Test 1

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Q1) Two students appeared at an examination.

One of them secured 9 marks

more than the other and his marks was 56% of the sum of their marks. The marks
obtained by them are
A) 39,30 B) 41,32 C) 42,33 D) 43,34

Q2) A fruit seller had some apples. He sells 40% apples and still has 420 apples.
Originally, he had:
A) 588 B) 600 C) 672 D) 700

Q3) If 20% of a = b, then b% of 20 is the same as:

A) 4% of a B) 5% of a C) 20% of a D) None

Q4) The price of sugar is increased by 30% due to this a family use 40 kg less
sugar so as expenditure will increase by 10% only. Find original consumption.
A) 260 kg B) 60 kg C) 90 kg D) None

Q 5) If 3A=4B=5C=6D and A+B+C+D=1026, Find the value of A.

A) 360 B) 300 C) 180 D) None

Q6) In a college ratio of boys to girl is 5:3. If 50 boys leave the college and 50 girls
join the college, ratio become 9:7. Find the initially number of boys in college.
A) 500 B) 400 C) 200 D) None

Q7) Rs 32400 is payable after 6 years. If he wants to pay in 6 equal installments.

Find each installment if rate of interest is 8% per annum.
A) 4444 B) 5000 C) 4500 D) 6000

Q8) A sum of money becomes Rs 64800 at compound interest. If rate of interest in

three year is 12.5%, 6.66% and 9.09% respectively, Find the compound interest.
A) 15300 B) 25000 C) 12000 D) None

Q9) a: b=2:5 and p: q = 3:4 find value of a*p/ b*q

A) 3/10 B) 5/7 C) 3/8 D) none
Q10) a: b=2:9 and p: q = 3:5 find value of a+p/b+q
A) 5/14 B) 14/5 C) None D) CBD

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