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Cost behavior refers to how a cost will change as the level of activity changes. Managers who
understand how cost behave can predict how costs will change under various alternatives. Conversely,
attempting to make decisions without thorough understanding of cost behavior patterns can lead to

Cost – (1) The monetary measure of the amount of resources given up or used for some purpose. (2) The
monetary value of goods and services expanded to obtain current or future benefits. 2

Some Cost Terms Used in Managerial Accounting3

 Cost Object – anything for which cost is computed.
 Cost Driver – any variable, such as level of activity or volume that usually affects costs over a period
of time.
 Cost Pool – a grouping of individual cost items; an account in which a variety of similar costs are
 Activity – an event, action, transaction, task, or unit of work with a specified purpose
 Value-Adding Activities – activities that are necessary (non-eliminable) to produce the product.
 Non-Value-Adding Activities – activities that do not make the product or service more valuable to
the customer.

Different Costs for Different Purposes4

A. As to Type

1. Product Cost – costs incurred to manufacture the product

 Product cost of the units sold during the period are recognized as an expense (cost of goods
sold) in the income statement.
 Product cost of the unsold units become the costs of inventory and treated as asset in the
balance sheet.

2. Period Cost – the non-manufacturing costs that include selling, administrative, and research and
development costs. These costs are expensed in the period of incurrence and do not become
part of the cost of inventory.

B. As to Function
1. Manufacturing Costs – all the costs incurred in the factory to convert raw materials into finished
a. Direct Manufacturing Costs- materials and labor

Managerial Accounting, Asia Global Edition, 2/e
Management advisory services (Roque 2016 Edition)
Management advisory services (Roque 2016 Edition)
Management advisory services (Roque 2016 Edition)
b. Indirect Manufacturing Costs – the manufacturing overhead or factory overhead costs.

2. Non-Manufacturing Costs – all costs which are not incurred in transforming materials to finished
a. Research and Development – incurred in designing and bringing new products to the
b. Marketing Costs – advertising and promotional expenses.
c. Distribution Costs – costs incurred in delivering the products to the customers.
d. Selling Costs – salaries and commission of sales staff and other selling expenses
e. After-sales Costs – costs incurred in dealing with customers after sales.
f. General and Administrative Costs – all the non-manufacturing costs that do not fall under
categories (a) to (e).

C. As to Traceability / Assignment to Cost Object

1. Direct Cost – costs that are related to a particular cost object and can economically and
effectively traced to that cost object.
2. Indirect Cost – costs that are related to a cost object, but cannot practically, economically and
effectively be traced to such cost object. Cost assignment is done by allocating the indirect cost
to the related cost objects.

D. For Decision-Making
1. Relevant Cost – future costs that will differ under alternative courses of action.
2. Differential Costs – difference is costs between any two alternative courses of action.
a. Incremental Cost – increase in cost from one alternative to another.
b. Decremental Cost – decrease in cost from one alternative to another.
3. Opportunity costs – income or benefit given up when one alternative is selected over another.
4. Sunk/Past or Historical Cost – already incurred and cannot be changed by any decision made
now or to be made in the future.

E. As to Behavior
1. Variable Cost – within the relevant range and time period under consideration, the total amount
varies directly to the change in activity level or cost driver, and the per unit amount is constant.

2. Fixed Cost – within the relevant range and time period under consideration, the total amount
remains unchanged, and the per unit amount varies inversely or indirectly with the change in
the cost driver.
a. Committed Fixed Costs – long term in nature and cannot be eliminated even for short period
of time without affecting the profitability or long-term goals of the firm.
b. Discretionary Fixed Costs – usually arise from periodic decisions by management to spend in
certain fixed costs area such as research, advertising, maintenance contracts. Discretionary
fixed cost may be changed by management from period to period or even during the period,
if circumstances demand such change.

3. Mixed Cost – this cost has both variable and fixed component.

4. Step Cost – when activity changes, a step cost shifts upward or downward by a certain interval
or step.

Analysis of Mixed Costs5

Mixed Costs or Total Costs – have variable and fixed costs component.

TC = FC + VC

Where TC = Total Cost

FC = Total Fixed Cost
VC = Total Variable Cost

The variable cost varies directly with the activity level or cost driver.

VC = variable costs per cost driver x cost driver or

VC = bx

Where VC = Variable Cost

b = Variable Cost per Cost Driver
x = Cost Driver

The Cost Function6

Since the total cost is linearly related to the activity level or cost driver, the cost function maybe express

Y = a + bx

Where Y = Total Cost

a = Total Fixed Cost
b = Variable cost per cost driver
x = Activity Level or Cost Driver

Separation of the Fixed and Variable Components of Mixed Costs 7

1. High-low Method
2. Scattergraph Method
3. Least Square Regression Method
Sample Quiz

Multiple Choice Questions:8

Management advisory services (Roque 2016 Edition)
Management advisory services (Roque 2016 Edition)
Management advisory services (Roque 2016 Edition)

Management advisory services (Roque 2016 Edition)
1. Cost is the monetary measure of the amount of resources given up in obtaining goods and services.
Costs may be classified as unexpired or expired.

Which of the following costs is not always considered to be expired immediately upon being
a. Salesmen’s commission
b. Depreciation expense for factory equipment
c. Cost of goods sold
d. Salary of the company president

2. An activity that causes resources to be consumed is called a

a. Non-value-added activity
b. Cost driver
c. Just-in-time activity
d. Extracurricular activity

3. If refers to anything (a product, product line, a business segment) for which cost is computed.
a. Cost object
b. Cost driver
c. Cost control
d. Cost variance

4. It is a grouping of individual cost items, or an account in which a variety of similar costs are
a. Cost driver
b. Cost variance
c. Income statement
d. Cost pool

5. It is an event, action, transaction, task, or unit of work that consumes resources and with a specified
a. Cost object
b. Activity
c. Cost driver
d. Direct labor

6. An activity that adds costs to the product or service, but does not make such product or service
more valuable to consumer is called
a. Non-value-adding activity
b. Value-adding activity
c. Costly activity
d. Valuable activity

7. Which of the following statement is correct?

a. A cost driver is an accounting technique used to control costs.
b. A cost driver is a measure of activity, such as direct labor hours, machine hours, bed occupied,
computer time, etc., that is causal factor in the incurrence of costs.
c. A cost driver is an accounting measurement used to evaluate whether or not performance is
proceeding according to plan.
d. A cost driver is a mechanical basis used to assign costs to activities.

8. Product costs or inventoriable costs

a. Are charged to expense when products become part of the finished goods inventory.
b. Include only the prime costs of producing a product.
c. Are treated as assets before the products are sold.
d. Include only the conversion costs of producing the products.

9. Which of the following costs is not a product cost?

a. Wages paid to workers for rework on defective products.
b. Wages paid to truck loaders who load finished goods onto outgoing delivery trucks.
c. Fringe benefits paid to factory workers
d. Wages paid to workers for idle time due to machine breakdown in a production department.

10. Product costs

a. Are always expensed in the same period in which they are incurred.
b. Are inventoriable costs.
c. Vary directly with changes in the cost driver.
d. Are always charged to an asset account in the same period in which they are incurred.

Answer Key
1. B 6. A
2. B 7. B
3. A 8. C
4. D 9. B
5. B 10. B
Utilities is a part of mixed cost
 If the answer starts with depends, it is considered as variable cost

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