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Saint Louis University


Computer Applications Department


I. Output
A report on the queries using database functions.

II. Rationale
Database functions allow users to work in a more efficient manner and
these functions are used for easier calculations.

III. Materials
Module 04: Database Functions

IV. Specific Guidelines

Understand the module stated above. The Excel file will have two (02)
worksheets: the database, and the queries. Analyze properly each query before
applying any database function.

This particular summative task shall make use of only database functions.
Rename the database accordingly and use this in all your formulas. All answers
must be formatted properly and criteria be placed in an organized manner (refer
to the ‘AE314 – Database Functions’ file as a guide.

This summative activity will be accomplished IN PAIRS. Once done, make

sure to upload a copy of your Excel Workbook in the respective folder of Google
Classroom with the following filename:
(SUM05) FamilyNameFirstTwoLettersOfGivenName_ FamilyNameFirstTwoLettersOfGivenName

Example: Urbano, Audrey D. and Dadat, Louie Marie –

filename: (SUM05) DadatLo_UrbanoAU.xlsx

** note that all documents without proper use of the features mentioned above shall have deductions. **

V. Evaluation Tool

For each correct query, 3 points will be awarded (1 point for the formula, 1 point
for the answer with proper formatting/labelling, 1 point for the criteria), for a total
of 30 points.

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