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Nutrition Across the Lifespan (Pregnancy, Infancy, and Childhood )

✓ Read course and laboratory unit objectives

✓ Read study guide prior to class attendance
✓ Read required learning resources; refer to course unit terminologies for jargons
✓ Participate in weekly discussion board (Canvas)
✓ Answer and submit course unit tasks

At the end of this unit, the students are expected to:

1. Create a menu planning for pregnant mother, lactating mother, infant, toddler and pre- schooler
based on the required total energy requirement.

Search on Google, YouTube and Yahoo

Caudal, Maria Lourdes C. (2019). Basic nutrition and diet therapy: textbook for nursing students 2nd
Edition. QC: C&E. F 613.2 C31 2019
Computer device with internet access

To facilitate the practice of students’ web navigation skills, the following rules must be

1. The use of search engines Google, YouTube, and Yahoo are allowed.
2. Use navigation techniques as mentioned in the required readings.
3. Students must submit this accomplished worksheet through email or Canvas upload.

Create a menu planning for a day based on their total energy requirement: (choose 2 from the list)
1. Pregnant mother – TER of 2,000Kcal per day pre-pregnant state


1 cup of whole grain cereal with 1 cup of milk (150 Kcal)

1 banana (105 Kcal)
1 hard-boiled egg (70 Kcal)
Total: 325 Kcal


1 cup of whole grain pasta with 1 cup of marinara sauce and 1/2 cup of steamed vegetables (300 Kcal)
1 serving of garlic bread (100 Kcal)
1 serving of fruit salad (100 Kcal)
Total: 500 Kcal


3 oz of grilled chicken with 1 cup of roasted vegetables (200 Kcal)

1 cup of brown rice (215 Kcal)
1 serving of steamed broccoli (55 Kcal)
Total: 470 Kcal


1 serving of hummus with 1/2 cup of sliced vegetables (150 Kcal)

1 small apple (80 Kcal)
1 serving of Greek yogurt (100 Kcal)
Total: 330 Kcal

Total for the day: 1625 Kcal

This menu provides a variety of nutrients and food groups to support the needs of the pregnant mother and her growing baby.
It is important to consult with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian to create a personalized meal plan that meets the
specific needs of the mother and her pregnancy.

2. Pre-school – TER 1,700 – 1,800 Kcal per day


1 serving of oatmeal with 1 cup of milk and 1/2 cup of berries (150 Kcal)
1 serving of scrambled eggs with 1 slice of whole grain toast (200 Kcal)
Total: 350 Kcal


2 serving of peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole grain bread (400 Kcal)
1 serving of carrot sticks (25 Kcal)
1 serving of applesauce (100 Kcal)
1 serving of milk (100 Kcal)
Total: 425 Kcal


1 serving of baked chicken with 1/2 cup of brown rice and 1 cup of steamed vegetables (300 Kcal)
1 serving of fruit salad (100 Kcal)
Total: 400 Kcal


1 serving of whole grain crackers with 1 oz of cheese (150 Kcal)

1 serving of yogurt (100 Kcal)
1 small banana (90 Kcal)
Total: 340 Kcal

Total for the day: 1,715 Kcal

Send screenshot (email or Canvas) of the ‘submission confirmation screen’ to your instructor
along with this worksheet.

Date Completed:
Date Submitted:
Search on Google, YouTube and Yahoo

Caudal, Maria Lourdes C. (2019). Basic nutrition and diet therapy: textbook for nursing students 2nd
Edition. QC: C&E. F 613.2 C31 2019

Udan, Josie Q. (2009). Mastering Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts and Clinical Application 3rd
Edition. Manila: Educational Publishing House.

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