Equipo6 - E2 - Evidence IPI

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Preparatoria 16

Ingles Pogresivo II
Evidence of learning
Teacher: Maria Elena Macias
Team 6 Members:
Lizeth Garza Gonzalez
Damaris Priscila2155837
Hernandez Delgado
Dilan Gerardo Reyna Elizondo 2155915
Leobardo Villalba Lopez 2154949


Grupo: 117
Job Interview
what could you tell us about yourself?
I live in Apodaca, I live with my parents and my brothers, I finished high school at the UANL
High School No.16 and I graduated from the UANL Faculty of Architecture
what are your goals?
Buy a house, a car and be recognized for being a very good architect
why should we hire you?
because I have many skills and standards that meet the standards of a job
what are your strenghts and weaknesses?
Mastery of a foreign language in English, mastery of Windows programs, I don't think I
have weaknesses for this job
why do you want to work with us?
I want to have a source of income
what salary do you have in mind?
18,000 per month
What motivates you?
The desire to be better
where do you see yourself in 5 years?
having a good position in an architectural company

interviewed:Jimena Hernández

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