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Joenan Decandolo BS InfoTech 3-A

CIT 218(System Administration and Maintenance) Mr. Ricky Cyril Perucho

1. Define System Administration?

 System administration is the profession in which one or more systems, such as servers,
workstations, software, or hardware, are managed. Its objective is to guarantee that the
systems operate effectively and efficiently. The management of one or more hardware
and software systems is referred to as system administration.

2. What are the Common System Administration?

 System administration features include user management, system monitoring,

backup and restore, and access control. System monitoring, backup, and
recovery functions are typically integrated into enterprise-wide applications. User
management functions include creating users and assigning roles to users.

3. What does System Admin do?

 System admins are responsible for managing, troubleshooting, licensing, and

updating hardware and software assets. You will ensure that appropriate
measures are proactively followed in response to unforeseen issues such as IT
downtime or zero-day exploits.

4. Human role in systems.

 The human is recognized as an essential component of the system and it's our
responsibility to ensure the system is built to accommodate the characteristics of
the user population that will operate, maintain, and support the system.

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