Week 8. COURSE TASK - Hyperparathyroidism

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1) Emily is having difficulty closing her eyes and has to use artificial tears because her eyes are

so dry. What condition does the nurse observe that Emily has that causes this problem?

The patient had dryness of eyes, the nurse can have idea of different causes of dryness of eyes.

The causes of dryeye include Thyroid disorders, allergic eye diseases, sjogren syndrome, may be
a manifestation of systemic infection such as rheumatoid arthritis and sarcoidosis, sclerpderma

The nurse may observe that the hyperparathyroidism is the cause of this dryness of eyes in the
patient, which can even be concluded with the other symptoms of hyperparathyroidism.

The eye of the patinet manifest conjunctivitis, conjunctivitis calcification, band shaped
keratpathy,blurred vision etc.

2) Emily also complains of “feeling like my heart is beating out of my chest.” What does the
nurse explain to Emily is causing this feeling?

The nurse explain the client that the patient is having heart palpitations, which are the rapid

The nurse tells the client that the hyperthyroidism of the patient is the cause of such heart

She also assure the patient that it will resort to the normal after taking the appropriate
medication and precautions prescribed by the medical workers.

3) Emily is started with methimazole (Tapazole) for treatment of the hyperparathyroidism.

What education does the nurse provide about the medication?

Tapazole is the medicine prescribed for the treatment of symptoms of hyperparathyroidism.

It is an antithyroid agent.

The nurse tells the patinet that she have to take the medication as prescribed by the physician
at regular intervals inorder to maintain constant concentration of drug in blood.

She also taught about the adverse effects which are associated with this drug.

The patient should be told that she have to consult the physician back if she experience any
severe reaction to the drug.

It can be taken with or without food.

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