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Risk Assessment

Task Name : Risk Assessment for Welding, Cutting, Grinding (Fabricating) Work.
Location: Brahmangaon 100MW site Date :
Guidance: Risk Risk
Risk & Potential Hazards. Risk
Rating S x P = R Rating
S. Description of Control Measures That Can Minimize The Risk To ALARP Level.
No Task Exposed person(s) control
. Step/Aspects S P R
Slip-trip fall Keep eyes and mind on path
Prepare tools Noise if in the plant when the Use ear plug/ear defender
and equipment Back pain due to improper manual
1 at the point of lifting 3 2 6 Don’t lift alone. Follow proper manual lifting technique 1
welding, cutting
and grinding job Equipment damage during heavy lifting Use trolley/JCB/Three wheeler
Defective tools Inspect (Visual inspection) prior selecting to use
Avoid direct contact with live line, don’t use substandard defective electrical
Electric shock extension cords, don’t use loose connected power lines, ensure the welding
machine is properly grounded

Ensure a trained fire watch with a fire extinguisher, ensure all flammables are
in a safe distance, use fire blanket if necessary, ensure electrical cords
Fire from spark
protected from the spark, don’t leave cutting /grinding machine connected
(power) when leaving the work area, barricade the work area by caution tape

Slip-trip-fall Keep eyes and mind on path, clean the area if oily.

Avoid lift alone, use forklift with certified lifting gears, trained forklift
Start welding Back pain when improperly lift heavy
operator, trained riggers and signalman, avoid standing under the suspended
cutting and load
2 2 3 6 load, ensure hard hat when lifting 1
activities Pinch point Use cotton/leather gloves and keep eyes and mind on task
Injury (hot surface, sharp edge) from Use leather gloves/cotton gloves , apron, welding shield/face shield, ensure
the hot work safe guarded grinding and cutting machines
Noise when using the grinding and
Use ear plug/ ear defender
cutting machine
Avoid loose clothing, avoid ring, metal hand watch, chain and keep safe
Rotating grinding/cutting disk
distance from the rotating parts
Use welding screen to protect others and ensure the welding helper use
Welding ray will affect others
welding shield
Dust/fumes Use dust mask/respirator
Electric shock during disconnecting the
Avoid direct contact with live line and disconnect carefully
power lines
Stop welding, Slip-trip fall Keep eyes and mind on path, clean if the area is oily/wet surface
cutting and
Sharp edge /pinch point when cleaning
3 grinding and 3 2 6 Use cotton gloves and keep eyes and mind on task 1
scrap materials
the working area Avoid lift alone, use forklift with certified lifting gears, trained forklift
Back pain due to improper manual
operator, trained riggers and signalman, avoid standing under the suspended
load, ensure hard hat when lifting
LOA Issuer name/Signatue Task recipient Name/Signature

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