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4,5,6 Product Presentation Guideline

Your product presentation should consist of following information:

1. Names
2. Booth number
3. Class
4. Product category (Food/drink/stationery/toys, etc.)
5. Name and characteristics of product
6. Price
7. Ingredient & Taste (Food & drink)
8. Use & benefit
9. Reason why students must buy your product.


Product: Pempek Palembang

Assalamu’alaikum Warohmatullhi Wabarokatuhu

Hallo Judges,

- My name is Ali. Standing on my left is Ari, and on my right is Ara, and that is Ira.
- Our booth number is 123.
- We are from 6 D
- We are selling Pempek Palembang. It is really tasty especially for those who like spicy
and sour food. This is a popular food from Palembang south Sumatera. When you go
to Palembang, you will be able find this food almost in every street vendor. This has
become their typical and daily food. They serve it in many occasion like wedding,
culture ceremony etc. It is made of wheat flour, sago, egg and fish.
- Here in our booth, we have Kapal selam and grilled pempek for @5000, Lenjer and
Adaan for @4000 and Skin pempek for @3000. You can get all kinds combined for
20.000 only.
- To eat this food, you can pour the cuko into a bowl and put the pempek in. you can
add extra sambal if you like. Serve while hot.
- You should try this at least once in a life time and you must buy this food here
because it is so tasty and moreover, the 10% of the net profit will be for charity.
- Thank you.

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