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School of Business and Entrepreneurship (SBE)

International Business (INB 301)
Group Assignment
Semester- Spring 2020
Section-5, Group Name-
Submitted to:
Mr. Kazi Md. Jamshed
Submitted by:
Mohyminul Haque ID: 1810117
Foisal Haider ID: 1822111
Sayid Hasan Jordar ID: 1910861
Alidur Isnad Alid ID: 1931255
Md. Mahmudul Hasan Emon ID: 2020808

Date of Submission: 22/04/21

Exporting is the selling of goods and services in foreign countries that are sourced from
the home country. Since exporting is usually the simplest way to reach a foreign market,
most businesses begin their international expansion with this strategy. This mode of
entry has the benefit of avoiding the costs of developing operations in a new country.
However, the PRAN RFL group must find a way to sell and distribute their goods in the
new country, which they usually do through contractual arrangements with a local
company or distributor. When exporting, the company must consider labeling,
packaging, and selling the product to fit the demand. In terms of marketing and
promotion, the company would need to inform potential customers about its products
and services, whether through advertisements, trade shows, or a local sales force. The
costs of shipping goods into the world, which can be high and have a negative effect on
the climate, are one of the drawbacks of exporting. Furthermore, several countries levy
tariffs on imported products, which would have an effect on the company's earnings.
Furthermore, companies that sell and distribute goods under a contractual arrangement
have little power over such activities and, as a result, must pay a fee to their distribution
partner. The exporting products of PRAN RFL group are
 Juices
 Drinks
 Confectionary
 Snacks
 Plastic Furniture
 Plastic Household
 PVC Pipes, Fittings
PRAN RFL groups export is limited in two types of exporting
 Foreign distribution channel
 Foreign subsidiary channel

Foreign distribution channel

The term "distribution" refers to the location and manner in which a product or service
will be shipped for sale, as well as all of the necessary mechanisms and logistical
support for the delivery of goods and services to customers. A effective marketing
channel ensures that a desired product is distributed in the desired quantity to the
desired outlets, thus satisfying customers. If someone considers the main strategy of
the marketing mix the greatest opportunity for gaining a competitive advantage over
other firms, marketing channel decisions are the most important decisions for a
company. Wholesalers, manufacturers, and distributors are all part of a distribution
system, which is a network of businesses or intermediaries through which a product or
service moves before it meets the end customer.
They can use two types of distribution channels
1) Direct channels
2) Indirect channels
Direct channel: The term "direct channel" refers to when a manufacturer approaches a
customer directly to sell a product. Methods of Direct Channels they can use:
1) Door to door selling- Company can use some worker for selling their product door to
2) Internet selling- Company can create online platform for customer. Customer can
direct order the product.
3) Mail order selling- For the people who don’t use social media company can also use
this method.
4) Company owned retail outlets- In this method company use their own outlet for
selling. And by this method company can miss the middle mans.
Indirect channels: The term "indirect channel" refers to when there is a middleman
between the end user and the distributor. Indirect channel can be:

Manufacturer Retailer consumer

Foreign branch/ subsidiary channel:

Company may use many countries, like USA, Australia, UAE, Saudi-Arabia, Qatar,
Oman, Malaysia, Singapore, Somalia PRAN-RFL company have got its own foreign
branch or subsidiary channel for Drinks, Bakery and confectionary items equipped with
full-fledged office, warehouse, distribution vehicle, sales force,& other sophisticated

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