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There are many paradigm shifts in the world that we can use, but we chose the field of

medicine. In the beginning of the medical field, people used herbal remedies to treat
illnesses because they only had access to nature's resources. However, as people learned
how to treat people, medical inventions were also made, including drugs that were tested
before being used for curing, and they are still being developed and improved upon today

The figure conveys the innovation of the healthcare/medicine in the present and the difference of this
ages ago that confer to the sustainable progress and the significance of it in the present, it indeed plays
a crucial role in terms of breakthrough opportunities and prospects in medications to be safe, effective,
patient-centered, timely, efficient and equitable. In the previous period, it is more likely to treat
diseases, ailments by utilizing verdant or also called as herbal medicine nevertheless in the present the
rapid progress of this field or medicine postulate a lot of advantages or advancements that ameliorate
the lives and necessity of many people

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