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Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

Good morning everyone, it’s good to be with you on Alzind News for Monday, November 8, 2021 with me
(your name) and this is the news for today.

In welcoming the 2022 – 2023 academic year. Al Zahra Indonesia has opened the enrollment since early
October, 2021. There are many preparations in carrying out the registration. It starts from spreading the
banners and then sharing the information through the social medial from school official website,
Instagram and any other platform. For more information, please contact on the hotline 0812 8258 7157.

Al Zahra Indonesia as the one of favorite schools at Pamulang committed to give the best services, facilities
and learning system for students. It could be seen from the learning activity in pandemic era. Al Zahra
Indonesia adapts “the blended learning” as the learning system. Even though it is challenging in the
beginning for the teachers and students themselves but nowadays it is very applicable in conducting the
lesson. By allowing several students to come to the school and the rest learning at home by using zoom

Since it is still under the supervision of the local health. Al Zahra Indonesia continues improving services
especially for the students who are coming to the school by tightening the health protocols. The school
provides body’s thermometer in every gate, ensure the availability of tools and soap for washing hands,
isolation room, posters along the corridor and all of the stakeholders must wear a mask and keep the
distance each other. Moreover, the support from parents also make the learning process is going well.

Well everyone, that’s all the news for today. Thank you for watching. I’m (your name), have a great day
and stay healthy.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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