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1 Answer Key A
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation


1 1 It
2 aren’t / ’re not
3 Is
4 you
5 she
6 aren’t / ’re not
7 ’m
8 you

2 1 Our  
2 your  
3 Its
4 Their  
5 his
6 My

3 1 is
2 Are
3 your  
4 Their  
5 aren’t
6 Her  


4 1 Tuesday
2 fifteen
3 thirty
4 aturday
5 one hundred
6 ei!ht

5 1 Tur"ish
2 #ren$h
3 %a&an
4 'erman
5 Ita(y
6 Afri$a

6 1 sto&
2 )o
3 Turn
4 *oo"  
5 s&ea"
6 !o
7 *isten
8 o&en

1 Answer Key A

7 1 no
2 this
3 day
4 +i"e
5 tree

8 1 !ood+ye
2 air&ort
3 hote(
4 museum
5 toi(et

Readin$ and %ritin$


1 1 A
2 ,
3 -
4 ,
5 A
6 A
7 ,
8 A

2 1 26.
2 In the south of0 Ita(y.
3 Ita(ian.
4 Mar$o.
5 The *an!ua!e -entre.
6 )ifferent $ountries / #ran$e and &ain.
7 %eanau(.


tudent’s on ansers.

Task completion: The tas" is fu((y $om&(eted and the anser is easy to understand.
4 mar"s0
Grammar:  The student uses a&&ro&riate stru$tures to a$hiee the tas". Minor errors do not o+s$ure
the meanin!. 3 mar"s0
Vocabulary: The student uses a suffi$ient ran!e of ords and &hrases to $ommuni$ate the messa!e
$(ear(y. 3 mar"s0

1 Answer Key A
Listenin$ and ()ea*in$


1 1 A
2 -
3 ,
4 A
5 -

2 1 ,
2 ,
3 A
4 A
5 ,


Interactive communication an oral prouction: The student $ommuni$ates effe$tie(y ith
his / her &artner as"in! and anserin! sim&(e uestions and here ne$essary initiatin!
$onersation and res&ondin!. The student uses a&&ro&riate strate!ies to $om&(ete the tas"
su$$essfu((y. 5 mar"s0
Grammar an Vocabulary: The student uses a suffi$ient ran!e of o$a+u(ary and stru$ture to
$ommuni$ate $(ear(y. Minor o$$asiona( errors do not im&ede $ommuni$ation. 5 mar"s0
!ronunciation: The student’s intonation stress and arti$u(ation of sounds ma"e the messa!e $(ear
and $om&rehensi+(e. 5 mar"s0

1 Answer Key B
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation


1 1 His
2 your  
3 My
4 aren’t
5 Their  
6 Are

2 1 she
2 Is
3 aren’t
4 ’m
5 It
6 aren’t / ’re not
7 you
8 he

3 1 your  
2 My
3 Our  
4 his
5 Their  
6 Its


4 1 it
2 *isten
3 )o
4 s&ea"  
5 !o
6 -(ose
7 rite
8 Turn

5 1 fifty
2 ednesday
3 e(een
4 thirty
5 #riday
6 ninety

6 1 Afri$a
2 -hinese
3 'ermany
4 #ren$h
5 Ita(y
6 Tur"ey

1 Answer Key B

7 1 museum
2 sandi$h
3 toi(et
4 !ood+ye
5 hote(

8 1 day
2 tree
3 no
4 you
5 this

Readin$ and %ritin$


1 1 ,
2 ,
3 A
4 -
5 ,
6 ,
7 A
8 -

2 1 a(atore.
2 -a(a+ria. / The south of Ita(y. / Ita(y.
3 Ar!entinian.
4 Mar$o.
5 ome.
6 )ifferent &arts of the or(d.
7 The #ren$h tea$her.


tudent’s on ansers.

Task completion: The tas" is fu((y $om&(eted and the anser is easy to understand.
4 mar"s0
Grammar:  The student uses a&&ro&riate stru$tures to a$hiee the tas". Minor errors do not o+s$ure
the meanin!. 3 mar"s0
Vocabulary: The student uses a suffi$ient ran!e of ords and &hrases to $ommuni$ate the messa!e
$(ear(y. 3 mar"s0

1 Answer Key B
Listenin$ and ()ea*in$


1 1 ,
2 ,
3 -
4 -
5 A

2 1 A
2 A
3 ,
4 ,
5 A


Interactive communication an oral prouction: The student $ommuni$ates effe$tie(y ith
his / her &artner as"in! and anserin! sim&(e uestions and here ne$essary initiatin!
$onersation and res&ondin!. The student uses a&&ro&riate strate!ies to $om&(ete the tas"
su$$essfu((y. 5 mar"s0
Grammar an Vocabulary: The student uses a suffi$ient ran!e of o$a+u(ary and stru$ture to
$ommuni$ate $(ear(y. Minor o$$asiona( errors do not im&ede $ommuni$ation. 5 mar"s0
!ronunciation: The student’s intonation stress and arti$u(ation of sounds ma"e the messa!e $(ear
and $om&rehensi+(e. 5 mar"s0

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