Sample Argumentative Paragraph

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Loay Alasa, Elissa Amr, Celina Giacman, Lama Hallak, Malik Jebrin

Ms. Maram Da’boub


16 March 2023

The ineffectuality of standardized tests

Standardized test like Tawjihi exams are essential part of our academic life, but it also cannot be
effective for variety of reasons. First, standardized testing determine which students are good at
taking test only, without giving any fair measurements. For instance, there are students who
understand the curriculum but do not do well at exams, therefore it is not fair for them.
Moreover, standardized tests do not take students who have learning disabilities into
consideration. Second, these types of tests put the students in a bad mental health, because there
is a lot of pressure from there family for them to get high grades, Students become completely
isolated from everything around them in order to study and get high grades. Besides, students
who put all of their effort to do well in these tests and do not get what they hoped to get, might
put them in some kind of depression and lower their self-esteem. Third, standardized tests do not
predict future success. Stereotypes of these exams make those who get high grades are obligated
to study medicine or anything that is high core even if they don't want to, so they might not
succeed in these fields. Furthermore, those who failed to pass these tests become outcasts is
some kind of way, and that they can't succeed in anything else, yet they might success in other
things in life more than these who got straight A's. In conclusion, I'd recommend to make some
changes to the measurements in these exams to get along with all students minds and there way
of thinking, although these exams are important there shouldn’t be that much pressure from the
family to the students for them to get good grades, and at the end I don’t think these exams
determine how successful you are in life so do what you want to do to get your life together and
be successful no mater what.

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