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Title: Exploring Music through Computational Thinking

Grade level: 6-8

Objective: Students will understand how computational thinking is applied to music and
will create their own musical compositions using code.


 Computers or tablets with Scratch programming software installed

 Headphones or speakers
 Music instruments (optional)

Introduction (15 minutes):

1. Begin by asking students if they have ever created music before. Discuss what
elements are involved in making music, such as rhythm, melody, harmony, and
2. Introduce the concept of computational thinking, explaining that it involves
breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts.
3. Explain that computational thinking can be applied to music creation, as
musicians use algorithms to create patterns and structures within their

Activity 1: Music Appreciation (30 minutes):

1. Have students listen to a variety of music genres and identify the different
elements within each piece, such as the rhythm, melody, and harmony.
2. Discuss how different genres use these elements differently and how they can be
combined in unique ways to create new music.
3. Encourage students to think about how they might create their own music using
these elements.

Activity 2: Creating Music with Code (60 minutes):

1. Introduce Scratch programming software, explaining that it is a visual coding

language that can be used to create animations, games, and even music.
2. Demonstrate how to use Scratch to create a simple musical composition, such as
a drum beat or a melody.

3. Have students work in pairs or individually to create their own musical
compositions using Scratch.
4. Encourage students to experiment with different musical elements, such as
changing the tempo, adding new instruments, or creating complex rhythms.
5. Allow time for students to share their compositions with the class and discuss
how they used computational thinking to create their music.

Conclusion (15 minutes):

1. Review the concepts of computational thinking and music creation that were
covered in the lesson.
2. Encourage students to continue exploring music and coding on their own.
3. Discuss potential future applications of computational thinking in music, such as
using machine learning to create new musical patterns.

Assessment: Assessment can be based on student participation in discussions,

completion of musical compositions in Scratch, and presentation of their compositions
to the class. You can also assess their ability to identify and apply musical elements in
the music appreciation activity.

Title: Creating a Music Playlist Using Computational Thinking

Grade Level: Middle school

Objective: Students will be able to use computational thinking concepts to create a

music playlist based on a given theme.

Materials Needed:

 Computers or tablets
 Internet access
 Spotify or other music streaming service
 Printable worksheet (optional)


1. Introduction (10 minutes)

 Begin the lesson by discussing what computational thinking is and its relevance to
music. Explain that computational thinking is a problem-solving approach that
involves breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts.
Tell students that they will be using computational thinking to create a music
playlist based on a given theme.
 Ask students to brainstorm different themes for their playlist. Write down their
ideas on the board.
2. Decomposition (15 minutes)
 Explain to students that the first step in computational thinking is decomposition,
which involves breaking down a problem into smaller parts.
 Distribute the worksheet (optional) that has a table with columns for Song Title,
Artist, and Theme. If not, have students use a blank piece of paper.
 Have students choose a theme from the list on the board or come up with their
own theme for their playlist. For example, the theme could be "Songs with Colors
in the Title".
 Instruct students to use the decomposition process to break down the theme into
smaller categories. For example, for the theme "Songs with Colors in the Title",
they could break it down into categories such as "Primary Colors", "Shades of
Blue", or "Metallic Colors".
 Have students fill in their worksheet or piece of paper with the categories they
came up with.
3. Pattern Recognition (20 minutes)

 Explain to students that the next step in computational thinking is pattern
recognition, which involves identifying patterns or similarities in the problem.
 Instruct students to use a music streaming service like Spotify to search for songs
that fit each category they came up with. Have them create a playlist within the
streaming service for each category.
 Encourage students to use pattern recognition to find songs that fit each
category. For example, they could look for songs with similar words in the title, or
songs with a similar rhythm or melody.
4. Abstraction (15 minutes)
 Explain to students that the next step in computational thinking is abstraction,
which involves simplifying the problem by focusing on the most important parts.
 Instruct students to review their playlists and choose the top 3 songs from each
category that fit their theme the best. Encourage them to use abstraction to focus
on the most important parts of each category.
5. Algorithm Design (20 minutes)
 Explain to students that the final step in computational thinking is algorithm
design, which involves developing a step-by-step plan to solve the problem.
 Instruct students to use the top 3 songs from each category to create a final
playlist that fits their theme. Encourage them to use algorithm design to create a
step-by-step plan for selecting songs and arranging them in the playlist.
6. Conclusion (5 minutes)
 Have students share their final playlists with the class and explain how they used
computational thinking to create them.
 Discuss how computational thinking can be applied to other areas of music, such
as composing and performing.


 Assess students' understanding of computational thinking by reviewing their

completed worksheets or playlists.
 Encourage students to reflect on the process and how they used computational
thinking concepts to create their playlist.

Title: Exploring Rhythm and Pattern in Music through Computational Thinking

Grade Level: Middle School (6-8)


1. Students will learn how to use computational thinking skills to analyze and create
2. Students will learn about rhythm and pattern in music and how they can be
represented through code.
3. Students will learn how to use the programming language Scratch to create their
own musical compositions.


1. Computers with Scratch installed

2. Headphones or speakers
3. Scratch Music Blocks (optional)


1. Introduction (10 minutes)

 Introduce the concept of computational thinking and explain how it can be
applied to music.
 Explain to students that they will be using the programming language
Scratch to create their own musical compositions.
2. Understanding Rhythm and Pattern (15 minutes)
 Play a short piece of music for the students.
 Ask students to listen carefully and identify the rhythm and pattern in the
 Discuss with students how rhythm and pattern can be represented in music
3. Introduction to Scratch (15 minutes)
 Demonstrate how to open Scratch and how to access the music blocks.
 Show students how to use the "play note" block to create a simple melody.
 Explain how to use the "repeat" block to create a pattern.
4. Scratch Music Challenge (30 minutes)
 Assign students to create a short musical composition using Scratch.

 Encourage students to experiment with different rhythms and patterns to
create their own unique piece.
 Circulate around the room to offer assistance and answer any questions.
5. Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
 Allow students to share their musical compositions with the class.
 Discuss as a class how different rhythms and patterns were used to create
the music.
 Ask students to reflect on their learning and how computational thinking
can be applied to music.


 Musical compositions created in Scratch will be evaluated based on creativity,

originality, and the use of rhythm and pattern.


 Students can create more complex musical compositions using Scratch.

 Students can research how computational thinking is used in the music industry.
 Students can compare and contrast different types of music from different
cultures and identify common patterns and rhythms.

Title: Music and Patterns

Objective: Students will be able to apply computational thinking concepts to music,

specifically identifying and creating patterns.


 A computer with a music composition software program (e.g. GarageBand,

Ableton Live, etc.)
 Headphones or speakers
 A whiteboard or blackboard
 Markers or chalk


1. Introduction (10 minutes)

 Begin by asking students what they know about computational thinking. Explain
that computational thinking is a problem-solving process that involves breaking
down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts.
 Ask students if they can think of any examples of computational thinking in music.
Some possible examples could include using loops to create repetitive patterns,
using conditional statements to trigger certain sounds, or using variables to
control different parameters in a composition.
 Explain that today's lesson will focus on identifying and creating patterns in music.
2. Identifying Patterns (20 minutes)
 Play a short piece of music for the class (you can use a pre-recorded track or
create one yourself).
 Ask the students to listen to the music and identify any patterns they hear. You
can write their observations on the board.
 After listening, discuss the patterns as a class. Ask students to identify what
elements are being repeated (melodies, rhythms, chords, etc.) and how often they
are repeated.
 Once the patterns have been identified, ask the students to create a simple visual
representation of the pattern on the board using shapes, colors, or symbols.
3. Creating Patterns (30 minutes)
 Open up a music composition software program and demonstrate how to create
a simple pattern using loops. Depending on the software, you can either use pre-
made loops or create your own.
 Explain that the pattern should have at least two repeating elements, such as a
drum beat or a melody.

 Have the students work in pairs or small groups to create their own patterns using
the software. Encourage them to experiment with different sounds and rhythms.
 Once the students have created their patterns, have them play them for the class
and discuss what elements they chose to repeat and why.
4. Conclusion (10 minutes)
 Review the concept of patterns and how they can be used in music.
 Ask the students to reflect on what they learned today and how they could apply
computational thinking concepts to other aspects of their lives.

Assessment: Assessment can be conducted through observation of student participation

and engagement during the lesson, as well as through their ability to identify and create
patterns in music. You can also have students complete a short written reflection on
what they learned and how they can apply computational thinking to other areas of their

Title: Exploring Rhythmic Patterns with Computational Thinking

Grade Level: 3-5

Objective: Students will be able to analyze and create rhythmic patterns using
computational thinking skills, while developing their understanding of music notation
and terminology.


 Whiteboard or chalkboard
 Rhythm cards (pre-made or self-made)
 Music notation software (such as MuseScore or Noteflight)
 Computers or tablets with internet access
 Optional: Percussion instruments (such as drums or shakers)

Introduction (5 minutes): Begin by asking students if they have ever thought about the
connection between music and computers. Briefly discuss the idea of using
computational thinking skills to create and analyze music. Explain that today, students
will be using their computational thinking skills to explore rhythmic patterns.

Direct Instruction (10 minutes): Introduce students to the concept of rhythm and how it
is represented in music notation. Demonstrate how to read and clap simple rhythmic
patterns using rhythm cards. Model the process of creating a basic rhythm pattern and
how it can be notated using music notation software.

Guided Practice (15 minutes): Divide students into small groups and provide them with a
set of rhythm cards. Instruct students to work together to create and notate a rhythmic
pattern using the music notation software. Encourage students to use their
computational thinking skills to analyze the structure of their pattern and make
adjustments as needed.

Independent Practice (15 minutes): Have students work independently on their own
rhythm patterns using the music notation software. Encourage them to experiment with
different rhythms and use their computational thinking skills to refine their patterns.

Closing (5 minutes): Gather the class together and have each student share their rhythm
pattern with the class. Ask students to explain the computational thinking skills they
used to create and refine their pattern. Encourage students to reflect on how the process
of creating a rhythmic pattern using computational thinking skills helped them develop
their understanding of music notation and terminology.

Assessment: Assess students' understanding of rhythmic patterns and computational
thinking skills by reviewing their work on the music notation software and observing
their participation in the group and independent practice activities. You can also ask
students to reflect on their learning through a written or verbal reflection at the end of
the lesson.

Title: Creating Patterns with Computational Thinking

Grade level: 4-6

Objective: Students will use computational thinking to create patterns using a

combination of analog and digital tools.


 Colored pencils or markers

 Graph paper or blank paper
 Access to a computer with a simple graphics program (e.g. Microsoft Paint or Tux


1. Introduction (10 minutes)

 Ask students if they have ever created a pattern before. Discuss different types of
patterns they have seen or made.
 Introduce the concept of computational thinking and explain how it can be used
to create patterns.
 Show examples of patterns created using both analog (e.g. quilts, mosaics) and
digital tools (e.g. computer graphics).
2. Analog Pattern Creation (20 minutes)
 Distribute colored pencils or markers and graph paper or blank paper.
 Instruct students to create a pattern using the analog tools provided. Encourage
them to experiment with different colors, shapes, and designs.
 After they finish, have them analyze the process they used to create the pattern.
Ask questions such as: How did you decide on your design? What colors did you
choose? How did you repeat your pattern?
3. Digital Pattern Creation (30 minutes)
 Move to the computer lab or provide access to computers with a simple graphics
 Instruct students to create a new pattern using the digital tools provided.
Encourage them to use the skills they learned in the analog creation process.
 After they finish, have them analyze the process they used to create the pattern
on the computer. Ask questions such as: How did you use the computer to create
your pattern? What was different about the digital process compared to the
analog process?
4. Reflection (10 minutes)

 Lead a class discussion about the similarities and differences between the analog
and digital pattern creation processes. Ask students which one they enjoyed more
and why.
 Ask students to reflect on how they used computational thinking during the
lesson. Did they use decomposition, pattern recognition, or abstraction? How did
these skills help them create their patterns?
5. Extension (Optional)
 For students who finish early or want an additional challenge, provide more
advanced tools such as a vector graphics program (e.g. Inkscape) or a
programming environment (e.g. Scratch) to create more complex patterns.

Pedagogical Materials:

 Computational Thinking in the Art Room by Ari Schlesinger: This article provides
an overview of how computational thinking can be used in an art classroom,
along with specific examples and resources.
 Tux Paint: A free and easy-to-use graphics program designed for children. It
includes a variety of tools and stamps for creating art.
 Scratch: A free visual programming environment designed for children. It allows
students to create interactive stories, games, and animations using drag-and-drop

Lesson Title: Creating Art with Computational Thinking

Grade Level: 4-5


 Students will learn about the basics of computational thinking and how it can be
applied to create art.
 Students will use computational thinking skills to create their own digital artwork.
 Students will reflect on how computational thinking can be used in other areas of
their lives.


 Computers or tablets with internet access

 Art software or apps (such as Sketchpad or Tux Paint)
 Printed copies of the Computational Thinking Poster (from


1. Introduction (10 minutes):

 Ask students what they know about art and technology. Have they ever
used technology to create art? What kind of technology did they use?
 Explain that today they will be learning about how computational thinking
can be used to create art.
2. What is Computational Thinking? (15 minutes):
 Show the Computational Thinking Poster to the class.
 Explain the four parts of computational thinking (decomposition, pattern
recognition, abstraction, and algorithms) in simple terms that students can
 Give examples of how computational thinking is used in everyday life (such
as following a recipe, playing a video game, or planning a vacation).
3. Creating Digital Art (30 minutes):
 Have students work in pairs or small groups to create digital artwork using
art software or apps.
 Encourage students to use computational thinking skills as they create
their artwork. For example, they could use decomposition to break down
their design into smaller parts, use pattern recognition to identify
repeating shapes or colors, use abstraction to simplify their design, and use
algorithms to create a step-by-step plan for their artwork.

4. Reflection (15 minutes):
 Have students share their artwork with the class.
 Ask students to reflect on how they used computational thinking skills to
create their artwork.
 Have students brainstorm other areas of their lives where they could use
computational thinking skills.
5. Wrap-up (10 minutes):
 Recap what students learned about computational thinking and how it can
be used to create art.
 Encourage students to continue exploring the intersection of art and

Pedagogical Materials:

1. Computational Thinking Poster from

2. Scratch Art Project ( This project on
Scratch is a great example of how computational thinking can be used to create
art. You could show this project to your students as inspiration for their own
3. Tux Paint ( Tux Paint is a free, open-source painting
program that is designed specifically for children. It includes a variety of tools and
effects that students can use to create digital art.
4. Sketchpad ( Sketchpad is a free, online drawing tool
that allows students to create digital art using a variety of brushes, shapes, and
colors. It also includes features such as layers and filters that can be used to
enhance their artwork.

Title: Sorting Nouns

Grade Level: 4th-5th grade

Objective: Students will learn how to apply computational thinking concepts to sorting
nouns based on their gender.


 A set of cards with nouns written on them (e.g., "cat," "dog," "book," "chair," "girl,"
"boy," "teacher," "student," "doctor," "nurse")
 Two signs labeled "masculine" and "feminine"
 A large space to place the signs and sort the nouns (e.g., classroom floor)

Introduction (10 minutes):

 Begin by introducing the concept of computational thinking and its importance in

 Explain to the students that they will be applying computational thinking to sort
nouns based on their gender.
 Review the concept of gender in grammar and give examples of masculine and
feminine nouns.

Activity (25 minutes):

 Divide the class into groups of 2-3 students.

 Distribute the set of cards with nouns written on them to each group.
 Instruct the students to sort the nouns based on their gender and place them
under the corresponding sign.
 Encourage the students to discuss and collaborate with their group members
while sorting the nouns.
 Once all the nouns have been sorted, have each group present their results to the

Discussion (10 minutes):

 Lead a discussion on the computational thinking concepts applied in the activity,

such as problem-solving, pattern recognition, and abstraction.

 Ask the students to reflect on the process of sorting the nouns and identify any
challenges they faced.
 Reinforce the importance of computational thinking in everyday life and
encourage the students to apply these concepts to other areas of learning.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

 Summarize the key points covered in the lesson and emphasize the importance of
computational thinking in grammar.
 Encourage the students to continue exploring and applying computational
thinking in their learning.


 As an extension activity, you can have the students create their own set of cards
with nouns and sort them based on other grammar rules (e.g., singular vs. plural,
common vs. proper nouns).
 You can also have the students create a digital version of the sorting activity using
a spreadsheet or programming tool.

Lesson Title: Grammar and Computational Thinking

Grade Level: 4-5

Subject: Language Arts

Time Frame: 45-60 minutes

Learning Objectives:

 Students will be able to identify parts of speech, including nouns, verbs,

adjectives, and adverbs.
 Students will understand how parts of speech relate to each other in a sentence.
 Students will be able to use computational thinking concepts, such as pattern
recognition and decomposition, to analyze and create sentences.


 Whiteboard and markers

 Sentence strips (pre-written or blank for student use)
 Parts of speech cards (printed or drawn on index cards)


Introduction (5 minutes):

Begin the lesson by introducing the concept of computational thinking and how it can
be used to analyze and understand language. Explain that just as a computer program
can be broken down into smaller parts, so can a sentence. This will help students see the
connection between computational thinking and language arts.

Activity 1: Parts of Speech (15 minutes):

Using the whiteboard and markers, write a simple sentence on the board, such as "The
cat sat on the mat." Ask students to identify the parts of speech in the sentence. Then,
use the parts of speech cards to label each word in the sentence.

Once students have identified the parts of speech in the sentence, ask them to work in
pairs or small groups to create their own simple sentences and identify the parts of
speech in each sentence.

Activity 2: Pattern Recognition (15 minutes):

Explain to students that just as a computer program follows a pattern, so do sentences.

Write several sentences on the board, each with a different pattern (e.g. subject-verb-
object, subject-verb-adverb). Ask students to identify the pattern in each sentence.

Next, give each student or group a sentence strip and ask them to identify the pattern in
the sentence. Have them write the sentence on the sentence strip and then use the parts
of speech cards to label each word in the sentence. Once all groups have finished, ask
them to share their sentences and the patterns they identified.

Activity 3: Sentence Decomposition (15 minutes):

Explain to students that just as a computer program can be broken down into smaller
parts, so can a sentence. Write a simple sentence on the board, such as "The dog chased
the cat." Ask students to identify the subject and predicate in the sentence.

Next, write the subject and predicate on separate sentence strips and mix them up. Ask
students to work in pairs or small groups to put the sentence back together by matching
the subject and predicate strips. Once all groups have finished, ask them to share their
sentences and how they put them back together.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

Wrap up the lesson by reviewing the key concepts of computational thinking and how
they can be applied to language arts. Ask students to reflect on what they learned and
how they can use these skills in their writing and language study.


Assess student understanding through informal observation during the activities and by
checking their work on the sentence strips and parts of speech cards. You can also give
students a short quiz to test their understanding of the parts of speech and sentence


 Have students create their own sentence strips and swap them with a partner to
practice identifying parts of speech and sentence patterns.
 Have students write short paragraphs using different sentence patterns and ask
them to identify the pattern in each sentence.
 Have students use the sentence strips to create a group story, each contributing a
sentence in a different pattern.

Objective: Students will learn about the parts of speech and how they fit together to
form sentences by using computational thinking concepts.


 A whiteboard and marker

 Printed copies of the “Parts of Speech” worksheet
 Colored pens or pencils

Introduction (10 minutes):

1. Begin by asking students if they know what computational thinking means.

Explain that it’s a problem-solving process used by computer scientists to break
down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts.
2. Ask students if they know the parts of speech. If they don’t, use the whiteboard to
write out the eight parts of speech: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun,
preposition, conjunction, and interjection.
3. Have students take turns defining each part of speech and giving an example.

Activity (30 minutes):

1. Divide students into pairs or small groups.

2. Distribute the “Parts of Speech” worksheet and explain that they will be using
computational thinking concepts to build sentences.
3. Have students start by choosing a subject (noun) and a predicate (verb) from the
worksheet. They should write these words on a piece of paper or in their
4. Next, have students choose an object (noun) and an adjective from the
worksheet. They should write these words below the subject and predicate.
5. Finally, have students choose an adverb and a preposition from the worksheet.
They should write these words at the beginning and end of the sentence,
6. Students should then read their sentences aloud to their partners or group
7. As a class, discuss how computational thinking helped them break down the
process of building a sentence into smaller, more manageable parts.

Wrap-Up (10 minutes):

1. Have students share their favorite sentence from the activity.

2. Ask students to reflect on how computational thinking helped them understand
the parts of speech and how they fit together to form sentences.


1. Have students create their own “Parts of Speech” worksheet with their own set of
2. Have students work in pairs or groups to create a story using the sentences they
created in the activity.
3. Have students create a poster or infographic that explains the parts of speech and
how they fit together to form sentences.

Assessment: Observe student participation and engagement during the activity. Assess
student understanding of the parts of speech and how they fit together to form
sentences through their completed sentences and class discussion.

Lesson Title: Computational Thinking in Romanian Literature

Grade Level: 4-5

Time Required: 45-60 minutes


 Students will be able to identify and define the computational thinking concepts
of decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithmic thinking.
 Students will be able to apply these concepts to analyze and interpret Romanian
literary texts.
 Students will be able to create their own literary works using computational
thinking concepts.


 Copies of Romanian literary texts such as fairy tales, poems, or short stories.
 Large sheets of paper and markers for group activities.
 Handouts with definitions of computational thinking concepts.


1. Introduction (5 minutes) Begin the lesson by introducing the concept of

computational thinking to students. Explain that computational thinking is a
problem-solving method used by computer scientists to break down complex
problems into smaller, more manageable parts. Let them know that
computational thinking is used in many different fields and can help us solve
problems in our everyday lives.
2. Define Computational Thinking Concepts (10 minutes) Distribute handouts with
definitions of the computational thinking concepts of decomposition, pattern
recognition, abstraction, and algorithmic thinking. Go over each concept and
provide examples of how they can be applied in different contexts.
3. Analyze Romanian Literary Texts (15-20 minutes) Divide students into small
groups and distribute copies of Romanian literary texts. Have them read the texts
and identify examples of computational thinking concepts in the plot, characters,
or setting. For example, in a fairy tale, the process of a character solving a
problem could be seen as an algorithm. In a poem, the repetition of certain words
or phrases could be seen as a pattern.

4. Group Activity: Creating Literary Works with Computational Thinking Concepts
(20-25 minutes) Ask each group to create their own Romanian literary work using
computational thinking concepts. They should choose one or more of the
concepts discussed earlier and incorporate it into their story or poem. Encourage
creativity and collaboration among group members. After they have completed
their literary works, have each group share their work with the class.
5. Conclusion (5 minutes) Wrap up the lesson by discussing how computational
thinking can be applied in different fields, including literature. Encourage students
to continue to think critically and creatively in their problem-solving and creative

Assessment: To assess students' understanding of computational thinking concepts,

observe their participation in the group activities and their ability to identify and apply
the concepts to literary texts. You can also assess their literary works based on their
creativity, use of computational thinking concepts, and overall effectiveness.

Title: Analiza personajelor din literatura română - Metoda Lego

Clasa: 4-5


 Elevii vor fi capabili să identifice caracteristicile personajelor din literatura română

și să le analizeze în mod critic
 Elevii vor fi capabili să lucreze în echipă pentru a construi modele Lego care
reprezintă personajele din literatura română
 Elevii vor îmbunătăți abilitățile de comunicare și colaborare prin discutarea și
analizarea personajelor cu colegii lor

Resurse necesare:

 Cărți de literatură română pentru copii care conțin personaje bine definite (de
exemplu, "Povestea porcului" de Ion Creangă, "Harap Alb" de Ion Creangă, "Fata
babei și fata moșneagului" de Ion Creangă etc.)
 Seturi Lego pentru fiecare echipă (1-2 seturi, în funcție de mărimea grupului)
 Fișe de lucru pentru analiza personajelor


1. Introducere (10 minute) Profesorul începe prin discutarea personajelor din cărțile
de literatură română pentru copii și importanța lor în povești. Profesorul poate
întreba elevii ce povești știu și să discute despre personajele din aceste povești.
2. Analizarea personajelor (15 minute) Elevii primesc fișe de lucru și încep să
analizeze personajele din cărțile de literatură română pe care le-au citit. Profesorul
îi poate ghida pe elevi prin întrebări precum: "Care sunt caracteristicile
personajului? Cum se comportă? Ce îi place să facă?".
3. Construirea personajelor din Lego (25 minute) Elevii sunt împărțiți în echipe și li se
oferă seturi Lego. Fiecare echipă va construi un model Lego care să reprezinte
unul dintre personajele analizate. Elevii vor avea nevoie să comunice și să
colaboreze pentru a-și construi modelele.
4. Prezentarea personajelor (15 minute) Fiecare echipă va prezenta modelul lor Lego
și va explica de ce au ales această reprezentare a personajului și ce caracteristici
ale personajului au încorporat în modelul lor.
5. Discuție și concluzii (15 minute) Profesorul poate conduce o discuție cu elevii
despre ceea ce au învățat prin această activitate. Elevii pot discuta despre
asemănările și diferențele dintre personajele analizate și cum și-au ales

reprezentarea în modelele Lego. Elevii pot oferi, de asemenea, feedback unul
celuilalt cu privire la modelele lor și la analiza personajelor lor.


Elevii pot fi evaluați prin intermediul fișelor de lucru și a prezentărilor lor. Profesorul
poate evalua capacitatea elevilor de a analiza person

Title: Exploring Characters in Romanian Literature using Computational Thinking


 Students will be able to identify and describe the characteristics of main

characters in Romanian literature.
 Students will use computational thinking concepts (sequencing, pattern
recognition, and decomposition) to analyze the characters and their behavior.
 Students will apply critical thinking skills to interpret the characters and their


 Copies of a short story or a book excerpt from Romanian literature that features a
main character (e.g. "Capra cu trei iezi" by Ion Creangă)
 Large sheets of paper and markers
 Sticky notes
 Whiteboard and markers


1. Introduction (10 min)

 Start by introducing the concept of computational thinking and its applications in
literature. Explain that computational thinking involves breaking down complex
problems into smaller, more manageable parts and finding patterns and solutions
to solve them.
 Ask the students if they have ever read a book or a story where they had to
analyze the behavior of a character or solve a problem related to the plot. Explain
that in this lesson, they will be using computational thinking to analyze and
understand the behavior of characters in Romanian literature.
2. Warm-up activity: Character brainstorm (10 min)
 Ask the students to think of a character from a book or a story they have read
before and write down their name on a sticky note.
 Have the students come up to the whiteboard and stick their notes onto it.
 Ask the class to identify common characteristics of the characters (e.g. brave, kind,
smart, funny).
 Use this as an opportunity to introduce the concept of pattern recognition and
how it can be used to analyze characters in literature.
3. Main activity: Exploring Characters in Romanian Literature (30 min)
 Distribute copies of the short story or book excerpt to the students.
 Ask the students to read the story and identify the main character and their
 Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a specific characteristic
of the main character to analyze (e.g. bravery, kindness, intelligence).
 Have each group use large sheets of paper and markers to create a mind map or
a concept map that breaks down the characteristic into smaller components (e.g.
what actions or behaviors demonstrate bravery).
 Ask the groups to present their findings to the class and discuss how the different
characteristics contribute to the overall understanding of the character.
 Use this as an opportunity to introduce the concept of decomposition and how it
can be used to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable
4. Closure (10 min)
 Ask the students to reflect on what they have learned about computational
thinking and its application in literature.
 Encourage them to think about how they can use computational thinking to
analyze and understand characters in other stories they read in the future.


 Observe the students during the warm-up and main activity to ensure they are
actively participating and engaged.
 Assess the quality of the mind maps or concept maps created by the groups to
determine if they were able to effectively break down the characteristics of the
main character.
 Evaluate the students' ability to apply computational thinking concepts to analyze
and interpret the behavior of the characters in the story.

Titlu lecției: Crearea unui ghid de călătorie pentru personajul preferat

Obiectivele lecției:

 Să înțeleagă conceptul de gândire computațională și să-l aplice în literatura

 Să dezvolte abilități de analiză și sinteză pentru a crea un ghid de călătorie pentru
personajul preferat dintr-o carte.
 Să învețe despre caracteristicile literaturii românești și să le integreze în activitatea
lor creativă.

Materiale necesare:

 Hârtie și creioane pentru fiecare elev.

 Imagini cu diferite locuri și atracții turistice pentru a inspira elevii.
 O carte selectată de către profesor în avans pentru a fi folosită în activitate.


1. Introducere (10 minute)

 Discutați cu elevii despre călătorii și experiențele lor de călătorie. Dezbateți despre
atracțiile turistice și importanța ghidurilor turistice.
 Explicați conceptul de gândire computațională și de ce este important să îl
aplicăm în diferite domenii, inclusiv literatură.
2. Activitate principală (30-40 minute)
 Împărțiți elevii în grupuri mici și distribuiți-le cărți selectate de către profesor.
 Cereți-le elevilor să aleagă un personaj din carte și să creeze un ghid de călătorie
pentru el/ea.
 Explicați că ghidul ar trebui să includă cele mai importante locuri și atracții
turistice pentru personajul ales, precum și informații despre acestea (istorie,
tradiții etc.).
 Furnizați elevilor imagini cu locuri și atracții turistice pentru a-i inspira în
activitatea lor.
 Încurajați elevii să folosească caracteristicile literaturii românești în activitatea lor
3. Încheiere (10-15 minute)
 Cereți fiecărui grup să prezinte ghidul lor de călătorie în fața clasei.
 Dezbateți despre experiențele și informațiile prezentate în ghidurile de călătorie
ale elevilor.

 Încurajați elevii să împărtășească părerile lor despre cum gândirea computațională
poate fi aplicată în literatura română și în alte domenii.


 Evaluarea se poate face prin observarea și evaluarea activității creative și a

prezentărilor grupurilor.
 Profesorul poate evalua, de asemenea, ghidurile de călătorie ale elevilor în funcție
de acuratețea informațiilor și aplicarea caracteristicilor literaturii româ


Introduction (5 minutes)

 Greet the students and introduce the topic of computational thinking in music
 Ask the students if they know what computational thinking means
 Explain that computational thinking involves using problem-solving strategies
that are used in computer science to solve problems in different fields, including

Warm-Up (10 minutes)

 Play a short piece of music and ask the students to listen to it

 Ask the students to identify the different instruments they hear in the music
 Ask the students to describe the rhythm and melody of the music

Activity 1: Algorithmic Music (15 minutes)

 Explain to the students that an algorithm is a set of instructions that a computer

follows to complete a task
 Give the students a sheet of paper with a grid on it
 Ask the students to use the grid to create an algorithm for a simple piece of
music by marking different squares with different symbols that represent notes or
 Play the music based on the students' algorithms and discuss the results

Activity 2: Remixing Music (15 minutes)

 Explain to the students that remixing is a process of taking an existing piece of

music and changing it in some way to create a new version
 Play a short piece of music and ask the students to identify the different parts of
the music (melody, harmony, rhythm)
 Divide the students into small groups and give each group a different part of the
music to remix
 Have the groups present their remixes to the class and discuss the differences
between the original music and the remixes

Conclusion (5 minutes)

 Recap the activities and key concepts learned in the lesson

 Emphasize the importance of computational thinking in music and other fields

 Encourage the students to think creatively and experiment with different
approaches to music-making


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