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Name: Rhea Mae A.

Perez Grade and Section: XII – Lavoisier

Activity 1: My Resume
Directions: Suppose you are applying for a job after interview after graduation this School
Year. On a bond paper, prepare a resume following the simple template below. You may also
look for other templates you can use.

Activity 2: Application Letter Making

Directions: Since you have already made your resume, you are now ready to make your
application letter which will be attached to the resume. On another bond paper, submit a copy
of your application letter following all the parts.

Activity 3: Mock Interview

Directions: Imagine that an employer does an interview to you because you are applying for a
job after your Senior HS. Write your answers on a sheet of paper. Here are some selected
questions that might be asked from you. Choose at least five (5) questions and answer them in
written form. Use another sheet of bond paper for your answers.
1. If your colleagues had an opportunity to tell us your primary strength, what would that
be? Your primary weakness – what would that be?

The primary strength they would describe would be my ability to lead or initiate
a project. This latter term doesn't necessarily mean that I'm a good team player, to begin
with, but it's one of my most important traits. In addition to being dependable, I am
creative and have a strong desire to establish goals with which I can measure my
personal growth. On the other hand, they would probably describe my primary
weakness as a lack of persistence. I'd have to say that this characteristic has been a lot
more prominent in my past than it is today, but it is still something I am working on
improving daily. My biggest fear is that other people would perceive I'm lazy because
this isn't true at all. I often work quite late in the evening, which results in fatigue. I
guess this is one of the contributors to why I lack persistence. But I am slowly
overcoming this by disciplining myself regularly – I can meet my goals and
achievement. As Bertrand Russell said, no great achievement is possible without
persistent work.

2. What do you do when others resist or reject your idea of actions?

Usually, when others resist or reject my ideas or actions, I listen to their plan and
work on it to discuss the matters. The huge advantage of this is that I learn a lot from
my colleagues, which I can apply to future projects. Chances are they had considered
my plan and rejected it because they found faults and errors in it. But in other cases
where they don't have any idea, I usually let them reconsider mine and ask them to
make changes, and we can discuss the approach to this idea and act on it - a
collaborative effort. I am someone who likes to discuss matters with my colleagues and
find out if there are ways in which we can improve on an idea or action. It is important
to have a team where one member is open to discussions and tries to find out about the
ideas of others. The outcome is usually a result where all members are satisfied, or their
complaints for not doing something well enough would be justified. Furthermore, I'm
not the type of person who pressures people to the point that I can make them rigid in
their point of view.

3. What is your interpretation of “success?”

There have been several points in my life when I have been redefining "success,"
and it's usually based on how I perceive the people around me and the world. But lately,
I've come to the point where I would define "success" based on my being. Success is
something I can define myself, not something that others would put on me. It is a matter
of perspective. My interpretation of success is mainly dependent on where I am in life.
If my purpose is satisfied, then I would say I have achieved success. To sum it up, it is
the ability to have a sense of fulfilment in everything that I do in this journey that never
stops – fulfilling my purpose to the best of my ability.

4. Suppose you are in a situation where deadline and priorities change frequently and
rapidly. How would you handle it?

This is a challenging situation that I've faced numerous times before. Not only
am I a graduating senior high school student, but I am also an officer in school
organizations, and I have other commitments in volunteer service and such. I enjoy
working on many different things at the same time, but this is something I cannot do all
the time. In this case, I would have to work on a variety of different things at one time,
and constantly reassess my priorities. From all the different points of view I have, it is
not easy for me at all to handle such a situation. It seems that there is no right or wrong
in such situations – it's just prioritizing and time management. Besides, there are so
many parameters involved in each matter that you cannot possibly expect me to make
the right decision over the entire matter. However, as a hardworking individual, I have
always been able to adapt my plan to changes and overcome obstacles. It is practically
the point where my mind is ready to do so. But since there are numerous priorities in
life and constantly changing deadlines, planning becomes much more crucial than ever
before - it's not only me but everyone else who works towards priorities and deadlines.

5. Tell me about a time you were part of a great team. What was your part in the success
of your team?

The Schools Press Conference 2020-2021 was a great experience of mine where
I had to work with a partner for the Research on Campus Journalism. We won first
place at the Division level and second place for overall best research paper at the
Regional Level. My part in the success was the dedication and effort in reading and
writing research manuscripts for how many hours in preparation for the contest. I
contributed and offered my time in online meetings and practices that our coach would
prepare us for the competition. This trial and error process was essential in our final
result, which I am grateful to have been part of.
6. How would you describe an ideal work immersion supervisor?

This is a hard question because there are several traits I would look for in an ideal
work supervisor. It all depends on the situation and the position, but to me, an ideal
work immersion supervisor would be someone who has enough patience to teach and
guide me the basic ideas about the skills and projects in Architecture. Someone who
can inspire and motivate others to keep on trying. Also, the ideal supervisor would be
someone who is skilled in dealing with people and has a good sense of humor, as well
as someone who can handle oneself in situations that require leadership and
Rufina Heights Subdivision, Lower Dicayas, Dipolog City

To acquire skills and valuable knowledge of how architecture firms work and what type
of projects they are involved with, teaching me about the different aspects of the job, such as
design, construction, marketing, management, and engineering. Work immersion will serve as
a transition point for learning these aspects of workplace reality, allowing a smooth transition
from the classroom to a working environment while building proper ethical work practices to
develop life and career skills. In addition, I to have optimal productivity and the opportunity to
broaden my knowledge in architecture. In return, I offer my service and determination for the
betterment and to become an outstanding asset in your architectural firm throughout my work
immersion period (80 hours).

Level Name of School Year Graduated
Senior High School Zamboanga del Norte National High School 2023
Junior High School Zamboanga del Norte National High School 2022
Elementary Dipolog Pilot Demonstration School 2017

Field of Study - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

Relevant Work Experience  Experienced journalistic researcher and academic

student-researcher – part of the STEM strand
since the start of high school and I’ve competed in
the newly added category of journalism, which is
Research on Campus Journalism.
 Experienced active school organization
Skills/Qualifications  Proficient in Microsoft Office – using MS Word
to edit text documents; MS Excel; and MS
PowerPoint in making slideshows and
 With research and methodological investigations
 Collaborative and leading by influence
 Proactive - characterized by the ability to initiate
tasks or efforts toward a goal
 Initiative - characterized by a willingness and
readiness to lead; the ability in initiating action to
undertake activities with general supervision
 Flexible and adaptive - characterized by an ability
to flexibly adjust to changing environments; and
the ability in making adjustments to adapt in new
 Design skills - drawing and creating designs on
structures or layouts of buildings
 Communication skills – effectively interrelate
with people in either verbal or written form
 Creative and innovative - being open to new ideas
in order to generate newer ways of improving
productivity and efficiency
 Basic knowledge in Graphic Design using Canva
Special Special Awards
Awards/Honor/Certificates  1st place - Research in ZNNHS Press
Conference and Media Arts Expo 2022
 1st place – Research on Campus Journalism in
Online Division Schools Press Conference
(English-Secondary) 2020
 2nd place – Research on Campus Journalism in
Online Regional Schools Press Conference
(English-Secondary) 2021
 Grade 7 – With Honors (2017-2018)
 Grade 8 – With High Honors (2018-2019)
 Grade 9 – With High Honors (2019-2020)
 Grade 10 – With Highest Honors (2020-2021)
 Grade 11 – With Highest Honors (2021-2022)
 Certificate of Training in Adobe Photoshop
Course (2018)
 Certificate of Participation in Young Leaders’
Empowerment and Devt. (YLED) Student
Development Program (2021)
 Certificate of Participation in “EXPLORE,
 Certificate of Volunteerism in Emergency
Medical Service and Red Cross Youth (2022)
 Philippine Red Cross (A member of the
International Federation of Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies) Certificate of Recognition
Activities and Interests  Volunteer work service in Philippine Red Cross
 Arts and design integrated with Science and
Clubs and Organizations  Barkada Kontra Droga – ZNNHS, Turno Chapter
 KAHIPSAKA Secretary
 YES-O Member
 Red Cross Youth Volunteer

Work Immersion Adviser
Zamboanga del Norte National High School, Turno Campus

Assistant School Principal II
Zamboanga del Norte National High School, Turno Campus

School Principal II
Zamboanga del Norte National High School, Turno Campus

March 17, 2023


District Director, RD-D4
NCP and Enterprises
Gulayon, Dipolog City, Philippines

Dear Arch. Nayal:

Greetings of good energy!

I am RHEA MAE A. PEREZ, a bona fide grade 12 STEM student from Zamboanga del Norte
National High School, Turno Campus. With work immersion as a course requirement for
graduation, I am signifying my intent to apply as a work immersion applicant in your
architectural firm.

The Work Immersion Program for Senior High School aims students to develop life career
skills that will prepare them to make decisions on post-secondary education or employment.
As the program goals are to create an ideal environment for me to build a solid foundation in
architecture, I will do my best in performing all tasks assigned to me by you and your team. I
will bring enthusiasm, confidence, and determination to my daily activities and embrace the
Work Immersion Program as a form of training that can ease my transition from school life
into professional life outside school.

For relevant experiences, I have taken various self-practice activities, including but not limited
to engaging in design and planning through sketching and working on building models. I also
have thorough research and methodological investigation approach as this is one of the skills
I've acquired from being a STEM student since the start of high school. I will bring constant
and consistent efficiency and proficiency in handling tasks assigned to me. I believe that the
learning process in your architectural firm will allow me to develop my leadership, social
interaction, and interpersonal skills, as well as recognize what I am good at and what I really
enjoy in the different aspects of the job, such as design, construction, marketing, management,
and engineering. Your guidance and expertise in the field I'm interested in for the On-the-job
training will surely be a key factor in my career development.

Should you decide to accept my application, I offer my service and determination for the
betterment and to become an outstanding asset in your architectural firm throughout my work
immersion period (80 hours).

Thank you for your time in reading my application letter. Attached herewith are my resume
and other legal documents for your perusal. I am open to job responsibilities within your
architectural firm and look forward to working with you. Furthermore, I am available for an
interview anytime at your convenience if you have further queries regarding my application.

Respectfully yours,


Work Immersion Student

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