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Inorganic Chemistry 2 Laboratory

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng
College of Engineering and
Intramuros, Manila

Nuclear Chemistry:
Calculations and

Submitted by:
Estido, Michael Lawrence P.
Fabros, Rei Ann Lowell M.
Funtalva, Markdavid M.
Golondrina, Paolene B.
Hipolito, Mikee A.
Lampa, Mohammad Al Askhary Y.

Submitted to:
Prof. Emily P. Sabando

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Inorganic Chemistry 2 Laboratory
Estido – Rechecking, Overall Summary and Hipolito – Part I
Conclusion, PDF & PPT Lampa – Post Lab 1 and 2
Fabros – Part II
Funtalva – Part III ACTIVITY 6
Golondrina – Post Lab 3

Nuclear Chemistry:
Calculations and Simulations


 To write and balance nuclear equations.

 To calculate nuclear binding energies.
 To construct and interpret the nuclear binding energy curve for the chemical elements
using an online database and a spreadsheet application
 To simulate alpha decay, beta decay, and nuclear fission/chain reaction.


The atomic nucleus is composed of two types of particles: positively charged protons and
uncharged neutrons. Protons and neutrons are called nucleons and the total number of nucleons
is called the mass number. The nuclide symbol of an atom characterizes the atom by its atomic
number (Z) and mass number, (A) as shown AZ X . Elements with atomic number greater than
83 are radioactive.
Radioactivity is the spontaneous decay of an unstable atomic nucleus. The decay of the nucleus
is usually in the form of some emitted particle or energy. The loss of this particle may alter the
contents of the nucleus, consequently, changing the atomic number and, thus, the symbol
representing the atom.
The types of radioactive decay are classified based on the type of particles emitted such as
alpha decay (emission of alpha particles, 42 He ). Alpha particles are fast moving particles that
contain two protons and two neutrons, which make them identical to helium nuclei, with a mass
number of 4 and a charge of 2+. When an alpha particle is emitted, the atomic number decreases
by 2 and the mass number decreases by 4. They are written using either the Greek letter α or the
symbol for the helium nucleus.

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Beta decay (emission of beta particles) is either emission of a free electron e - or a positron e+.
Beta particles are high-energy electrons, with a mass number of 0 and a charge of -1. They are
identical to other electrons in the atom, but do not exist in the nucleus until a neutron decays into
a proton and an electron. They are written with either the Greek letter β or e.
If a nucleus has an excess internal energy then it may lose that energy by emitting a photon and
such radiation is called gamma radiation. Gamma decay only involves a decrease in the internal
energy of a nucleus and does not involve a change of its composition. Gamma rays are high-
energy photons (similar to X rays but higher energy). They are given the Greek letter γ.
Nuclear transmutation results from the bombardment of nuclei by neutrons, protons or other
nuclei. Nuclear reactions are accompanied by absorption or release of tremendous amounts of
Symbols for elementary particles are as follows
Particle Symbol
Alpha 4
2 He or α
Proton 1
1 H or 11 p
Beta 0
-1 e or β-10
Positron +1
e or β+10
Neutron 1
0 n
Gamma 0
0 γ

In balancing nuclear equation, apply the conservation of mass number (superscript) and atomic
number (subscript). For example,
219 215
86 Ra  84 Po + 24 He
A quantitative measure of nuclear stability is the nuclear binding energy which is the energy
required to break up a nucleus into its component protons and neutrons. The quantity represents
the conversion of mass to energy that occurs during an exothermic nuclear reaction. It shows
that the mass of an atomic nuclei is always less than the sum of the masses of the nucleons
(protons and neutrons in the nucleus). The difference between the mass of an atom and the sum
of the masses of its protons, neutrons and electrons is called the mass defect. We can calculate
the amount of energy released by using the mass energy equivalence relationship of Einstein
E = mc2
where E = energy
m = mass
c = velocity of light

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Example: Calculate the mass defect and the binding energy per nucleon of copper-63 (atomic
mass = 62.91367 amu)

Copper-63 has 29 protons and 34 neutrons (63-29 = 34). The mass of a proton is 1.00728 amu
and a neutron is 1.00867 amu. The combined mass is calculated:

29 protons(1.00728 amu/proton) + 34 neutrons (1.00867

amu/neutron) = 63.50590 amu

For the calculation of the mass defect.

∆m = 63.50590 amu - 62.91367 amu = 0.59223 amu

To convert the mass defect into binding energy:

Convert the mass defect into kilograms (1 amu = 1.6606 x 10-27 kg)

∆m = (0.59223 amu/nucleus)(1.6606 x 10-27 kg/amu)

= 9.8346 x 10-28 kg/nucleus

Convert the mass defect into its energy equivalent using Einstein's equation. ∆E = ∆mc2, where
c = 2.9979 x 108 m/s.

E = (9.8346 x 10-28 kg/nucleus)(2.9979 x 108 m/s)2

= 8.8387 x 10-11 J/nucleus

Nuclear binding energy is often expressed as kJ/mol of nuclei or as MeV/nucleon.

To convert the energy to kJ/mol of nuclei we will simply employ the conversion factors for
converting joules into kilojoules (1kJ = 1000 J) and for converting individual particles into moles
of particles (Avogadro's Number).

(8.8387 x 10-11 J/nucleus)(1 kJ/1000 J)(6.022 x 1023 nuclei/mol)

= 5.3227 x 1010 kJ/mol of nuclei

To convert the binding energy to MeV (megaelectron volts) per nucleon we will employ the
conversion factor for converting joules into MeV (1 MeV = 1.602 x 10 -13 J) and the number of
nucleons (protons and neutrons) which make up the nucleus.

(8.8387 x 10-11 J/nucleus)[1 MeV/(1.602 x 10-13 J)](1 nucleus/63 nucleons) = 8.758


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The decaying nucleus is called the parent radionuclide (or parent radioisotope), and the process
produces at least one daughter nuclide. Except for gamma decay or internal conversion from a
nuclear excited state, the decay is a nuclear transmutation resulting in a daughter containing a
different number of protons or neutrons (or both). When the number of protons changes, an atom
of a different chemical element is created.

The rate of disintegration or decay rate of a radioactive material is called the activity (A) and
is directly proportional to the number of atoms present. The activity of a sample is the average
number of disintegrations per second its unit is the becquerel (Bq). One becquerel is one decay
per second.

activity =

where ∆N = change in number of undecayed nuclei

∆t = change in time in seconds


The decay constant λ is the probability that a nucleus will decay per second so its unit is s-1.

activity = decay constant x the number of undecayed nuclei

Rate of decay
rate of decay = A = =λN
where A = activity in becquerel (Bq)
N = the number of undecayed nuclei
λ = decay constant (s-1)

Radioactive decay law

N = N 0 e  t

where N0 = number of undecayed nuclei at the start (t=0)

t = time after t=0 in seconds
N = the number of undecayed nuclei at time t
λ = decay constant (s-1)


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Radioactive decay is a first-order process, relating the integrated radioactive decay law with
decay constant and the half-life. Half-lives can vary from seconds (e.g. radon-224 half life = 55
seconds) to millions of years (e.g. potassium-40 half-life = 1.28 x 10 9 years). This has
implications for radioactive waste from nuclear power stations and sources which will need to be
stored safely for a very long time.

ln( )   t

ln2 0.693
t1/2 = =
λ λ

where N = number of atoms at some later time t

No = initial number of atoms
λ = decay constant
t1/2 = Half-life of a process is the length of time for half of the substance to disappear.


1. Demonstration of Half-life with Coins

1. Place 100 pieces of coins (any denomination will do) in an empty container (like an ice
cream can). Tightly close the lid.

2. Shake the coins in the container for exactly 30 seconds (1 half-life). Make sure the coins
are well-mixed.

3. Remove the heads up coins from the container and count the tails up coins that remains.

4. Repeat procedures 2 and 3 until you have one coin remaining in the container.

5. Plot the half-lives (x-axis) versus number of “tails-up” coins (y-axis). Assume you have
100 “tails-up” coins initially. Draw a smooth curve that best fits your data.

6. Plot ln(half-lives) in the x-axis vs ln(no. of “tails-up” coins) in the y-axis. Perform linear
regression to obtain the value of the slope, the value of the y-intercept, and the correlation
coefficient r. What is the significance of these values?

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II. Nuclear Binding Energy Plot Using an Internet Database

1. Point your web browser to open a periodic table of elements

2. Click the element hydrogen and scroll down to the nuclear data chart. Highlight the four
rows (and 10 columns) and copy.

3. Paste the data into a worksheet in Excel. Then select Helium in the periodic table, but
copy only the rows containing numerical data then paste again into the worksheet. The
data must of course align with the data of the first element. Continue the process for all
the elements in the periodic table (up to element 103). Delete rows containing no entries
for binding energies. Save frequently since you will be working with a large amount of

4. Plot the Mass Number (A, x-axis) versus Binding Energy (y-axis). Select the entire
column for the mass number, then that for binding energy and insert a scatter plot with
smooth lines.

5. Plot the Mass Number (A, x-axis) versus Binding Energy per Nucleon (y-axis). To obtain
the binding energy per nucleon, create another column. Simply divide the binding energy
by the mass number A. This can be easily calculated for all the isotopes using Excel.
Express this value to four decimal places. For both plots, indicate the names of the axes.

6. Show your data and plot to your instructor. Print the plot and attach to your report.
Answer the questions in your post lab.

III. Radioactive Decay Simulations

Perform the following simulations. The Java simulations may take a while to load.
a. Alpha Decay

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Perform both the multiple-atom and single-atom simulations using Po-211. Observe what
happens when you change the parameters. Write the nuclear equation involved. Write a
detailed discussion of your results on the report sheet.
b. Beta Decay

Perform both the multiple-atom and single-atom simulations using (a) H-3 and (b) C-13.
Observe what happens when you change the parameters. Write the nuclear equations
involved. Give similarities and differences of alpha and beta decay. Write a detailed
discussion of your results on the report sheet.
c. Nuclear Fission-Chain Reaction
1. Fission-One Atom
2. Chain Reaction – Vary the number of U-235 and U-238 and observe the effect of
containment on the fission process.
3. Nuclear Reactor – Describe the power output and the energy released in a nuclear
reactor when the control rod is lowered. What is the role of the control rod? Write the
nuclear equation for the fission of U-235. Write a detailed discussion of your results
on the report sheet.

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NAME: Markdavid Funtalva


ACTIVITY 6 DATE SUBMITTED: November 25, 2021

Nuclear Chemistry:
Calculations and Simulations
I. Demonstration of Half-life with Coins
Half-lives Heads-up Tails-up Coins Half- Heads-up Tails-up
(x-axis) Coins (y-axis) lives (x- Coins Coins (y-axis)
0 0 100 5 4 3
1 40 60 6 2 1
2 32 28 7
3 18 10 8
4 3 7 9
Correlation R: -0.958130257
ln (half- ln (no. of
Value of the Slope: -2.141552653
lives) tails-up)
Value of Y-intercept: 4.477244916

0 4.094345
0.693147 3.332205
1.098612 2.302585
1.386294 1.94591
1.609438 1.098612
1.791759 0

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4.5 Plots, statistics, and interpretation

4 f(x) = − 2.14 x + 4.48
ln (no. of tails-up coins)

R² = 0.92 100
3 90

2 60
1.5 50 f(x) = − 7.8 x + 61.21
1 40 R² = 0.28
0.5 30
0 20
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 10
ln (half-lives) 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The slope of a line is used to calculate the pace at which changes occur. This symbol
represents the steepness and direction of the line. In the graph we gave, x(half-lives)
increases while y(tails-up coins) declines; we also have an inverse relationship between the
two variables. The y-intercept is the point at which the line intersects or passes through the
y-axis. Our correlation coefficient is -0.958, indicating that our points are closer to the line
than they are to each other.

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II. Nuclear Binding Energy Plot Using an Internet Database (Attach the two plots)

From the plots you constructed, answer the following questions

1. What happens to the binding energy as the mass number increases?

- The binding energy per nucleon is less for lighter nuclides and increase with the mass
number. Thus, the binding energy per nucleon decreases with increase in the mass
number after reaching a maximum.

2. What happens to the binding energy per nucleon as the mass number increases?

- The binding energy increases as the mass number increases. The total nuclear binding
energy always rises when more nucleons are added

3. If the binding energy per nucleon is the measure of stability of a nuclide, which isotope is
the most stable? You can refer to your worksheet to identify the isotope.

- If the binding energy per nucleon is used to determine the stability of a nuclide, Nickel62
is the most stable isotope. It is the most stable isotope in the data and has the highest
binding energy per nucleon of any known nuclide

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4. Calculate the nuclear binding energy per nucleon of the most stable isotope in kJ.

- Binding Energy Per nucleons = total binding energy of nucleons

Number of nucleons in the nucleus
Binding Energy (MeV) = 545.27 MeV
Atomic Mass (u) = 61. 92835 u

Binding Energy per nucleon = 545.27 MeV

61.92835 u = 8.8049 MeV

Convert to KJ
1kj =1.60 = 18e-16
=8.8049 MeV x 1.60218e-16 kJ
= 1.4107004e-15 KJ

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5. Inspect binding energy per nucleon curve and point out an obvious anomaly. This unusual
spike can be attributed to what isotope?

- Helium-4 seems to be to cause for the unusual rise. This unique spike is caused by a mass
defect, which is the difference in mass between the products and the sum of the
individual nucleons. For example, Helium has more nucleon binding energy than
Hydrogen, Lithium has more nucleon binding energy than Helium, Berilium has more
nucleon binding energy than Lithium, and so on.

6. Differentiate nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Which elements in your plot are unstable
with respect to fission? To fusion

- Fission and fusion are two physical processes that divide and fuse atoms to produce
significant amounts of energy. Nuclear reactions such as fission and fusion both produce
energy, but they do it in fundamentally different ways. Fusion occurs when two light
nuclei unite to produce huge amounts of energy, whereas fission occurs when a heavy,
unstable nucleus separates into two lighter nuclei. In terms of fusion, hydrogen and
helium are unstable, but heavier atoms like uranium, thorium, and plutonium are more
fissionable. A supernova is an extremely energetic astrophysical event capable of fusing
nuclei into metals heavier than iron.

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III. Radioactive Decay Simulations

Write pertinent nuclear equations and discuss your results.
Nuclear Equation: 84 Po→ 42He+ 207
82 Pb

A. Alpha Decay

(Multiple Atom)

This simulation illustrates the pattern of the polonium-211 atoms' half-lives. The atoms would lose half of their
number of atoms as they approached their half-life, as seen in the image below. As a result, the present number
of atoms would be reduced by half for another half-life.

(Single Atom)

Before decaying into Pb, the single atom polonium-211 has already reached half-life. We can claim that
because there is only one nucleus, decay takes longer.

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B. Beta Decay

Hydrogen (Single atom)

Carbon (Single atom)

Carbon (Multiple atoms)

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Nuclear Equation: 1 H → −10e + 32 He
6 C → −10e+ 147 N

Beta decay (single atom)

 Ca and H are the elements employed. The two elements will undergo transmutation of
elements as the decay time increases. As a result, the atom will shift from one element to
Beta decay (Multiple atoms)
 H-3 and C-14 are the elements employed. We add 10 atoms to each element, and as time
passes, the element will undergo transmutation, with each atom emitting a proton and
antineutrino, causing the element to transform from one element to another. And it will
come to a halt if all of the atoms have been totally changed or completed.

Similarities and Difference (Alpha & Beta Decay)

 Alpha decay results in a new element with two less protons and two fewer neutrons,
whereas Beta decay results in a new element with one more proton and one fewer
neutron. It also has something to do with their charges: Alpha is a positively charged
particle, whereas Beta may be either negatively or positively charged. Both Alpha and
Beta decay, on the other hand, are radioactive decays that result in the production of new

C. Nuclear Fission-Chain Reaction

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 Fission: One Nucleus

  Putting
a neutron into a nucleus will cause it to be activated, increasing the energy, which will
result in fission and the creation of daughter nuclei that will travel a long distance.

 Chain Reaction

 When bombarded by a single neutron, Uranium – 235 separates into two daughter
cells. Nuclear fission of Uranium – 235, however, also releases three neutron
particles; if one of these neutrons collides with a nucleon of Uranium – 238 as well,
Uranium – 239 is formed. However, attacking Uranium – 239 with a neutron will
have no effect.

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 Nuclear Reactor

Nuclear Equation: U - 235

U → 10n+ 236
92 92 U

 Changes in temperature in a nuclear reactor induce the element to fission. In our case, we
employed U-235 and kept its temperature under control. As has been seen, Uranium 235
undergoes fission as the temperature rises. As a result, neutrons continue to flow around
them, interacting with other elements. Furthermore, as the temperature rises, the power
output j/s goes up as well.

What is the role of the control rod?

 Control rods are used in nuclear reactors to control the rate of fission of the nuclear fuel

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1. What does the heads-up and the tails-up coins represent?

- The 100 pieces of coins represent a radioactive element, each coin symbolizes one
nucleus of the element. The head side of the coin represents the atom's surviving
nucleus, while the tail side represents the atom's disintegrating nucleus. If the coin
lands on heads, they are radioactive and have decayed, and if the coin lands on tails,
they have not decayed.

2. How many shakes (half-lives) should it take or have passed to get to ¼ of the original
amount theoretically and experimentally ?
- We began with 100 coins, which has a 50% chance of becoming heads and decaying,
and in order to obtain 1/4 of the original quantity of coins, the first 50 coins (half life)
must have decayed, leaving just 50 coins. Continuing the experiment, we will now
receive 1/4 coins out of a total of 100. The second half life should theoretically
eliminate half of the 50 coins, leaving 25 remaining, which is 14 of the initial number.
So it took around two half-lives or shakes to obtain 14 of the 100 coins we started

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3. The mass of a Ag-107 nucleus is 106.905092 amu. The mass of a proton is 1.00728 amu
and a neutron is 1.00867 amu.

a) Calculate the mass defect in amu.

- ∆m= 0.957568 amu
b) Convert the mass defectinto kg.
- mass defect in kg= 1.59x10-27kg/nucleus
c) Calculate the binding energy in joules.
- Binding energy(E) = 1.428997301x10-10J/nucleusor 1.43x10-10J/nucleus
d) Calculate the binding energy per nucleon.
- Binding energy per nucleon =0.013355x10-10joule/nucleon

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At the atomic level, reactions occur.
Protons, which have a positive charge, and neutrons, which have no charge, compose the atomic
nucleus. The entire number of nucleons is called the mass number, while protons and neutrons
are referred to as nucleons. According to the diagram, nuclides are represented by the (_ZA)X
nuclide symbol, which indicates the atomic number and mass number of the atoms. The atomic
number of a radioactive element is larger than 83.

It is known as radioactivity when an unstable atomic nucleus spontaneously decomposes. It is

common for the nucleus to decay by emitting a particle or a measure of energy. If this particle is
lost, it has the potential to alter the atom's atomic number and, as a result, the symbol used to
represent it.

Radioactive decay is categorized according to the type of particles emitted, and alpha decay
emits alpha particles (_24) He. Radioactive decay is characterized in the same way as other types
of decay. Protons and neutrons make up the helium nucleus, which is why alpha particles are
identical in mass and charge to them. They have a mass of four and a charge of two and a half.
Whenever an alpha particle is released, its atomic number is reduced by two and its mass by four.
A beginning point is either the helium nucleus symbol, or the Greek letter for the letter.

A free electron e- or a positron e+ can be emitted during the breakdown of a nucleus in the
process of beta decay. High-energy electrons, known as beta particles, have a mass of zero and a
negative charge. Chemically, they are identical to other electrons in the atom; however, until a
neutron decays to produce a proton and electron, it is impossible to see them. Either the Greek
letter e, or the Latin letter a, is used to represent these characters.

By emitting a photon known as gamma radiation, nuclei can dissipate their surplus internal
energy. Photons emitted by nuclei produce gamma radiation. During gamma decay, a nucleus's

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chemical makeup does not change; instead, its internal energy decreases. A high-energy photon is
a gamma ray (similar to X rays but higher energy). The Greek letter is used to identify them..

As the nuclei are attacked by neutrons or protons, they are transformed into something new.
Massive amounts of energy are absorbed or released as a result of energy-dense nuclear

Quantitatively, the amount of energy required to break apart the nucleus into its constituent
protons and neutrons is a measure of nuclear stability. This quantity represents the mass to
energy conversion during an exothermic nuclear process. It is therefore impossible to calculate
the entire mass of an atomic nucleus by comparing it to the sum of the individual nucleon masses
(protons and neutrons in the nucleus). It is the difference between an atom's mass and the sum of
its protons, neutrons, and electrons that is called the mass defect in atomic theory. Einstein's
mass-energy equivalency connection, a mathematical formula, can be used to calculate the
amount of energy released.

Mathematical formula: E = mc2

During the decay process, the parent radionuclide (or parent radioisotope) is referred to as the
parent radionuclide (or parent radioisotope). It is only in cases of gamma decay or nuclear
excited state conversion that a nuclear transmutation occurs that results in a different number of
protons or neutrons than the father's daughter (or both). An entirely new chemical element is
generated in the atom as a result of this change.

The rate at which a radioactive material decomposes or decays is known as its activity (A). The
greater the number of atoms in the material, the greater the density. the average number of
disintegrations per second is a measure of sample activity, which is expressed as a becquerel
(Bq). The radio frequency spectrum's unit of decay is the becquerel, which is equivalent to one
decay per second.

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We observed that the element in Alpha/Beta decay will undergo transmutation over time,
resulting in a change in the structure of the atom as a result of the transmutation. Furthermore,
the decay of radioactive elements produces new elements. They are the identical in terms of the
number of protons and neutrons left and the particle's charge, which can be positive or negative.

A big atomic nucleus separates into smaller nuclei when it undergoes nuclear
fission/chain reaction. The fission reaction also emits two or three neutrons, which can collide
with more uranium nuclei to cause additional fission reactions. During the fission reaction,
which produces the "daughter" products, additional neutrons are emitted. This is known as a
chain reaction. When one nucleus separates into two or more parts as a result of another's fission,
the resultant neutrons can start a chain reaction. This cycle will continue until the nucleus
produces neutrons. If each neutron releases two more neutrons, the number of fissions increases
by a factor of two per generation.

As a result of the transformation process, new elements will be generated after this
degradation is complete. In this case, the atomic mass of each element might either decrease or
rise. This process will take some time to finish because some components have half-lives of
more than 20 years. The temperature will fluctuate during nuclear fission. Because power
production is measured in joules per second, increasing the temperature results in an increase in
power output. The chain reaction begins when the fission phase is completed.

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Radium Ra 226 g/mol 1,737 700°C
Poloniu Po 209 g/mol 962 °C 254°C
Helium He 4.002602 - -
g/mol 268.6° 272.2°
hydrog H 1.00784 -252.9 -
en g/mol °C 259.2°
Boron B 10.811 g/mol 4,000 2,076°
°C C
Copper Cu 63.546 g/mol 2,562 1,085°
°C C
Uraniu U 238.02891 4,131 1,132°
m g/mol °C C

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Schematic diagram







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