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Bernardo, this is an exceptionally well done lab.

TO: Dr. Kelli McCormick

FROM: Bernardo Moreno Baqueiro Sansao
DATE: March 19, 2014



TO: Dr. Kelli McCormick

FROM: Bernardo Moreno Baqueiro Sansao
DATE: March 19, 2014
SUBJECT: MEM 304L Rock Mechanics Lab – Deformational Properties of Rock –
Uniaxial Compressive Strength with Strain Gages


In Rock Mechanics, understand the behavior of rocks and rock masses is essential
to avoid accidents in civil constructions and in mines. The uniaxial compressive strength
test is one of the most important tests to learn more about the behavior of rocks. Tunnels,
shafts, drifts, bridges, buildings, are built over or in the rock, then it is necessary to
discover how much load the rock can support. Lab tests are not the same as in-situ tests,
several considerations must be taken into account when the test data will be applied in-
situ, and the specimen prepared in lab may not contain discontinuities or water content,
which may change the results of uniaxial compressive strength of an in-situ rock mass. In
this lab, a specimen of rock was prepared with strain gages so it is possible to measure
the axial and transverse deformation. With these values, it is possible to determine stress-
strain relations and deformational parameters, as Poisson’s ratio.

In the this lab the following equipment were used:
Bearing block and spherical seat
Vernier Caliper
Tinius-Olsen Testing Machine (Hydraulic Loader Pump)
Data Acquisition System
Strain Gages


A specimen of a clayey sandstone rock was used to do this test. The specimen was
not brittle, but some grains can be easily released. In some areas of the specimen a
different, harder mineral takes part of the sample. This different mineral can change the
result of the compressive test, once this different mineral has a different structure. The
direction of layering of the clayey sandstone is almost perfect perpendicular to the
cylinder’s central axis. It is possible to realize that some layers are darker than others, it is
also possible to see some very little holes in the surface, and this is because the rock has
some porosity. (Images of the specimen are in the Appendix).
The strain gages were attached to the specimen in two different directions. One in
the axial direction the other in the transverse direction. They were attached in these
directions to measure the axial and the transverse deformation.

The specimen was placed above a bearing block and a spherical seat which was
greased. The spherical seat is to make sure that the load is going to be applied uniformly
and axially to the specimen. The Tinius-Olsen Testing Machine was prepared to apply the
load in the specimen and its hydraulic pump started to load. Several seconds later the
failure happened. The computer system created an Excel file containing information
about the test, as how long the test took, the loads applied in the specimen during the test,
and the axial and transverse deformation.
After the test, the angle of failure relative to the long axis of the specimen was

Data collected, analysis and calculations

The diameter of the specimen was measured using a Vernier caliper. The reading was
done in centimeters and then converted to inches. (1cm = 0.39370 inches).

Reading: 4.83cm

4.83cm corresponds to 1.90 inches

The height of the specimen was also measured using the same Vernier caliper. The
reading was also done in centimeters and then converted to inches.

Reading: 10.35cm

10.35cm corresponds to 4.07 inches

The surface area (cross-sectional area) of the specimen where the load was applied is
given by: A = (d2/4)

A= (1.902/4) = 2.84 in2

The uniaxial compressive strength is given by:

Co =

Fc is the corrected peak load, in pounds. The formula to correct the Fc is given by:
Fc = 0.951 (DAQ) + 2021.7 , once the range used was the Middle Range.
DAQ is the load reading from the digital acquisition system.
In this test, the peak load was 17,950 lb.

Then, the Fc is given by:

Fc = 0.951 (17,950) + 2021.7 = 19,092.15 lb

Co = 19,092.15 lb / 2.84 in2 = 6,722.59 lb/in2


From the data given by the Data Acquisition System a plot load versus axial and
transverse strain was made. This plot is shown in the Figure 1.

Figure 1. Load versus axial and transverse strain. Co (psi) = 6,722.59. (Axial strain in
orange and Transverse strain in blue)

Next, the plot axial stress versus axial strain was made. See Figure 2.

Figure 2. Axial Stress versus Axial Strain


The Tangent Young’s Modulus is given by:

Et = Δσ / Δεaxial

In this calculus is used 50% of maximum stress. The maximum stress is 6,722.59 psi.

50% x 6,722.59 = 3,361.30 psi

Δεaxial is aproximatelly 600 x 10-6

Et = 3,361.30 / 600 x 10-6

Et = 5.602 x 106 psi

The Secant Young’s Modulus is given by:

Es = σ / εaxial

Es = 6,722.59 / -893.62 x 10-6

Es = 7.52 x 106 psi

The Transverse Strain versus Axial Strain is shown in the Figure 3.

Figure 3. Transverse Strain versus |Axial Strain| (mstrain)


Secant Poisson’s Ratio

νs = | ε transverse / ε axial |

νs = | -893.62 x 10-6 / 1940.54 x 10-6 |

νs = 0.46

Tangent Poisson’s Ratio

νr = | Δε transverse / Δε axial |

Δε transverse and Δε axial where calculated using the data generated by the DAQ. The
points chosen were point around 50% of ε transverse.

ε transverse1 = 304.97
ε transverse2 = 305.47
Δε transverse = -0.5

ε axial1 = -364.07
ε axial2 = -366.09
Δε axial = 2.02

νr = 0.25

A protractor was used to measure the angle of the failure. The measured angle was
approximately 20o. The angle was measured as shown in the figure 1.

Figure 1. Representation of the measured angle of the failure.



In this experiment, was possible to make a measure of axial and transverse

strain using a prepared sample with strain gages. This measurement is important to be
calculated to know important values, like Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s ratio. The
Poisson’s ratio is very important to understand that rocks deform not only in one way but
in a perpendicular direction, it must be taken into account when a cave is opened in a
mine, to know how can a rock can deform and cause accidents. The Young’s Modulus
allows to understand how much load the rock supports stress and if they are stronger. A
secant and tangent were used to calculate these values and the values calculated are not
the same. The rock had different minerals in its content and it probably slightly changed
the values. These values must be taken carefully into account to build tunnels or drifts for
underground mines.
Coverpage - 5 5
Introduction - 15 15
Equipment - 5 5
Procedure -5 5
Data - 25 25
Analysis and Calculation - 30 30
Conclusion - 15 15
Total - 100 100


Figure A. The sample used in this lab.

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