Review of Related Literature Arduino, PIR Sensor and Chestnut Munia

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What is Arduino?

An open-source microcontroller called an Arduino can be updated at any time and is simple to program.
In 2005, the first Arduino was released. The Arduino microcontroller was initially created for experts and
students to create gadgets that can communicate with their surroundings via sensors. (Ismailov and

"Study of Arduino microcontroller board."

Working Principle of Arduino

With the aid of several Arduino shields, which are covered in this paper, it is also possible for Arduino to
receive and send data via the internet. Arduino makes use of hardware called the Arduino development
board and software called the Arduino IDE for writing code (Integrated Development Environment).
These microcontrollers are built with Atmel's 8-bit Atmel AVR or 32-bit Atmel ARM microcontrollers and
can be readily programmed using the C or C++ language in the Arduino IDE. (Leo Louis, 2016)

"Working Principle of Arduino and Using it as a Tool for Study and Research."

Application of Arduino

There are number of application fields for Arduino board, however it may also be possible to missed out
some areas. Researchers discovered that this is highly suited for smart homes, medical, and body
control systems based on this study. This article is intended to help computer scientists who are eager to
contribute to the field of automation. (Kaswan et al., 2020)

“Role Of Arduino In Real World Applications.”
What is PIR Sensor?

The intrinsic heat detection and measurement capabilities of pyroelectric material-based passive
infrared (PIR) sensors enable them to identify any heat-emitting body moving in front of them. This 'on
the fly' presence identification has found several applications. (Sujay Narayana et al., 2015)

Passive infrared (PIR) sensors detect heat energy in the vicinity using a pair of pyroelectric sensors.
These two sensors are set adjacent to one another, and if their signal differences alter, the sensor will
turn on (a human entering the room, for example). That could imply that it kicks off an alert, contacts
the police, or perhaps puts on a floodlight. Using a set of lenses that serve as the sensor's housing, IR
radiation is directed onto each of the two pyroelectric sensors. These lenses increase the device's
sensing area. (Jeremy Cook, 2018)

“The Right Tool for the Job: Active and Passive Infrared Sensors”

Application of PIR Sensor – Related Studies

There is a suggested approach discovered to be able to save recording system memory because it starts
recording as soon as the camera is turned ON, despite certain lag times when recording the video. The
lighting system can also use less electricity at night because it only illuminates when the PIR sensor is
activated. The webcam and lights system are only activated when an intruder is inside the PIR sensor's
detection range. (Gopal Chandra Nepal et al., 2013)

“Passive Infrared (PIR) Sensor Based Security System”

With a passive infrared sensor, the movement of humans can be detected over the entire region (PIR).
PIR sensors have several applications in the field of security. Also, the system's design is energy-efficient
and useful in areas with a scarcity of energy or insufficient electricity. The circuit operates simply and is
simple to install in any situation. (Moe Myint Thu et al., 2020)

“Security System with PIR Sensor”
Typically, PIR sensors are used to generate a binary output to detect moving objects inside their field of
view (FoV). The information that can be obtained on the targeted is therefore limited. So, researchers
were able to easily capture movement's speed, angle, and other attributes utilizing the analog signals
from the sensors. To properly record the analog signals, researchers used a tower equipped with two
spot sensors, two multi-lens sensors, and two multi-lens sensors. Using the tower, researchers provided
a thorough characterization of analog signals. Also, researchers tweaked each sensor's gain to cover
several ranges. For multi-lens sensors, researchers also found an empirical link between the peak-peak
amplitude and range. This gives us a place to look while we consider localization alternatives. (Sujay
Narayana et al., 2015)

“PIR sensors”

Pyroelectric Infrared Sensors (PIR), which are used largely for inexpensive surveillance. PIR sensors are
utilized frequently in security due to its high end sensitivity and region of detection. PIR sensors are
quite effective in detecting both people and animals. They are often used to turn on lights and sound an
alarm for intruders. The sensor's output, however, varies according on the temporal relationships
between objects in its field of view, the sensor's sensitivity, the properties of the PIR lens, and the level
of outside heat. (Yogesh Pawar et al., 2018)

“Motion Detection Using PIR Sensor”

PIR sensor is suggested as a technique for telling a human from a pet inside of a smart environment or
structure that. Two HMMs for humans and pets are supplied with wavelet-based features that are
extracted from PIR sensor outputs. The HMMs corresponding to human and pet models are trained
using sensor recordings of various human and animal actions. The probabilities of each HMM are used
to perform classification. This sensor can be used in conjunction with a system based on cameras or as a
supplementary sensor. The suggested method can be further enhanced to handle causes of false alarms
like howling winds, barking dogs, slamming doors, and so forth. Training models that are comparable to
those described in this chapter can help with this. Additionally, it can be utilized to strengthen camera
based systems both inside and outside of intelligent buildings. (Emin Birey Soyer, July 2009)
Technology and innovation advancements have substantially increased security in our daily lives. This
study focuses on setting up a basic home security system with a PIR (Passive Infra-Red) sensor in
conjunction with a microcontroller. This security will function if the PIR (Passive Infra-Red) sensor
detects any person who doesn't want to enter the home, and then the microcontroller procedure tells a
mobile phone to send an alarm signal in the form of Short Message Service (SMS). This work has shown
that utilization of Sensors ought to be utilized in shops and homes in Nigeria and African nations in this
way. This task can be economically mass produced to be used in various homes, businesses, and even
vehicles. It can also be of acceptable usage. (Sayo Akinloye Akinwumi et al., February 2021)

“Arduino Based Security System using Passive Infrared (PIR) Motion Sensor”
Chestnut Munia (Lonchura atricapilla). A little, hefty, reddish-brown finch with a strong, silvery-blue bill
and a black head. Immatures have wings that are a little darker shade of sandy brown. flocks are
frequently spotted together, typically in grassy settings like lawns, but also in marshes and rice paddies;
favors moister environments over Scaly-breasted Munia. gives quiet clinking and pipping notes; the tune
includes bill clicks and quiet slurred whistles. Although originally from Southeast Asia, it was brought to
many places, including as the Hawaiian Islands, Japan, Ecuador, and Jamaica. (Robert B. Payne, 2020)

More than one species of birds are referred to as "maya" in the Philippines. The "actual" former national
bird of Mexico is the chestnut munia (Lonchura atricapilla), which is also known as the "genuine" maya.
It favors open fields and grassy settings and is small and sturdy with a reddish-brown body and a black
head. (Mikael Angelo Francisco, 2019)

The little, sociable chestnut munia primarily eats grains and other seeds. It frequents both agriculture
and open grassland. (

Another factor limiting productivity is rice crop pests, mainly rodents and insects. In Malaysia, little
attempt has been made to comprehend the magnitude or severity of the problem, despite the fact that
birds are also widely regarded as pests in the region's rice fields. There are various bird species that
could damage rice in Malaysia. The European tree sparrow (Passer montanus), the Baya weaver (Ploceus
philippinus), the Pin-tailed Parrotfinch (Erythrura prasina), the Java sparrow (Padda oryzivora), the
sharp-tailed munia (Lonchura striata), and the white-bellied munia (L. spotted munia; leucogastra
punctulata, L. chestnut munia white-headed munia, L., and Malacca. mala. Only the baya weaver and
sharp-tailed and spotted munias were plentiful enough to take into account on my study area. (Michael
L. Avery, 1979)

"Far From Home: The Problem Of Invasive Species In Southeast Asia"

"Food Preferences and Damage Levels of Some Avian Rice Field Pests in Malaysia"

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