Student No. 64 Group Title of Work Teacher's Name Submission Date Word Count

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Surrey ISC AES CW 3

Student No. 64 Group

Title of work

Teacher’s Name

Submission Date

Word Count

Surrey ISC subscribes to an electronic plagiarism detection service and reserves

the right to submit the work submitted by any student to that service for

“I confirm that the submitted coursework is my own work and that all material attributed
to others (whether published or unpublished) has been clearly identified and fully
acknowledged and referred to original sources. I agree that the ISC has the right to
submit my work to the plagiarism detective service TurnitinUK® for originality checks.”
If you are in any doubt about the appropriate procedures for acknowledging and
referencing the work of others, you should seek advice from a Personal Tutor/Head of

Signed _____________________ Date _________________

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