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An Overview of KCl/PHPA systems


Introduction .......................................................................................................1

Clay Chemistry ..................................................................................................1

Clay Dispersion .......................................................................................1

Clay Swelling ..........................................................................................2

System Components ............................................................................................3

Chemical Balance and pH .......................................................................3

Fluid Loss Control ...................................................................................4
Viscosity ..................................................................................................4
Dispersion Inhibition ...............................................................................5
Clay Swelling Inhibition..........................................................................5
Mud Weight .............................................................................................5
Idealised mix............................................................................................6

Initial Make-Up - First circulation ..................................................................7

Maintenance .......................................................................................................7

PHPA content ..........................................................................................7

pH control ................................................................................................8
KCl Content .............................................................................................8
Whole Mud Dilution................................................................................8

Solids Control.....................................................................................................9

Drilling Parameters ...........................................................................................9

Summary ............................................................................................................9

Reminders, Do's and Don'ts .............................................................................10

Overview of KCl/PHPA Polymer Muds. T Bailey. 8/94. M3. Miri. Sedco 600

KCl/polymer muds properly engineered and maintained are one of the most effective water
based mud systems to allow efficient drilling of clay bearing formations. However, to be able
to use them to their full potential we must understand how they work and how they interact
with the formations being drilled.

Clay Chemistry

There are two main clay/chemical interactions of concern to us. These are clay dispersion and
clay swelling. Dispersion refers to the break-up of the clay and the subsequent interaction
between the fines which will affect the mud properties in a major way (viscosity, gels, fluid
loss, pH etc). Swelling refers to the effect of the clay in the formation absorbing water and
thus swelling in volume. This results in clay formation de-stabilisation and gumbo mud rings.

Both of these effects are often confused with each other, as there is a high degree of synergy
and similarity in their treatment. Their physical attributes however are quite different and care
should be made to understand them, their effects and how they can be avoided/treated.

Polymer systems (especially KCl/PHPA systems) were built on this theory. Non polymer
systems (such as lignosulphonate muds) are based on maintaining effective dispersion of the

Clay Dispersion

Clays, both native claystones/shales, and bentonite for mud mixing are dispersible in water
through agitation (shear). Clays are readily dispersible in water, as they themselves contain
water and are susceptible to swelling and thus become weaker in strength (see swelling). The
ease of dispersion and the resulting dispersion stability will be affected by the chemical make
up of the mix water.

The figure on the next page provides the basic theory around clay dispersion. What is
important is that for KCl/Polymer systems we want to avoid dispersion for the following
reasons. A) maintain discreet cuttings. B) aggregate any dispersed clays which do exist (from
the drilling process) and allow their effective removal from the mud (solids control). If the
clays disperse, they will not be removable by the solids control equipment and they will
adversely affect the mud properties.

Some engineers are surprised to learn that some of their favourite low molecular weight,
anionic (negatively charged) polymers, such as Low viscosity PACs and CMCs which they
believe are assisting in the anti-dispersion process, are in fact very good dispersion stabilisers
(peptisers) . These are low molecular weight polymers and rather than bind the clays together,
they in fact absorb to the individual clay particles thus stabilising them against further
chemical interaction. The reason these chemicals appear good (they are excellent in dispersed
mud systems) is that the mud remains stable to a high degree (dispersion stability), and the
fluid loss control is excellent (no flocculated solids). KCl/Polymer systems however do not
work in this way. The solids build up and use all the critical chemical constituents, leaving no
protection of the mud against the formation and vice-versa. Massive chemical costs result in
attempts to control formation and eventually mud stability. The use of dispersion stabilisers in
KCl/PHPA muds such as LV CMC and LV PACs should be avoided if the system is to work
effectively and economically.

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Use of thinners such as Lignosulphonate or Spersene is essentially wrong. If used the system
is no longer running as a KCl/polymer mud system but as a dispersed clay mud.

High molecular weight anionic polymers are required to combat clay dispersion in non-
dispersed fluids such as KCl polymer muds. PHPA (partially hydrolysed polyacrylamide) is
one of the most effective polymers in doing this. The long, highly negatively charged,
polymer chains bind any dispersed clays together and coat undispersed cuttings avoiding
further dispersion. This coating process is known as "encapsulation": the polymer effectively
encapsulating the cuttings in a polymer coat. Both the binding and coating processes assist in
solids removal by maintaining discreet bundles of clays for screening out by fine shaker


Neutral clay suspension. Clay platelets

y +-+

l a attracted toeach other (positive to negative

- + - + -C

+ - + - -+
-+ -+ sites). Agititation will break attraction and

-+ -+
- + -+
-+ + + -+ - + and thus reduce gels and viscosity.
- + -+-

-- +
-+ + -+
- +-

Anionic Polymers (Polyelectrolytes)

Low Molecular Weight (short chain) High Molecular Weight (long chain)

- - - - - - - - -
Eg: Lignosulphonate Eg: PHPA (pre-hydrolysed
Low Vis CMC polyacrcrylamide.)
Low Vis PAC High Vis PAC

Low molecular weight negatively charged High molecular weight negatively charged
polymers will disperse the clays with individual polymers will "flocculate" the clays with
molecules neutalising positive sites on individual individual molecules binding the plates together.
clay platelets. Result - viscosity is reduced and This inhibits clay solids dispersion but increases
clay will not gel. viscosity/gels if solids levels are too high

- +- - +-

- - +- - +- - -

- - +- - -

- -
- -+ -



- - -



- - -



- - -


+- -

- -

+- - +- -

- +- - +- +- - - - - --
- - -+

- +- - +- - - - +

"Peptisation" "Encapsulation"

Clay Swelling

As opposed to clay dispersion covered above, clay swelling primarily affects the formation
being drilled rather than the mud itself. This is important, a mud in "perfect condition" which
reacts unfavourably with the formation being drilled is next to useless. How often have you
heard it said that the mud is in perfect shape but the hole is falling apart! There are some clay
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swelling effects on the mud properties but these are not as critical as the mud/formation

Swelling clays in clay bearing formations result in hole instability. The hole becomes unstable
because the swelling clays induce high stresses in the region of the borehole resulting in
reduced hole diameter and/or sloughing. In addition to unstable hole conditions, mud rings
caused by swelling clays can result in packing off, mud losses and significant blockage of
surface lines. These are the clays often referred to as "Gumbo".

The figure below presents the basic facts of clay swelling and its inhibition.


e Layer Clay Platelet : Clay made up of essentially two
silicate layers with a hydrolysed gap between
the two, which contains water. The silicate
Hydro layers are held together by attractive chemical
lysed bond forces created by a metallic cation within
the hydrolysed gap.

The normal positively charged ion (cation) in

Silicate Layer the hydrolysed gap in swelling montmorrilonite
(smectite) clay is sodium. Sodium (Na+) is a
large ion and the gap between the silicate
Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ layers is therefore quite wide. The wider the
gap between the layers the lower the attractive
forces which bond the layers together. The
wider gap allowing more water in and thus
Silicate Layer allowing the clay to swell.

Large Small
Cationic Exchange (Potassium for Sodium) K+
Na+ Sodium Potassium
ion ion

Silicate Layer Potassium (K+) preferentially replaces the

sodium from the hydrolysed gap between the
K+ K+ K+ K+ silicate layers (a process called cationic
exchange). As the potassium ion is smaller,
the gap becomes smaller, water is not allowed
Silicate Layer in and thus the clay does not swell.

Potassium (K+) is the most effective cation to reduce clay swelling

Calcium (Ca++, also smaller than sodium) also works but is less effective
compared to potassium)

Based on testing in the laboratory, the concentration of KCl to required to inhibit the swelling
of smectite clay in fresh water is 3% by weight of water. However, field use has shown that a
much higher concentration is often required especially when using sea water based systems.
Often concentrations of up to 10% are required (35 lb/bbl). This is possibly due to the high
overburden stresses impacting on the clays downhole and the competetive effect of the
sodium in the sea water. Additionally we need to maintain an excess of potassium ions in the
mud as the potassium is being used up by the clays as we drill.

System Components
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Based on the above theory, the following should be a guide as to the best system components
and their use for KCl/PHPA muds.

Chemical Balance and pH

Most anionic (negatively charged) polymers are sensitive to calcium and magnesium. Sea
water and to a lesser degree, drill water contains calcium and magnesium. Thus these ions
must be chemically removed using caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) for magnesium and soda
ash (sodium carbonate) for calcium. Alternatives to these two chemicals are potassium
hydroxide and sodium bicarbonate respectively.

Potassium hydroxide is often proposed as it contains the all important potassium (K+) ion
required to inhibit clay swelling. However, the small amount of potassium added to the
system by the typical 1/2 pound per barrel addition of the chemical has little effect. Often the
additional cost and logistics of obtaining this product is not worth the effort.

Sodium bicarbonate is often proposed to limit the alkalinity (pH) of the newly mixed mud.
Soda ash will raise the pH to about 9 - 9.5 on its addition to water, the addition of sodium
bicarbonate will have negligible effect on the pH. However, compared to the effect of caustic,
the effect of soda ash on the pH is limited. Care should be taken on the amount of caustic
added as this will have a far more significant effect on the pH of the mix.

The optimum range of pH is 9.0 to 9.5. Many operators specify 8.0 to 9.0 however this level
is often hard to maintain as the lower pH will reduce the margin for error and problems are
more likely to result if the pH falls due to contamination from CO2 or high levels of
magnesium or calcium are encountered. The calcium and magnesium levels are checked by
the mud engineer and should always be maintained within the acceptable range. Generally, if
mud dilution and pre-mix additions are maintained to keep the polymer and KCl content
within limits, little problems should be experienced with the mud pH.

If the pH is too high, clay dispersion will be enhanced and the performance of some of the
polymers will be affected. If the pH is too low, corrosion could be a problem, and severe
problems will occur if the mud is solids laden (prior to a dilution).

Fluid Loss Control

It is a mistake to say that polymer muds need bentonite to achieve good fluid loss control.
Admittedly polymer muds will exhibit a high spurt loss when newly mixed and without
solids. However ,with the addition of barite and a few drilled solids (built in the first few feet
drilled) the mud will exhibit excellent fluid loss characteristics. The use of bentonite in a
polymer mud will in fact reduce its effective life (see section on MBT below).

Polymers required for viscosity control and dispersion inhibition such as XC Polymer and
PHPA respectively will reduce fluid loss. However additional polymers are required to build a
mud cake and reduce the fluid loss to effective limits. For KCl polymer muds the most
effective polymers are the starches. Some engineers prefer short chain polymers such as low
viscosity LV CMCs or LV PACs (carboxy methyl cellulose and Polyanionic Cellulose).
However, as we have seen in the dispersion theory above, these shorter chain polymers tend
to act as dispersed clay stabilisers and will not act favourably towards the "polymer mud
philosophy" of low solids maintenance. On the other hand, the starches are simple anionic
(negatively charged) cellulosic polymers of medium length chains which effectively bind to
form good filter cakes. They also aid cuttings encapsulation (coating of cuttings in polymer)

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which adds additional inhibition of clay dispersion and protection of the cuttings as they are
circulated to surface.

Starches are readily biodegradable and need protection from attack by the addition of biocides
to kill any bacteria in the mud system. Many starches are pre-treated with biocide, however
additional treatment is recommended. Muds which "go off" when attacked by bacteria lose
viscosity and fluid loss control and give off a most unpleasant smell. The results on the well
can be catastrophic. Use of biocides can cause some problems in environmentally sensitive
areas. Environmentally acceptable biocides are available and should be used if at all possible.

Starches are also limited in terms of temperature stability. The standard starches are suitable
for applications where the temperatures are below 200 degrees Fahrenheit. If required, high
temperature starches are available for use up to 275 degrees Fahrenheit.

Viscosity (Rheology)

The main requirement for viscosity in a mud is to suspend solids (barite for mud weight, and
cuttings in the annulus) and remove the cuttings from the hole (hole cleaning). Increasing
viscosity however increases the force required to pump (circulate) the fluid around the well.
Polymer muds tend to impart lower circulation pressures as they are shear thinning; i.e. their
viscosity is reduced when they are moved (under shear). This shear thinning, or plastic
behaviour allows us to readily suspend solids and circulate the mud around the wellbore with
minimal pressure. Some viscosifying polymers exhibit better shear thinning properties than
others. The best polymers to provide us with the yield point (YP) to suspend cuttings when
the fluid is stationary, and to thin under shear when circulating are the biopolymers such as
XC polymer. A fluid mixed with XC Polymer will have a high yield point to plastic viscosity
(PV) ratio. The lower the PV, the lower the circulating pressure. The higher the YP the better
the fluid will be at suspending solids.

Use of regular (medium length chain) PACs such as Drispac will add viscosity while
imparting a degree of encapsulation to the cuttings. However these polymers tend to have a
lower YP/PV ratio and are thus a compromise. In new muds, a lower YP/PV ratio will also
create some problems when circulating the mud over the shale shakers. As the mud thins less
with shear, it will not pass so readily through the screens and screen blinding/mud losses will
result. The addition of PHPA to the mud will increase the viscosity but will also reduce the
PV/YP ratio and the concentration needs to be carefully tailored to drilling conditions (see
dispersion inhibition below).

As we drill ahead, some level of clay dispersion in the mud is inevitable. As the clay solids
build up (increasing MBT), the addition of PHPA to the mud will have a more dramatic effect
by icreasing the viscosity (especially the PV) due to flocculation of the clay particles. When
this occurs it is time to dilute the mud (see whole mud dilution below).

Dispersion Inhibition

As we have seen above, when drilling clays with polymer muds we need to treat the fluid with
chemicals to avoid dispersion of the drilled clays in the mud. One of the best products found
to date to achieve this is PHPA (partially hydrolysed polyacrylamide). This polymer is
normally shipped as a dry powder. In the past the product was provided as a suspension in an
oil base as it is difficult to mix from powder without high shear. Today, with better mixing
facilities, dry powders are seen as more environmentally friendly as there is no oil in the
product. However as a dry powder it remains difficult to mix if the correct facilities are not
available. As such, the PHPA polymer should be pre-mixed in a dedicated pit and added to
the mud while drilling (see below).
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PHPA polymer readily coats or encapsulates clay cuttings. Tests conducted in the laboratory
show that cuttings rolled in mud treated with this polymer remain intact regardless of the
amount of swelling and loss of inherent strength. Reactive clay cuttings rolled in muds not
treated with PHPA will break up and be thoroughly dispersed in the mud. The main aim of
cuttings encapsulation is to keep the cuttings intact as they are circulated up the annulus and
facilitate their effective removal from the mud by the shale shaker. If the cuttings break-up,
they will disperse in the mud. The mud will then become solids laden and its effectiveness
will be reduced. High treatment costs will result, the hole will become less stable and drilling
rates will be reduced.

Other polymers such as regular PAC aid in cuttings encapsulation. However as stated above,
PACs tend to be a compromise and are not the most efficient form of treatment for
KCl/Polymer systems.

Clay Swelling Inhibition

Potassium is an effective inhibitor of clay swelling and is provided in the form of Potassium
Chloride (KCl). KCl is relatively inexpensive and available in large quantities (mainly from
the middle east). It is readily dissolved in water and is best provided in Big 1 tonne bags or as
a saturated brine. The use of Potassium Hydroxide as opposed to Caustic (Sodium Hydroxide)
can be considered for additional potassium but this is not essential as the amount of potassium
provided from the limited chemical added is minimal.

Mud Weight and Weighting agents

Despite the high level of inhibition, the formations will react with the KCl/PHPA muds with
time. It is therefore necessary to raise the mud weight commensurate with time if the hole is
open for periods in excess of a few (4-5) days. The increase in mud weight is required to
stabilise formations weakened by the ingress of water (KCl will not completely inhibit water
absorption). Weight increases in the order of .03 SG per day are not uncommon. This increase
in weight should be regarded as totally independent of pore pressure. If the mud weights are
higher to combat pore pressure, the mud weight will still require an increase to combat de-
stabilisation. If we are drilling deviated hole, the corresponding increase in mud weight will
need to be higher.

Barite is the most common weighting material and is standard for KCl polymer mud systems.
However with PHPA, care needs to be taken when mixing new mud, as the barite particles
can flocculate or aggregate when added to a mix heavily treated with PHPA. It is therefore
better to add the PHPA pre-mix after the addition of the barite.

Idealised mix

The most basic and thus optimal formula for a KCl/PHPA polymer mud mix in order of
chemical addition is given in the table below: Essentially the mud only contains the products
required for it to do its job based on the principles described above. The addition of more
chemicals complicates the mud and make it more expensive. Additionally the more
complicated the mud, the more difficult problems are to resolve.

Sea water is used as the base fluid. Although more KCl may be required, sea water itself has
the ability to limit clay swelling to some degree due to the salt content.

Component Function Concentration Comment

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Sea Water Base fluid 1 barrel Readily available - no

Caustic Soda for pH control and 0.5 to 1 lb/barrel Can use potassium
(NaOH) removal of magnesium hydroxide (KOH) but
ions from the sea water more expensive. Not a
major need. Ideal pH 9.0
to 9.5.
Soda Ash for pH control and 0.5 lb/barrel Can use sodium
(Na2CO3) removal of calcium ions bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
form the sea water. if pH needs to be kept
Potassium for inhibition of clay 25 to 35 lb/bbl (7 high concentration to
Chloride swelling to 10% by weight ensure subsurface
(KCl) of water) formations remain
Starch for fluid loss control and 4.0 to 5.0 lb/barrel Avoid use of LV PAC
additional encapsulation and LV CMC if solids
dispersion is to be
XC Polymer for viscosity 1.0 to 1.5 lb/barrel concentration dependant
on required YP and mud
weight. Will provide
high YP/PV ratio.
Barite For mud weight As required In new mixes, add before
PHPA For clay dispersion In return mud Pre-mix powder at high
inhibition and cuttings maintain excess of concentration in
encapsulation 0.5 to 1.0 lb/barrel dedicated pit (pre treated
sea water)

Initial Make-Up - First circulation

Several concerns need to be addressed when mixing PHPA polymer mud for the initial
displacement to the well.

PHPA polymer when first mixed tends to blind off on the screens. A high concentration of the
PHPA polymer in the mud will force the driller to reduce the circulation rate to stop loss of
mud over the shakers, reducing flow rate will also reduce hole cleaning. The drilling rate will
have to be controlled and it may even be necessary to circulate the mud a couple of times
around the well to warm it up and shear the polymer.

Shearing the polymer beyond that required for mixing tends to reduce its effectiveness as an
encapsulator as the polymer chain lengths are reduced. They are effectively "cut up" by the
high shear forces at the bit. As such it is better to add the pre-mixed polymer in the small
required amounts while drilling rather than maintain a high concentration in the initial mix
(see PHPA section in maintenance section below).

Secondly, speed of mix is always of concern. It is always frustrating to "wait" on mud mixing
when everything else is ready. Polymer muds are notorious for the time they take to mix.
Mixing can be optimised by avoiding the mixing of "slow addition" polymers to the whole
mud mix. Pre-mix the PHPA in a separate tank of pre-treated sea water (with caustic and soda
ash) and add it after the main mud has been mixed or when drilling. Pre-mixed PHPA can
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also be "stringed" into the active mud while drilling to maintain its concentration (see
maintenance below).

Finally the order of chemical addition is important to the speed of the mix and to the
effectiveness of the mud as a drilling fluid. Add the viscosifying polymers after the addition
of the other chemicals. The starch can be added at a high rate in KCl water as it is readily
dispersible. It will not however disperse efficiently in a viscosified fluid, or a fluid treated
with PHPA.

Maintenance - Pre-mix and Whole Mud Dilution

PHPA content

To be most effective, the PHPA should be added to the mud suction at a rate commensurate
with the rate of penetration. The amount of PHPA polymer used is directly proportional to the
amount of clay cuttings generated at the bit. This is logical as it is the clay which uses up the
polymer. As the clay is cut by the bit, the clay surfaces attract the polymer which is absorbed
onto its surface encapsulating the cuttings and thus effectively removing the polymer from the
mud. As we drill ahead the polymer in the mud is being used up by the clay we are drilling
which in turn is being removed at the shale shaker. To minimise any clay dispersion we need
to maintain a degree of excess polymer in the mud. However as we saw in the viscosity
section, the PHPA will affect the mud rheology if the concentration is too high. The excess
concentration should therefore be in the range of 1/2 to 1 lb/bbl - no higher. This is the
concentration that should be measurable in the mud returning from the well. When drilling
clays and shales the concentration in the suction pit will need to be higher. The actual rate of
addition will, as stated above, be dependant on the rate of penetration. This concentration will
need to be determined by trial and error. As the polymer is being used up continuously as we
drill, we need to add it continuously to the mud in circulation at a rate which will effectively
coat the cuttings but not build too high an excess. Start adding the polymer at a rate of about 1
lb per barrel of formation drilled. Thus if the rate of penetration is 60 feet per hour in 12 1/4"
hole add the pre-mixed PHPA at a rate of about 15 lbs (whole polymer) per hour (the same
ROP in 17 1/2" hole will require about 30 lbs of whole polymer per hour). If the returning
mud viscosity (or polymer concentration) is too high, reduce the rate of addition. If it is too
low, increase accordingly. You may find that an air operated chemical transfer pump will be
of use to accurately dose the active system. You may also find that you need to reduce the
concentration of viscosifier (XC Polymer) to maintain a sufficient concentration of PHPA in
the mud.

It does not make sense to add a fixed concentration of PHPA to a new mud and then expect it
to provide sufficient dispersion inhibition until the next dilution.

pH control

Maintenance of pH is important to avoid problems with the mud and to avoid corrosion to the
drill string, casing and surface equipment. The acceptable range of pH is from 8.5 to 10.0 to
avoid problems. Some operators have specific preferences within this range, however if
possible work well within the band to avoid problems with peaks and troughs.

Drilling clays tends to affect the pH of the mud as the hydroxide ions of the caustic will be
absorbed to some degree on the clay surfaces not neutralised by the PHPA and starch. Certain
clays are high in magnesium and this will also use up the hydroxide ions. Thus the pH needs
to be maintained over and above whole mud dilution (see below).

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Addition of caustic to the mud system should be controlled to maintain the pH of the mud in
the acceptable range. This should be achieved using pre-dissolved caustic in a specially
modified drum (often referred to as a caustic drum). Addition of caustic powder or crystals to
the mud will adversely affect the polymer in the mud. Slowly drip in the dissolved caustic
solution in the flow line.

KCl Content

The KCl content is difficult to maintain apart from the method of whole mud dilution. This is
one reason we tend to use an excess amount in the make up of the mud. Addition of KCl apart
from with new mud is inefficient and logistically difficult. However if there is an urgent need
the KCl can be added directly to the active either as a dry powder (crystals) or as a brine. This
may be required if a particularly reactive sequence of clays is being drilled.

MBT (CEC) Cause and Control.

The main contaminant of polymer muds is drilled solids (clays). Increasing clay solids in the
mud use up the mud constituents (polymers and KCl) rendering the mud ineffective, cause
rheological problems (high gels and viscosities), reduce achievable rates of penetration and
result in wear of drilling equipment. The clay solids in the mud can be measured by the
Methylene Blue Test (MBT). This test measures the cationic exchange capacity of the mud.
We have mentioned cationic exchange capacity before. Remember, this is the mechanism by
which potassium displaces sodium from the clay layers reducing its ability to swell. The
Methylene Blue dye also replaces the metal ions (even potassium) in the hydrolysed gap in
the clay layers through cationic exchange. The amount of methylene blue dye exchanged can
be measured, and thus the equivalent amount of reactive clay in the mud determined. The
maximum MBT a polymer mud can effectively stand is 25 lb/barrel. However as the rate of
MBT build up is continuous, the mud should be diluted (through whole mud dilution) well
before this concentration has built up. Dilution should be undertaken when the MBT has built
up to around 17.5 lb/barrel to ensure optimised mud performance.

Whole Mud Dilution

As the majority of the chemical constituents of the mud have an effect on the formation being
drilled, their concentration becomes depleted with time. In addition, even with effective
control of dispersion, the concentration of drilled solids and clays in the mud increases. The
concentration of chemicals and drilled solids can be controlled by continuous addition of new
mud or chemicals to the active system. However with addition of mud the volume of the
system will increase and some mud will need to be discarded to allow room for further

If we think about it, continuous dilution results in us throwing away treated mud. We will be
discarding a volume of mud with fresh chemicals in it to make room for further dilution. The
most effective way to achieve dilution with whole new mud is therefore to replace a specific
volume of old mud with brand new mud. This is achieved with the dumping of returns from
the well while pumping new mud into the well (known as "Dump & Dilute"). This is the most
effective method of whole mud dilution. Old (used) mud is thrown away and new mud is
added without loss of any treated mud. This is also the most cost effective method of whole
mud dilution. The only chemicals to add on a continuous basis are the PHPA as, provided the
concentration is optimised to the ROP, it is used up at the bit and possibly KCl.

The optimum time to dilute the mud is after a round trip. The mud that has been sitting in the
well, and stewing adjacent next to the claystone formations, is dumped on resuming

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circulation while new mud is pumped down the drill pipe. Commonly whole mud dilutions of
1000 barrels or more are undertaken in one effective displacement.

KCl/Polymer systems have been referred to in the past as "plastic" muds. This is not a
reference to their polymer content, but more to their throw away nature: minimum actual
maintenance - more of replacement when used up.

Solids Control
Effective solids control is of critical importance for the effective use of KCl PHPA systems.
Removal of the encapsulated and flocculated clays must be efficiently achieved to minimise
the build up of clay solids in the mud. In addition high shear in the active mud system should
be avoided where at all possible to avoid break-up of discreet clay particles into fines.

For this reason, the most efficient shale shakers with fine mesh screens are the best form of
solids control. They remove the cuttings at the first opportunity.

The use of mud cleaners is one of false economy. It may be felt that we can save valuable
mud. What we are actually doing is throwing away expensive barite, returning mud saturated
in clay solids back to our "solids free" mud system, and subjecting the mud to unnecessary
shear by using a centrifugal pump to feed the hydrocyclones. All in all not an optimum

Centrifuge systems can be of benefit but are not essential. The optimum system is one which
retains the barite and discards the clay laden mud. The amount of mud discarded by this
technique is small when whole mud dilution methods (and their effectiveness) are considered.

Drilling Parameters

It is important to appreciate that the drilling methods employed can allow a mud system to
function in an optimum manner and achieve effective rates of penetration and hole stability.
For example, if we drill too fast, we overload the hole with cuttings and the hole packs off. In
a similar manner we need to consider other effects of the drilling equipment and procedures
employed on the mud in the hole.

Nozzles should be maximised not minimised. Drilling in shales in most basins does not
require optimised hydraulics apart from deep wells. When drilling dispersible clay formations
we should minimise the shear force at the bit to avoid unnecessary dispersion of the formation
into the mud. Maximising the size of the nozzles also allows us to optimise on flow rate for
hole cleaning - a requirement if we want to drill at optimum speed through predominantly soft

The type of bits we are using should also be born in mind when drilling with KCl /PHPA
systems. Long tooth bits will cut larger cuttings and thus reduce the risk of clay dispersion
into the mud. Such bits should also drill faster provided the mud is kept in good condition to
avoid bit balling.

KCl polymer muds are often misunderstood and are engineered incorrectly. They must be
designed and maintained around the principles of clay dispersion and swelling. They should
be kept simple to facilitate mixing and maintenance, and keep the costs down. Whole mud
dilution should be used using the "Dump & Dilute method" to maintain mud properties and
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balance with the clay formations being drilled. Solids control is important to remove the clay
solids efficiently.

It will help the engineer to maintain the KCl/PHPA mud if the active system is kept as small
as possible, and the reserve mixing volume is as large as possible. A large active tank will
only add to the volume requiring dilution. A large reserve will allow larger dilutions of new
mud to the system.

A Do's and Don'ts summary table is given on the next page.

Reminders, Do's and Don'ts

In summary here are the do's and don'ts of KCl/PHPA polymer muds.

Do's Don'ts
Keep the systems simple, use only Do not use a multitude of different
necessary chemicals. chemicals - you will not understand what
is happening to the mud, it will be
expensive and take an age to mix!
Keep the surface active system small. Do not have a large surface active
This will reduce the volumes required for volume. It will increase the volume
dilution. required for dilution and reduce the
effectiveness of whole mud dilution
Have as large a reserve/mixing capacity Don't limit yourself to a small reserve
as possible. This will allow large whole volume. Small dilutions will have no
mud dilutions using the dump and dilute appreciable effect on the maintenance of
method. the mud.
Dilute mud using dump and dilute Do not continuously string in new mud or
technique with whole mud. chemicals (other than PHPA) to the
active. You will end up throwing away
good mud.
Pre-mix the PHPA in a separate tank at a Do not mix PHPA powder direct to mud
high concentration. mix or active. It will take forever, create
fish eyes and waste polymer.
Add PHPA pre-mix at a rate Do not add too high a concentration of
commensurate with ROP. Monitor PHPA to initial mix. You will lose mud
viscosity of returns to optimise over shaker due to the excessive viscosity
concentration. and unsheared polymer.
Use Starch for fluid loss control Avoid use of LV CMCs and LV PACs if
possible. They will stabilise any clays
dispersed in the mud thus masking the tell
tale signs of the need to dilute the system
If the mud needs thinning use either Do not use thinners such as Spersene or
whole new mud or KCl brine. lignosulphonate - you will not have a KCl
polymer mud any more (nor its
Maximise the size of the nozzles if not Do not use small nozzles if you can help
critical for ROP. Large nozzles will it. Inverse of advantage of large nozzles.
reduce the dispersion of clays into the
mud and allow optimised flow rates for
effective hole cleaning.

T J Bailey. 8/94. M3. Miri. Sedco 600


Use modern high technology shale Do not use the mud cleaner - it will
shakers capable of using fine mesh destroy your mud or result in a massive
screens for high flow rates. mud bill - or both!
Dilute the active mud (dump & dilute) Don't wait to dilute the mud until the
when the MBT reaches 17.5. MBT reaches 25 - you will never catch up
and the clay content will run away from
Use a high level of KCl (up to 35 lb/bbl). Do not use a low level of KCl (less than
You will find the concentration depleting 10 lb/barrel or 3%). The KCl will deplete
but it will be sufficient until the next rapidly and the formations will swell.
If you have to add PHPA pre-mix to a Do not add barite to a newly mixed mud
newly mixed tank of mud, add the barite containing PHPA. You will be lucky to
first to avoid aggregation of the barite avoid the barite aggregating requiring
powder. high shear to even it out in the mud.
Keep the pH within the 8.5 to 10 range. Do not allow pH to drop below 8.5 or go
above 10. You may have some problems
if you do - least of which will be the
company man!
Keep as large amount of chemicals on the Do not run down your chemical stocks
rig as possible and ensure orders for new based on a just in time philosophy. You
chemicals are placed in a timely manner. will run out and the mud will fall apart!

T J Bailey. 8/94. M3. Miri. Sedco 600


active system, 9
anionic polymers, 1 magnesium, 3, 6
MBT, 5, 8, 10
bacteria, 4 mix water, 1
barite, 4, 6 mud cake, 4
base fluid, 6 mud cleaners, 9
bentonite, 4 mud dilution, 4
biocides, 4 mud displacement, 7
biodegradable, 4 mud maintenance, 7
biopolymers, 5 mud mix, 4, 6, 7
bit, 7, 9 mud rheology, 7
brine, 5, 8 mud rings, 2
mud stability, 1
calcium, 3, 6 mud system components, 3
cationic exchange capacity, 8 mud weight, 5, 6
caustic, 3, 8 mud/formation interaction, 2
caustic drum, 8
circulation pressures, 4 nozzles, 9
clay chemistry, 1
clay dispersion, 1, 5, 6 order of chemical addition, 7
clay stabilisers, 4 overburden stresses, 3
clay swelling, 1, 2, 5
claystones, 1 packing off, 2
corrosion, 8 peptisers, 1
cuttings, 1 pH, 4, 6, 8
cuttings encapsulation, 1, 5, 6 PHPA, 1, 5, 6, 7
plastic viscosity, 5
deviated hole, 6 pore pressure, 5
dispersed clay mud, 1 potassium, 3, 5
drilled solids, 8 potassium hydroxide, 3, 4, 5, 6
drilling equipment and procedures, 9 pre-mix, 4, 5, 6, 7
drilling parameters, 9
drispac, 5 rate of addition, 7
dump & dilute, 8 rate of penetration, (ROP), 7
reserve mixing volume, 9
environment, 4, 5
excess polymer, 7 screen blinding, 5, 7
sea water, 3, 6
fines, 9 shaker screens, 1, 9
fluid loss control, 1, 4, 6 shale shakers, 5, 7, 9
fresh water, 3 shales, 1
shear, 7
gumbo, 1, 2 shear thinning, 4, 5
sloughing, 2
hole cleaning, 4, 7, 9 soda ash, 3
hole instability, 2 sodium, 3
hydroxide ions, 8 sodium bicarbonate, 3, 4, 6
solids control, 1, 9
inhibition, 2, 4, 5, 6 Spersene, 1
spurt loss, 4
KCl, 5, 6, 8 starches, 4
suction pit, 7
laboratory tests, 3, 5 suspending solids, 5
lignosulphonate, 1
flocculation, 5 temperature stability, 4
LV CMC, 1, 4, 6 thinners, 1
LV PAC, 1, 4, 6 transfer pump, 7
Overview of KCl/PHPA Polymer Muds. T Bailey. 8/94. M3. Miri. Sedco 600
Page 2

treatment costs, 5

viscosity, 4, 6

weighting agents, 5
whole mud dilution, 7, 8

XC Polymer, 4, 5, 7

yield point, 5
YP/PV ratio, 5, 6

T J Bailey. 8/94. M3. Miri. Sedco 600

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