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+ Thay đổi qua thời gian (60%)

+ Không thay đổi qua thời gian (40%)


The graph shows/ demonstrates/ illustrates/ indicates gives information about …

<OBJECT> <PLACE> <TIME>. Units are measured by …

<TIME>: from 1900 to 2000/ between 1990 and 2000/ over the course of 10 years from 1990 to

- Amount of Noun (danh từ không đếm được)
- Number of Noun (danh từ đếm được)
- Quantity of Noun (all nouns)

- The percentage = ratio = proportion -> the ratio of electricity

- Expenditure = expense = spending = the amount of budget

the given chart depicts the amount of three types of junk food, namely pizza, fish and chips ,
and hamburgers which was consumed by young people in Australia from 1975 to 2000. The
units are measured by the number of times eater annually.

The line graph demonstrates the amount of fast food (pizza, fish and chips and hamburgers)
that was eaten by children in Australia over the course of 25 years from 1975 to 2000.

The line graph demonstrates the quantity of pizza, fish and chip and hamburger which was
consumed by the young in Australia from 1975 to 2000.
2. OVERVIEW: tổng quan (2 ý) (khong viết số liệu)

Overall, it is clear that …..

As can be seen from the graph, ….
It can be seen from the graph that …

- Xu hướng tăng giảm

A experienced an upward trend while B had a downward trend and C remained unchanged.

As can be seen from the graph, Finland experienced an upward trend while Sweden had a
downward trend.
As can be seen from the graph, whereas Finland experienced an upward trend, Sweden had a
downward one.
Looking for an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that the Finland experienced an
upward trend while Sweden had a downward trend.

- Giá trị cao nhất thấp nhất

A had highest value while B recorded the lowest figure.
A accounted for the lion’s share (chiếm phần trăm bự nhất) while B recorded the lowest
A was the top priority (ưu tiên hàng đầu) while/ Whereas B was the least concern (mối
quan tâm nhỏ nhất) -> đa phần mẫu này dùng cho các câu liên quan tới chi tiêu .

Sweden accounted for the lion’s share while Finland recorded the lowest figure in 2012.

in 2012, the statistics in Sweden reached its peak/ peaked whereas its counterpart in Finland
recorded the lowest figure.

-> As can be seen from the graph, Finland experienced an upward trend while Sweden had a
downward trend. <IN ADDITION> Sweden accounted for the lion’s share while Finland recorded
the lowest figure in 2012.


- Cách 1: chia đoạn theo xu hướng
B1: upward trend: B2: downward

- Cách 2: chia theo giá trị

B1: lớn + nhỏ nhất; B2: còn lại
- Ngôn ngữ

upward downward

- Increase (v) - increase (n) - Decrease (v) - decrease (n)

- Grow (v) - growth (n) - Decline (v) - decline (v)
- Jump (v) - jump (n) - Fall (v) - fall (n)
- Go up (v) x - Drop (v) - drop (n)
- Rocket (v) x - Go down (v) x
- Plummet (v) x


- Significantly (adv) - significant (adj) - Minimally (adv) - minimal (adj)

- Dramatically (adv) - dramatic (ad) - Gradually (adv) - gradual (adj)
- Considerably (adv) - considerable - Insignificantly (adv) - insignificant
(adj) (adj)
- Sharply - sharp (adj)
- Cấu trúc câu

+ S + V of movement + adv of change

-> The amount of pizza consumption increased sharply.

- There was + a + adj + Noun of movement in S

-> There was a sharp increase in the amount of pizza consumption.
- experience / see/ witness
-> The amount of pizza consumption witnessed a sharp increase.

From 1975 to 1980, the number of times teenagers ate pizza increased slightly. Then there was
the same minimal increase between 1980 and 1985. Ten years later, the amount of pizza
consumption witnessed a dramatic growth. However, the statistics stayed/ remained unchanged
for 5 years till 2000.

Firstly, from 1975 to 1980, the figure for fish and chips experienced a moderate fall from 100
times to slightly above 80 times. In the next 5 years, it witnessed a marginal increase to about
90 and from that onward, it sharply declined. By 2000, the statistics reached it bottom of
approximately below 40.

In 1975 (Originally/ Initially) , fish and chips were consumed most with 100 times, then
followed by a decline to a little more than 80 times in 1980 (5 years later). Between 1985 and
2000 (towards the end of the period), fish and chips consumption decreased sharply from 95
times to under 40 times.

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