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Signals for Writing and Reading

1. Signals to show Addition of Ideas

also, besides, too, moreover, first, second, third, in addition, as well, further more,
what’s more, not only… but also, to begin with, and, in the first place

2. To show Cause and Effect Relationship

for this reason, because, because of, an account of, hence, for, thus, therefore, as a
result, consequently, thereupon, so, accordingly, and so, since, as

3. To show Contrast
but, however, on the contrary, in contrast, on the other hand, instead, still, yet,
nevertheless, rather, although, whereas, unlike, though, in spite of, despite

4. To show Comparison
alike, by the same token, likewise, in like manner, in the same way, in similar
fashion, similarly, as …. as

5. To show Conclusion and Summary

after all, at last, and so, in closing, to summarize, in conclusion, on the whole,
finally, to conclude, in brief, to sum up, in short, as I have said, in sum, that is, to
be sure, as has been noted, to tell the truth, in any event.

6. To Show Examples
for instance, for example, as an illustration/ to illustrate, as, like, namely, that is, in
particular, such as, specifically, as an example.

7. To show Purpose
to this end, for this purpose, with this objective

8. To show Emphasis/ Insistence

indeed, in fact, even, in other words, especially, no yes

9. To show Time
first, second, third, next, soon, before, last, finally, later, during, earlier, at that
moment, eventually, meanwhile, afterward, then, at length, after a few days, in the
meantime, in the past, immediately, subsequently, at the same time, in the future,
currently, previously, until now, formerly, simultaneously

10. To show Spatial Relationship

outside, inside, beyond, here, near, behind, nearly, opposite to, adjacent to, on the
opposite side, before, ahead, there, overhead, beneath, above, in front, to the right,
to the left, alongside, upon, on top of, beyond, farther along, under

11. To Show Restatement

in other words, to put it differently, in short, to repeat, in simpler terms, that is

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