e =
0 e−iωt/2
And since
ω1 h̄ cos α sin αeiωt
H= B0 (1)
2 sin αe−iωt − cos α

R−1 HR = H0
sin αeiωt
e 0 ω1 h̄ cos α e 0
0 eiωt/2 2 sin αe−iωt − cos α 0 e−iωt/2
ω1 h̄ e 0 cos αeiωt/2 sin αeiωt/2
2 0 eiωt/2 sin αe−iωt/2 − cos αe−iωt/2
ω1 h̄ cos α sin α
2 sin α − cos α

and H0 is the time independent hamiltonian in the rotating frame.


Hχ = RH0 R−1 χ = ih̄ χ

H0 R−1 χ = ih̄R−1 χ
Since R−1 does not commute with ∂t

we need to be careful in the next step.
We find that
∂ −1 ∂R−1 ∂
(R χ) = χ + R−1 χ
∂t ∂t ∂t
and also
∂R−1 iω e−iωt/2 0 ω
=− iωt/2 = −i σz R−1
∂t 2 0 −e 2
With this in mind we can write
∂ ∂ h̄ω
H0 R−1 χ = ih̄R−1 χ = ih̄ (R−1 χ) − σz R−1 χ
∂t ∂t 2
∂ 0 ∂
χ = ih̄ χ0
H 0 χ0 = ih̄
∂t ∂t
0 −1 0 h̄ω
where χ = R χ and H = H0 + 2 σz . Now we have a time independent
hamiltonian. To solve we can compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors to get
χ0 (t) and then transform back to the lab frame.
Another strategy is to construct the time translation operator e−iH t/h̄ .
First write H 0 /h̄ in the form n̂ · σλ/2
h̄ ω1 cos α + ω ω1 sin α h̄
H0 = = n̂ · σλ
2 ω1 sin α −ω1 cos α − ω 2
ω1 cos α + ω
nz = 1
(ω12 + 2ω1 ω cos α + ω 2 ) 2
ω1 sin α
nx = 1
(ω12 + 2ω1 ω cos α + ω 2 ) 2
ny = 0

λ = (ω12 + 2ω1 ω cos α + ω 2 ) 2
Q(t) = e−iH t/h̄ = e−in̂·σλt/2 = cos(λt/2) − in̂ · σ sin(λt/2)

cos(λt/2) − i(ω1 cos α + ω) sin(λt/2)/λ −iω1 sin α sin(λt/2)/λ
iω1 sin α sin(λt/2)/λ cos(λt/2) + i(ω1 cos α + ω) sin(λt/2)/λ
0 0
χ(t) = R(t)χ (t) = R(t)Q(t)χ (t = 0) = R(t)Q(t)

Adiabatic approximation
If we return to the original hamiltonian H, and define ψn such that

H(t)ψn (t) = En (t)ψn (t)

cos(α/2) sin(α/2)eiωt
ψ1 (t) = χ+ (t) = and ψ2 (t) = χ− (t) =
sin(α/2)e−iωt − cos(α/2)
are eigenvectors of the hamiltonian(Equation1 ) with eigenvalues E± =
±h̄ω1 /2. If our initial state is χ+ = , then
χ(t) = R(t)Q(t)χ+
cos(λt/2) − i(ω1 cos α + ω) sin(λt/2)/λ −iω1 sin α sin(λt/2)/λ
= R(t)
−iω1 sin α sin(λt/2)/λ cos(λt/2) + i(ω1 cos α + ω) sin(λt/2)/λ
 h i
(cos(λt/2) − i ω1λ+ω sin(λt/2)) cos(α/2) eiωt/2

= 
h i

(cos(λt/2) − i ω1λ−ω sin(λt/2)) sin(α/2) e−iωt/2
ω1 + ω cos α ω sin α
= (cos(λt/2) − i sin(λt/2))eiωt/2 χ+ (t) − i sin(λt/2)e−iωt/2 χ− (t)
λ λ
In the adiabatic limit, ω  ω1
χ(t) = (cos(λt/2) − i(1 − cos α) sin(λt/2))eiωt/2 χ+ (t)
= (cos(λt/2) − i sin(λt/2))eiωt/2 χ+ (t)

= e−iλt/2 eiωt/2 χ+ (t)


χ(t) → e−iλt/2 eiωt/2 χ+ (t)

∼ e−i(ω1 +ω cos α)t/2 eiωt/2 χ+ (t)

Berry phase
The dynamic phase is θ+ = −ω1 t/2. The remaining phase is geometric
γ+ = (ω/2)(− cos α +1). Unfortunately I started out rotating in the negative
φ direction. If ω changes sign then γ+ = (ω/2)(cos α − 1) and Berry’s phase
is (ω/2) 2π
(cos α − 1) = π(cos α − 1). 1/2 of the solid angle subtended by the
tip of magnetic field vector.
We could also get the geometric phase by
∂χ+ 0
γ = i hχ+ | idt
= i ( cos(α/2) sin(α/2)eiωt ) 0 dt0
−iω sin(α/2)e−iωt
= ω sin2 (α/2)dt0
= −π(1 − cos α)

That last − comes from integrating backwards.

cos(λt/2) + i cos α sin(λt/2) i sin α sin(λt/2)

Q(t) →=
i sin α sin(λt/2) cos(λt/2) − i cos α sin(λt/2)

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