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year M. A.

Adams, by the simple and ingenious expedient of

where matter is not, thus making it a very rare and subtle

to time as to the qualifications of agents, the security to be

Atlantic Ocean and Portuguese Estremadura. Pop. (1900) 416,105;

parliamentary records only begin to assume distinct outlines

where the flora is not well known. . . . Endemic inferior

success against the monarchs of the Tigris and Euphrates,

on the most comprehensive scale in Rufus Wilmot Griswold's

demanded, as the condition of his acceptance of office, that

of a talented family, who, under her married name, also won

in the ecclesiastical disputes by which Hungary was divided

Congo Free State as defined in the agreement of the 12th

Every twelfth year there is a special occasion called the

incompressibility, which is not sensibly implicated in the

strict sense, where each symbol represents a syllable; it is

monuments and incised slabs. The modern church of St Paul

Verwaltung in Elsass, 1870-1879 (Stras., 1879); L. Petersen,

of 1901 the figures of 1906 showed a decrease of 14,000

of statuary, the central portal having a remarkable statue

devastated by invasions of Slavs and Bulgarians; to protect

breaches of charter parties and other contracts for carriage

ALGOA BAY, a wide, shallow bay of South Africa, 436 m. E.

the level of Lake Scutari and the inundation of the adjacent

the north-west after a most disastrous period of civil war

1830, and shared his leader's attitude towards the Reform

the analgesia is not always as complete as is desirable.

cultivated but now overgrown with trees or shrubs.

in the cultivated class, came in with the beginning of the

at St Petersburg, and he accompanied his uncle, who was

becomes narrower, and the dorsal wall of the gastrula loses its

ACEROSE (from Lat. acus, needle, or acer, sharp),

to the Marquess Wellesley, lord-lieutenant of Ireland, for

sections. These three sections may therefore be regarded as to

charter. The barons, on their part, covenanted to claim from

Wilmington, N.C., on the 25th of April 1781, he reached

recruits. Regular officers are appointed as adjutants to all

success. The soil of Algeria everywhere favours the growth

Charlotte Temple (1790) is remembered, and contemporaneously

and Alaskan ranges to the southern foothills of the Rocky

lands outside Palestine; they were thus regarded as less

inspired him with zeal for the cause of the American

to in a problematical passage from which it would appear to

adviser, and Arsenius's son Anastasius, the librarian.

The Vegetable | | Bryophyta

the same character, with the formation of a spindle and the

gardens. The botanist Clusius (Charles de l'Escluse or

upon photochemical changes (see PHOTO-CHEMISTRY). Certain

ripen, and it was contended that some compensation should be

1819, remained equally fruitless. But the result which

being formally deposed. The French army proceeded to invade

growth of literature in these favoured soils was slow and

contribution of the Franciscans who were afterwards to take

sunflower family, until in August the plains are one blaze of

depend on the second term in the equation. The figure shows

granite, 70 ft. high, erected in the square of Marischal

somewhat less; i the fogs at first less dense, especially

order to facilitate the change made special efforts to spread

treats. This is particularly manifest in the weightier emphasis

mountain, which is the highest in southern India, having an

when it is dissolved in ether and phosphorus pentachloride is

bullet from the barrel by its expansion. The common forms of

this expectation that has led to the description of a number

born at Dobitschen in Saxe-Altenburg, on the 4th of January

brings to Menelaus (410-426). And not least noticeable is

and failed in his object simply by reason of the mercury,

the islands, however, are not wholly volcanic, but contain

Meldrum. Where the schists of sedimentary origin have been

the Cluniac order, was soon adopted in several dioceses in

amirs crossed the Straits it was to lead a jehad against


sketch-design, presented in accordance with the instructions,

Methods of production.

in 1383: as Vasco de Lobeira was knighted in 1385, it would

at once thrown into prison, and soon after perished on the

one moving with the matter. These circuital relations, when

Accrington were merely straggling villages with about 5000

children. When Amiles learnt this he killed the children, who

being combustible gases readily soluble in water. The next

Wyman. In Virginia the paint-root plant (Lachnanthes

object of verbal action or the destination of motion.

Ordovician. { Doubtfully represented } Klipriversberg and

subjects. Winter classes for boys over sixteen years of

time of King Theodore. Ambra-Mariam, a fortified station

by incinerating land- plants or wood (pot-ashes). Later,

to L. 46,000,000 in 1906. In the same period the tonnage

manufacturing scale, iron and hydrochloric acid. They may

and Beauty,'' ``Origin and Function of Music'' and others

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