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Dive Into Summer Reading 2020 

❏Step 1​: Relax with your chosen summer Reading Book & Record the title 
and author here:​ __________________________________________ 

❏Step 2​: break it down: 

Character:  Conflict: 
How did your characters change throughout  What was the most important conflict in your 
the story?   story?  
Did your opinion of any characters change as  How was that conflict resolved? Were you 
you read?   satisfied with this resolution? 

Setting:   Plot Twist: 

What made your setting unique and  Was there anything about the way that your 
important?   plot changed or ended that surprised you?  
Could your story have taken place anywhere or  If not, think of your own plot twist to your story. 
would the story change with a different  What would have made it more unique? 
❏Step 3​: Sentence, phrase, word 
Choose a sentence from your book that was meaningful to you or that you felt captures the 
core idea of your summer reading book: 
Choose a phrase from your book that moved, engaged, or provoked you: 
Choose one word from your book that captured your attention or struck you as powerful: 

❏Step 4​:​ ​beach ball toss 

1. What was your initial reaction to the book? Did it hook you immediately, or did it take some 
time to get into? 
2. How credible/believable did you find the narrator to be? Did you feel like you got the 'true' 
3. How did you feel about the ending of your story? What did you like? What did you not like? 
What do you wish had been different? 
4. Many people say that a good story should teach its reader something about life. Do you 
agree? If so, what does your book leave you thinking about? If not, what do you think the 
purpose of your chosen book is? 
5. If your book were being adapted into a movie, would you see it? Who would you want to 
see play what parts? 

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