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BreakingNewsEnglish - The Mini Lesson

A third of the food we True / False

produce is wasted a) Britain's government made a statement on
global food waste. T / F
2nd May, 2017
b) The U.K. wastes over 70 million tons of food a
The British year. T / F
government has c) A British politician outlined three solutions to
said that a third of the problem of food waste. T / F
BreakingNewsEnglish the food the world d) The politician said there was no need to
produces is wasted.
It said the high change 'sell-by' dates on food. T / F
level of food waste e) The politician said it was environmentally
in the UK is friendly to throw food away. T / F
Over 7 million tons f) The politician said people needed to go to
of food is wasted in banks to buy food. T / F
the UK every year. A British politician, Neil Parish, g) Rotting food produces a gas called methane.
said: "One-third of food produced for human T/F
consumption is lost or wasted globally." The
government said there were many solutions to the h) The politician said funny-shaped vegetables
problem of food waste. First, schools could raise do not taste different. T / F
children's awareness of food waste from a young
age. Secondly, supermarkets could sell vegetables Synonym Match
that are thrown away because they are the "wrong"
(The words in bold are from the news article.)
shape. Finally, "sell-by" dates, "use-by" dates and
"best before" labels need to change. Perfectly good 1. produces a. understanding
food is thrown away because of these labels.
2. wasted b. reality
Neil Parish said the fact that so much food is thrown 3. globally c. just
away is both socially and environmentally
unacceptable. He said: "Socially, it is a scandal that 4. awareness d. worldwide
people are going hungry and using food banks 5. labels e. terrible
when so much produce is being wasted." He added
that: "Environmentally, it is a disaster, because 6. fact f. makes
energy and resources are wasted in production, 7. unacceptable g. laughable
only for the food to end up rotting in landfills where
it produces methane - a potent climate-changing 8. ends up h. stickers
gas." He called on supermarkets to help by selling 9. ridiculous i. thrown away
vegetables that have a funny shape. He said: "It’s
ridiculous that perfectly good vegetables are wasted 10. simply j. goes
simply because they're a funny shape." He said
these vegetables, "don’t cook or taste any
different". Discussion – Student A
Sources: / / a) How often do you waste food? A very little
b) Why is it OK in some countries to leave food
Writing on your plate after eating?
We should reduce the amount of food we eat by a c) What do you think of food waste?
third. Discuss. d) How can we reduce food waste?
e) Why do people waste so much food?
Chat f) Should schools teach children about food
Talk about these words from the article. waste?

a third / wasted / unacceptable / politician / g) What is wrong with vegetables that are the
globally / solutions / awareness / labels / wrong shape?
socially / scandal / hungry / produce / disaster / h) How would changing "eat-by" dates help to
climate change / vegetables / funny reduce food waste?

LOTS MORE at Copyright Sean Banville 2017

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