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Regina Luckey

ORGL 3332 Organizational Behavior


Culminating Project

Nagle (n.d.) identified six trends that are currently impacting organizations. These trends

include ethical challenges, rapid technological change, a flattening world, sustainable business

practices, demographic trends, and the global marketplace.

Ethical challenges are a major trend and change that impact organizations. Companies are

expected to uphold high ethical standards and to behave in a socially responsible manner. One

example of this is the Managing Diversity at IBM case study. IBM recognized the importance of

diversity in the workplace and implemented several programs to ensure that the company was

inclusive and respectful of all employees. IBM's diversity initiatives have helped the company to

maintain a positive reputation and to attract and retain talented employees from diverse


Rapid technological change is another trend and change that impacts organizations.

Technology is constantly evolving, and companies must keep up with the latest advancements to

remain competitive. One example of this is the Leadership Development at Starbucks case study.

Starbucks recognized the importance of technology in its business and implemented a digital

training platform to provide its employees with the necessary skills to keep up with technological


A flattening world is a trend and change that impacts organizations by making it easier

for companies to operate on a global scale. One example of this is the People Come First at SAS

case study. SAS recognized the benefits of a global workforce and implemented programs to

attract and retain talented employees from around the world. SAS's global workforce has helped

the company to maintain a competitive edge in the global marketplace.

Sustainable business practices are a trend and change that impact organizations by

requiring companies to operate in an environmentally responsible manner. One example of this is


the Green Teams at New Season Market case study. New Season Market recognized the

importance of sustainability in its business and implemented programs to reduce waste and to

operate in an environmentally responsible manner. New Season Market's sustainable business

practices have helped the company to maintain a positive reputation and to attract and retain

environmentally conscious customers.

The increasing diversity of the workforce is one significant demographic trend identified

by Nagle. IBM's Managing Diversity is an example of how businesses are responding to this

trend. IBM recognized the need to create a more inclusive workplace and implemented a variety

of diversity programs, such as mentoring and training programs for women and minorities. As a

result, IBM has been recognized as a diversity leader, attracting and retaining a diverse talent


There have also been significant changes in the global marketplace in recent years. One

of the most significant changes has been the global economy's increasing interconnectedness. As

a result, organizations face increased competition and pressure to be more innovative and

efficient. Starbucks' Leadership Development program exemplifies how businesses are

responding to this pressure. Starbucks recognized the need to develop leaders capable of

adapting to a rapidly changing global marketplace and implemented a leadership development

program to assist its employees in acquiring these skills.

Overall, the responses of organizations to these trends have had both positive outcomes

and consequences. For example, sustainability initiatives have helped organizations reduce their

environmental footprint and improve their reputation with stakeholders. However, some

organizations have faced criticism for greenwashing or failing to meet their sustainability targets.

Similarly, technological advancements have improved efficiency and productivity, but have also

contributed to job displacement and created new ethical concerns around privacy and data


In conclusion, the six trends identified by Nagle are shaping the way organizations

operate and compete. While there are opportunities for organizations to respond and adapt to

these trends, there are also ethical challenges and potential negative consequences that must be



Nagel, K. (n.d.) Organizational behavior. Lumen Learning.

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